View Full Version : GTA taken out of stores?? what with hillary clinton and raitings. im moving to canada

07-28-2005, 11:58 PM
she will die

now because of her gta san Andreas is pulled from shelfs and gets a AO raiting because theres hidden sex in the game. now how can she find that when bill was off doing god knows what

damn it im moving to canada soo i can feed my face with all the un edited tv shows with unsensord violence and nudity :headbang: :cheers:

this is you i hate the goverment. because of this crap now with jest games but with tv or anything that seems bad. if you like what you see or hear then dont look or listen.

and please dont post saying stop whinning because im not complaing about the game being taken off shelves but im pissed off about this crap with ratings on tv.


07-29-2005, 12:00 AM
Wait, they took gta san andreas off the shelves?!

I allways love to go into the police station showers for the thingie majigar!

That games cool, i own it. But its pretty bad i mean who cares. They should take porn videos off the shelves also, they dont even HIDE thier sex.

07-29-2005, 12:02 AM
Her husband has an affair- she doesnt drop him
GTA SA has hidden sex- she drops it all over the country

Weird woman she is.

07-29-2005, 12:15 AM
the society in the world is soooo curuped

there are games like the guy game and Leisure Suit Larry wich both show nudity and crap like that but they are not getting sued???

really whats sooo wong about seeing a video game that has a sex scenes

there are pg-13 movies that show breast's and graphic violents and sex scenes ???

damn it.

whats with this world. if you dont want your kid to have it say that on the game.

dont take it out of stores. its like food. you can get a box of cookies that say that they are fat free but really have lots of carb's or sodium or things that can make you gain weight and people dont know about it.

man errrr

well i have to buy mine for my xbox before they cost like 100 bucks jest to get it :D

07-29-2005, 12:25 AM
The coffee mod is wierd... CJ is wearing his clothes. You can like flip around and do all kinds of stuff in it.. yeah. I dont think it was worth having.

07-29-2005, 12:29 AM
Hate to break it, but the ESRB ratings are completly voulentairy. Similar to Movie ratings, it's a self enforcment ratings system. The Video game industry has it in place so the government does not have to be involved. You can easily argue that it's a highly worthelss system, but rest assured that without it, there would be a lot more upset politicians. Having folks who are not a part of the industry try to regulate the content is a very bad idea.

Feel free to call Hillary all kinds of funny names, I'm all for that. However, you can hardly blame her for Rock Star's sillyness.

07-29-2005, 12:31 AM
You guys are hilarious.

And it's obvious you need to lay off the video games.

If you want the game, you're still going to be able to get the game. I'm not one to tout censorship, but jeez, do you REALLY want an 8 y/o playing that game? How about this-- complain about real censorship. Complain about free speech violations, heck, complain about the swearing filter on this site, or the censors that schools put on computers (which ensure that you cannot access stuff like... oh, say, gay rights pages and info on breast cancer). Complain about radios filtering songs, or TV censoring movies. Porn is what it says it is. You buy porn to GET PORN. You buy video games to get video games-- NOT PORN.

Do NOT complain about a stupid video game (which you'll still be able to access) getting a higher rating.

Honestly, I don't think the company that makes this game is going to be complaining anyway. This controversy is going to make sales go through the roof.

07-29-2005, 12:36 AM
You guys are hilarious.

And it's obvious you need to lay off the video games.

If you want the game, you're still going to be able to get the game. I'm not one to tout censorship, but jeez, do you REALLY want an 8 y/o playing that game? How about this-- complain about real censorship. Complain about free speech violations, heck, complain about the swearing filter on this site, or the censors that schools put on computers (which ensure that you cannot access stuff like... oh, say, gay rights pages and info on breast cancer). Complain about radios filtering songs, or TV censoring movies. Porn is what it says it is. You buy porn to GET PORN. You buy video games to get video games-- NOT PORN.

Do NOT complain about a stupid video game (which you'll still be able to access) getting a higher rating.

Honestly, I don't think the company that makes this game is going to be complaining anyway. This controversy is going to make sales go through the roof.

well like im tring to say if you dont want a young one play it then dont let the kid play it. jest have a info sheet or sign somewere on the gamecase or store about it. really kids are going to do things and with a game that shows nudity is not bad.

also you go to the movies to see action and stars but you will also get sex and drugs. soo really what you said shows nothing.

