View Full Version : *** Official 2005 IAO Pics/Stories Thread ***

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07-28-2005, 09:26 PM
Yeah, I know. I didn't go this year... which is why I want you guys to post stuff! :p

07-28-2005, 09:31 PM
ok first game off the break I run for the right 30 rolly so i break out, I get there, look at my gun and realise "Wate...wheres my hopper??!!!" seems my halo fell off and i ran past it past 5 ft so they called me. and oh ya we can never forget...
sry guys we had to lol :p

07-28-2005, 11:19 PM
Way to be a poor winner... :rolleyes:

Tippmann Effect
07-28-2005, 11:29 PM
Tog Took Out Aftica As Well......

07-29-2005, 04:21 PM
Team AO took 2nd

07-29-2005, 04:28 PM
oh ya 2nd bump into the snake i bashed my shoulder into the ground and it sucks to move it. I used Terry's Emag(the person from AGDkids) And the thing apsolutely RIPPED overall we had a good time

07-29-2005, 11:59 PM
I know this link is for the post on POG, but so much of it pertains to all of the players in the Owners Division...

Paint::View Topic Team POG@IAO 2k5 first results (http://paintmagazine.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3597)

:clap: :clap:

07-30-2005, 01:45 AM
Bah... AFTICA didnt have da Baller playing for them this year... thats like an average of -2.5 kills a game....... the .5 is some players ego, hah!

07-30-2005, 01:44 PM
So any antics with the Air America guys and one stuffed varmint?

07-30-2005, 02:02 PM
AirAmerica wasnt there i dont think

07-30-2005, 02:17 PM
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2002.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2002_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2005.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2005_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2006.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2006_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2007.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2007_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2008.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2008_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2012.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2012_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>

07-30-2005, 02:18 PM
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2013.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2013_rs.JPG" width="480" height="640"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2020.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2020_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2024.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2024_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2031.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2031_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2032.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2032_rs.JPG" width="480" height="640"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2037.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2037_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2038.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2038_rs.JPG" width="480" height="640"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2040.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2040_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2061.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2061_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>
<a href="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2064.JPG"> <img src="http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/28000/IMG_2064_rs.JPG" width="640" height="480"> </img></a>

07-30-2005, 05:05 PM
AFTICA mows faces.......in the BAR.

We set out to place 9th. While we didn't throw any games, we didn't want to have to play the 2nd day -- we wanted to party! We ended up doing exactly what we set out to do, and be the BEST of the worst ;)

The real win came at the Sheraton on Friday night, when we successfully mowed 30+ pitchers of beer..


07-30-2005, 05:33 PM
lol when was this!? I got my Dye gear and left lol :rofl:

07-30-2005, 05:55 PM
ok first game off the break I run for the right 30 rolly so i break out, I get there, look at my gun and realise "Wate...wheres my hopper??!!!" seems my halo fell off and i ran past it past 5 ft so they called me. and oh ya we can never forget...
sry guys we had to lol :p


sorry, I felt I had to add in my two cents.

Target Practice
07-30-2005, 06:10 PM
Way to be a poor winner... :rolleyes:

<You expected otherwise?>

07-30-2005, 06:42 PM
What happened to that Devilmag up there?? ^^^^^^

07-30-2005, 06:48 PM
Looks like he chopped a ball or broke one in the hopper. Great pics BTW.

07-30-2005, 07:29 PM
Congrats to Team AO from all of us over at ShockerOwners!Hope to see you guys next year! :headbang:

07-30-2005, 07:36 PM
So any antics with the Air America guys and one stuffed varmint?

Air America (at least the AA we're used to) is out of paintball. NPS is putting some stuff out under the AA name these days. Most (if not all) of the old AA staff is now part of Guerrilla Air (different ownership than old AA). I believe that Guerrilla Air was going to IAO...but I wasn't at IAO so I don't know for sure.

Ted (one of the main AA pranksters and hamster daddy) is no longer with Guerrilla Air (or AA for that matter). Where he'll end up...nobody knows. :ninja:

07-30-2005, 09:45 PM
Congrats to Team AO from all of us over at ShockerOwners!Hope to see you guys next year! :headbang:

Ya man you got us thursday and played real hard it just came down to that last game. Great job eather way!

07-30-2005, 10:03 PM
What happened to that Devilmag up there?? ^^^^^^

It chopped.

07-30-2005, 10:20 PM
It chopped.

It didn't chop, it just met hellfire, same thing happened to my X-mag. Note to all, do not try super brittle paint in a mag, bad news.

07-30-2005, 10:21 PM
It didn't chop, it just met hellfire, same thing happened to my X-mag. Note to all, do not try super brittle paint in a mag, bad news.

Ya, but it should be a chop ;) . Mine did it also.

07-30-2005, 10:23 PM
Congrats to Team AO from all of us over at ShockerOwners!Hope to see you guys next year! :headbang:

Thanks alot, I definatly had alot of fun this year, look foward to playing you again next year.

07-30-2005, 10:31 PM
Who was playing on Team AO?

07-30-2005, 10:36 PM
Me, Lohman, Robbie, AGDlover, and DJ89

I have a nice team pic but it won't let me upload it

07-30-2005, 10:37 PM
Who was playing on Team AO?

Why weren't you there Clare?

07-30-2005, 10:40 PM

sorry, I felt I had to add in my two cents.

yay go AKA (trying to get a deal done with someone who played with you)

07-30-2005, 10:46 PM
zackzel's pic:

Theres the team.

07-30-2005, 10:49 PM
from left to right is DJ89, Me, Robbie, Lohman, and AGDlover

07-30-2005, 10:59 PM
Team Robbie and the Rest of Them did good, congrats.

And AFTICA placed exactly where we planned. We didn't want to play friday because that meant we couldnt drink as much thursday night.

07-31-2005, 08:18 AM
ya all of us at team AO give props to robbie exicuteing great runs and getting us most of our points lol

07-31-2005, 08:45 AM
Again my thanks to team AFTICA for letting me play! I had a great time. I have many pictures of the guys doing what they do best at the Sheraton. I will make the available for your all to see ASAP! It was an honor and a privledge to play with you guys and place 9th! As well as becoming a true AFTCIA and getting all drunk at the bar!! Have a safe trip home and I'll see you all in Canada!!!


07-31-2005, 01:46 PM
Eh, my mission was compleate also... shoot as few cases as possible, keep the drunks from making a scene that leads to jail time, and get em back in one peice. done and done.

Oh and the flight home was terrible, got upgraded to first class to sit next to the biggest [female dog] in the world and the one parent who must have breed with a car alarm to birth the loudest screaming child ever. They are lucky my less than harmless weapons were in my checked luggage.

blood grows good grass.

07-31-2005, 02:26 PM
Yeh, I copied this from the other thread

All of the players of Team AO did exceptionally well and the failure to take first place is fully mine. I made two game and score changing errors in the finals well the rest of the team did as much as I asked of them and much more.

In the preliminaries Robbie helped us to an awesome start by having ten eliminations in the first two games. His talent and leadership abilities throughout the day were a valuable asset to the team and greatly prized. Going into finals we knew we had to be more organized, and by then we were trying to make a game-plan that would push us foward.

On the day of finals we would be playing on a different field as announced to us the day before by Kevin. The Tippman field had leaky bunkers that required the refs to do extended maintenance about every three games, which created more work for them and slowed the day some. The field was also not level and one corner stand up could not even see the opposing tape line. Kevin, whose efforts for the owners groups division, cannot be overstated, was able to get us moved to the NPPL field which appears to me to be a better field.

The NPPL field had a snake in it that at first appeared much more powerful than the one on the Tippman field we had originally played on. Walking the field early with POG Brass I declared that snake a deathtrap, and it proved to be during the day thanks to the coverage of it by DJ (DJ89), Zack (Zackzel), and Drew (AGDlover). I told the team that if they covered that snake that Robbie and I would push the opposite side of the field and they need only defend.

The first game against Air Power (autocockers) proved the theory correct. Despite my early elimination (I failed to even make my first bunker) Robbie was able to bump up the doritos without me and, with the help of the left side, cleared the field and hung the flag - I can't say exactly what happened because I was staring at the back of the dead box.

The second game was against Matrix Owners.. I looked left when I should have been looking right and was bunkered. The player shot me twice and apologized for overshooting me?? We were shooting Blaze that was proving to be very bouncey and I thought two shots was extremely nice. That was just how the owners group was.

By the way, anyone ever tried to shoot Hellfire through a mag? I did in the first game of prelims, I ended up with a liquid line in my Reloader B and a mess in the breach. Drew has pictures, but it is a lesson I won't need to relearn anytime soon.

Our third game was against Shocker owners. In an odd twist the quarterfinals had become very tight, and it was apparent that Airpower was going to go to semis- after a dramatic victory over both the Matrix teams and the Shocker team. This meant that the second spot in the semis was going to either ourselves or Shocker owners (who held a victory over MOG). Having been trounced by the Shocker owners the day before I was apprehensive about this. We pulled together as a team, and moved on to the semis.

The semis were a best score after three games against Air power. The first game was won by Airpower, giving them 100 points and us 15. It was a two on two with DJ and I in which I missed a player moving up the left side, turned too far towards him and allowed the Air Power tape player to come up my tape. It left us needing every point we could muster, and a decision was made to send Zack immediatly up the middle on the second game for the flag pull. It seemed Air power had the same idea, and Zack and his counterpart reached for the flag at the same instant, the Air power player won the tug of wore, and the pull. Due to an error with tanks on my part my marker was down - the bolt stuck partially forward. I had failed to turn on the air tank and as it had shot down the excess air it had just stuck and was at the point that I could not get it to reset by turning on air. I made a flag run - both players having since been elimated in the midde, the rest of the team cleared the field and we were able to hang the flag.

