View Full Version : Need some AKA info please

08-03-2005, 10:02 PM
Well I just sold my matrix yesterday and I decided I want to try an AKA gun, either a viking or excalibur, only problem is I do not know alot about them so I was hoping someone could help me out. Well the few things that I actually know are that they are crazy low pressure guns and that the viking is an open bolt and excal is a closed bolt. So if someone could tell me which one of these is better and just give me some more information on things to look for when buying one I would really appreciate it. Also what should I expect to pay for either one?

Thanks in advance.

08-03-2005, 10:17 PM
go to www.akaowners.com that would be the best place to start.

Also read the forum on PBN that AKA has.

08-03-2005, 10:21 PM
vikings are a little faster than excals.

Excals are a little heavier than vikings.

Excals are closed bolt and have a different firing cycle than vikings. Vikings operate similar to angels, but IMO they are better guns. They are hammer/ram driven and open the cupseal on a valve when the hammer hits it. Most new vikings will have humphrey noid which is better than finding a viking w/ mac noids. If you can, find out which the gun has before you buy it. Either is fine, but AKA switched to humphrey and they are a little better.

Viking LPR (broken in) can be set from 60-80psi. Most ppl run them aroudn 70-72psi. Mine is at 72psi. Vikings are a tad more efficient I believe, but probably not by much.

Excals have a differnt firing cycle that involves two solenoids. The start of a firing cycle, the bolt will be forward, it opens back and closes chambering a ball. Then you pull the trigger, and it fires, then cocks back and loads another ball and then you pull the trigger again to fire. Basically similar to an autococker, only electronic, and IMO better. Some say that excals have a flatter trajectory or seem to have a tighter groupings than a viking, but all I know is what Ive read. Some also say that excals shoot smoother than vikings, but I couldnt tell you. I havent had the pleasure of shooting an excal.

Vikings are a little cheaper than excals. Both come with a lifetime warranty, so any problems will be handled by shipping the gun to AKA and them fixing/replacing anything covered under warranty. I dont think that includes the noids, or the board. Basically any AKA part though.

You should try to shoot both before you buy. I see lots of excals on the market right now that ppl are selling for likely a gun whoring reason. :p IDK, I just made that up.

Hope that helps some. Probably not. You can go to akaowners.org, and also the AKA forum on PBN and read the FAQs. There is a thread about the differnce between the two.

As far as price.

Roughly for an 04 viking about 700 or so. SOmetimes less. I got my 03 for 650. That depends on milling and ups. There are lots of milling options and depending on them, you can expect to pay more up to about 1000+ depending on what it is.

Excals are a bit more. Ive actually seen an excal in the bst forum here for 700, which is fantastic. I would buy it if I had the money. Most of them can be aroudn 800+. Milled and anodized ones like streamlines, etc, will be around 1000+.

08-03-2005, 10:39 PM
vikings are a little faster than excals.

Excals are a little heavier than vikings.

Excals are closed bolt and have a different firing cycle than vikings. Vikings operate similar to angels, but IMO they are better guns. They are hammer/ram driven and open the cupseal on a valve when the hammer hits it. Most new vikings will have humphrey noid which is better than finding a viking w/ mac noids. If you can, find out which the gun has before you buy it. Either is fine, but AKA switched to humphrey and they are a little better.

Viking LPR (broken in) can be set from 60-80psi. Most ppl run them aroudn 70-72psi. Mine is at 72psi. Vikings are a tad more efficient I believe, but probably not by much.

Excals have a differnt firing cycle that involves two solenoids. The start of a firing cycle, the bolt will be forward, it opens back and closes chambering a ball. Then you pull the trigger, and it fires, then cocks back and loads another ball and then you pull the trigger again to fire. Basically similar to an autococker, only electronic, and IMO better. Some say that excals have a flatter trajectory or seem to have a tighter groupings than a viking, but all I know is what Ive read. Some also say that excals shoot smoother than vikings, but I couldnt tell you. I havent had the pleasure of shooting an excal.

Vikings are a little cheaper than excals. Both come with a lifetime warranty, so any problems will be handled by shipping the gun to AKA and them fixing/replacing anything covered under warranty. I dont think that includes the noids, or the board. Basically any AKA part though.

