View Full Version : Question About Drops...

07-28-2005, 06:21 PM
Okay, so why is everyone moving away from drops (or moved away)?
Isn't the point of using one to make your gun weight more centered, and to be overall more comfortable?
I don't see how having a big-assed tank coming right off of the butt of the trigger frame can be very comfortable.
Having an HPA tank right off of a bottomline-type set up has to be cumbersome.

07-28-2005, 06:25 PM
Okay, so why is everyone moving away from drops (or moved away)?
Isn't the point of using one to make your gun weight more centered, and to be overall more comfortable?
I don't see how having a big-assed tank coming right off of the butt of the trigger frame can be very comfortable.
Having an HPA tank right off of a bottomline-type set up has to be cumbersome.
Drops were to make it easier to tuck into your bunker and shoot-making an otherwise long gun 'smaller'
After a while people strayed away because it's easier on the wrist and arm to acieve a higher Rate of fire, with a rail/On/off combo.

I at first didn't like it, and after a few games, I LOVED it.

Drops aren't for everyone, but alot of people like them.
Try it sometime.

07-28-2005, 06:29 PM
I love my drops, and use them on all of my guns. I like being able to ballance my gun with only my left hand and right elbow while my right hand only has to pull the trigger. Then again, thats why I like my warp also, I can lay it right on my left arm and shoot all day long. :D

07-28-2005, 06:32 PM
I love my drops, and use them on all of my guns. I like being able to ballance my gun with only my left hand and right elbow while my right hand only has to pull the trigger. Then again, thats why I like my warp also, I can lay it right on my left arm and shoot all day long. :D

Lol, Dont you have a uni-mount on your Mag? (The blue one, if you have others)

07-28-2005, 06:34 PM
I love my drops, the "pros" can bite me.

07-28-2005, 06:34 PM
Try it sometime.
Try...using a rail and an on/off mount over a drop? Or...try using a drop?

I use a small drop right now. I'd have to get a rail in order to mount my Flatline if I were to try it that way. I'll look--maybe I'll find something.

07-28-2005, 06:40 PM
I love my drops, the "pros" can bite me.
You know, I wondered if it may have something to do with the pros. Is not having a drop just the thing to do because the pros do it?

Are paintballers really sheepish enough to forgo their personal comfort so that they can be set up like the pros? (a little bit rhetorical)

07-28-2005, 06:46 PM
You know, I wondered if it may have something to do with the pros. Is not having a drop just the thing to do because the pros do it?

Are paintballers really sheepish enough to forgo their personal comfort so that they can be set up like the pros? (a little bit rhetorical)
Hmm, I think we just figured out paintball! :p

07-28-2005, 06:51 PM
Hmm, I think we just figured out paintball! :p
Great work, Watson! :D

07-28-2005, 07:01 PM
Lol, Dont you have a uni-mount on your Mag? (The blue one, if you have others)

I lost the short screws for my unimount to bolt to my drop and I was in a hurry to try it out until I rembered I was out of air. But yes I do have a black drop waiting to be installed on that frame. :)

can'tthink of1
07-28-2005, 07:19 PM
I can't play with a drop. It hurts your form I think, and its a lot more comfortable to play without a drop. It makes everything easier, snapping, running and shooting, and so on.

07-28-2005, 07:25 PM
I can't play with a drop. It hurts your form I think, and its a lot more comfortable to play without a drop. It makes everything easier, snapping, running and shooting, and so on.
No no, it hurts your form, it helps me.

07-28-2005, 07:36 PM
it helps me.

Well.... that's because you're weird...


07-28-2005, 07:42 PM
Well.... that's because you're weird...

HEY! You're.........you're right.

07-28-2005, 07:50 PM
For me it depends really on the gun its going on.

I Love the small drop i got on my crabine and it balances it out nicely and puts it in a more comfortable position for me

BUT i HATED the feel of my mag with the same drop it made it awkward and hurt on the wrists after awhile so i MUTCH prefer its current ON/Off ASA setup.

07-28-2005, 09:19 PM
Well.... that's because you're weird...


It's just that he (and many others like myself) don't forget all comfort and conform to what the "pros" say is right...I guess that would make us different. :p

07-28-2005, 09:27 PM
No see, because I like drops, screw the pros.

07-28-2005, 09:33 PM
don't forget all comfort and conform to what the "pros" say is right

That is allmost exactly what I said. Or it was atleast the point I was trying to make.

07-28-2005, 11:04 PM
while a big *** tank coming right off the gripframe, it can be balanced by a big *** hopper on the front of it. with the right sized tank and placement of the neck and hpr/trigger frame, it can be balanced. plus, the "pros" are airball players, where a longer setup is just fine, but height is hated (notice all the hype on the no-rise feednecks).