It left us behind going into the third game against Air Power, and we again decided we needed the flag. Zack once again went up the middle, but this time we had a surprise for the Air Power player. Drew had been pulled off his snake protection duties and protected the flag - which proved effective though lost us our back corner player. With the help of a pause and lane from Robbie on the way to his bunker the flag was protected, and neither player secured it. Zack was called out when he took the flag and it was rehung It did give up the snake though... Robbie made a play for the flag at that time, and attempted a run up the middle. It turned us from a 4-3 position where we were stuck to a 3-2 position where we had the offensive. With the players distracted by Robbie I was able to move up and take two of the Air Power players - I bounced the third in the snake and was forced to duck down for cover, which happened to be their back stand up. With a player in each stand up and the Air Power player in the snake he had no choice but to try to fight both sides. DJ took him, and I made a desperate attempt to find the flag now hanging on a nearby bunker - yeh, I apparently do not look up. Finally found, and hung, we advanced to the finals.

The first game of finals... The team played well together, the snake protected in a series of moves that resulted in players trading with the players of the Rainmakers Owners Group. I allowed myself to be drawn into a snap shooting contest where I was in the fifty with the player in the center stand up. It was a poor decision on my part, and poor execution and I was eliminated in it. It caused a pause, and though Robbie once again cleared the field of opponents he was not able to hang the flag.

It left us ahead, and the second game should have been a winner. I was able, due to remarkable help from my team, to make the fifty tape opposite the snake unnoticed. I had great shots on two rainmaker players and tried for both of them... and bounced paint. It was an error on my part, I should have settled for taking one, and concentrated on one - I knew the paint was bouncey when I pulled the trigger, and it was overzealous on my part to try to take both. We were pushed back, and it ended with a RMOG flag hang, and us needing to go out for a pull and hang in the third game.

The RMOG knew what they needed to do, and they did it in the third game. holding out against our push, countering it, and winning the finals in an excellent display of teamwork. They were truly a high quality team, and well I fully ackowledge that it were my mistakes that led us to fail to win, I take nothing away from them. They overcame the same factors that we did in regards to paint and playing field, and adapted better than we did. The players on Team AO did everything that was asked of them... maybe I should have pushed the snake harder, maybe I should have made them more offensive and less defensive. Regardless of the mistakes, they did exactly what I asked of them and often more, and if that was not enough it was from a failure of my execution on my side of the field, or of my planning to begin with.

I cannot say enough about the Owners Group. I greatly enjoy the company of the people I play with on a regular basis, we play for fun, and sometimes the competetive spirit gets too high. The entire Owners Group seemed to play for fun, and the Sportsmanship of the groups, the effort and planning of Kevin, and reffing as close to faultless as I have seen in a long time. The hospitality and sportmanship of the Sport(wo)man award winning Cameo, in opening her home to those who needed a place to stay was not the exception to the owners group. I would like to thank the Palmers teams especially, I was unfamiliar with IAO, the surroundings, and the owners group as a whole. These great guys (and girls) showed me the ropes, and had me enjoying the three day party every moment of it. The players, the event organizers, the refs, and everyone else associated with the owners group that I met were friendly, outgoing, and a joy to play with or simply be around. If I had to pick a single tournament to play every year, it would be this one. One way or another I will be at the next OGD tournament, when Kevin tells us when and where - for now I expect him to take a break, for we know that the event he pulled off requires everyones contribution, and his bringing it together is a task that no doubt takes much effort.

OGD was awesome.... Robbie definetly held up his end of the bargain in playing :)

The Devilmag pictures, yeh, it met Hellfire, I wasn't smart enough to stop shooting - I should have gotten a picture of the liquid line in my loader - LOL. We traded off the Hellfire for Blaze to AKA who then used it to wipe the field with us :D .

07-31-2005, 03:44 PM
Congrats guys, we changed our strategy and you guys took advantage of our miscalculation. it was a great game. As much as us Shockerowners wanted to win it, as you know, our support was behind you guys once we were out.

Hope to see you next year!!

07-31-2005, 05:02 PM

Here are my pics. They are mostly of AFTICA and Team AO. I have much higher res versions of all the photos, and these were balanced using a photoshop macro, so if you see one you really like, I can use the original file to make it look a bit nicer and give you a higher res copy. I also didn't crop any of these photos, so thats obviously possible.

Many many many stories to come, but I'm exhausted and hungry.

07-31-2005, 05:08 PM

Here are my pics. They are mostly of AFTICA and Team AO. I have much higher res versions of all the photos, and these were balanced using a photoshop macro, so if you see one you really like, I can use the original file to make it look a bit nicer and give you a higher res copy. I also didn't crop any of these photos, so thats obviously possible.

Many many many stories to come, but I'm exhausted and hungry.

VERY impressive photography there - its better than the ones Skirmish took

Captain Canuck
07-31-2005, 05:17 PM
I just got home myself... long arsed drive, long arsed wait at the damn border lol

I too would like to offer my congrats to team AO on their 2nd place. However, I would like to take this moment to thank and congratulate ALL the eams that played the OGD... You guys really are the best group of standup ballers I have had the opportunity to play against(except for that guy from MA that got suspended for 3 games that we... err his team wasn't going to be playing ;)).

Looking forward to next time!

My pics and what little I remember will be up sometime soon.

07-31-2005, 05:45 PM
How'd you get the aerial shots and who was the blonde chick?

07-31-2005, 06:02 PM
I wish I knew who the blonde chick was :)

As for the aerial shots, somehow Kev got us a boom/lift truck all day Friday for the finals, so a bunch of us went up in that and took aerial pics.

07-31-2005, 06:17 PM
:rofl: Bunch of drunks in a cherry picker...

Recipe for disaster or at least some shenanigans if you ask me.

07-31-2005, 06:26 PM
It was a little scary, if you moved too fast it swayed. We just figured try to aim your fall for the airball bunkers...

07-31-2005, 06:45 PM
lol good to hear your back from the 4days of drinking er...i mean paintball Mehem ;) Thanks again man for loaning me a gun when they called my tank unsafe cause of that 90* I had on the Fill nipple. Even though they called break and i got my stuff back up and running. :p :D :cheers:

lol thordic thanks for all the reload pics. My friend who i was barrowing the halo from forgot to buy a rip so i had a coupple jams i had to maualy feed with my finger

07-31-2005, 07:41 PM
I wish I knew who the blonde chick was :)

As for the aerial shots, somehow Kev got us a boom/lift truck all day Friday for the finals, so a bunch of us went up in that and took aerial pics.

You still owe me $30 for not throwing you off. A deal's a deal.
Anyway, thanks once again to Kev, and everyone who showed up. With the exception of the one incident on the second day (mine doesnt count, I apologized), everything went smooth. I have to say, every single team out there was a blast to ball with. Yes, we placed 9th...but, which of you called where you'de place on your way to the field? We have a stategy when we play, and is usually revolves around the Sheraton.
I want to take a second also to give a special thanks to Alley. I know this was your first time out there. You went in like a trooper. Next time, we'll make sure you shoot someone. Even if its one of us (I recommend the canadian).
All in all, this was the best OGD we've had yet. I hope to see all the teams again next year, regardless of where it is. Without you guys, this wouldnt exist. Its a refreshing break from competetive PB. Sure, its a tournament, but the cameraderie came first. For the few of you that this was their first experience with either an organized tourney, or IAO, I hope you enjoyed it. Us on AFTICA didnt get to see everyone off, but we wish you all the best of luck, hope you have a safe trip, and will hopefully meet you on the field again next year.


EDIT: oh yeah, for all you tools who slept late this morning; I had breakfast with Greg Hastings. He's as short as me! Thor tried to steal his hat at the Sheraton too...

07-31-2005, 07:51 PM
Brian you bastard, no pics of me? ...back to bed


07-31-2005, 07:59 PM
lol damn Bill and you kept showing up on that damn eleivator jesus crist dude :rofl: :tard:

07-31-2005, 08:00 PM
Well, all you guys were dressed the same, Nelson, I couldn't pick you out. The only one on the field who I could recognize was the Wookie.

07-31-2005, 08:21 PM
I would definatley like to say thank you to each and every player and vendor that showed up.. Everyone put together made for a wonderful experince for both me and my marshmellow shooting boy child. It was a blast to play against you all on the field and harass you off the field, I look forward to the next time.

Alley girl, congrads on your first tourney!!! We said last year that you would be playing this year and here you are, I hope that it was everything and more then you expected it to be.

AFTICA, you guys are a hoot. Anywhere you go the party follows. If I was ever bored for a moment I knew that all I had to do was find you guys for a bit of entertainment. You are a great group of (adorable) guys. Thank you for putting up with my sillyness and antics!! Y'all must be Gods, there is no way a mortal man can drink, play, drink, drink, drink, and manage to get up before 8 am every morning. I shall forever bow down in your presance. :hail:
ps: Whatever alley girl told you while she was drunk was probley 99% true, I just won't admit it. :clap:

Automag.org, You guys shold be soo very proud of how wonderful you did in this tourney. You are a group of great players and you learned to play very well toghether throughout the tourney. I give you guys props expecially since I did not notice a back up player, I wish you guys peace and rest for the next few days. Be very proud of yoursleves~ you have the right.