You should try to shoot both before you buy. I see lots of excals on the market right now that ppl are selling for likely a gun whoring reason. :p IDK, I just made that up.

Hope that helps some. Probably not. You can go to akaowners.org, and also the AKA forum on PBN and read the FAQs. There is a thread about the differnce between the two.

As far as price.

Roughly for an 04 viking about 700 or so. SOmetimes less. I got my 03 for 650. That depends on milling and ups. There are lots of milling options and depending on them, you can expect to pay more up to about 1000+ depending on what it is.

Excals are a bit more. Ive actually seen an excal in the bst forum here for 700, which is fantastic. I would buy it if I had the money. Most of them can be aroudn 800+. Milled and anodized ones like streamlines, etc, will be around 1000+.

Actually that was rather informative, thank you very much, it was about what I was looking to know. I've shot a viking before but never an excal I must say I liked the feel of the gun, thus my reason for wanting to pic one up.

08-04-2005, 05:05 AM
I've owned them both... honestly I preferred my Viking more than my Excal.

Get a 2003/2004 Viking, Pandora, Razor Trigger (my personal favorite trigger) and remove the spring, dye stickies and MM w/ any type of low rise clamp neck (I had CCM). I loved that thing. Shot bullets, super consistant, no FSDO like the WAS boards (although I heard the new WAS software resolves that since they've been bought).


08-04-2005, 08:13 AM
If you get a Viking, you HAVE to get Tadao for it. PURE bliss.

08-04-2005, 09:11 AM
Thanks for all the info guys, I think I'll look for a viking, they sound a bit less complicated. But I guess I'm going to pick up whichever one I can get a better deal on as I'm definatly in no hurry to buy.

08-04-2005, 10:34 AM
also another thing you should be aware of is differnces between 03 and 04s. They went to a new style detent w/ the 04s where it is same side dual detents. Some ppl have had issues w/ trying to get them tuned properly as not to get a Halo/Reloader B to lodge a ball backward into the rear detent, and causing a possible chop even w/ the eyes on. Some ppl have issues, some ppl dont. I dont know why. I personally prefer the 03 wire detent better as it is a lot easier to tune.

But, 04s are a bit lighter, smaller, and come stock w/ SCM. SCM is not a must, unless you have problems w/ the stock LPR. Just make sure if you get an 03 that you find out that it has humphrey noids. If it has Tadao, it most likely will. But rkjunior is 100% right about the tadao viking. it is fabulous.

Good luck, and if you have any more concerns or questions, dont hesitate to ask. Im sure lots of ppl on AO know enough to help you out a little.

AKA guns are very reliable, durable, and easy to maintain. All you do is put a couple drops of AKA extreme lube in the reg macro fitting, gas it up, and cycle it about 30-40 times. Thats it. Very easy to maintain.

08-04-2005, 10:48 AM
Viking + Tadao = http://akaowners.org/upload/rk_tadao_vike.wmv

08-04-2005, 01:00 PM
I've owned them both... honestly I preferred my Viking more than my Excal.

Get a 2003/2004 Viking, Pandora, Razor Trigger (my personal favorite trigger) and remove the spring, dye stickies and MM w/ any type of low rise clamp neck (I had CCM). I loved that thing. Shot bullets, super consistant, no FSDO like the WAS boards (although I heard the new WAS software resolves that since they've been bought).

I have been looking at these guns for a couple of days and was just wondering why you preferred your Viking over the Excal?

08-04-2005, 01:02 PM
Just make sure you know what you are getting into if you get a 'deal' on 02/03' models that are blind (no eyes) with Nelson boards. It takes around $200 and a few months at AKA/DC to get updated, plus the cost of a new board.
Best bet is a few stock 04' Vikings for about $600 used. Dan at DBN http://www.dbnpaintball.com/
Has a few new 04' for $775 if you absolutely want new. Bartman also has a raw/unanodized Featherlight Viking with new 05' milling style if you want that road.

/Own an Excalibur, Viking, and now Merlin.