07-28-2005, 11:08 PM
The no rise feedneck thing is because the HALO's feed better with a smaller stacked feedneck. But hieght is not desired either.

07-28-2005, 11:49 PM
You know, I wondered if it may have something to do with the pros. Is not having a drop just the thing to do because the pros do it?

Are paintballers really sheepish enough to forgo their personal comfort so that they can be set up like the pros? (a little bit rhetorical)

I absolutely agree. That's the sole reason why drops are being phased out. Looks. It's not the "hip" thing to do to your gun anymore. All it takes is one pro baller to look at a drop & say "I don't like the way they look, they're gay." The word gets out, then the entire paintball community changes the way they look at drops. They don't think they're "cool" anymore, & therefore laugh at everyone who still uses them. It doesn't even have to be pro baller. It could be someone who's older than you, or someone you idolize. There's way too many people out there who jump on the band wagon. I'm tired of people saying that it feels more comfortable without a drop when they know that it feels just as comfortable with one. I've my mounted my tank both ways, & its comfortable either way. The only reason I see to use a drop is for center-of-gravity pruposes. I think people should just admit that mounting their tank to their gun is the "cool" thing to do. Monkey see, monkey do.

07-28-2005, 11:56 PM
Elitist cockwads like me make fun of people with drops, and nowadays that's good enough reason to switch over.

07-28-2005, 11:58 PM
Elitist cockwads like me make fun of people with drops, and nowadays that's good enough reason to switch over.
But Squid is a butthole so don't listen to him!(joke, Squids ok in my book!)

07-29-2005, 12:02 AM
I love my long shocktech drop with a power angle, it's comfortable FOR ME. It's all player preference, but unfortunately somewhere down the line, it's become a trend... and the sheep flock will follow-- ;)

b&r automag
07-29-2005, 12:03 AM
Monkey see, monkey do.

Monkey see....Monkey did! I switched tanks on my mag from a 88/45 to a 72/45. I really didn't need the drop but I hate to admit it, but I only got rid of my drop to follow everyone else. Only majority of the newbies had a drop...and although I play like a newbie....I didn't want to also look like one :D .

07-29-2005, 12:17 AM
Monkey see....Monkey did! I switched tanks on my mag from a 88/45 to a 72/45. I really didn't need the drop but I hate to admit it, but I only got rid of my drop to follow everyone else. Only majority of the newbies had a drop...and although I play like a newbie....I didn't want to also look like one :D .

Believe me dude, I did the same thing. I admit, I like the way they look mounted right off the gun. I just hate it when people give some lame excuse as to why they mount it off the gun. I mean f***, they should just say "I do it cause that's the cool thing to do."

07-29-2005, 01:18 AM
But Squid is a butthole so don't listen to him!(joke, Squids ok in my book!)

07-29-2005, 01:38 AM
Okay, so why is everyone moving away from drops (or moved away)?
Isn't the point of using one to make your gun weight more centered, and to be overall more comfortable?
I don't see how having a big-assed tank coming right off of the butt of the trigger frame can be very comfortable.
Having an HPA tank right off of a bottomline-type set up has to be cumbersome.

well. it depend i suppose.

for some, the point is to make the gun more balanced. This does not translate to the wight or the majority of the mass of the gun "centered"

one of the benefits of of a no drop setup is it is easier to shoot while moving along with and the otehr stuff mentioned.

07-29-2005, 01:38 AM
i dont use a drop, so, none of you should, nuff said :argh:

07-29-2005, 02:39 AM
I like drops on a lot of my mechs but not on electros. I thin it's because I shot mechs with drops for so many years. When I went electro, I went without a drop.

07-29-2005, 09:05 AM
I use them if they help balance out the gun. If not I don't so yes I do have setups with and without. And a whole wide range of drops to achieve the balance.

07-29-2005, 11:27 AM
Oh My God.

I run a reversed Shocktech drop on my 90* frame DevilMag and a rail on my 45* markers.

I am soooo cool. ;)

/Carbon does too, so neener-neener
//a lot of people run drops because a lot of people are kids

can'tthink of1
07-29-2005, 04:08 PM
First off, most people don't use drop forwards because "pros" are doing it. I don't give a rat's behind about what they are doing. This is the main feeling amoung other people who use rails, or unimounts. Its because drops really aren't comfortable, they make you whole setup higher, "balancing" is total BS, and it makes it really uncomfortable to play. I mean, if you like drops, thats great, but give a rail/uni a try for a game or two. It may take a bit of getting used too, but it really is much more better for your form and stance.