Kev, I can not thank you enough for your generosity to all of the players.. You treated everyone as if they were a long time friend. You ran a great tourney, and deserve an award in and of itself. Thank you for your patience and your encouragement this whole weekend.

and lastly the refs,
You guys were awesome!!! (Granted I know very little about touneyment reffing). To me you guys were the best of the best. Always a kind thought and a helpful hand. Your abitlity to be fair and just was astounding and very much appriciated. Thank you for your time and the experince you brought to the field. I can only hope that I get reffed by such a great group of guys every time I wander onto a paintball field. :p

Once again thank you everone for the hugs, smiles and encouragment. I couldn't have asked for a more enjoyable weekend.

07-31-2005, 09:09 PM
Flagpull pics are up

Flagpull OGD Photo Gallery (http://flagpull.com/gals/Owners%20Group%202005/index.html)

And Phil wrote an excellent (and very true) article

Phil's IAO Article (http://www.flagpull.com/viewarticle.php?aid=622&PHPSESSID=ffd731f64aaa3b5993ba3811955972de)


My flagpull against MOG after I hit the 50 off the break. Woo woo. Awesome job, Phil.

Who wants to take bets Phil gets banned from IAO now like Josh Silverman did?

07-31-2005, 09:09 PM
Hey guys,

Once again it was nice seeing everyone of you out there...

It's always a pleasure, really.

I put a write up on Flagpull...as well as about 200 pictures...do what you want with em, cut em up, link em, say you took em, I don't care. If you want a bigger version let me know.



Edit: Wtf thordic...you are fast! :)


07-31-2005, 09:12 PM
ps: Whatever alley girl told you while she was drunk was probley 99% true, I just won't admit it. :clap:

haaa ;)

:EDIT: Phil -- great article and great pictures... Nice to meet you man!


07-31-2005, 09:34 PM
Awesome pics Phillip, and without a doubt 100% true article.

...as for those wondering what happened to us(MOG).

magman007 was lanning the wrong team

07-31-2005, 09:36 PM
Edit: Wtf thordic...you are fast! :)

Phil, when someone my size is playing front for the team and making the 50 off the break, there is something seriously out of whack with the universe :) Great pics, great article.

07-31-2005, 09:44 PM

07-31-2005, 10:14 PM
AFTICA mows faces.......in the BAR.

We set out to place 9th. While we didn't throw any games, we didn't want to have to play the 2nd day -- we wanted to party! We ended up doing exactly what we set out to do, and be the BEST of the worst ;)

The real win came at the Sheraton on Friday night, when we successfully mowed 30+ pitchers of beer..


I just got home and settled...

Now that my mind is sorta back to where it should be. I just wanted to congrats Kev in the stellar job he did, putting this event together. This is by far the funnest time ive ever had playing tournament ball. Please make sire Deb knows how good of a job that ref crew did -- they were absolutely spectacular..

As for the games... congrats to everyone, especially to Rainmakers.. All the teams played their hearts out.. Aside from a few bumps during a few games, it was awesome..

Congrats everyone! It was so nice to put faces to all the names, even if alot of them were through the bottom of Pint glasses :)

07-31-2005, 10:18 PM
Hey thordic awsome pictures. Can I get the higher resolution pics of team AO. I will pay you for them if you want they are great, some very nice shots of me :D

07-31-2005, 10:20 PM
Hey thordic awsome pictures. Can I get the higher resolution pics of team AO. I will pay you for them if you want they are great, some very nice shots of me :D

Give me picture numbers and where to send them. The high res ones are about 2.8 megs apiece.

07-31-2005, 10:51 PM
thordic pictures are great

These are my favs ;)



07-31-2005, 11:16 PM
I like this one a bit better.

http://paintballmedia.com/albums/IAO05_Rainmakers-AO/iao05_050729_141048_2823.jpg ;)

07-31-2005, 11:19 PM
Ok guys, my photos are up.


The party pics will be up tomorrow and be at a different site.

07-31-2005, 11:32 PM
Ok guys, my photos are up.


The party pics will be up tomorrow and be at a different site.

Great pics as always Jason...

I wasn't at the players party...who got that award from Debra? It looks like Doc...

07-31-2005, 11:50 PM
Yeah awsome pictures, I especially like this one.


08-01-2005, 06:15 AM
I think the article was very well written and very considerate considering its positioning.

As to Kevin's Owner Group Division - well Kevin, I'm in next year, just tell me when and where :D

Load SM5
08-01-2005, 06:53 AM
Anyone get a good shot on the Owner's Gorup Division banner? I designed and made it and want to get a good pic in our portfolio.

08-01-2005, 07:00 AM
sorry I missed the drunk call on saturday, but the campground we where at didn't have a signal
but it was a pretty significant weekend

08-01-2005, 07:41 AM
Ok, second post. I want to give a HUGE shout out to the reffing staff. They were all on a team from Michigan, I believe. Their captain told me their name, but I have ,ong since forgotten. And, one last great big thanks (no kisses on the head though); STD, I'm glad you guys were there. Dan and Bill, you guys fit right in with our AFTICA-ness. We look forward to seeing you at future events. Two very stand up guys. After the night at the Sheraton, I'm surprised you guys were up as early as I was (of course, I had to go find my phone). and, tigress's shirt was the best :)

Spartan X
08-01-2005, 07:52 AM

08-01-2005, 08:00 AM
Muz, where's our "legends" sign?

08-01-2005, 09:12 AM

I am going to be posting all the "Bar" photos on Alley's site... www.alleycattz.com Look for them there tonight or tomorrow (since I have to work all night tonight).

08-01-2005, 09:27 AM
somethings wrong with my fingers lol

08-01-2005, 09:31 AM
AFTICA mows muppets... at the bar.

First Set Of Party Pics, by Spartan (http://www.thordic.com/images/SpartanIAO2k5)

08-01-2005, 09:39 AM
i'm not gonna ask

08-01-2005, 10:33 AM
Why weren't you there Clare?

I was at the Denver NPPL which was a couple days before the IAO

08-01-2005, 10:53 AM
pssh, thats the worst excuse I've ever heard...ever

08-01-2005, 10:57 AM
No way, it's a good one. Besides, how could I not want to be there with all my buddies? EH??

08-01-2005, 10:58 AM
Oh well, maybe next time.

And Clare, was that Acapulco thing last year a one-time thing or have you heard any rumors of it being repeated?

If that deal from last year surfaces again, AFTICA is so there.

Creative Mayhem
08-01-2005, 01:02 PM
I have had time to have a nap, rest a bit and get my pics up. Enjoy

Maybe later I can gather up enough thoughts to figure out what the hell I did... :tard:

I need refresher pics though... Spleefstylez get your pics up...!

Mayhem's IAO pics (http://www.creativemayhem.com/IAO2k5/index.htm)

08-01-2005, 01:09 PM

Haha, I love that pic.

Yeah, Dan, get your goddamn pics up!

Oh, and BTK, do you want that one pic in there framed or something?

08-01-2005, 01:14 PM
Is it just me or does Spartan have this obsession with taking pics of peoples (especially guys) buttox's?

Load SM5
08-01-2005, 01:15 PM
This cracks me up for some reason.


08-01-2005, 01:17 PM
Woo Quaker Steak ^

08-01-2005, 01:26 PM


08-01-2005, 01:33 PM
The man who was about ready to kill me cause he couldnt find out what was wrong with my gun lol ooooo theres my new tank cover :rofl:

Creative Mayhem
08-01-2005, 01:39 PM
The man who was about ready to kill me cause he couldnt find out what was wrong with my gun lol ooooo theres my new tank cover :rofl:

You have no clue.... he was a little upset[/sarcasm]

I was gonna steal your cover.. i wanted one of them myself :p BTW, your setup is on the way to AGD so Roman can molest it next. Spread the love!

Load SM5
08-01-2005, 01:42 PM
Das nasty....

08-01-2005, 01:43 PM
lol ya i was gonna buy that cover thursday but they were out so i went back friday and bought it. Lol roman has worked on it before at shatnerball and hes allready just laughed about it.

08-01-2005, 03:33 PM
Hey guys, had a blast playing with all you Mag drivers, especially AFTICA, my heros of the IAO. Hope to see you next year!