08-04-2005, 04:48 PM
Just make sure you know what you are getting into if you get a 'deal' on 02/03' models that are blind (no eyes) with Nelson boards. It takes around $200 and a few months at AKA/DC to get updated, plus the cost of a new board.
Best bet is a few stock 04' Vikings for about $600 used. Dan at DBN http://www.dbnpaintball.com/
Has a few new 04' for $775 if you absolutely want new. Bartman also has a raw/unanodized Featherlight Viking with new 05' milling style if you want that road.

/Own an Excalibur, Viking, and now Merlin.

I'm looking to pick up one used, hopefully don't want to spend more then around 625. Thanks for all the info though guys, at least I have an idea of what to look for now when buying. I'm sure I'll have a bunch of questions after I get me hands on one too.

08-04-2005, 10:34 PM
All i know is that I have a maroon excal with all sorts of nice things that i don't understand coming to me in the mail... :headbang:

08-04-2005, 10:44 PM
vikings are a little faster than excals.

Excals are a little heavier than vikings.

Excals are closed bolt and have a different firing cycle than vikings. Vikings operate similar to angels, but IMO they are better guns. They are hammer/ram driven and open the cupseal on a valve when the hammer hits it. Most new vikings will have humphrey noid which is better than finding a viking w/ mac noids. If you can, find out which the gun has before you buy it. Either is fine, but AKA switched to humphrey and they are a little better.

Viking LPR (broken in) can be set from 60-80psi. Most ppl run them aroudn 70-72psi. Mine is at 72psi. Vikings are a tad more efficient I believe, but probably not by much.

Excals have a differnt firing cycle that involves two solenoids. The start of a firing cycle, the bolt will be forward, it opens back and closes chambering a ball. Then you pull the trigger, and it fires, then cocks back and loads another ball and then you pull the trigger again to fire. Basically similar to an autococker, only electronic, and IMO better. Some say that excals have a flatter trajectory or seem to have a tighter groupings than a viking, but all I know is what Ive read. Some also say that excals shoot smoother than vikings, but I couldnt tell you. I havent had the pleasure of shooting an excal.

Vikings are a little cheaper than excals. Both come with a lifetime warranty, so any problems will be handled by shipping the gun to AKA and them fixing/replacing anything covered under warranty. I dont think that includes the noids, or the board. Basically any AKA part though.

You should try to shoot both before you buy. I see lots of excals on the market right now that ppl are selling for likely a gun whoring reason. :p IDK, I just made that up.

Hope that helps some. Probably not. You can go to akaowners.org, and also the AKA forum on PBN and read the FAQs. There is a thread about the differnce between the two.

As far as price.

Roughly for an 04 viking about 700 or so. SOmetimes less. I got my 03 for 650. That depends on milling and ups. There are lots of milling options and depending on them, you can expect to pay more up to about 1000+ depending on what it is.

Excals are a bit more. Ive actually seen an excal in the bst forum here for 700, which is fantastic. I would buy it if I had the money. Most of them can be aroudn 800+. Milled and anodized ones like streamlines, etc, will be around 1000+.


:D that sums up everything other than i saw a green 04 viking on ebay with eyes and scm for 500

look here http://cgi.ebay.com/AKA-Viking-2004-Green-WAS-board-Eyes-Soda-Can-mod_W0QQitemZ7172480379QQcategoryZ16048QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

i just got mine and you must get a viking

i just got done playing with mine for the first time and damn is it fast and really really good on air. they are a little heavy but that dosent bother me.

also more info

the 03 vikings and 04's are different in little ways like the 03 has wire nubbings for detents and are a slight taller and longer. 03's also dont come stock with scm's, milled for eyes, and humphrey noids like the 04's do.

some people like 03's better but really i never own'd one. i just own'd a 04 for about hmm two days :D now and i have to say that they are worth every penny

look here for pics of mine.