07-29-2005, 01:15 AM
So, your beloved GTA SA is taken off the shelves. Big damn deal. Is it really such a big deal that you want her dead? Get a life.


07-29-2005, 01:26 AM
It's a freakin game... it's not censorship... it's stupid parents complaining because they don't know how to parent. Parents buy these games for their kids, then complain about it when they see something they don't like. Know what your buying before you buy it. Also with a name of "Grand Theft Auto" I would think that would draw a flag immediately with parents.

Also if you want your voices heard... write to your Senator (as professionally as possible). People complain about what the gov't does... if you don't like it... tell them. They are there for you. Example... radio censorship (Howard Stern). Do I agree with everything that he does... no, but that doesn't give the gov't the right to fine him oddles of money because someone, who happens to be listening, lets a young one hear it. Rediculous. The people who complain aren't many, something like 10%, but people don't stand up for it, so stupid things get passed. Stand up and voice your opinion... and not on a forum either. Send a letter to your congressman, governor, etc. Enough people do it, the gov't might listen.

07-29-2005, 06:39 AM
its not that bad
go to collegehumer.com for the video of it.

07-29-2005, 07:11 AM
You know whats an even bigger crock...

Game was originally rated "M" if I'm not mistaken, which means 17+ to purchase, so the grandmother buys it for her 14 year old grandson, and then sues because there is the potential for nudity in it.

If she was that concerned with the subject matter why'd she even buy it in the first place.

"Ok little Johnie you can beat to death random people in the game with a bat, but you can't have sex."

07-29-2005, 08:17 AM
there are games like the guy game and Leisure Suit Larry wich both show nudity and crap like that but they are not getting sued???

actually the guy game is perm banned for sale in the US because there was a 17 year old in there and they didn't know it. She sued and won a bunch of money and they took it off the shelves for child porn.

However back to GTA. I must admit i love this game and own it on the PS2. However it is rockstars fault because they put it in there. See i am thinking that it was likely just a joke amongst a bunch of programers and they just never took it out (not expecting someone to find it).

Like Hexis said, it is not Hillary's or any other poloticians fault. However feel free to continue the name calling at her expense. The game ratings system did what they felt was right and rockstar is honoring it.

Now because of all the controversy Walmart, Best Buy, and Target all pulled it from their shelves so yes their sales will fall. But if you want the game, you cant tell me you dont know how to get it. Ebay!

07-29-2005, 09:12 AM
You guys are hilarious.

And it's obvious you need to lay off the video games.

If you want the game, you're still going to be able to get the game. I'm not one to tout censorship, but jeez, do you REALLY want an 8 y/o playing that game?

There is thing it is called parenting. jk

heck the game was rated mature so now it gets an adult rating come on.
Heck I'm an adult but there is no one who would dare say that I'm mature.

So for me technically a mature rating is a higher standard to hold on to than an adult rating.

just my stupid opinion.

07-29-2005, 11:13 AM
actually i belive to get the nudity in the game it has to be hacked wich violates the 3rd part agreement.

07-29-2005, 11:22 AM
actually i belive to get the nudity in the game it has to be hacked wich violates the 3rd part agreement.

ya its a mod called the hot coffee mod

look here


07-29-2005, 11:34 AM
*blarg, that would have gotten me banned fo'sho!*

/ninja edit

07-29-2005, 12:09 PM
This is just the latest scapegoat.

Politicians get votes not for what they do that will improve education in 20 years, but for whatever 5 second sound bite they can get the voters to notice on the evening news.

If you look back there is always *some* scapegoat out there that gets people (an I use that term loosely) all worked up. You need someone to blame when the country is all screwed up. Let's see ... a couple of years ago it was smut in broadcasting, then before that it was those psycho gun owners destroying America, then it was rap music, and heavy metal music, and Dungeons & Dragons, and hippies, and homosexuals, and communists, and immigrants, and Jews, and blacks etc., etc., all the way back to probably the beginning of the human race. Same dance, just a different tune.

