View Full Version : Anything you can come up with as a complete reliable gun.

08-01-2005, 12:10 AM
Im looking for a friend of mind for a nice mech pb gun for $450 or less. It would be really helpfull if every body droped in there two cents on what gun would be a great purchase for $450 or less. Complete gun asa /rail on of/ Bottomline included.

08-01-2005, 12:29 AM
You can buy an RT Pro ULE with bottomline from AGD for that much and it will be a great, reliable marker. Anoteher option is a Blazer which is a Palmer marker. I think you could get a decent one in your price range and it will run great on co2.

08-01-2005, 12:55 AM
What do you consider nice? 'Mags are great guns of course, but not so popular anymore. I've had mine for 10 years though and it's reliable as all hell and about as nice of a mechanical gun as you can get, especially with a double finder "Intelliframe" trigger. As far as "high end" goes, Autocockers are the standard for mechanical guns, but they can be temperamental. However, Cockers are very popular still so they're upgradeable to the max, they can be found cheap used in any paintball store, and are as accurate as a paintball maker can get.

Is your friend into woodsball? Tippmann's are great mechanical markers. People have been known to run them over and they still worked. They're very popular as well, so they can be customized to the way your friend would like it and it's within his price range.

08-01-2005, 01:00 AM
Be a rebel. Get a mag.


Gnarly prices. Sweet markers. Great guy.

08-01-2005, 01:01 AM
i have an A-5 that is like no other. it is going to bold this week (hopefully)

it hasnt failed me yet, and im sellin for 350. chops 1 in 2,000.

but otherwise, get a mag. it is the most reliable marker out there, and with the level 10 you cant go wrong. look in the b/s/t forums and you can find a sweet deal on a mag.

welcome to the automag world and AO

08-01-2005, 01:31 AM
QUality Mechanical...

Well, start off with the list of usual suspects -
WGP - Autococker
AGD - Automag
Palmer's PS - Blazer
Tippmann - A-5

umm.... baring custom labels and clones of the above stated that's about it. I include the A-5 because, well... it's about as tough and reliable as they come.

Things to be aware of with the Blazer - Because it is a non-threaded barrel design there are virtually zero aftermarket barrels for them and the barrels from PPS are expensive. Apart from that, it's a compact Autococker.

Cockers are reliable provided the user doesn't fiddle with them all the time. My 99 AC works great and doesn't need adjusting beyond velocity over the chrono. Pro-Stocks are good guns and are a pretty good value these days.

Automags are pretty solid as well, with level 10 and ULT in the picture initial set-up and tuning are somewhat difficult/trying however if you just have Level 10 installed it's pretty much plug and play out of the box. (Remember to buy a barrel though if you don't get a Tac-One, Minimag or a Pro-Classic)

Tippmann A-5's are about as "out of the box" ready as you'll find just about anything, screw in an air source and feed the power of a pneumatic force feed system. No additional hoppers to buy (unless you want the Ricochet A-5 hopper or a Tac-Cap) or batteries to buy for your loader.

When tuned and set-up propperly, each of the guns above will serve well in a veriety of roles from Scenario play to tourney ball. Cockers, Mags and A-5's all have upgrade routes which can take you to where ever you want to go after your initial purchase.

08-01-2005, 01:34 AM
Well see I own a mag myself but my friend here wants to have something just as cool........but just as diferent. That and he is into just about any paint play you can get into.

// TheMagSmith // That place has given me some problems with ordering another mag. I checked it out with customer service and they said check out Pay Pall, then Pay Pall said get ahold of your credit card company. Master Card said all was fine so I re emailed TheMagSmith to ask if I could just do it over the phone. Hopefully crosses fingers...haaa lovely Mags they have.

08-01-2005, 08:17 AM
Other dealers you're friend might want to consider getting a mag from are:


Those guys have great prices and mags as well. They will take care of ya, especially senior Tuna.

08-01-2005, 11:31 AM
QUality Mechanical...

Things to be aware of with the Blazer - Because it is a non-threaded barrel design there are virtually zero aftermarket barrels for them and the barrels from PPS are expensive. Apart from that, it's a compact Autococker.

you don't need an after market barrel with a Blazer. Secondly, calling a Blazer a compact autococker is like calling a Ducati motorcycle a motorized bicycle. A blazer is a closed bolt autococking gun, but similarities end there. There is no exposed tubing, all air channels are built right into the gun, you don't have a back block that moves, rather just the bolt and the linkage. A very solid and reliable setup.

08-01-2005, 01:31 PM
Thank you guys ITS Tunamart that I'm going with now, Sorry MagSmith.

More guns more guns I have talked to my friend of all AO has suggested he wants more options.

08-01-2005, 03:16 PM
you don't need an after market barrel with a Blazer.

...you will when the paint doesn't fit the barrel correctly...

I'd also argue the Blazer basically *IS* a compact Autococker. You said yourself the Blazer has no internal hoses, no big backblock, etc, but functions just like an Autococker (a closed bolt gun). So how is it *NOT* basically a compact Autococker?

08-01-2005, 11:16 PM
Well my friend has found his gun I guess, whatever. An ICD Promaster anyone have some insight on this marker ???

08-01-2005, 11:40 PM
you don't need an after market barrel with a Blazer. Secondly, calling a Blazer a compact autococker is like calling a Ducati motorcycle a motorized bicycle. A blazer is a closed bolt autococking gun, but similarities end there. There is no exposed tubing, all air channels are built right into the gun, you don't have a back block that moves, rather just the bolt and the linkage. A very solid and reliable setup.

Well I'll disagree because the AC is partially a PPS design and they are both pneumatically operated pump guns which opperate with the same components that perform the same jobs. The bits that operate the pneumatic pump cycle are in different positions but are all still there. I suppose, just to make you happy, that drawing a likeness of the Blazer to a PGP would be more appealing since you seem to have a very high opinion of the afore mentioned gun and decidedly less so of the Autococker.

For the record, a Ducati is a highly evolved specialized bicycle with a motor. Don't forget how Motorcycles got their start.

I have my opinion, and that is that the Blazer is a compact Autococker, because the entire stem of the name comes from the fact that they are both self cycling pump guns along with the reasons above. You're free to disagree with me, I realise the two guns look nothing alike but that doesn't stop that they still function on the same principles and (similar) components.

The ICD ProMaster is the 2005 Edition of the Bushmaster 2000 and is basically a "poor mans" version of the Defiant II. ICD makes solid guns and I'd own one (still) if it weren't for the fact that I didn't like how my '00 Bushmaster felt.