08-04-2005, 10:44 PM
All i know is that I have a maroon excal with all sorts of nice things that i don't understand coming to me in the mail... :headbang:

Well Cameo if you want you can just give it to me and then I won't have to go through all the trouble of buying one. Or you could just loan it to me for the fall, I live in Slippery Rock so I'm not to far from you, and I promise I'll give it back :D

08-04-2005, 10:46 PM

:D that sums up everything other than i saw a green 04 viking on ebay with eyes and scm for 500

look here http://cgi.ebay.com/AKA-Viking-2004-Green-WAS-board-Eyes-Soda-Can-mod_W0QQitemZ7172480379QQcategoryZ16048QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

i just got mine and you must get a viking

i just got done playing with mine for the first time and damn is it fast and really really good on air. they are a little heavy but that dosent bother me.

also more info

the 03 vikings and 04's are different in little ways like the 03 has wire nubbings for detents and are a slight taller and longer. 03's also dont come stock with scm's, milled for eyes, and humphrey noids like the 04's do.

some people like 03's better but really i never own'd one. i just own'd a 04 for about hmm two days :D now and i have to say that they are worth every penny

look here for pics of mine.

Very nice Anno on yours. I looked at the one on ebay and someone bought it already, beat me to the punch.

08-04-2005, 11:01 PM
Very nice Anno on yours. I looked at the one on ebay and someone bought it already, beat me to the punch.

ya that was sold a while ago

i ment to say that i saw an 04 sell for 500 wich is a steal.

but if your looking for a nice viking look here

i was going to buy this guys viking but i wanted the red and black one that other then a plan ano one


look on the last page

heres looking for 625 for it and thats preaty good for a 04 viking. all you need to add to it is a mitey max, feedneck, and grips. thats what im doing as soon as i get some $$ :D

08-04-2005, 11:28 PM

:D that sums up everything other than i saw a green 04 viking on ebay with eyes and scm for 500

look here http://cgi.ebay.com/AKA-Viking-2004-Green-WAS-board-Eyes-Soda-Can-mod_W0QQitemZ7172480379QQcategoryZ16048QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

i just got mine and you must get a viking

i just got done playing with mine for the first time and damn is it fast and really really good on air. they are a little heavy but that dosent bother me.

also more info

the 03 vikings and 04's are different in little ways like the 03 has wire nubbings for detents and are a slight taller and longer. 03's also dont come stock with scm's, milled for eyes, and humphrey noids like the 04's do.

some people like 03's better but really i never own'd one. i just own'd a 04 for about hmm two days :D now and i have to say that they are worth every penny

look here for pics of mine

some 03 vikings have eyes, and humphrey noids. Some of the early 03s may have mac noids and no eyes. Dont get a blind viking. In 03, AKA switched from mac to humphrey, so the later ones will have hump noids. Mine also had eyes stock, and a WAS board. ATM is right though, 03s do not come stock w/ SCM. Some ppl beleive that the stock 03 lpr is just as good, but cost AKA more to make, and if you have any issues w/ it like creeping pressure, you may want to just replace it w/ the SCM.

The 04s are smaller though, and a little bit lighter, and AKA started using Pandora boards in their guns. Slightly different as far as programming. There are lots of submenus to scroll through. I found WAS easier to program through the trigger. Tadao is similar to WAS only more features, and better. ;)

I like vikings a lot. I like how they feel, how they shoot, how consistent they are, everything about them.

08-04-2005, 11:36 PM
I like vikings a lot. I like how they feel, how they shoot, how consistent they are, everything about them.

hell ya man

i was amazed on how consistent mine is

at the crono its shoot


thats preaty good

never had that happen with my mag or ion with an stabilizer

they shoot really nicely. but i find that they are a little noisey but not much. im just used to my mag

i would get one fast :D your love your self if you get one. i know i do :D

08-05-2005, 12:51 AM
ya that was sold a while ago

i ment to say that i saw an 04 sell for 500 wich is a steal.

but if your looking for a nice viking look here

i was going to buy this guys viking but i wanted the red and black one that other then a plan ano one


look on the last page

heres looking for 625 for it and thats preaty good for a 04 viking. all you need to add to it is a mitey max, feedneck, and grips. thats what im doing as soon as i get some $$ :D

That is a good deal, maybe I should try to take this one of this guys hand, Sound like a good deal to you yakitori since you seem to know alot.

08-05-2005, 01:12 AM
I own a 04 viking and a 04 featherlight excal, IMO i would get a excal shoots plenty fast but is sooooo smooth. I love my excal but the viking is a fantastic marker. My viking came stock with scm, mighty max and pandora. The viking shot faster and with less kick then my 05 speed. Again that was for me. Either is a fine choice and are solid performers.

