View Full Version : Lapco Autospirit Barrel

08-03-2005, 07:12 AM
Just wondering if anyone has a Lapco Autospirit, and what paint you find to work best in it. :shooting:

Thanks guys :hail:

08-03-2005, 08:21 AM
I don't own one one of these barrels but connected to the second question...the ball that fits is the one that will fire the best.
If the paint doesn't fit then change the barrel or the paint as even if you found that Hellfire fitted well you may have other issues before the barrel that would cause the Hellfire to not perform correctly and very often the barrel is accused of being this fault.
You could go the other route and use paint that is way too small in normal circumstances and be like the "pros" :rofl: All they are doing is what the marker makers did way back and use a barrel that is a large bore so the maximum amount of different makes of paintball will go through without a problem...velocity might well be all over the place but a ball comes out. Nowadays the makers have gone the other way and sell markers with smallish bore barrels...many of these makers either sell a barrel system or sell volume sales to resellers who stock many kinds of barrel kits

Spartan X
08-03-2005, 08:51 AM
I have one...It's SOO freakin acurate!

I heard it was supposed to be .688 but while I was at IAO I tried some paint in my Assasins barrel which is .691...then tried the same ball in my lapco and it seams like the lapco was bigger....so that was odd...maybe caUSE IT WAS HOT OUT?

08-03-2005, 09:11 AM
Hey Lapco makes nice barrels, I have been shooting a BigShot for over 7 Years and I love the thing.
As for the AutoSprit, they are for smaller paint. I think warpig has a barrell/paint guide that shows the best match.

Lapco stuff rocks

08-03-2005, 10:16 AM

the top one is a paint size chart and the bottom one is barrel size chart :cheers:

08-03-2005, 01:11 PM
Thanks guys! You're all so helpful :headbang:

I know about fitting the paint size to the barrel size for maximum accuracy and minimal paint breakage, but am kinda looking for one of those die hard, Swear by a certain paint players with this barrel. I'm currently using Marbelizer which works wonders... but I've only got one arm and a leg left :rofl: So what do you guys throw through this thing and still get that accuracy?

Thanks again guys

08-04-2005, 09:41 AM
Here is the Barrel Chart page at WARPIG.


It explains why barrel/paint charts aren't as helpfull as they first appear.

Have you ever wondered why pro players usually take multiple barrels, or a barrel set with inserts to a tournament? They always shoot their sponsor's brand of paint. If paint was consistent enough from batch to batch, and under different weather conditions for a barrel/paint chart to choose the right barrel for you, then they'd only need to take one barrel and or insert with them.

08-04-2005, 09:54 AM
Here is the Barrel Chart page at WARPIG.


It explains why barrel/paint charts aren't as helpfull as they first appear.

Have you ever wondered why pro players usually take multiple barrels, or a barrel set with inserts to a tournament? They always shoot their sponsor's brand of paint. If paint was consistent enough from batch to batch, and under different weather conditions for a barrel/paint chart to choose the right barrel for you, then they'd only need to take one barrel and or insert with them.

I own a Pipe kit along with a partial Ultralight lit -- .688 and .692 backs. I've been shooting the .692 ever since I got my Viking back and to be honest, i really haven't noticed an accuracy difference.. Sure, the velocity isn't as dead on as it could be but as for accuracy - it seems to be no different for me.

BUT, I was always happy with the Pipe kit, when I only had that.. When I first got it, it was essential due to my marker being closed bolt.

08-04-2005, 09:57 AM
I know what you mean. My usual concern is that the bore isn't so tight that it's causing breaks. I suppose I could spend half the day fiddling and test shooting to find the best combo, for the conditions, but my preference is to just play.

08-04-2005, 05:29 PM
I have a lucky 15 kit and I just put the biggest one on. I dont really care all that much.