View Full Version : What is the best handheld Chrono?

07-28-2005, 03:56 AM
I ref at a field and were looking at getting a haldheld chrono to do on-field checks. Right now we have 3 large red chronos at the entrance to the field which work great but we have certain people turning their markers up after they pass this area.

We used some of the small yellow kind before and they didnt work well at all. It was too hard to use on the field and when we compared its readings to the red chrono we discovered that it was off by 30 fps sometimes. If someone shoots hot we pull them from a game and we dont want to pull someone who will go to a red chrono and discover that they are shooting hot because the stupid small yellow kind didnt work.

Ive seen photos before of NPPL tounreys where the ref has what looks like a police radar gun. Does anyone know if they are more accurate and their cost.

Thank you.

07-28-2005, 02:46 PM
I've used the yellow ones many times without problem. The only times the reading will be more than a few FPS off is when the battery in one of them is dieing and unable to power the crono correctly. Aside from that, you just want to keep your hand away from the back of the crono (the black half) when using it and make sure you 1. Crono at the end of the barrel... not half way down. 2. Try to shoot somewhat parallel to the ground, some crono's have a minimum shot distance to get a reading.

The radar guns used in the NXL can read a stream of paint (you don't have to be at the player... just pointing at the stream of paint), but will cost *much* more.

07-28-2005, 02:54 PM
most of the local fields use the yellow ones for spot checks/on field checks, they seem to be preety consistent with what the big red chronos say

07-28-2005, 04:32 PM
I find that my yellow chrono I use for personal use seems to give much better reading than the red chronos I use at fields.

07-28-2005, 05:18 PM
Try the new Radar-X, it's a white version, hand held, reads all 3 digits, can read BPS, takes 9vt, and doesn't need to be reset for each shot. It's basically a handheld red-chrono... :)

http://www.paintballgear.com has them.