08-01-2005, 04:32 PM
Well, today is the last day for IAO, and tomorrow I will head home with a hangover and fond memories. IAO itself was a bust. I'll update more after I see a couple games, but for the most part, the venue was weak at best with HALF the vendors you would see at a NPPL or PSP event, and half the teams. They were even offering free registration to anyone that wanted to sign up for Novice division, because they only had 1 novice team.
There were 4 fields and at any one given time, maybe 2 were running prior to the start of 7 man. This was just the owners groups and the 3 man series, but still, there was a time where they needed 11 fields to run all the games.
Now, about the owners groups. What a great bunch of guys and gals!! This is what paintball was meant to be. Friends that are competing for the fun of it. There was no cheating, no un-sportsman like conduct (except for a small Tippman incident), none of the crap you tend to have at almost any tourney- large or small. These people were here to have fun, get a little bragging rights, hangout and enjoys themselves. And even though I have "retired" from tourney play, I will still participate in next year’s owners’ group division- wherever they hold it.
On to the play. Well, it was a slow start for Matrixowner.com. We couldn't find a groove, and were playing too cautious to be effective on the field. The idea behind the owners group is that most of these people don't play together, and in many cases, have never even met. Some have played this before, and it was an advantage, but only at the beginning of the day.
So, up till lunch, we did .... ****ty. Tried a few different combinations with players (we had an alternate) and right after lunch, we found something that was working. It wasn't the people so much as what they needed to do.
Once we got that down, we started winning. Unfortunately, it was almost too late for our little formula and we barely squeezed another team out for a spot in the semi- finals.
Day 2: We have 3 games for semis, and that was it. Lose 2, and your out. We dropped our first one, but instead of getting all down on ourselves (which I have seen more times than I can count with many teams) we got determined and turned it around for the second game. At this point there was only 15 points between the 1st place and last place of the semis, and everyone had one more game to play.
When it was our turn, we moved like a well-oiled machine, but the other team tried a desperate ploy that paid off in their favor. They sent 2 to the 50 on the break and we only counted 1. They left a corner open and pushed hard straight up the middle. It was hard fought from there, I dropped their left tombstone and turned to concentrate on the center back and right corner, and that is when we found out that the 50 still had someone in it. I got lit up with about 6 hits, 2 of which broke. It was so unexpected, that I yelled "****" on the field, and then apologized to the ref for cursing. (This all right after one of the Tippman guys was pulled for a filthy mouth in the prior game. I mean filthy) When all was said and done, we traded bodies till there was just one- theirs. So, we ended up with 5th or 6th place overall, which isn't too bad, but not what anyone had hoped for.
That night was the awards ceremony and players party. It was geared a little too much for a younger crowd (what was Deb thinking? A CLOWN?) And the free beer tasted like piss to those of us old enough to drink it (or get away with drinking it) So, my initial final word on this is that the IAO itself blew, but I had a great time with the owners groups, and a lot of fun at the unofficial players party that took place at the Legends cafe just outside of the conference room for the party, I met a LOT of great people, some old, some new (and Peg from GEN -E was there with Paul Sattler -owner of Gen-E. Good to see them again and they asked I tell everyone at MO "Hi" for them. * side note* Peg and Paul are proud parents now of an 8 month old baby boy). Crazy from Fireball Mountain and I discussed the anno possibilities for the DMC; and Dawn Allcot, editor for Paintball Sports International and I talked it up for a while.
I will be back next year, and hopefully, the event shapes up better, or the owners groups moves somewhere else.
More still to come....

Well, that was a wasted 30 minutes back to the field after writing the first portion of this. We got there somewhere around 2 something, and most of the vendors had already packed and left. Even the “big boys” - National and Draaxxus were packing as we walked around. This all while the final games were still being played. ( they were still on Div II ). Virtually No one was going to be there for the final games at the rate things were going.
One of the few notable vendors that were still setup and running was Angry. A great group of guys, that definitely take care of their customers.
The game play was actually pretty intense for the Div II games we did stay for, but alas, the refing was slightly lacking. Not saying that the ref’s were bad, just that I am willing to bed that they were tired as hell from working since Thursday (and probably a little on Wednesday as well) and it’s now Sunday, so they missed a few hits here and there. Taxing for anyone, considering what they go through.
And I would like to point out that the refing for the owners group division was outstanding. Granted, there is a difference between our group and the regular 7 man players, but these guys were on top of everything, and should be congratulated. The team that reffed us was Team High Rollers.
I did see Dawn Allcot and her husband (you have to forgive me, I’m really horrible with names) again, and they were pulling his tank along that he brought for the scenario game, ready to make the trek home.
All in all, IAO has slipped from grace and has become something more like a grand poon-ball event, barely a shell of it’s former glory. I would really like to see Deb turn it around and build it back up to what it once was and once stood for, but her current direction has the event spiraling downward towards being a thing of the past.
M O Tech

from hawk, il have my review up in a bit

Tippmann Effect
08-01-2005, 08:45 PM
I hope the teams / members that didn't have respect for the TOG team, now respects us.

BTW what happened magman? LoL

A lot of noice pix here (http://community.webshots.com/album/402040078HLnVu)

The pics in this links are great, check them out



Thanks flagpull.com for some pics, theanks countypaintball and Tippmann for sponcering us..

Thank you guys for coming out....

08-01-2005, 08:52 PM
I didn't see anyone in the owners group caring about "respect" for "ability". We all went in with respect for one another as players... noone there was there to earn respect for ability, everyone who earned respect did so for the sportsmanship people brought... it was never about ability, at least to me, and everyone I talked to.

Tippmann Effect
08-01-2005, 09:21 PM
I didn't see anyone in the owners group caring about "respect" for "ability". We all went in with respect for one another as players... noone there was there to earn respect for ability, everyone who earned respect did so for the sportsmanship people brought... it was never about ability, at least to me, and everyone I talked to.

To make a long story short, magman was running his mouth (along with some others) commenting on how they were going to roll TOG and how bad Tippmanns suck, that is why I made the comment that I made.


08-01-2005, 09:46 PM

I am going to be posting all the "Bar" photos on Alley's site... www.alleycattz.com Look for them there tonight or tomorrow (since I have to work all night tonight).

Up and running, some good ones. Ahhh, the memories. Just no video of the lollipop song :( of the guys on helium! Wish someone would have had a video camera :(

08-01-2005, 09:48 PM
Anyone that took anything that was said before the event seriously needs to realize that most of us are friends and we jag eachother all the time. Bill was talking smack, but it's just something that we do to get the troops excited.

08-01-2005, 09:49 PM
geeze - no love for the BBQ?


Good seeing ya'll again... old and new. I can't wait for next year.


Oh please burn this pic :-)

08-01-2005, 09:58 PM
That sure is a loving embrace.

08-01-2005, 10:19 PM
Alright, I have a problem. I need some place to host my pictures. My .mac account is too near capacity to put them all up there. I have ~47 megs of pictures, PM me if you can help!

08-01-2005, 10:24 PM
Catch me on AIM, Dan. I can prolly host them.

08-01-2005, 10:37 PM
To make a long story short, magman was running his mouth (along with some others) commenting on how they were going to roll TOG and how bad Tippmanns suck, that is why I made the comment that I made.


He WAS talking trash... in 'The Official IAO Trash-Talking Thread'

Tippmann Effect
08-01-2005, 11:15 PM
Peace and Love for all of the OG teams.

Hopefully all of you will be there next year.


08-02-2005, 07:43 AM
finally got a chance to look through all the pictures, this has to be my fav

08-02-2005, 08:24 AM
This picture describes the whole weekend for me...


08-02-2005, 09:15 AM
What happened? you guys threw a little hissy fit, and we beat you in points, thats what happened.

08-02-2005, 09:17 AM
What happened? you guys threw a little hissy fit, and we beat you in points, thats what happened.

In fairness I don't think it was "you guys" as much as it was a single player. :P

08-02-2005, 11:19 AM
This picture describes the whole weekend for me...


Damn, I want that shirt.. willing to share? :p

08-02-2005, 11:28 AM
Damn, I want that shirt.. willing to share? :p

it didn't work so well but you're welcome to come to boston to get it.

08-02-2005, 01:12 PM
My pics are up!




Kiss my arse!





The Canadian Matrix - slow-mo eh!?


Tigress from PBN/AKA - S.M.I.T.H.!


08-02-2005, 01:23 PM
wee more pics!

/me to get less sun

08-02-2005, 01:38 PM

One of my favorite pics so far. Haha.

08-02-2005, 01:44 PM
Thor I prefer the look of horror on buffos face about 2 pics later of you "pointing him to the door" from the "command position".

08-02-2005, 01:45 PM
Thor I prefer the look of horror on buffos face about 2 pics later of you "pointing him to the door" from the "command position".

Hahaha, yeah the look on his face is great.

And I was humping him. I'm man enough to admit it. I humped a clown. (if you want to get technical I was humping the bull that was attached to his pants, but whatever)


08-02-2005, 03:59 PM

who has the picture of me with my hands tied @ the bar?

08-02-2005, 04:09 PM
hope everyone had fun at the booth..

08-02-2005, 04:15 PM
Terry thanks for putting up with our shenanigans at IAO this year, at the booth.. Both you and Kayle rocked!

08-02-2005, 04:16 PM
hope everyone had fun at the booth..

Ya thanks again terry for letting me use you gun that ripped heads off!!!! :shooting:

08-02-2005, 04:19 PM
sums up my weekend...


08-02-2005, 05:43 PM
All you AFTICA and AO guys are a bunch of god dang lazy drunks!!!


Sorry I missed it this year...


08-02-2005, 06:00 PM
I still think the snake was key, but what do I know, we didnt win or anything ;) Everytime we pushed the snake we won, simple as that. Lohman446 in the second game, you guys didnt realize we had two in the snake, which are what the pictures are from that jason posted.

Tippmann effect - Did you not hear the trash being talked about my team in the captains meeting? People joke around, we are all friends, its friendly joshing. I doubt ANYONE at the OGD honestly thought they would roll over anyone. We are here to have fun, which we all did.

I had a great time playing against everyone, and drinking with everyone. until next year!

08-02-2005, 06:03 PM
lol ya the funnyest part about that capt meeting when like nearly the hole room snaped there fingers when they heard "no ramping"

08-02-2005, 06:06 PM
I still think the snake was key, but what do I know, we didnt win or anything ;) Everytime we pushed the snake we won, simple as that. Lohman446 in the second game, you guys didnt realize we had two in the snake, which are what the pictures are from that jason posted.

Tippmann effect - Did you not hear the trash being talked about my team in the captains meeting? People joke around, we are all friends, its friendly joshing. I doubt ANYONE at the OGD honestly thought they would roll over anyone. We are here to have fun, which we all did.

