View Full Version : Dragonforce slays dragons.

08-01-2005, 12:03 AM
In case you didn't know.

Have a listen, if you are lame and haven't heard of the greatest dragon slaying band known to man:


08-01-2005, 01:15 AM
They're .... OKay.

Sorry, but over the past 25 years I've literally hear a thousand bands just like this. Candlemass, Twin Obscenity, Tvangeste, Since the Flood, Candiria, My Dying Bride, Forgotten Tomb, Dragonlord, Blind Guardian, Moonspell, Daemonarch etc, etc ... these guys arn't bad but they have a long way to go before they're as good as Dio, Testament, Arch Enemy, Celtic Frost, Emperor, Iced Earth, Lamb of God or even 3 Inches of Blood.

08-01-2005, 01:51 AM
ahhaha holy crap me and my friends listen to them all the time

08-01-2005, 10:41 AM

case and point

08-01-2005, 04:07 PM
They're .... OKay.

Sorry, but over the past 25 years I've literally hear a thousand bands just like this. Candlemass, Twin Obscenity, Tvangeste, Since the Flood, Candiria, My Dying Bride, Forgotten Tomb, Dragonlord, Blind Guardian, Moonspell, Daemonarch etc, etc ... these guys arn't bad but they have a long way to go before they're as good as Dio, Testament, Arch Enemy, Celtic Frost, Emperor, Iced Earth, Lamb of God or even 3 Inches of Blood.
Almost every band you listed is a band I listen to and thoroughly enjoy, but your point has to be a joke. I think the band is so corny and overdone that it is comical to listen to them, but the talent they have absolutely destroys the ones you listed. Completely.

Lamb of God? Are you kidding me? Better than Dagronforcez? Negative. (and yes, I like Lamb of God)

I didn't think old guys listened to hardcore anyways.

Enraged Monk
08-01-2005, 04:34 PM
Kind of bland to me, as statated before, there have been tons of bands like this before, and they are still coming out everyday. Other than that it was okay, not too great, not too bad, like being in purgatory...

08-01-2005, 10:37 PM
I didn't think old guys listened to hardcore anyways.Guys my age invented hardcore/grindcore/death/black/doom metal ... and paintball ... and personal computers ... and the internet lol.

Hey, did you hear that the new special edition of Nymphetamine by Cradle of Filth has an old Bathory song with King Diamond singing on it? Talk about old school. I don't particularly like CoF but at least Liv Kristine sings on the title track and she was great in Theater of Tragedy. Dang, I still have the original vinyl record of Mercyful Fate's Mellisa that I skipped school and bought at the original Newbury Comics (c: