View Full Version : Fish... how can you stand it? The anti-sushi thread

08-03-2005, 01:09 AM
Ok, the sushi thread made me think of this. I ate sushi before and the overwhelming taste of strong fishyness was just nausiating. I like fish, like salmon or tuna, or various white fish. But I can't stand the asain fish. It tastes and smells sooo... fishy. And I don't know about you guys but I personally find the smell of raw fish as disgusting as rotting fish. And the taste is pretty much the same as the smell. So how can people eat sushie and other really strong tasting fish? I don't understand it, I mean cmon, fish is just generally related to smells that aren't good, and when it tastes the same, why do people eat it? I'm so confused. Well ya, anyone not like the taste of fish for the same reasons I do, and people that do like sushi and strong tasting fish, what makes you like it?

Target Practice
08-03-2005, 02:13 AM
Ok, the sushi thread made me think of this. I ate sushi before and the overwhelming taste of strong fishyness was just nausiating. I like fish, like salmon or tuna, or various white fish. But I can't stand the asain fish. It tastes and smells sooo... fishy. And I don't know about you guys but I personally find the smell of raw fish as disgusting as rotting fish. And the taste is pretty much the same as the smell. So how can people eat sushie and other really strong tasting fish? I don't understand it, I mean cmon, fish is just generally related to smells that aren't good, and when it tastes the same, why do people eat it? I'm so confused. Well ya, anyone not like the taste of fish for the same reasons I do, and people that do like sushi and strong tasting fish, what makes you like it?

If the fish you're eating is fishy, it's being cooked wrong.

To hell with you, man, I love fish.

08-03-2005, 05:30 AM
If the fish you're eating is fishy, it's being cooked wrong.

To hell with you, man, I love fish.

if it's cooked, it isn't sushi...

08-03-2005, 06:06 AM
Ok, the sushi thread made me think of this. I ate sushi before and the overwhelming taste of strong fishyness was just nausiating. I like fish, like salmon or tuna, or various white fish. But I can't stand the asain fish. It tastes and smells sooo... fishy. And I don't know about you guys but I personally find the smell of raw fish as disgusting as rotting fish. And the taste is pretty much the same as the smell. So how can people eat sushie and other really strong tasting fish? I don't understand it, I mean cmon, fish is just generally related to smells that aren't good, and when it tastes the same, why do people eat it? I'm so confused. Well ya, anyone not like the taste of fish for the same reasons I do, and people that do like sushi and strong tasting fish, what makes you like it?
Just douse the stuff in wasabi sause and you wont taste any fish at all

08-03-2005, 06:49 AM
by "dousing" you are ruining the taste of the sushi...please read up on some webpages about how to "properly" eat sushi....it is to be lightly dipped in soy sauce(the fish not the rice if eating nigiri)

08-03-2005, 07:56 AM
I'm down with the anti-sushi movement

08-03-2005, 10:35 AM
If the fish you're eating is fishy, it's being cooked wrong.

To hell with you, man, I love fish.

Thats exactly what I was saying. I can eat fish and enjoy it, I don't understand how people can eat sushi and other asian fish. Its just nasty. It taste like fish bioches!!!!!!! The taste just reminds me of a corpse thats been rotting under water for like 5 years.

08-03-2005, 10:38 AM
Dude, if you are eating sushi, and it smells / tastes fishy, get the hell out of that restaurant. That means it isn't fresh, and they shouldn't be making sushi out of it.

If you eat sushi that smells / tastes fishy, you could get food poisoning pretty easily, not to mention it prolly won't taste very good.

The only exception to this rule that I can think of is if you get eel. Eel tends to have a strong flavor no matter how its prepared.

08-03-2005, 10:56 AM
K I dont like any fish, I can tolerate fish sticks and catfish... but anything else, NO gimmie some real meat, not fish....

Target Practice
08-03-2005, 12:18 PM

Yeah, what Thordic said.

08-03-2005, 01:10 PM
by "dousing" you are ruining the taste of the sushi...please read up on some webpages about how to "properly" eat sushi....it is to be lightly dipped in soy sauce(the fish not the rice if eating nigiri)
i know that but if he wants to get rid of the taste you can do that but it total defeats the purpose

08-03-2005, 07:19 PM
You DO realize that sushi is made with "salmon or tuna, or various white fish" ... right?

I second what the other person said, if your sushi is too fishy, chances are the fish being used is much too old and should be avoided. Fresh, proper cuts of fish used for sushi should have very light smell and taste (stuff like smoked salmon and unagi aside).