I had a great time playing against everyone, and drinking with everyone. until next year!

When I looked at the snake it worried me, no cover to the back corner. I made the decision (you proved it wrong) that Robbie and I pushing hard up the right, Zack up the center, and DJ and Drew covering could win it. Your backs dumped a LOT of paint on Robbie and I, I kinda think, having not changed our strategies since the beginning of the day, you expected it. It was still a failure to execute on my part... I think the strategy could have worked had I done my part in it...

08-02-2005, 06:32 PM
International Alcoholics Organization... hurm.

08-02-2005, 06:54 PM
International Alcoholics Organization... hurm.

No no. International Alcohol Open

08-02-2005, 07:10 PM
And there was a Canadian there...so it was International!

08-02-2005, 07:51 PM
When I looked at the snake it worried me, no cover to the back corner. I made the decision (you proved it wrong) that Robbie and I pushing hard up the right, Zack up the center, and DJ and Drew covering could win it. Your backs dumped a LOT of paint on Robbie and I, I kinda think, having not changed our strategies since the beginning of the day, you expected it. It was still a failure to execute on my part... I think the strategy could have worked had I done my part in it...

For some reason, teams knew we were hitting the snake off hte break, but noone sent anyone to the back left. Agaisnt AKA they didnt even send anyone, allowing us to just run up that side, very odd.

After you guys beat us in the first game, we knew we needed to hold off robbie while we worked up the snake since you guys werent covering it at all, and htats what we did. We put two in the snake, one covered while the other one ran up the side and shot anyone who wasnt looking. We had 4 shooting off the break, which seemed to work. our mid guy stayed posted on the flag until the flag runner was shot, then stayed posted on robbie, while the back center, and back left posted on the doritos waiting for the move. The Dorito was a key bunker, but we had noone to play it, so we chose to play defense on one side, and push the other.

http://paintballmedia.com/albums/IAO05_Rainmakers-AO/iao05_050729_140848_2789.jpg the key to our success, dumping paint! 21 cases worth!

08-02-2005, 07:56 PM
For some reason, teams knew we were hitting the snake off hte break, but noone sent anyone to the back left. Agaisnt AKA they didnt even send anyone, allowing us to just run up that side, very odd.

After you guys beat us in the first game, we knew we needed to hold off robbie while we worked up the snake since you guys werent covering it at all, and htats what we did. We put two in the snake, one covered while the other one ran up the side and shot anyone who wasnt looking. We had 4 shooting off the break, which seemed to work. our mid guy stayed posted on the flag until the flag runner was shot, then stayed posted on robbie, while the back center, and back left posted on the doritos waiting for the move. The Dorito was a key bunker, but we had noone to play it, so we chose to play defense on one side, and push the other.

LOL - I was always playing the dorito... I knew Robbie needed support and we felt if we moved up fast we could neutralize the snake by playing it sideways. It worked up to you guys. We had conversations on the field like this

Me: Robbie I'm pinned
Robbie: Move..
Me: They are all shooting at me
Robbie: They can't be, they are all shooting at me

OMG you guys shot a lot of paint - and did so very effectively by pinning both Robbie and I into our bunkers.

08-02-2005, 08:59 PM
lol ya the funnyest part about that capt meeting when like nearly the hole room snaped there fingers when they heard "no ramping"

haha yea, everybody but the POG guys

08-02-2005, 09:00 PM
thordic pictures are great

These are my favs ;)



Heh..I got shot from crossfield before he got there though. :nono: I wish there was a picture of me shooting three from there in the third game too. Hehehe. ;)

But yeah, our game plan was just to shoot a lot of paint on your bunkers, especially Robbie's. In the third game, I moved up to the snake when one of your guys got shot and I think one was moving, and it seems that nobody saw me. A few stray paintballs seemed to hit the snake, but nobody tried to hit it with a lot of paint or move on me. After a long crawl to the end and two breaks along the way (it was tiring...I thought the game would be over by the time I got down there), I came out your end and noticed both of your back players were fully exposed to me, and then I was able to shoot someone up near your 40 or 50 in the doritos also. I was really surprised to see you guys didn't send someone to the snake or the back corner after I had gone there both games. :wow: I think the key to that field was both shooting a lot of paint, and getting control of the snake.

I had a great time playing with all of you guys, and I can't wait to see you all there next year! Thanks to making the IAO the most enjoyable part of my summer (or maybe even year??)!

08-02-2005, 09:19 PM
ok first game off the break I run for the right 30 rolly so i break out, I get there, look at my gun and realise "Wate...wheres my hopper??!!!" seems my halo fell off and i ran past it past 5 ft so they called me. and oh ya we can never forget...
sry guys we had to lol :p

I dont think you know WHY AFTICA took 9nth, do you?

08-02-2005, 09:29 PM
lol they came up with that excuse once they placed that lol

08-02-2005, 09:36 PM
lol they came up with that excuse once they placed that lol

Uhm, no, we called it in the morning before play even started. As soon as we heard 1-8 had to play Friday we decided where we wanted to place. We didn't throw games on purpose exactly, but we definitely aimed for a solid 9th place.

08-02-2005, 09:41 PM
Uhm, no, we called it in the morning before play even started. As soon as we heard 1-8 had to play Friday we decided where we wanted to place. We didn't throw games on purpose exactly, but we definitely aimed for a solid 9th place.


08-02-2005, 09:59 PM
For some reason, teams knew we were hitting the snake off hte break, but noone sent anyone to the back left. Agaisnt AKA they didnt even send anyone, allowing us to just run up that side, very odd.

After you guys beat us in the first game, we knew we needed to hold off robbie while we worked up the snake since you guys werent covering it at all, and htats what we did. We put two in the snake, one covered while the other one ran up the side and shot anyone who wasnt looking. We had 4 shooting off the break, which seemed to work. our mid guy stayed posted on the flag until the flag runner was shot, then stayed posted on robbie, while the back center, and back left posted on the doritos waiting for the move. The Dorito was a key bunker, but we had noone to play it, so we chose to play defense on one side, and push the other.

http://paintballmedia.com/albums/IAO05_Rainmakers-AO/iao05_050729_140848_2789.jpg the key to our success, dumping paint! 21 cases worth!

I told 'em to put a guy there to at least get a good watch on snake, if not try and take it. It was obvious how important the snake was, but we could never use it well.

08-03-2005, 01:22 AM
from the capt of the tippmann team-

effect didnt actully make it to the ogd so i don't think he got the jist and the coolness of the tournament. sorry bout that.

mag i don't think you beat us in pts. we took 6th and you took 8th didn't you? seriously j/wing

but as said before WE didn't throw a hissy. ONE player throw a hissy. which i'd rather not post about all over the internet. If you want you can PM me.

from what i see, you ethier loved us or hated us. It was our first yr there, and we didnt have any of those more mature its all for fun mentality players. Not this yr. next yr i hope to run 2 teams both of which are there for fun. we did as a team have a blast however so eh.. whatever sorry to anyone we pissed off. I think you can only come up with that one incident where we weren't sportsman like. On the field, on OUR side of the feild we said things to each to get pumped, including HATE which from what i understand people who aren't around the speedball scene much took way too serious. Hate comes from detriot strange. a team both me and other team mates are huge fans of. hense the hate on our jerseys. Don't forget we had LOVE plastered all over.

08-03-2005, 01:47 AM
Haha, I'm amazed at how few incriminating pictures have arisen involving me and/or my friends, unless I've missed them... possibly for the best? :p

I had an awesome time at this event, and I'm so glad I got to meet all the great people that I did. Looking forward to AO-Canada!!

08-03-2005, 02:15 AM
from the capt of the tippmann team-
including HATE which from what i understand people who aren't around the speedball scene much took way too serious. Hate comes from detriot strange. a team both me and other team mates are huge fans of. hense the hate on our jerseys. Don't forget we had LOVE plastered all over.

Yeah...my team obviously isnt very involved in the speedball scene. :rolleyes: Hate is stupid.

08-03-2005, 02:19 AM
Yeah...my team obviously isnt very involved in the speedball scene. :rolleyes: Hate is stupid.

you weren't one of the ones i was talking bout then. you may think its stupid.. matty gets smacked before games to get pumped.. and you guys sure seemed to worship him. i guess we'll just slap each other next time.

08-03-2005, 02:26 AM
TO, I had a blast with you guys, fun to play against and talked with one of your guys, very cool guy. Hope to see ya next year.

08-03-2005, 02:50 AM
I like this one a bit better.

http://paintballmedia.com/albums/IAO05_Rainmakers-AO/iao05_050729_141048_2823.jpg ;)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i want to make a poster of that :D

hehehe thats funny

no affence jordan you look like a little girl like ooo noo :D

hehe ill stop now :D

sorry its 4:00 AM and im kinda loosing it :D

08-03-2005, 06:24 AM
Hate4, smacked...I know what I am going to do next year to get my team pumped...I am going to tea bag them all and then get them all to spank me. :D

08-03-2005, 07:09 AM
I am going to tea bag them all and then get them all to spank me. :D

uh... you're on Nickel again next year!


08-03-2005, 07:35 AM
Tippy guys, I seriously hope you come back next year. It was alot of fun. Kids will be kids, I guess :confused:

as for us placing 9th...talk to AKA, Kev, STD guys...we said it that morning to all of them, LONG before the end of the day. RK's Bae Ruth pic sums it up perfect (and, I'll kill you personally if you bring back that curse Rob).