On a lighter note, I saw a funny bumper sticker someone in Upstate NY made. They do NOT like Hillary in those parts. Anyways, the sticker went like this:

[picture of an eye] [picture of a heart] [picture of Hillary] [picture of a tree] [picture of a music note]

"I love country music" :dance:

07-29-2005, 12:57 PM
[picture of an eye] [picture of a heart] [picture of Hillary] [picture of a tree] [picture of a music note]

"I love country music" :dance:

tee hee hee :p

07-29-2005, 01:46 PM
she will die

now because of her gta san Andreas is pulled from shelfs and gets a AO raiting because theres hidden sex in the game. now how can she find that when bill was off doing god knows what

damn it im moving to canada soo i can feed my face with all the un edited tv shows with unsensord violence and nudity :headbang: :cheers:

this is you i hate the goverment. because of this crap now with jest games but with tv or anything that seems bad. if you like what you see or hear then dont look or listen.

and please dont post saying stop whinning because im not complaing about the game being taken off shelves but im pissed off about this crap with ratings on tv.


Public school education ftw...

07-29-2005, 02:12 PM
[picture of an eye] [picture of a heart] [picture of Hillary] [picture of a tree] [picture of a music note]

"I love country music" :dance:

Oh you card, you! But jeez, guys. Hillary's not that bad. It's just a safe subject to get behind for her. It's not like she's making it illegal to own.

07-29-2005, 04:07 PM
Oh you card, you! But jeez, guys. Hillary's not that bad. It's just a safe subject to get behind for her. It's not like she's making it illegal to own.Good point ... the whole anti gun thing her wife Bill concocted might very well have cost their sewing circle quite a few votes in Florida and ergo that presidential election everyone was so upset over.

It makes you wonder how history would have turned out if the Clintons had gone after real bad guys back then instead of American citizens.

Hell, it's not like any 12 year old has a hard time getting his (or her) hands on pron. Even when I was a kid before the internet alls I had to do was ride my bike to the flea market jesh lol. Maybe she's just sexually frustrated.

07-29-2005, 04:16 PM
..... the grandmother buys it for her 14 year old grandson, and then sues because there is the potential for nudity in it.

"Ok little Johnie you can beat to death random people in the game with a bat, but you can't have sex."

"parenting isn't a sometimes job."

and people why use younger generation is so messed up. i think it's just the lower brains taking over. "and the lower brains say, 'give peace a chance, but first let's kill these [people]."-george carlin

07-29-2005, 10:27 PM
These tools don't learn. Want to increase interest in it? Make it taboo!

Anyone remember She-Bop from Cyndi Lauper? Or the beginning of Advisory labels? = made them more popular!

Hillary should try to ban the Internet... it's infested with pr0n. Every 13 year old with Internet access has already seen hardcore pr0n and Paris Hilton no doubt. The scenes in GTA were quite tame... rated R tame. The scene in Jerry Maguire was much worse.

Retard politicians trying to act like they are doing something.

What I don't understand is... the ability to murder cops, slice the throats of innocent civilians at random, go on murder sprees, burglarize houses, use hookers to gain health power-ups, do pimp missions... this was okay for the shelves. 3D cartoon sex scene no worse than Team America's puppet-sex... causes a problem. Stupid.

07-29-2005, 10:49 PM
These tools don't learn. Want to increase interest in it? Make it taboo!

Anyone remember She-Bop from Cyndi Lauper? Or the beginning of Advisory labels? = made them more popular!

Hillary should try to ban the Internet... it's infested with pr0n. Every 13 year old with Internet access has already seen hardcore pr0n and Paris Hilton no doubt. The scenes in GTA were quite tame... rated R tame. The scene in Jerry Maguire was much worse.

Retard politicians trying to act like they are doing something.

What I don't understand is... the ability to murder cops, slice the throats of innocent civilians at random, go on murder sprees, burglarize houses, use hookers to gain health power-ups, do pimp missions... this was okay for the shelves. 3D cartoon sex scene no worse than Team America's puppet-sex... causes a problem. Stupid.

ooooh puppet sex...

be right back...

07-30-2005, 12:28 AM
Yeah I was pretty mad when I heard about that. The fact that it required 3rd party hacking of the game in order to get to the sex scene made me laugh. People are stupid, case closed.

07-30-2005, 08:55 AM
Aha- now I can buy hundreds copies and sell them for ridiculous prices to the US population. Muahahahaha

07-30-2005, 02:01 PM
Personally, I can't stand the GTA games, but they've been pulled off shelves before, IIRC. I'm assuming since they're still around, that this won't affect them that much.

this is you i hate the goverment. because of this crap now with jest games but with tv or anything that seems bad. if you like what you see or hear then dont look or listen.