08-05-2005, 01:56 AM
That is a good deal, maybe I should try to take this one of this guys hand, Sound like a good deal to you yakitori since you seem to know alot.

ya be sure to get a tool kit for it

im getting one from someone here on ao but you can get one off of aka here


you will need it to take the hole gun apart and to addjust your scm (lpr) properly without blowing the noid

also be sure to get extream lube.


and if you want to get a mitey max with is a volumizer you can get them from aka but they are not on the site now for some reson but you can call aka and order one or get one from here


sroll down and it will be next to the v link and on the right side. they are 45 bucks and worth it. im as well getting one !!

08-05-2005, 05:55 AM
ya be sure to get a tool kit for it

im getting one from someone here on ao but you can get one off of aka here


you will need it to take the hole gun apart and to addjust your scm (lpr) properly without blowing the noid

No need to take the marker apart to adjust the SCM/LPR.

Screw the adapter with the guage into the appropriate chamber/tube on the rear of the marker; air it up, adjust--dry fire, re-adjust if necessary, degass and air it up again to double check the psi output. Fairly easy, just make sure to make SMALL increments when adjusting.

have fun-- AKA markers definitely are. :cheers:

08-05-2005, 07:30 AM
hell ya man

i was amazed on how consistent mine is

at the crono its shoot


thats preaty good

never had that happen with my mag or ion with an stabilizer

they shoot really nicely. but i find that they are a little noisey but not much. im just used to my mag

i would get one fast :D your love your self if you get one. i know i do :D

what barrel do you have on it? My viking was a lot quieter than my emag ever was w/ the same barrel. Even my wife noticed the differnce. My LPR is broken in though, and I have it at 72psi, and I am going to lower it to 68psi when I get my tank filled again.

Vikings are as quiet as trixes, but they should be quieter than mags. Check your LPR. And Jerzee is right, you just need to unscrew the left back cap, inser the gauge from tool kit, gas up the gun, turn it on, and adjust the LPR while dry firing it during the adjustment. If your LPR is too high, it could be a reason for it being louder. You can also turn the bolt around backwards when you do it, so that you save air and dont tick anyone in the house off.

08-05-2005, 01:49 PM
If you have the chance to try both before purchasing try both Viking and Excalibur. Compare both with broken in regulators though. The marker/reg takes a good 10 cases or so to break in. They will shoot nicer in most aspects after that period.
Broken in Excals are just too nice not to try. Even if the price difference is still about $150/$200 from Viking to Excalibur.

/too hot to play lately, stuck fondling the Excal and building a mech Merlin. The Viking needs some love too.

08-05-2005, 02:13 PM

Is this a good deal guys? I'm leaning towards either this or the Viking on PBN.

08-05-2005, 02:50 PM
go to AKA's web site

under the annoucments section, sounds like their working on something new, thou it may be awhile till it comes out by the sound of it.

In the mean time buy a B2K4 with PDS, theres some on E-bay for cheap, till the new gun from AKA gets produced.

08-05-2005, 03:08 PM
hell yes its a good deal. I would buy it if I had the money. That was the excal I was tallking about. Dont see them at that price for long or very often.

08-05-2005, 03:23 PM
Vikings are so pretty...

Here is mine, but it's missing my custom pull pin and matching evolve vert frame.

<a href="http://gankish.net/~rkjunior/Paintball/IMG_0199.JPG"><img src="http://gankish.net/~rkjunior/Paintball/IMG_0199.JPG" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

08-05-2005, 08:57 PM
Well Cameo if you want you can just give it to me and then I won't have to go through all the trouble of buying one. Or you could just loan it to me for the fall, I live in Slippery Rock so I'm not to far from you, and I promise I'll give it back :D

I love sharing.... and please feel free to join my brother and I up at the Childrens camp.. We "play" at least twice a month up there... just off of 108 (exit 105 off of 79).

LIttle boston freind...
that is soooo purdy, I think I have that exact same nail and lip color from covergirl.. If you have a need to coordinate I am willing to share, at least the lipstick.. :p

08-05-2005, 09:03 PM
You could wait to see the new marker that AKA is coming out with. It should be a couple months, but it could be worth it.

08-05-2005, 09:08 PM
Vikings are so pretty...

