View Full Version : PsychoBallistics SuperBolt

08-01-2005, 01:30 PM
I picked one up for $109 at IAO. For those who don't know, they are REALLY cheap knockoffs of the Dye Reflex. NPS/PB makes them.

They come dry as a bone and REALLY untimed. Luckily Dan (spleefstylez) is a cocker guy, so he timed it up for me.

The pneus are utter crap. The LPR pisses air, the ram is attached about as solidly as a loose tooth, and the three-way just blows. The hinge trigger is also pretty crappy. In general, its about what you should expect for a $109 cocker.

But it DOES work. I have a feeling with anything approaching heavy use the pneumatics would break down, but I bought it with the intention of slapping a CCM pump kit on it and making it a SC marker.

Heres two pics, I just tossed it together last night to mess around with it.



I need to get a CCM pump kit with a clear pump handle, a SC stick feed that can screw into the feed tube, and a stock. Project time :)

08-01-2005, 02:24 PM
I have one of those beasts too....A REAL POS. At least your neumatics worked. I was not so fortunate. I ended up replacing EVERYTHING on the gun, except for the bolt, as it is not a standard cocker bolt.

Beware of the folowing - the spring loaded BB assembly that keeps the bolt in place WILL fall apart.

and the feedneck WILL fall out, probably at the worst possible time.

08-01-2005, 04:51 PM
I hate these things, I am a gun tech and my local field is trying to sell these things. I have had about 1 out of 3 luck with these guns. The first one I had to replace a cup seal straight out of the box, but it worked fine after that. The other 2 I have had to work on never saw the light of day. It seems like there is nowhere for the return pressure of the ram to go, and it sticks until the 3-way finally releases it. If you replaced every part or like you said made into a SC, I think the bodies are a really inexpensive way to get your own custom cocker. Other than that whoever made these should be shot!


08-01-2005, 05:12 PM
My buddy bought one just like that two weeks ago from paintballgear.com--it came with a free Halo B (I wonder why...)
Anyway, the first time he hooked air up to it--all of the lines blew! :rofl:
The thing is a POS. He sent it back to PBgear.com--no hassles there!

Anyway, I guess if you replaced everything with aftermarket parts, you'd have yourself a really expensive genuine imitation Autococker.

08-01-2005, 05:45 PM
Yeah if I bought this intending for it to be a real cocker, I'd be grumpy.

But all I really need is the body and grip frame. And they'll do fine.

08-01-2005, 05:46 PM
My buddy bought one just like that two weeks ago from paintballgear.com--it came with a free Halo B (I wonder why...)
Anyway, the first time he hooked air up to it--all of the lines blew! :rofl:
The thing is a POS. He sent it back to PBgear.com--no hassles there!

Anyway, I guess if you replaced everything with aftermarket parts, you'd have yourself a really expensive genuine imitation Autococker.

LOL yeah it actually shoots pretty good now. Fortunately I was able to scounge lots of good used parts off of the forums.