07-29-2005, 07:35 PM
Uni's/rails make guns too long for me. I don't like them at all, and yes I've used guns with them.

07-29-2005, 09:24 PM
Wow, can we debate why flashy colored anno jobs are better than all black markers now?? It's about the same debate, and the answer is people are like sheep, most follow the herd. Some test it out and determine what's best for themselves and don't care what others think. I like to believe that I'm one of the latter. Then again, I'm thinking about all of those people I talked out of getting a remote, so maybe not.

07-29-2005, 10:01 PM
Reasons for either Rail/Uni or Drop -
1) Length/Arm position when the marker is shouldered (Compensation for tank length)
2) Marker Ballance - Tail heavy, Neutral, Nose heavy (Effects shooting dynamics)
3) Asthetics

The first issue adresses a question of individual "fit". Not everyone's arms are the same length and not everyone's running around with the same size tank. Someone with a 45ci tank will likely have their bottle as a uni/rail system because the tank itself is so short to get the gun to be the length they want. Similarly someone with an old 114ci tank will likely have a very long drop to compensate for the length of the tank. I'd bet that most people are using a 68ci tank and when taking that into consideration there are as many ways to mount the tank as there are people of different sizes to fit each person.

Second is ballance, with a propper mounting system it's possible to achieve virtually any ballance point on a loaded marker. With the markers we're using today being so light the tanks we use have a definate impact on the ballance of the marker. With a Rail/Uni arrangement you're placing the CG well behind the gun making it tail heavy, just how tail heavy the gun is will depend on the relative weight of the tank to the gun and how long the tank is. Barring moving the tank the only way to move the CG forward is to place more mass on the nose of the gun, this means a heavier barrel (Stainless, Brass, or a really burly Aluminum barrel). Having a gun ballanced to taste can make all the difference in the world for shooting, for instance, a gun which is more nose heavy will see less muzzle rise (walk) than a gun which is tail heavy and a gun which is neutrally ballanced will feel lighter than it actually is (hold a broom straight out infront of you by the end of the handle vs. holding the same broom near where it naturally ballances for an extreme example)

Third would be asthetics, some people just think that their gun looks better with certian things on it.

The whole issue of "Drops make your gun taller" isn't an issue, you position the gun relative to your head the same way reguardless of the mounting system you have installed because you don't put the tank in the same spot on your body when you shoulder your marker. The only thing that varies is distance from the tail of the gun to the tip of your nose and your arm/hand position. This is one reason why people choose one method over another, because everyone has a certain hand/arm position they preffer or a certain relief from the tail of their gun for their "sight picture". Often people are willing to sacrifice the ballance of the gun in favor of this "more comfortable" shooting position, but just as I say that there are those that like the way the gun ballances in this position as well. <--- This issue also deals with Stance and Form.

Also, there's very much the "Pro-Effect" which is evident in the evolution of the recball culture and Remote lines/HPA/Gear/etc. etc. etc. and this one's hard to pin down until you look around and see who's still using the same set-up a year or more down the line (Props to the guys that still use their Remote lines and Gas-Thru stocks).

07-30-2005, 12:17 AM
I am feeling old. I must be a super-newbie because I'm just starting to add drops to my markers. For a long time I said I never would use a drop because I liked to be able to use the tank as a shoulder stock. But then I added a drop to one of my guns and I really liked how it distributed the weight. I also have long arms and a drop or cradle allowed me to tuck my elbow in where as a rail or standard duckbill wouldn't allow me to do that and I kept taking shots to the elbow. I do miss being able to use my shoulder...but my guns feel alot lighter with the drops. My elbow used to get sore after a full day of play from lugging around my old spyder with a 20oz CO2. But with the drop, it doesn't seem to be a problem. :ninja:

07-30-2005, 12:49 AM
A lot of us "old" guys used to like the long guns to use the tank like a stock and make the guns like rifles like the SMG 60 0r the 68 Special.(Huh Tippmanns which are still notoriously long............)

07-30-2005, 02:17 AM
A lot of us "old" guys used to like the long guns to use the tank like a stock and make the guns like rifles like the SMG 60 0r the 68 Special.(Huh Tippmanns which are still notoriously long............)

My A-5 with a 12" barrel is the same length as my Automag with a 14" barrel from muzzle to the back of the body, and the grip position on the A-5 is set further back, indeed a very long gun just based on hand positions.

07-30-2005, 03:16 AM
i used to use a gimungous drop on my old spider clone but now since i got an emag (first mag just got it and love it) i have a small drop to help balance out the gun cause that big *** battery and i feel it makes it easier to walk, puts my wrist in a good form. But im thinking about just switching over to a rail combo instead of small drop, need more weight towad the back.