Here is mine, but it's missing my custom pull pin and matching evolve vert frame.

<a href="http://gankish.net/~rkjunior/Paintball/IMG_0199.JPG"><img src="http://gankish.net/~rkjunior/Paintball/IMG_0199.JPG" width="600" height="450"></img></a>

its missing that toe of yours too. :p lol. j/k dood. That is a sweet viking.

08-05-2005, 09:23 PM
I love sharing.... and please feel free to join my brother and I up at the Childrens camp.. We "play" at least twice a month up there... just off of 108 (exit 105 off of 79).

LIttle boston freind...
that is soooo purdy, I think I have that exact same nail and lip color from covergirl.. If you have a need to coordinate I am willing to share, at least the lipstick.. :p

What Childrens camp would this be?

08-05-2005, 09:25 PM
You could wait to see the new marker that AKA is coming out with. It should be a couple months, but it could be worth it.

I'm just not quite that patient. I think I'm going to pick up the excal if that guy gets back to me. What do the mitey max's do? And what else would the excal need to get it to peek performance? Also are they going to make a tadao for the excal?

Spartan X
08-05-2005, 09:29 PM
I'm just not quite that patient. I think I'm going to pick up the excal if that guy gets back to me. What do the mitey max's do? And what else would the excal need to get it to peek performance? Also are they going to make a tadao for the excal?

Yes, they should be making the last 50 tadao board here soon, and those 50 will support excals.

I'd post pictures of my viking and excal...but I'm to lazy...maybe tomorrow.

08-05-2005, 09:44 PM
I'm just not quite that patient. I think I'm going to pick up the excal if that guy gets back to me. What do the mitey max's do? And what else would the excal need to get it to peek performance? Also are they going to make a tadao for the excal?

some say that MM doesnt do anything for excals. Some say it doesnt do much for vikings either. Then there are some that say that you can slightly lower your pressure because of a larger volume of air, and that it decreases kick a little. I wouldnt know because when I first got my viking the LPR was set above 100 somehow. It kicked and was loud as hell. I bought a MM before a tool kit, and when I lowered my LPR my MM was already on there, so I couldnt really tell the kick. Maybe slightly lower if even noticable.

Anyway. For that excal you probably wont need anything. If you like CP barrels, then more power to ya, keep that one. I personally like 14" barrels, but that is prefernce. He already has a no rise feedneck on it. Tool kit. Maybe some grips. There isnt really anything else you need for it. AKA comes stock w/ some of the best parts, ie sidewinder, tornado valve, pandora or WAS. Not many guns come stock w/ those boards. Thats whats great about them.

You may want to go ahead and pick up some AKA exteme lube, and spare batteries.

Hope it works out for ya man. :)

08-05-2005, 09:47 PM
some say that MM doesnt do anything for excals. Some say it doesnt do much for vikings either. Then there are some that say that you can slightly lower your pressure because of a larger volume of air, and that it decreases kick a little. I wouldnt know because when I first got my viking the LPR was set above 100 somehow. It kicked and was loud as hell. I bought a MM before a tool kit, and when I lowered my LPR my MM was already on there, so I couldnt really tell the kick. Maybe slightly lower if even noticable.

Anyway. For that excal you probably wont need anything. If you like CP barrels, then more power to ya, keep that one. I personally like 14" barrels, but that is prefernce. He already has a no rise feedneck on it. Tool kit. Maybe some grips. There isnt really anything else you need for it. AKA comes stock w/ some of the best parts, ie sidewinder, tornado valve, pandora or WAS. Not many guns come stock w/ those boards. Thats whats great about them.

You may want to go ahead and pick up some AKA exteme lube, and spare batteries.

Hope it works out for ya man. :)

Thanks for all the info, You have been really helpful. Well after I get it you can probably expect a PM or two because I will probably have a few more questions if you don't mind. As for the barrel what thread are they. I have a few cocker threaded ultralights that I like.

08-05-2005, 10:58 PM
What Childrens camp would this be?

SRBC right behind where they are doing all of that ground mining and making a new "lake"

08-05-2005, 11:36 PM
what barrel do you have on it? My viking was a lot quieter than my emag ever was w/ the same barrel. Even my wife noticed the differnce. My LPR is broken in though, and I have it at 72psi, and I am going to lower it to 68psi when I get my tank filled again.