This statement makes no sense to me whatsoever. Also, just is spelled with a U .

Ken Majors
07-30-2005, 02:15 PM
I hate to admit it but when I read the name of this thread I thought you were saying that "Genuine Tippmann Accessories" are being taken out of stores.

Guess my mind was focused on paintball.

07-30-2005, 06:41 PM

07-30-2005, 08:05 PM
I think its hilarious that this game had to get pulled for a hidden sex game of all things. The whole basis of the game is violence, murder, theft, corruption, blood and havok in general...much worse activities than hot coffe really. The american attitude towards sex is so insane that we let the kiddies pull the trigger on cops and civilians (and gangs for that matter), but God forbid they see some sex! I'm just waiting for a teen to come home with his preggers gf and blame it on a video game.

That said, GTA is a great game. Obviously not for kids and if the parents need the gov to tell them that, they need to put the kids up for adoption and go buy a fish, cause thats about the level of responsability I'd trust em with...

Amen :)

07-30-2005, 08:52 PM
Let's see here. One more ho until my pimp mission is done. When that's over, I think I might go run down some pedestrians and take their money, kill any cops that get in my way, and chop up a few people with a chainsaw. Then I have to intercept some drug money and fly a toy plane into a building.

Yeah, now that I can see a fully cloathed man hump a poorly rendered naked woman after using an external device and a long list of codes, this totally needs an AO rating.

08-01-2005, 02:26 PM
I am a parent of kids who love video games. I for one am glad to see this game getting an AO rating. It should. Why is anyone complaining? What do you have against this rating?

To those who say it's all up to the parents, you must not be one yet. There are many, many times when your 11-year child is not in your direct control. You can't preview every movie, video game, etc. before they see it. Sometimes they will be exposed to it at other kids houses. Other parents who had NO idea this existed may unwilling allow their child to play this game and expose both of them. Kids are really good at finding the cheat codes for the games they play. And until reading this article I never thought anything of it. Had I not watched a report on TV about GTA I would have never known there was a problem.

Video games are targeted at children. If they start including age inappropriate stuff in them and without the proper ratings you WILL see government intervention. And I will support it, even though I am a staunch smaller govt. type.

08-01-2005, 02:32 PM

08-01-2005, 03:18 PM
I am a parent of kids who love video games. I for one am glad to see this game getting an AO rating. It should. Why is anyone complaining? What do you have against this rating?

Not really against the AO rating but I believe it should have had that rating when you were allowed to kill ppl at random. My roommate use to see how long he could last in a standoff against the police, fbi, and national guard in the game, it was funny but I don't think being able to beat someone to death with a sexual aid is appropriate for any kids. I personally thought the original GTA through GTA 3 were pretty good for an original idea for mature adults who can seperate reality from fiction (then again I'm aiming high).

To those who say it's all up to the parents, you must not be one yet. There are many, many times when your 11-year child is not in your direct control. You can't preview every movie, video game, etc. before they see it. Sometimes they will be exposed to it at other kids houses. Other parents who had NO idea this existed may unwilling allow their child to play this game and expose both of them. Kids are really good at finding the cheat codes for the games they play. And until reading this article I never thought anything of it. Had I not watched a report on TV about GTA I would have never known there was a problem.

You are right that parents cannot be everywhere they kids are but how kids learn and deal with these situations do need to be address by parents. I find it a little disturbing that parents didn't have more outrage over the fact that you could pick up a hooker , have some fun in the car and then proceed to kill the hooker to regain some of the money that was used. Are we saying that sex is so inappropriate but violence is fine? As for not knowing about the problem with GTA it did have a mature rating 17+, and just the name of the game
Grand Theft Auto. So is the concept of being able to carjack someone (and it can be very violent if you choose to) acceptable for kids to be looking at. Or even stealling a parked car (The whupping that I got from my folks when I did it, I learned stealing is not acceptable quickly ).

Video games are targeted at children. If they start including age inappropriate stuff in them and without the proper ratings you WILL see government intervention. And I will support it, even though I am a staunch smaller govt. type.