07-30-2005, 07:50 AM
My A-5 with a 12" barrel is the same length as my Automag with a 14" barrel from muzzle to the back of the body, and the grip position on the A-5 is set further back, indeed a very long gun just based on hand positions.
The newer Tippys are shorter, but pick up any old school one. Even Pro/AM's or Prolites.

07-30-2005, 11:50 PM
If i can EVER recover my pics i can show ya my Tippmann Procarbine with NO tank is LONGER than my at the time STOCK MINI MAG withe a 47/3000psi HPA.tank.

But i still preffer the tippy for woodsball im simply just SO used to it. Although im haveing EVIL thoughts of selling my tippy an use the money toward a Phantom but dout ill do it (the tippy has served me well for so long i cant just betray it so easily :rolleyes: ).

Oh i have a similare pic HERE (http://www.geocities.com/bearedclaws/) of the mag and carbine togeather. BUT i have NOT updated that site in a LONG time so dont pay attention to it too mutch

07-30-2005, 11:53 PM
The newer Tippys are shorter, but pick up any old school one. Even Pro/AM's or Prolites.

lol the first gun I ever shot in paintball was a Tippmann Prolite, I thought it was the best thing in the world until I ran out of CO2 and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. *sigh* I miss being a noob some days...

07-31-2005, 10:31 AM
i love using my drops because it makes it more compact and comfortable for me

07-31-2005, 10:36 AM
I absolutely agree. That's the sole reason why drops are being phased out. Looks. It's not the "hip" thing to do to your gun anymore. All it takes is one pro baller to look at a drop & say "I don't like the way they look, they're gay." The word gets out, then the entire paintball community changes the way they look at drops. They don't think they're "cool" anymore, & therefore laugh at everyone who still uses them. It doesn't even have to be pro baller. It could be someone who's older than you, or someone you idolize. There's way too many people out there who jump on the band wagon. I'm tired of people saying that it feels more comfortable without a drop when they know that it feels just as comfortable with one. I've my mounted my tank both ways, & its comfortable either way. The only reason I see to use a drop is for center-of-gravity pruposes. I think people should just admit that mounting their tank to their gun is the "cool" thing to do. Monkey see, monkey do.
ummm... NO. stop being elitist and realize that its preferance. its not because its "cool". "All it takes is one pro baller to look at a drop & say "I don't like the way they look, they're gay."" no, technically it would take more than half of the pro players to switch before it became "cool". if one pro player decided to not use a drop... it would just make him the odd player out. the only thing it would do is make people CONSIDER using no drop.

when did YOU start using a drop, and why? i take it drops were probably "cool" at the time, and you saw someone else with one. so technically that would make you just as much of a "follower" and "monkey" as you claim everyone without a drop is. now youre used to drops and when you try not using a drop it just feels unfarmiliar, so you dont like it.

just so you know, i did have a drop for quite a while. i shouldered my tank and shot angling my gun out... so that the hopper stuck out. i sighted down the inside of the gun between the gun and bunker. then my drop broke, actually snapped in half one day. i decided i might as well try a unimount because others, actually on AO, liked them. i figured i could add a drop later if i decided to like it, but i wouldnt spend the money at first. i ended up changing the way i held my gun, so the tank rested against the side of my arm instead of my shoulder, and i angled the hopper in so it was behind my bunker, and sighted down the outside of my gun. and you know what? it was not only more comfortable, but i could see the field and where i was shooting much better, and now i rarely get hit in the hopper. i dont think i did even once yesterday, playing from 10 to 5.

if you want to use a drop, go ahead! by all means do, i wont say anything. but stop passing judgement on me.

oh yeah, and if you are trying to say that im following a fad or the pros or whatever, then WHY did i get a mag? when i bought my mag, three of my four friends who played all had cockers. i didnt know a single person with a mag.

07-31-2005, 05:38 PM
I know I didn't run a DF until after I bought my first Electro in 2000. Prior to that I just used the bottom line kit that my Spyder came with and a 12oz. tank, I miss my Spyder... never should have sold the dumb thing.

Anyway, when I bought my Drop Bushmaster 2K I bought it because at the time where wasn't a way to mount an On/Off style ASA without using a DF, so I ended up with a Benchmark Tank Left/Right Drop (ah, that thing was great....) and more or less used DF's ever since until someone sudgested that I give a CP rail a shot instead of my Micro drop. In all honesty I'm not sure I like the Rail more than the Micro Drop, I haven't had much time to actually play with the gun since I've switched to a rail. It's definately different and it'll definately take some getting used to.