Vikings are as quiet as trixes, but they should be quieter than mags. Check your LPR. And Jerzee is right, you just need to unscrew the left back cap, inser the gauge from tool kit, gas up the gun, turn it on, and adjust the LPR while dry firing it during the adjustment. If your LPR is too high, it could be a reason for it being louder. You can also turn the bolt around backwards when you do it, so that you save air and dont tick anyone in the house off.

well i think they are but they seem to be a little loader. not by much. mabey its just me.

im going to get the tool kit asap.

im also tring to get a mitey maxs and a ccm neck for it.

i have a dye ultralight on it that came with the gun. ill put my kaner kit on it and see if its quieter with my mag cuse i only shoot my e-mag with the kaner. i didnt try the kaner on the viking yet cuse the ultralight works really good.

08-05-2005, 11:56 PM
SRBC right behind where they are doing all of that ground mining and making a new "lake"

Alright I know where thats at, I didn't know there was a camp behind there.

08-06-2005, 07:40 AM
Thanks for all the info, You have been really helpful. Well after I get it you can probably expect a PM or two because I will probably have a few more questions if you don't mind. As for the barrel what thread are they. I have a few cocker threaded ultralights that I like.

They are cocker threaded. No need for a new barrel. :D.
PM me anytime. I dont mind.

08-06-2005, 04:58 PM
hhhmmm I wonder who was the lucky guy who scored an 04 viking for 500....

*goes to fondle new viking*

08-06-2005, 05:06 PM
i dont know

i was thinking about buying that green one on ebay but green isent me :D

thats dirt cheap for a 04 viking with eyes.

i saw an excalibur thats stock 04 wtih eyes go for 600 once and i was pissed about that too :D

08-06-2005, 08:26 PM
if you are interested it is still for sale
my viking (http://automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=181069)

Spartan X
08-07-2005, 01:28 PM
if you are interested it is still for sale
my viking (http://automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=181069)

You know you can find Vikings with with eyes and more ups for The same price as your with no eyes right?

08-07-2005, 01:45 PM
i am open to offers.... price is not firm

08-07-2005, 08:08 PM
You know you can find Vikings with with eyes and more ups for The same price as your with no eyes right?

ok i am at a loss.. what are the eyes? and what exatically do they do??? and can I get them in Blue or Green.. I am a sucker for blue and green eyes...

08-07-2005, 09:11 PM
ok i am at a loss.. what are the eyes? and what exatically do they do??? and can I get them in Blue or Green.. I am a sucker for blue and green eyes...

how bout hazel? :p

08-07-2005, 09:15 PM
lol. eyes are covered anyway, but they come in clear and black for breakbeams. Sometime the clear can be a blueish or pinkish tinge.

They sense the ball in the breach to keep from chopping. They plug into the board.

08-07-2005, 11:09 PM
ok i am at a loss.. what are the eyes? and what exatically do they do??? and can I get them in Blue or Green.. I am a sucker for blue and green eyes...

Actually they now have the glowing blue eyes, I'm not sure if they would work for an AKA gun but I know that TAG has them.

08-10-2005, 09:36 AM
Hey guys, Picked up a nice excal yesterday, it shoots very nice, I must say I was really impressed with its speed for a closed bolt. I have some more questions now though, what is the difference between the sidewinder and the two litre and how can you tell what year your gun is?

08-10-2005, 09:45 AM
If the rear of the trigger frame is even with the tray/body, it is an '04. Otherwise it is '00-'03.

The Sidewinder is an older reg, but still exceeds most other regs in quality and recharge. The 2-Liter is a smaller, high flowing reg with the fastest available recharge rate of any available regulator currently on the market.

08-10-2005, 10:03 AM
If the rear of the trigger frame is even with the tray/body, it is an '04. Otherwise it is '00-'03.

The Sidewinder is an older reg, but still exceeds most other regs in quality and recharge. The 2-Liter is a smaller, high flowing reg with the fastest available recharge rate of any available regulator currently on the market.

On gun, you won't see a difference. The 2-Liter is overkill, imo.

