View Full Version : loaders- halo b or empire reloader b?

07-29-2005, 12:30 PM
ok so i have come to a fork in the road. i need to get a new loader but cant decide.

i am stuck between halo b and empire reloader and have a few questions my research has been unable to find.

what is rip drive?
what is the big difference between the 2?
are they really battery hogs?
do the back buttons ever break?
what is the z code?
what are other things to make it go fater?
any downsides of the loaders?

i will be shooting an emag and if i sell my revvy i will use it on my z gripped mag.

and for thoes of you who decide to rant about the search button i did a price check, i went to breview and i watched some speedtests :D

07-29-2005, 12:35 PM
what is rip drive?
what is the big difference between the 2?
are they really battery hogs?
do the back buttons ever break?
what is the z code?
what are other things to make it go fater?
any downsides of the loaders?

Rip is a dial on the underside of the hopper that lets you turn the feed cone in event of dead batteries or something like that.
Reloader uses a microphone on the board, normal halo uses eyes in the neck of the hopper. Reloader is slightly faster.
The buttons can break off, but they won't if you treat them right
Z code is for normal halos with stock boards. I think all new halos come with Z code.
Aftermarket boards can make Halos go faster, though they can drain batteries faster as well, and Victory has been known to jam up some people quite often.
Downsides.... expensive, heavy, can't hold tons of paint, the feed cones break, and the shells don't last very well.

I personally would go with a Reloader and rip drive, I think it's faster and more reliable than a normal halo. Dirty eyes or eyes that have slipped out of place can ruin your day on a normal Halo, and are a pain to clean.

07-29-2005, 12:38 PM
what is rip drive? A device that allows you to unwind or wind the loader by hand,must have IMO

what is the big difference between the 2? Sound activation and varible speed Vs Eyes

are they really battery hogs? not IMO , batteries last just fine but I use Rechargables

do the back buttons ever break? never broke one myself, only seen it when taken apart wrong

what is the z code? software version, came before the 35bps stuff you see know

what are other things to make it go fater? it goes faster than you'll ever need

any downsides of the loaders? Shells will crack and break eventaully

Other thasn that it's basically eyes (suck if they get paint in them)versus sound activation (some guns to quiet). get the Rip drive on either one.

07-29-2005, 01:39 PM
any other things you have learned from expierence? to annyone?

07-29-2005, 02:02 PM
Downsides.... expensive, heavy, can't hold tons of paint, the feed cones break, and the shells don't last very well.

I've never had a problem with the shells lasting. They last much better than Eggs do, which break if you more than look at them.

Other thasn that it's basically eyes (suck if they get paint in them)versus sound activation (some guns to quiet). get the Rip drive on either one.

If you have a problem with the reloader not feeding properly, then you likely didn't follow the directions and didn't turn the Halo on before loading the paint.

07-29-2005, 02:31 PM
Reloader B.

Its much faster and more consistant than my friends Halo B.

07-29-2005, 03:37 PM
I've never had a problem with the shells lasting. They last much better than Eggs do, which break if you more than look at them.

Well then, lucky you.

They are definitely much better than Egg shells though. Haha, eggshells. How appropriate.

07-29-2005, 04:19 PM
any other things you have learned from expierence? to annyone?

Basically that it. I have 2 Halo B and 3 Re Bs and honestly theres very little difference between them overall. I lean towards the ReB just a tad only cause I have broken paint in a Halo and have it stop feeding. They both completely suck if you break paint in them but at least you can shoot splooge out of the Re B in desperation if under pressure in a game. ;)

Even then I rarely pay attention to which I grab before a game. It's usually which ever one I have charged batteries in.