08-03-2005, 07:57 AM
Haha, I'm amazed at how few incriminating pictures have arisen involving me and/or my friends, unless I've missed them... possibly for the best? :p


Do you, by any chance, mean something like that?

08-03-2005, 08:29 AM
oh snap!

08-03-2005, 09:34 AM
Hmm, yes, definitely messed that set. Is Jeremy's picture with Saramanda and the double shocker up anywhere? Apparently I'm blind and can't find things.

08-03-2005, 09:42 AM

08-03-2005, 09:48 AM
The winner is you - my life is complete. :D

08-03-2005, 09:51 AM
"Air Amanda"


08-03-2005, 10:10 AM
BTK = Beat Those Kakes

08-03-2005, 11:23 AM
JAIL BAIT!!!!!!!!!

Tippy guy - The matty marshall thing is a joke. Stop taking life so seriously.

08-03-2005, 11:25 AM

I love how my pants are falling down.

Creative Mayhem
08-03-2005, 11:39 AM

I love how my pants are falling down.

Wow, I never thought Scott would try to attempt being AGG....

Dude, you fail at life... ;)

08-03-2005, 12:59 PM
Tippy guys: Yall were pretty laid back once ya got the jist of the beer drinkers league, sure yall had one guy throw a tizzyfit when he got back to the staging area but we all can understand that... overall from everyone I BS'd with between games I hope yall come out again next year(event TBD).

However I do want to make one suggestion... try and leave the soccermoms at home. Its cool that they came out to support yall but when we are quietly heckleing/cheering on a friend, and debating a ref call one of yalls moms took it like we were personally attacking your team and steamed past us saying "how could you guys be mean to our kids, your grown adults". Of course talking down and expalning yourself to a soccermom is easier said than done.

RMOG: 21 cases? Draxxus <3 yall for sure... I dont even know if our combined tab at legends and our paint costs could rival that. Juch deserved win tho, even if kev didnt force yall to stick 10 BE stickers per non team gun like we talked about.

08-03-2005, 01:02 PM
as for us placing 9th...talk to AKA, Kev, STD guys...we said it that morning to all of them, LONG before the end of the day. RK's Bae Ruth pic sums it up perfect (and, I'll kill you personally if you bring back that curse Rob).

I remmeber you guys saying that, and making the Babe Ruth comment as well.

08-03-2005, 01:11 PM
Without the moms.. how do we get there? and what did the mom look like? they didn't know what the event was about so you'll hafta forgive them. remember we are all kids, and we're in the age where our moms want tons of pictures and stuff.They are used to going to tournaments where players are there strictly to win and the mentality is totally different. So their graud is naturally up. The mom probley saw it as a bunch of old guys hating on some less expereienced little kids. No matter how well you do, at this age parents always believe you need direction and support at every turn. They all just want to be the hero. Which is understandable. I will do that too when im a father.. well only with my son. My daughter won't be allowed out of the house. Dang boys these days... In all honesty though, i think we did well considering how young we were. im proud of my players for holding our own against you guys. Which player throw the tizzy at the staging area? i know of the field incident... (Sorry again, were all hardcore speedballers on the tippmann team and its hard to turn that off.) however, next yr we now know what ticks people off and what not to say. so things will be diffierent.

by the way, those vans were rented i swear! my mom wouldn't be caught dead owning a van and has that run soccer moms off the rd. mentality

08-03-2005, 01:11 PM
Tippy guys: Yall were pretty laid back once ya got the jist of the beer drinkers league, sure yall had one guy throw a tizzyfit when he got back to the staging area but we all can understand that... overall from everyone I BS'd with between games I hope yall come out again next year(event TBD).

However I do want to make one suggestion... try and leave the soccermoms at home. Its cool that they came out to support yall but when we are quietly heckleing/cheering on a friend, and debating a ref call one of yalls moms took it like we were personally attacking your team and steamed past us saying "how could you guys be mean to our kids, your grown adults". Of course talking down and expalning yourself to a soccermom is easier said than done.

RMOG: 21 cases? Draxxus <3 yall for sure... I dont even know if our combined tab at legends and our paint costs could rival that. Juch deserved win tho, even if kev didnt force yall to stick 10 BE stickers per non team gun like we talked about.

21 cases! Psssh... 40 pitchers, carbombs, jagerbombs... Legends <3s us!

08-03-2005, 01:29 PM
Mmmmm Jager bombs. At least they dont curdle! :tard:

08-03-2005, 01:32 PM
Jager bombs, ick

Car Bombs, yummy

Creative Mayhem
08-03-2005, 01:40 PM
Jager bombs, ick

Car Bombs, yummy


Load SM5
08-03-2005, 01:45 PM
Both... ick.....

Creative Mayhem
08-03-2005, 01:54 PM
Both... ick.....

Listen here buddy... just because you're a tequila drinker, you dont need to go bashing our drink of choice;)

/me dons the rain gear for the onslought of hurling :spit_take

08-03-2005, 02:01 PM
indeed without the soccermoms yall wouldnt be able to go anywhere... Bill-magman was the same way several years ago but now look at that lush now :P The angry mom of doom was the one brooding at yalls staging area for your last 2 or 3 games. Im not adam shannon so I dont have a pic of every mother, girlfriend, or female fetus smoking or not at IAO(insideish joke).

dont worry about the off feild thing, it was subtile. Yall are a bunch of good kids, if we get this party rolling next year I hope to see yall. :cheers:

08-03-2005, 02:02 PM
Im not mayhem so I dont have a pic of every mother, girlfriend, or female fetus smoking or not at IAO(insideish joke).

edited for truth

Creative Mayhem
08-03-2005, 02:07 PM
edited for truth

Umm.. no... he had it right to begin with..... you needed to be there but i see where you're going.... :D I couldn't help myself... I "needed" to do it. ;)

08-03-2005, 02:10 PM
Umm.. no... he had it right to begin with..... you needed to be there but i see where you're going.... :D I couldn't help myself... I "needed" to do it. ;)

"whats up?Whats up? WHATS UP?! Whats up?"


08-03-2005, 02:13 PM
Basicly lets sum it up like this... Adam is a master of many types of media, some of that which is most profitable ppl dont want their moms to catch them looking at... alone.

diffrent strokes for diffrent folks.

08-03-2005, 02:28 PM
Umm.. no... he had it right to begin with..... you needed to be there but i see where you're going.... :D I couldn't help myself... I "needed" to do it. ;)

Just remember Jeremy...you sat on "the" couch!:)

08-03-2005, 02:36 PM
Hey TO...
Which one are you?

As for the soccor mom.. the problem was she juuuust didn't understand the game - her complaint came when your back left guy was complaining about the shot to the stomach of the BE guy (for the life of me, I can't remember who it was) that bounced.
She was convinced (to be honest like a good portion of us on the sidelines) that he was hit.
While your guy was arguing with the Ref, BE was checked, and determined clean - and the rest of us cheered for both the bounce and the ref getting on him fast. At that point, your guy got double gogged.. which elicited another cheer from us on the side (cause hey, who doesn't like the double gog shot no matter which team).

That set her off.

What she failed to miss was hearing the comments from us previous to that which amounted to a lot of respect for your guys and how y'all were doing overall... again, we may (well most of us may be) older, but you gotta respect some of the moves y'all were doing (like COMPLETELY fooling us the first game, when we were positive y'all would make the hard run, and we pretty much laned for no reason :-P)

The thing was, we were all pretty much cheering for everyone - heck I was willing to try and find my guys and get you thier guns - but they didn't show until Friday (I heard some of you got to dryfire thier "slightly modified" team guns) - and I think she might have missed that.

08-03-2005, 02:47 PM
TO- A lot of us are hardcore speedball players, you dont see us doing that, but thats OK, everyone learns to relax.

Nitehawk- the BE guy that was shot at was me. I shot the last tippmann guy, and he also shot me in the leg, the ball bounce, but I wasnt sure, so I let the ref check me, while the other kid kept on yelling at me, and was shot again.

Speedball isnt all about yelling, hating, and hurting other people, if you think that is what its all about you need to stop playing. All my of my players are "hardcore" speedball players" but you never saw us yelling at the refs, complaining about other people, or ranting about "HATE HATE HATE!". OGD is for fun, I could care less if we win or lose, I just wanted to have fun...with a working gun which was harder then it looked.

08-03-2005, 02:50 PM
Nitehawk- the BE guy that was shot at was me. I shot the last tippmann guy, and he also shot me in the leg, the ball bounce, but I wasnt sure, so I let the ref check me, while the other kid kept on yelling at me, and was shot again.

the blaze was notorious that week for bounces.

Creative Mayhem
08-03-2005, 02:57 PM
Just remember Jeremy...you sat on "the" couch!:)

HAHA yeah... I didn't realize till i sat down... by that pint it was to late

08-03-2005, 03:08 PM
21 cases! Psssh... 40 pitchers, carbombs, jagerbombs... Legends <3s us!

08-03-2005, 03:09 PM
by that pint it was to late

hahahahaha..... get it.... "Point"... "Pint" good one Jer... even without you realizing it perhaps.

08-03-2005, 03:26 PM


08-03-2005, 03:35 PM

God everyone was so drunk that night. IAO rocks.