08-10-2005, 10:14 AM
Hey guys, Picked up a nice excal yesterday, it shoots very nice, I must say I was really impressed with its speed for a closed bolt. I have some more questions now though, what is the difference between the sidewinder and the two litre and how can you tell what year your gun is?

Now you should really come up to camp so i can get a glimps of what i have to come...it's byop and a donation to play.. :clap:

Boston boy,
I say my Hazel are Green, so yea that will do.. :p

08-10-2005, 10:18 AM
If your sidewinder is working fine, no need to upgrade to a 2liter. Unless you're dying to upgrade something on your marker...

That's the problem with an AKA, there really are no upgrades needed, with the exception for personal preferences on triggers, you also have choices on the electronic board: WAS, Pandora, or Tadao(in the near future).

08-10-2005, 10:25 AM
Now you should really come up to camp so i can get a glimps of what i have to come...it's byop and a donation to play.. :clap:

Boston boy,
I say my Hazel are Green, so yea that will do.. :p

"boston boy" lol . is that my new nickname? i still have rope burn on my wrists from that damn tie.

08-10-2005, 11:15 AM
Now you should really come up to camp so i can get a glimps of what i have to come...it's byop and a donation to play.. :clap:

Well I will do that, shoot me a pm sometime that you are going, i won't be available to come for at least 2 weeks though. Do they fill air there?

08-10-2005, 11:22 AM
If the rear of the trigger frame is even with the tray/body, it is an '04. Otherwise it is '00-'03.

The Sidewinder is an older reg, but still exceeds most other regs in quality and recharge. The 2-Liter is a smaller, high flowing reg with the fastest available recharge rate of any available regulator currently on the market.

I thought the 04 was the one that wasnt even. The top tube where the bolt is sticks out further than the body.

Also you can tell by the detents. Then wire detent on the left side of the gun is 03 or earlier. If it has same side dual ball detents and a shorter eye cover on the left side, then its an 04. The milling on the front where the barrel is is smoothed and rounded instead of square on the 04s too.

As for telling differnce between 03 and earlier, I guess the serial number is the only way. Unless it has a nelson board or something in it.

08-10-2005, 12:26 PM
I thought the 04 was the one that wasnt even. The top tube where the bolt is sticks out further than the body.

The top tube is further back(only on Excal.s I believe). But the two lower tubes and the tray are even with the frame. 04's are 1/2 an inch shorter than previous years.

08-10-2005, 03:39 PM
"boston boy" lol . is that my new nickname? i still have rope burn on my wrists from that damn tie.

tie??? I know nothing :ninja: :p
but please note that is is much better then the handcuffs digging into your skin (blood is no good)

zack, will send ya a pm...
looking forward to playing with new (more experienced) people.
::warning:: the feild is more woodsballish...

08-10-2005, 03:48 PM
tie??? I know nothing :ninja: :p
but please note that is is much better then the handcuffs digging into your skin (blood is no good)

zack, will send ya a pm...
looking forward to playing with new (more experienced) people.
::warning:: the feild is more woodsballish...

riiiiiiiiiiiiight.. i've never had to deal with handcuffs... usally the tieing up comes on the 2nd date though -- not the first night out! ha.


08-12-2005, 10:38 AM
Alright guys, I'm having some trouble with my new excal now. I know this belongs in the tech forum but since this thread is already here I figured I would just post it here. So the Problem is that I put a few drops of oil in my excal aired it up and fired it about 20 cycles to get the oil through it. The gun sounded fine, so I stuck my hopper and barrel on it, stuck some reballs in the hopper and started plugging. well needless to say the balls just rolled out of the barrel. After about 20 shots an o-ring came out. I took out the bolt and determined the oring was the very front one on the tip of the bolt. So I put it back on and it seemed really tight. I fired the gun a few times with new success and noticed the O-ring developed I crack in it. Any ideas on what to do, the gun was working fine the day before yesterday and I didn't play with anything on it.


08-12-2005, 10:59 PM
Anyone have any ideas?

08-12-2005, 11:34 PM
Anyone have any ideas?

i didnt know theres an oring on the bolt??

well if there is then put oil on it or go to home depo and get a new oring

now for the balls rolling down the barrel i would say thats from the oring problem or the volocity or lpr are not set right.

call aka up and ask them to be sure