08-03-2005, 07:24 PM
Down with fish!! Down with fish!! I am not a seafood eater. Sorry folks but sushi is just buck nasty. If fish were meant to be eaten raw, then why did george forman make a grill??

08-03-2005, 11:32 PM
who they hell pays to eat fish. i just catch mine own and eat it how i want.

08-03-2005, 11:38 PM
who they hell pays to eat fish. i just catch mine own and eat it how i want.


bam wannabe
08-04-2005, 09:40 AM
i love fish, my personal favorit is Cod baked in the oven with butter... damn im hungry.

but sushi, i dont know... it doesnt seem right to eat fish raw. and i dont like fishy fish (sounds weird saying that) but some fish have different taste and i can only tolerate certain kinds... but love them (cod, bass, trout, whiting....) but eh, whatever

08-04-2005, 10:29 AM
i love salmon, it tastes like chicken, and i also really love shrimp, but thats about it.

08-04-2005, 10:30 AM
I don't like it, so how can anyone else possibly like it :confused:

08-04-2005, 12:59 PM
to hell with all of you anti-sushi weirdos, WELL MADE sushi is the best food on earth. those of you who said you had sushi that tasted gross probably bought it in either a supermarket or a really, really bad restraunt. that being said badly made sushi is probably one of the worst foods ever.

fish in chips with lots of fries (AKA chips), peas, vinegar, and lemon is my third favorite. lobster & steak together is my second. oddly ehough other than that im not a huge fan of fish.

08-04-2005, 03:26 PM
Fish live, swim, eat and breath in their own filthy excrement (along with ours).

crustaceans are insects (crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside, antennae and more than 4 legs.... ring any bells? it still makes me naucious to think that i once used to love lobster/crab).

and nobody serves whale/dolphin/mermaid anymore.

i have such a hatred of seafood in general, that... well i just hate it, it all smells wierd. I say feed the fish to the cows so we can have more cows and thus more beef, and all the barley we save can be used to make more beer. I got it all figured out.

oh, and we can make raw beef dishes for all those jive cats that just need their cultural fix. we'll call it cowie and hopefully the bacteria/parasites will kill all those who eat it..

08-04-2005, 03:38 PM
i hate sushi i like my fish fryed in cornmeal.

08-04-2005, 09:22 PM
crustaceans are insects (crunchy on the outside, gooey on the inside, antennae and more than 4 legs.... ring any bells? it still makes me naucious to think that i once used to love lobster/crab).


lobsters are not related to insects at all.. they do both have an exoskeleton i guess...

look up 'crustacean' plzkthxbai :rolleyes:

08-04-2005, 09:49 PM
oh, and we can make raw beef dishes for all those jive cats that just need their cultural fix.

Its called Sashimi you idiot.

08-04-2005, 09:51 PM

lobsters are not related to insects at all.. they do both have an exoskeleton i guess...

look up 'crustacean' plzkthxbai :rolleyes:

He's being a funny guy.

08-04-2005, 10:11 PM
Its called Sashimi you idiot.
Which is what most people mistake sushi for. Sashimi is raw fish--alone. Sushi doesn't necessarily contain fish at all. California rolls are an example of sushi. If your raw fish smells fishy, then it's not right. I am by no means a seafood person. I can't stand the smell of fish--it's disgusting. I don't care to eat fish either; however, I can put away some tuna sashimi! :headbang:

08-05-2005, 04:21 AM

lobsters are not related to insects at all.. they do both have an exoskeleton i guess...

look up 'crustacean' plzkthxbai :rolleyes:


08-05-2005, 12:09 PM
I would say that if you live far from the coast, sushi is probably not going to be very fresh/good. I am a HUGE fan of sushi, its probably my favorite food. I would not get sushi from a restaurant that does not specialize in it. Here in Boston we have alot of places with very good sushi, though they tend to get pricey (I have spent well over $75 just by myself). Mmmmm sushi euphoria. :ninja:

08-07-2005, 05:22 AM
Also Sushi Grade fish such as Tuna is only a few hours old when you open that Vaccum or MAP package, because the fish are caught, then the equipment to 'clean' the fish and package it are onboard, and thus it's quite fresh. I have to make sushi at work often, although it's probably not the best made sushi (as far as rolling and such) but it's pretty good I think. Yellow Fin Tuna sushi is awesome. Oh and sushi rice sucks to work with.