08-03-2005, 03:35 PM
Well it's Melissa and Kayle, I would first love to say I had a great time! You AO guys are the greatest! I didn't get to say my goodbyes due to the fact I was playing down the hill. I would like to say I won the most supportive player award I had a really good time you all can see the pics of me playing as "Daisy Duke" on www.blackcatpaintball.com I really enjoied the lollie pop song :p Hope your knee is better Bill, and Mayhem & Edweird it really meant a lot to me that you guys got to see me again :rofl: I just cant say enough how much fun I had!! I hope to be on the field with you all soon! I did get the chance to play with Greg and his crew in the woods they are a blast! I am glad that everyone had a good time and everyone made it home safe! Kayle had a great time also except for AGDlovers gun.... I think he was at his point he was ready to go off and throw it! KAYLE + GUN = :mad:

08-03-2005, 03:42 PM
Scott, you don't seem to have much respect for us. Thats cool maybe next yr we can earn some. Only under one circumstance did any of my players complain about ANYONE. and that was the field incident. Hates a team thing, so don't take offense to it. You think its stupid. We don't care. We went back to the hotel thinking we had a fun time just like we were supposed too. Your talking about attitudes we had about OURSELVES, no one else.

niteHawk337 Thanks for being understanding. Again players moms. :confused: their always clueless. next yr will be diffierent. The moms only heard the bad stuff it seems. I've talked to all of them and explained the situation. My mom laughed histerically when i told her about the soccer mom comments..

I rocked the grey JT team pants and profilers. I was in the dead box most of the first day and thats why i may have come off like a jerk. no one likes to look like a fool and let down your team. Hopfully some of you can understand that.

GA Devil
08-03-2005, 03:45 PM
I would like to say I won the most supportive player award I had a really good time you all can see the pics of me playing as "Daisy Duke" on www.blackcat.com

before i go look i just hope this is not kayle talking.

08-03-2005, 03:45 PM
Kayle had a great time also except for AGDlovers gun.... I think he was at his point he was ready to go off and throw it! KAYLE = GUN = :mad:

ya i loved it when he said:
Kayle-"Have you ever thrown this gun?"
Kayle-"Do you mind if I throw it?"

thats when i realised something was deff wrong with the gun lol Thanks again Kayle!!!!! What was wrong with the electronics btw?

08-03-2005, 03:45 PM
Well it's Melissa and Kayle, I would first love to say I had a great time! You AO guys are the greatest! I didn't get to say my goodbyes due to the fact I was playing down the hill. I would like to say I won the most supportive player award I had a really good time you all can see the pics of me playing as "Daisy Duke" on www.blackcatpaintball.com I really enjoied the lollie pop song :p Hope your knee is better Bill, and Mayhem & Edweird it really meant a lot to me that you guys got to see me again :rofl: I just cant say enough how much fun I had!! I hope to be on the field with you all soon! I did get the chance to play with Greg and his crew in the woods they are a blast! I am glad that everyone had a good time and everyone made it home safe! Kayle had a great time also except for AGDlovers gun.... I think he was at his point he was ready to go off and throw it! KAYLE + GUN = :mad:

it was nice to meet you both.. thanks for putting up with our shenanigans in the booth all week :)

08-03-2005, 04:06 PM
Oh ya Kayle I'll be back next year with my pneumatic mag

08-03-2005, 04:18 PM
yeah id love to play next year but im not sure if i'll be legal i'll be playing psp d3 x-ball but if i am legal i'll come back with the tog and use a tippmann bc i should have a new board for it by then. and i dont see how the term soccer mom comes into it both the vans that were there were rented and if they didnt come no way to get there like stated above.

08-03-2005, 04:24 PM
Scott, you don't seem to have much respect for us. Thats cool maybe next yr we can earn some. Only under one circumstance did any of my players complain about ANYONE. and that was the field incident. Hates a team thing, so don't take offense to it. You think its stupid. We don't care. We went back to the hotel thinking we had a fun time just like we were supposed too. Your talking about attitudes we had about OURSELVES, no one else.

Nah, I have a ton of respect for you guys. You were the main game we were worried about in the semis, that should say enough. You guys were in the same boat as us, tons of gun problems, but good players. Dont worry man, No hate coming from here, I love everyone in the OGD(except for two people, and they both play on the same team :)


08-03-2005, 04:26 PM
yeah id love to play next year but im not sure if i'll be legal i'll be playing psp d3 x-ball but if i am legal i'll come back with the tog and use a tippmann bc i should have a new board for it by then. and i dont see how the term soccer mom comes into it both the vans that were there were rented and if they didnt come no way to get there like stated above.

You will be fine, I play D1 CFOA and noone said a thing about me playing, it will be the same next year.

08-03-2005, 04:29 PM
Nah, I have a ton of respect for you guys. You were the main game we were worried about in the semis, that should say enough. You guys were in the same boat as us, tons of gun problems, but good players. Dont worry man, No hate coming from here, I love everyone in the OGD(except for two people, and they both play on the same team :)


im glad we got that taken care of. You guys played soem awesome ball. and it obviously showed. We were the new guys on the block and we acted like A holes, it won't happen again.

sorry again to all. I had a blast.

08-03-2005, 05:15 PM
You didnt act like A holes. You guys are young. And, it was your first experience there. no biggie. Hell, I tossed my gun (I was mad at myself, NOT at anyone else). And, I'm old! We all get heated...all water under the bridge. the big thing is that everyone had a good time.
melissa, my knee is still healing. I think I did more damage to it than originally suspected. But, I'll live. no big deal. It was good to see you and Kayle again. glad you all had a great time. Hope to see all you AGD folks again next year. I think I'm gonna try being sober the whole time.
Ok, maybe not. I dont think my crew would allow that, actually.

08-03-2005, 05:26 PM
(except for two people, and they both play on the same team :)

Hey now.. I was there for comic releif for Robbie (and everyone else), and to once in awhile be a distraction...

08-03-2005, 05:42 PM
You will be fine, I play D1 CFOA and noone said a thing about me playing, it will be the same next year.

Hmm, let me look over those rules again....


08-03-2005, 06:15 PM
Hey now.. I was there for comic releif for Robbie (and everyone else), and to once in awhile be a distraction...

haha wrong team! One of those players threw their gun, the other had their car stickered and soaped by Matty Marshall.

08-03-2005, 06:58 PM
before i go look i just hope this is not kayle talking.
No it was Melissa Pretty Kitty!! But what if it was me, you wouldn't want to see me in daisy dukes playing paintball?!? lol

Load SM5
08-03-2005, 07:18 PM
Hmm, let me look over those rules again....


Nah it's ok, Scott really sucks. :D

08-03-2005, 07:28 PM
from the capt of the tippmann team-

effect didnt actully make it to the ogd so i don't think he got the jist and the coolness of the tournament. sorry bout that.

mag i don't think you beat us in pts. we took 6th and you took 8th didn't you? seriously j/wing

but as said before WE didn't throw a hissy. ONE player throw a hissy. which i'd rather not post about all over the internet. If you want you can PM me.

from what i see, you ethier loved us or hated us. It was our first yr there, and we didnt have any of those more mature its all for fun mentality players. Not this yr. next yr i hope to run 2 teams both of which are there for fun. we did as a team have a blast however so eh.. whatever sorry to anyone we pissed off. I think you can only come up with that one incident where we weren't sportsman like. On the field, on OUR side of the feild we said things to each to get pumped, including HATE which from what i understand people who aren't around the speedball scene much took way too serious. Hate comes from detriot strange. a team both me and other team mates are huge fans of. hense the hate on our jerseys. Don't forget we had LOVE plastered all over.

no, we finished 6th, you guys ended up wth about 90 or so points, we had125 to my count

Spartan X
08-03-2005, 07:41 PM
haha wrong team! One of those players threw their gun, the other had their car stickered and soaped by Matty Marshall.

I'm still trying to figure out why it had to be MY car when I don't even know who Matty Marshall is :confused:

GA Devil
08-03-2005, 07:53 PM
But what if it was me, you wouldn't want to see me in daisy dukes playing paintball?!? lol

BAD BAD BAD Mental image!!!!

lol your cool and all kayle but no no no

{{Bangs head on table}} DELETE DELETE DELETE

08-03-2005, 08:05 PM
Can any clearify how we finished?

08-04-2005, 10:15 AM
i'll look it up...

scores go up tomorrow...

08-04-2005, 04:30 PM

Nice pic :D

Man you have no idea how unbelievably WEIRD it is to see them on AO of ALL PLACES! LOL they are just like... friends I know that live around here, who have NOTHING to do with paintball :p daaaaaaamn I wish I could've gone, I was so close...

BTW whoever said jailbait... they are both 18 :dance:

Creative Mayhem
08-04-2005, 04:37 PM
Nice pic :D

Man you have no idea how unbelievably WEIRD it is to see them on AO of ALL PLACES! LOL they are just like... friends I know that live around here, who have NOTHING to do with paintball :p daaaaaaamn I wish I could've gone, I was so close...

BTW whoever said jailbait... they are both 18 :dance:

Dude... you picked the wrong plce to chime in.... I have seen pics of you and if you want to ever post here again with any sense of dignity you will cease and desist any posting on this subject... ;)

JK man.. the dress looked cool :tard: ... LOL!

08-04-2005, 05:13 PM
Speaking of jail bait - a big thank you to those of you that let me know in Pennsylvania the age of consent is 18 - in MI its 16 :hail:

Not like I had a snowballs chance anyways, but hey.... dreamings legal. Then again, I had a lot of cash, and knew where the liquor store was

08-04-2005, 05:29 PM
Speaking of jail bait - a big thank you to those of you that let me know in Pennsylvania the age of consent is 18 - in MI its 16 :hail:

Not like I had a snowballs chance anyways, but hey.... dreamings legal. Then again, I had a lot of cash, and knew where the liquor store was

This was an issue for you? Are you not like 35? You dirty old man:)

08-04-2005, 05:32 PM

08-04-2005, 05:38 PM
Wait, what photo? I think someone needs to post it.

