View Full Version : Its a sad day...I finally sold out.

08-01-2005, 08:37 PM
I sold off my "primary" Mag. I sold my backup Mag. I did keep a classic just cause...but,

I have been a huge fan of the mag since I bought my first one a few years back. I discovered LX and thought it was the best invention since sliced bread. The RT valve....all the weight loss with the X valve and goodies like the ULE, Logic's Alpha rail...so light, and super quick for a mech. Lots of fun. Very dependable after breaking in and properly tuning the LX.

Well this generation of "current" mags, differs very little except in weight from the same thing that has been available from AGD for the past 10+ years. And with the legal atmosphere surrounding paintball, they have decided to bow out so to speak, sit back on the laurels, subsiding ( questionable to many) on whats left of their reputation of a quality old design. I can see in many ways, given the current market where this was a financially intelligent choice. Its a shame, but if its where Tom, and more recently Zupe wish to take AGD, I can't change that.

Given the nature of the game on the average field today, a game I have decided to play and enjoy, even given the current dynamic. I decided since AGD wasn't going to go out on a limb and update their design that I would have to go with what was available with the nearest feel and profile....

I completly went traitor and bought myself a Shocker. It feels like a Mag. Its looks a great deal like one. This is the marker than AGD should have made. Similar to the single tube, light and SUPER fast. Its nowhere near as dependable, but I suppose I had to give up something.
I hated to do it. I hate to see AGD letting the market get away. Just my opinion I guess, but I honestly think this is running to oblivion.

I really enjoy these forums. I will certainly keep posting as long as y'all will have me. Hopefully AGD, or whatever it is to become will pull something off as revolutionary as the mag was so many years ago.

08-01-2005, 09:18 PM
Enjoy your Shocker. If you have any questions/problems join www.shockerowners.com and ask Ydna, he's our go-to guy.:)

08-01-2005, 09:19 PM
I sold off my "primary" Mag. I sold my backup Mag. I did keep a classic just cause...but,

I have been a huge fan of the mag since I bought my first one a few years back. I discovered LX and thought it was the best invention since sliced bread. The RT valve....all the weight loss with the X valve and goodies like the ULE, Logic's Alpha rail...so light, and super quick for a mech. Lots of fun. Very dependable after breaking in and properly tuning the LX.

Well this generation of "current" mags, differs very little except in weight from the same thing that has been available from AGD for the past 10+ years. And with the legal atmosphere surrounding paintball, they have decided to bow out so to speak, sit back on the laurels, subsiding ( questionable to many) on whats left of their reputation of a quality old design. I can see in many ways, given the current market where this was a financially intelligent choice. Its a shame, but if its where Tom, and more recently Zupe wish to take AGD, I can't change that.

Given the nature of the game on the average field today, a game I have decided to play and enjoy, even given the current dynamic. I decided since AGD wasn't going to go out on a limb and update their design that I would have to go with what was available with the nearest feel and profile....

I completly went traitor and bought myself a Shocker. It feels like a Mag. Its looks a great deal like one. This is the marker than AGD should have made. Similar to the single tube, light and SUPER fast. Its nowhere near as dependable, but I suppose I had to give up something.
I hated to do it. I hate to see AGD letting the market get away. Just my opinion I guess, but I honestly think this is running to oblivion.

I really enjoy these forums. I will certainly keep posting as long as y'all will have me. Hopefully AGD, or whatever it is to become will pull something off as revolutionary as the mag was so many years ago.

You're not a sell out.
You bought what you wanted.
Dont let anyone give you a bad time about it.
I dont like shockers, but if you like it, then more power to you.
Enjoy the marker, guy.

08-01-2005, 09:33 PM
Your not selling out. You got what you liked best.

Shockers are pretty great, especially with some of the aftermarket boards.

Enjoy it and get your arse out and use it.

08-01-2005, 09:48 PM
i forsee that eventually you will want a mag back. most likeley when you are old and decrepit... lol... but you kept your classic! yea.

08-01-2005, 09:58 PM
Mags are awesome when you're just playing some walk on rec ball, woodball or even a scenario world. Just bust out the Shocker for tournament play.

08-01-2005, 10:10 PM
I am not a Smart Parts fan but the new shocker has a lot of Mag like features, One guy that I play paintball with had a blue freeflow that I shot and it was real lite and quick! i myselfsold my first mag a (hyperframed one that was real quick) and we have had several classics in our arsenal and I then bought a Viking upgraded that until it was wicked fast, then sold it for a e-mag, then a E-bladed cocker sold it , bought a Timmy sold it, and now I have R/T mag that I built from scratch (ule body, ult trigger kit, Intelliframe) etc! The moral to my story is that I just can't get away from them for long with out going back! Good Luck with your shocker!

08-01-2005, 10:14 PM
I would have bought a shocker with the money I spent on my mag had I owned another mag before it. The shockers are almost as light if not ligher than the ULE mags, have many more upgrades (different companies and they are still making new stuff) and are made by a company that stands by their warranty (not that AGD doesnt)

The mag is simply outdated when compared to the guns of today. The only thing it still holds over other guns is durability.. once you finally get it tuned right it will never stop working. AGD needs to spend whatever money they have left in the research and development field and make a gun similar to the Ion. I think the ion has made more money for a company that any other gun based on the sale #'s. It is cheap to produce, and could be very popular if they do it right.

Mr. Mouse
08-02-2005, 12:00 AM
its ok... i have a shocker... and soon to be timmy.... and soon to be angel.... (both guns are shipping out this week) and yet i still have a custom built mag and i built my dad a e-mag and built my bro a hyper mag, i dont find my self to be a sellout but i find myself to be a gun whore =) but shockers are amazing i got mine all up'd n stuff with the he bolt, virtue board (AMAZING!!!), cp trigger, freak back, ndz feedneck, shockers are amazing and will never break if you keep good maintence on them, and your not selling out so i wouldnt worry about that

b&r automag
08-02-2005, 01:10 AM
I am in the same shoes as you are. I bought almost all the extras for a mag that there is (DAllara, Karta, RPG frame, LOgic Frame, X-valve, Y-grip, etc....etc.) I finally gave in and got a shocker to keep up with everyone. I admit I don't play with my 2 mags anymore and the shocker is the best investment ever....but as hard as it is I still can't sell my automags. I was close to trading my Karta but just ended up keeping it and bought the shocker straight. Now that Coolhand has the new eframe for the mag....I placed my order in and I hope I'll be able to show off my mags once again and maybe make my shocker the backup... :rolleyes: hmmmmm....but that's a hard one.

08-02-2005, 10:21 AM

AO is about players mainly, not so much markers. :cheers:

Load SM5
08-02-2005, 11:18 AM
Heck, the only AGD thing I currently own is a hat....

08-02-2005, 02:26 PM
Heh, I'll stick to my E-Mag for all around play, but rock on wit your Shocker man!