The ratings are also voluntary. Heck if you look at music how many of the latest hits have explicit rating on it vs the ones that don't. It has almost become a badge of honor to have an explicit rating. Heck I'm pretty sure GTA san andreas sales were starting to drop so to fund their next project (GTA: Las Vegas????) they probably leaked it into the press. They did the same thing when Vice city was starting to lose steam. Ppl realize this is just free advertisement for them. Heck I refuse to own any of the GTA games cuz I think they are a novel game but I just can't get into the stupidity of the game some times (ex you beat someone to death and everyone runs away for 2 sec before returning to be the next victim.

08-01-2005, 03:40 PM
Actually, many of the "other" reasons you listed is why they aren't allowed to play it. However, he has played it, at a friends house. i have to believe that if it had an Adults Only rating his friends parents would not have allowed them to play it. And if they did I would know not to allow him over there anymore. ;)

08-01-2005, 05:51 PM

08-01-2005, 06:00 PM
I don't. However, because the rating system isn't very good, some of the MA rated games are fine. That being said, the other parents shouldn't have let them play it anyway :nono: (it was the first GTA version I believe, if that makes any difference). And he hasn't been back since I found out, althought that is necessarily the reason. But it certainly changed my opinion of said parents.

08-02-2005, 03:02 AM
Why is anyone complaining? What do you have against this rating?
Because for them to change the rating of a game based on something that you CAN'T EVEN ACCESS without buying an Action Replay for PS2 or downloading a mod for PC is simply stupid. It's not like some little kid is going to stumble upon it. If you see "Hot Coffee" it's because YOU WANTED TO.

Oh well, most people that wanted it before probobly already have it, and people that didn't know too much about it now probobly want it to see what the fuss is about. It's win-win for Rockstar.

08-02-2005, 03:52 AM
I like the mom(mad about hidden porn) saying how computer savvy her kid is, when little does she know about her sons 100 gig kazza porn file. :eek:

"Lawyers for 18-year-old Devin Moore, accused of killing police officers, are blaming that game for a cold-blooded shooting spree that took place in Alabama."

"What happened to just plain crazy people?" -chris rock-

and i'm certain there are many low, low, income parents ready to sue for a piece of that two billion dollar pie.

08-02-2005, 09:37 AM
I don't. However, because the rating system isn't very good, some of the MA rated games are fine. That being said, the other parents shouldn't have let them play it anyway :nono: (it was the first GTA version I believe, if that makes any difference). And he hasn't been back since I found out, althought that is necessarily the reason. But it certainly changed my opinion of said parents.

I'm not sure what your definition of MA rated games being fine. but that is your opinion.
And as for parents that ignore the ratings they are the ones that are allowing this to happen shame on them. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the first version of GTA. More likely GTAIII, or GTA: vice city. (Same engine diffrent city) but the violence and picking up of streetwalkers were still in those versions.

My question is how you have addressed it to your child why that is not right for him or her?
Cuz I know when I was a kid anything my parents say I couldn't do just created more of a need to do it.

My mom actually stopped my binge drinking at 17 by buying me a keg it took a lot of fun of the drinking illegally if your mom didn't care. (but times are different now a days cuz mom would be in jail for doing such a thing.)

08-02-2005, 12:08 PM
I'm not sure what your definition of MA rated games being fine. but that is your opinion.

I saw nothing in Halo 2 that I felt was a problem.

08-02-2005, 12:13 PM
My question is how you have addressed it to your child why that is not right for him or her?

Actually, I got lucky. First, he thought the game was boring. That probably means he didn't discover any of that stuff, or didn't understand it. He also hasn't been back to that kids house. I told him the game had age inappropriate stuff in it and he wasn't allowed to play it, REGARDLESS of what any other adult said. He is use to that reasoning and we have been successful in the past. We have to do that with their Dad :( (I'm step-dad).

08-02-2005, 12:28 PM
Actually, I got lucky. First, he thought the game was boring. That probably means he didn't discover any of that stuff, or didn't understand it. He also hasn't been back to that kids house. I told him the game had age inappropriate stuff in it and he wasn't allowed to play it, REGARDLESS of what any other adult said. He is use to that reasoning and we have been successful in the past. We have to do that with their Dad :( (I'm step-dad).

I'm glad to hear that he found the game boring (not a favorite of mine either). All I can say is good luck once he starts getting a little older. I think Halo 2 got a Mature rating for violence also but I find that it is more of a fantasy type of violence (aliens and all) where as GTA is more realistic setting. I'm also pretty sure that Halo wanted a mature rating to boost it sales.