08-04-2005, 05:38 PM

Wait, what photo? I think someone needs to post it.You must have missed it! Sara has pictures on her phone of Jeff dressed up in (rather tight-fitting) girls clothes that we were passing around at Quaker Steak. :D

08-04-2005, 05:50 PM
This was an issue for you? Are you not like 35? You dirty old man:)

:D You say dirty old man like its a bad thing. And no.. I only look 35, I'm not even 30 yet, I know, the baldness throws everyone off

08-04-2005, 05:57 PM
:D You say dirty old man like its a bad thing. And no.. I only look 35, I'm not even 30 yet, I know, the baldness throws everyone off
Do we have a new contender for creepiest attempt at going after Amanda? :p

08-04-2005, 06:01 PM
no we have a winner lol

08-04-2005, 08:04 PM

e:You must have missed it! Sara has pictures on her phone of Jeff dressed up in (rather tight-fitting) girls clothes that we were passing around at Quaker Steak. :D

*planning to be at airport when sara arrives to get phone*

If that picture ends up on AO, I might as well kill myself... :D

08-04-2005, 08:15 PM
If that picture ends up on AO, I might as well kill myself... :D

Na, that would be no fun, then we can't make fun of you.

08-04-2005, 10:32 PM

and on another note. I can not seem to find the picks of the dukes of hazzard on the black cats site.. am I missing something?? Please do link.

08-05-2005, 10:36 AM

Creative Mayhem
08-05-2005, 11:08 AM

Well, would you look at that.... we actually appear to know what we are doing... :p

Does anyone know who took the team pic of AFTICA by our tent, I would really like to get a copy. I'm not sure if it is one one of the many links and i just overlooked it...

08-05-2005, 12:46 PM
ya you guys did look like you knew what you were doing for that game thats a shocker!!!!

anywho i just got my mag back from AGD overnighted Mad props to them and the crono results were amasing

#1: 283.2fps
#2: 283.1fps
#3: 283.7fps

08-05-2005, 01:00 PM
I told you it would be worth the wait !!! :clap: :clap:

08-05-2005, 01:02 PM
ya thanks again man I'm just thankful i didnt find any major dents in it from you throwing it while i was playing lol :p

08-05-2005, 02:13 PM
ya you guys did look like you knew what you were doing for that game thats a shocker!!!!

Man, you talk a lot of **** to them.

08-05-2005, 02:21 PM
ya but aftica is fun to make fun of them lol its just messing around you can chill you can join if you want

08-05-2005, 07:06 PM
Well, would you look at that.... we actually appear to know what we are doing... :p

Does anyone know who took the team pic of AFTICA by our tent, I would really like to get a copy. I'm not sure if it is one one of the many links and i just overlooked it...

Jeremy: I responded to this in the other thread as well. The guy from STD took the picture. I havent seen any of his pictures so I dont know where his would be posted.

Creative Mayhem
08-05-2005, 07:50 PM
Jeremy: I responded to this in the other thread as well. The guy from STD took the picture. I havent seen any of his pictures so I dont know where his would be posted.

Alley got to www.flagpull.com (http://www.flagpull.com) click on IAO galleries and check it out.... but get a coke and a sandwich.. you're gonna be there a while.. lol

08-06-2005, 02:34 PM
Alley got to www.flagpull.com (http://www.flagpull.com) click on IAO galleries and check it out.... but get a coke and a sandwich.. you're gonna be there a while.. lol

scores have been posted. http://www.beog.org/events/iao2005/scores.html

eh i dont know

08-06-2005, 02:45 PM
not that I care, but you guys took 8th

2 AO
5 Shockers
6 Mog
9 aftica
11 other POG

08-06-2005, 06:07 PM
Damn, I'm glad my insane jumble of numbers turned into something legible!

Anybody grab a picture of the leaderboard at the end of the first day after I changed AFTICA to "drunks"? :D

08-06-2005, 06:22 PM
yay we got first!

08-06-2005, 07:20 PM
yay we got first!

You needed to see the standings to know that? I always knew you guys were a little slow...

08-06-2005, 08:40 PM
you just dont understand, we finished second to last last year. We are having trouble believing that we actually did indeed come in first.

08-06-2005, 08:48 PM
you just dont understand, we finished second to last last year. We are having trouble believing that we actually did indeed come in first.

You guys had an awesome team... I think I had the best player on the field, but our talent came short after that. You had an awesome team, you played well together, and you outplayed us. Great games

08-06-2005, 11:19 PM
Oh, so we're back to being AFTICA again?

08-07-2005, 03:01 AM
Oh, so we're back to being AFTICA again?



08-07-2005, 01:51 PM
Alley got to www.flagpull.com (http://www.flagpull.com) click on IAO galleries and check it out.... but get a coke and a sandwich.. you're gonna be there a while.. lol

Well, it seems I being on Dialup would have to grab lunch AND dinner... as it was taking for dang ever!

08-07-2005, 06:11 PM
FYI, Ryan, you f'ed up the scores :(


AKA Owners were actually first after the first day, not Shocker. Shocker only had 755 points....

sorry to bust your chops

08-07-2005, 06:38 PM
So we were supposed to play shocker instead of AKA....hmmm

08-07-2005, 08:04 PM
Wait a sec, wouldn't that have changed the seeds for the second day??? Not that Brass would have done any better being that everyone but me was old(er) and therefore takes some time to warm up properly...
But still, What ifs abound...
what if 3/4 of the ogd wasn't drunk on friday ...
What if the paint didn't bounce...
What if Alley's marker wasn't so gawd awful heavy...
what if NiteHawk would have just let me play more in the begining...


ps: on the last one, I am thinking I would have gotten more then just .033 of an elimination (now that I know that Muzik step outta bounds..

08-07-2005, 09:12 PM
And What if cameo finaly decided to wear a pack without being forced to... :rolleyes:
What if I didnt mess up my shoulders going into the snake right before finals...
and the biggest question of all...
What if AFTICA was sober? :tard:

08-07-2005, 09:15 PM
What if I didnt mess up my shoulders going into the snake right before finals...

would not have made a difference.

08-07-2005, 09:17 PM
I couldnt hold that effing gun up with my off hand lol

08-07-2005, 10:27 PM
What if I could have ran? :rofl: :rofl: :shooting: :eek:

Creative Mayhem
08-07-2005, 10:34 PM
...and the biggest question of all...
What if AFTICA was sober? :tard:

I think you shoulda been more worried if we were drunk.... we'd be diving everywhere... Superman Thor last year was all over the field.. pretty funny too...:p

08-07-2005, 11:36 PM
What if I could have ran? :rofl: :rofl: :shooting: :eek:

didnt see much running from you anyway

08-07-2005, 11:43 PM
didnt see much running from you anyway

No way. Maybe cuz I hyperextend my ankle/foot the night before the frist day of play.

O well I still hung the flag once.

08-08-2005, 12:12 AM
yea, on a call that contradicted what was talked about in the captains meeting, oh well, the reffing was awesome, im just livid about that call. I know i can out gun fight you, and you really had no idea where i was, or where i was going to.

08-08-2005, 12:18 AM
yea, on a call that contradicted what was talked about in the captains meeting, oh well, the reffing was awesome, im just livid about that call. I know i can out gun fight you, and you really had no idea where i was, or where i was going to.

I saw you over near the snake. I knew where you were.

08-08-2005, 02:47 AM
I couldnt hold that effing gun up with my off hand lol

you might want to consider "switch hitting" and build that other forearm up some, it gets lonley also...


08-08-2005, 04:37 AM
FYI, Ryan, you f'ed up the scores :(


AKA Owners were actually first after the first day, not Shocker. Shocker only had 755 points....

sorry to bust your chops
Nope. The head score table people noticed one game that got messed up by the refs (when we were still giving them the score sheets), screwing them out of some points. I took that into account and added it onto Shocker Owners' total after the end of the day, putting them into first place. :)

08-08-2005, 09:16 AM
everyone was hobbling around. Bill and I both have bum knees. I twisted my knee on the gravel the first game and it was swollen for the rest of the day.

08-08-2005, 11:05 AM
Nope. The head score table people noticed one game that got messed up by the refs (when we were still giving them the score sheets), screwing them out of some points. I took that into account and added it onto Shocker Owners' total after the end of the day, putting them into first place. :)


sounds good :)

whateva you say chief.

08-08-2005, 12:46 PM
you might want to consider "switch hitting" and build that other forearm up some, it gets lonley also...

Lol i was barrowing the gun i was useing for the finals so i'm not useto a vert feed since I've been running a warp for about 2 years now if not more

Creative Mayhem
08-08-2005, 01:37 PM
Lol i was barrowing the gun i was useing for the finals so i'm not useto a vert feed since I've been running a warp for about 2 years now if not more

Play vert once ina a while... it can only make you a better player. Heck, Get yourself a pump and play, it will help you even more ;)

08-08-2005, 01:46 PM
Ya i know i may have luke cut me a ULE vert body so it fits on my rail nicely. And I've been dieing for a pump in the last few months

08-08-2005, 04:20 PM
Ditch the warp, it hurts your skills a lot.

08-08-2005, 04:22 PM
How so?

08-08-2005, 11:52 PM
When you come out the other side, you hand out far....very far. Its easier to learn how to shoot left handed(or right haned if your lefthanded)