View Full Version : ~-Speculating-~ Donations to AO, and recieving Sig privileges?

08-04-2005, 01:09 AM
So, AO Cut the sigs to my knowledge for the following reasons
Because people were abusing the sigs
People were not abiding by the signature rules
People were using AO's attachment feature to host there sigs and wasted bandwidth
Used heavy bandwidth by itself
So, heres my idea... Us users are not getting automags.org anymoney, no advertisements anything, so we deserve to help AO out... So my idea is to Donate to AO, and recieve sig privledges. Advantages are as follows
The donation will over pay the bandwidth it takes for the individual signature
The users who donate will be limited, so controlling the signatures will not be hard
Finally loyal members can show there gratitude

The following is what I think would be a reasonable "Dontation Crediting System" if you will
Donation of $5 = 6 months of signature privlileges
Donation of $10 = 12 months of signature privlileges
Donation of $15 = 18 months of signature privlileges

Now, what do you guys think about this, I myself have zero power involving this. Maybe we can convince AO to allow this to go underway in some form. I myself would donate regardless of if I recieved my Sig, but I feel its a way that it can get done with enthusiasm.

Echo419 out

08-04-2005, 01:39 AM
I like the idea, I think the time limit might cause some coding issues.

Why not make it like PBN, have a flat donation, and if they donate that much they get sig privliages.

08-04-2005, 01:43 AM

kinda like pbnation in a way

not a bad idea

but people can still abuse the sigs in some way.

but i would do it if it really happens but i would like a AO sponsoring avitar thing :D

come on AO lets do this i want my sig back

08-04-2005, 01:59 AM
Of cour,se the Sig size laws would still be enforced, and there wouldnt be that many people, so it wouldnt be hard to regulate... I do not like the Idea of a "Sponsored Member" avatar.

08-04-2005, 02:01 AM
Of cour,se the Sig size laws would still be enforced, and there wouldnt be that many people, so it wouldnt be hard to regulate... I do not like the Idea of a "Sponsored Member" avatar.

darn well somthing thing that shows that we saport AO other than the sigs

08-04-2005, 02:02 AM
Well, Um I think sigs would be a big enough thing...

08-04-2005, 06:51 AM
I kind of like it with out sigs

and AO is part of AGD, so there would need to be an official agreement, and a set price like suggested. Instead of donating you would be purchasing your sig time.

08-04-2005, 09:08 AM
I think sigs can only be turned off or on for the whole fouram. I am not positive but I dont think modds/admins can indivudially turn them on/off. I think the same is for avatars. I would donate some if we could get ridd of this lag. ;)

08-04-2005, 09:42 AM
Monster thats what Im saying, I think with some flow from users into AO, maybe they will have some insentive to get there POOP together if you will... But I do think you can, because I have seen this done on other boards... Only the mods had sigs.

08-04-2005, 10:20 AM

you see to the right of our name the green dot? to the right of that there is some extra space, it would be cool to have a spot for a buddy icon like on AIM, i think it is an avatar, but ot the right of the name and limited like on AIM. it would be a great idea for pixel art...

08-04-2005, 10:26 AM
Guys if you really want to help... AO uses vBulletin Version 3.0.7, so look at toehr forums, and see what there doing... Because they cant impliment what is not an option in V_Bulletin, so look at what are options are.

08-04-2005, 10:32 AM

we've been through this before...with you i think

it creates a second class of AO members. i'm no better than you are when it comes to ao. would i donate, damn straight. would i donate cash right now with there being no reward? yep. but we shouldnt be giving senior members extra privilages. sorry. ao has no place for it.

if they wnat to go back to sigs with user hosted images, fine. but it shouldnt be a 'for fee' servicve

08-04-2005, 10:44 AM
Its not for a fee, its more of a reward... And senor members arent getting it... Its those who are willing to donate... PBN Does it with there little Supported Member thing (but thats not a good comparison..)

But nah you havent been through this with me before... Im not saying people with a certain post cound should get it... I just think people who donate should get it if they want...

I see what your saying, but all things considered... What kind of member is going to get all pissed off and sa "Wow this board is stupid, they want a donation to help there servers out, and then I can get a sig? How stupid is that"

08-04-2005, 11:13 AM
my apologies...it wasn't you.

i still disagree with sigs = cash idea. if there is to be a donation button with no benefits, fine, i'll donate....but i think asking for cash will, in the end, hurt ao and really...is a sig **that** important?

08-04-2005, 11:21 AM
I think that we should have sigs back, but i really dont like this idea.. :(

How about this.. We get sigs back, but we cant host them on AO. There are tons of host sites that you can just put your signature images on..

www.pbnation.com :rofl:

08-04-2005, 02:04 PM
I want my sig back.

08-04-2005, 02:21 PM
is a sig **that** important?

there ya go... i dont thinm that a sig is that important. it would help if you are trying to sell something, but it is kind of pointless. edit the whatchamacallit under your name or put whatever in your location...

i like scrolling down a page and there is no huge letters saying somthing i wolnt really care about in the next 5 minutes.... then it goes back to buy/sell/tradeing... when it might matter

08-04-2005, 02:41 PM
Personally, I'm glad sigs are gone. They were abused, and caused too many problems between members and mods.

OTOH, I'd almost be willing to pay to keep sigs off.

08-04-2005, 02:45 PM
Just trying to help... And some of you didnt read the first post :(

08-04-2005, 02:51 PM
Of cour,se the Sig size laws would still be enforced, and there wouldnt be that many people, so it wouldnt be hard to regulate...

Yes, you are correct it wouldn't be hard to regulate since the majority of all of the "bad" signatures were all made by you.

The idea of donations to be a "Supporting Member" would create a two tier system and that is not fair.

Even if relaxation of the sig rules to allow two images, one being the supporting member one it would then create further issues with if a "supporting member" over stepped the mark it could create a reaction of "I pay for AO!" you get enough flaming with people's AO registration date being used as a weapon.

08-05-2005, 03:31 PM
Joe Everyposter: Hey guys, look at my cool new sig I paid for by donating to AO!

Ben Everymod: Yeah, but it's out of the sig rules, sorry but you're gonna have to change it.

Joe Everyposter: But I paid for that! You can't take it away!

1/2 of AO- Yeah, you can't take that away! He paid for it!

Other 1/2 of AO- But the rules were there the whole time, he knew what to do and he blew it, no sig for him!

As much as I would like sigs back, paying for them would just not work.

08-05-2005, 03:48 PM
Just trying to help... And some of you didnt read the first post :(

08-05-2005, 05:00 PM
I think they have read your post, it's just that they don't like your idea. With all due respect, if your going to present an idea you should know that people don't have to like it.

I do think it is a CREATIVE idea. It sounds like livingwithstyle.com, which can be a fun place. BUT I don't think its a idea that would work for AO.

Target Practice
08-05-2005, 05:04 PM
I support it. I'd love to have other people pay for me to be on AO. What would change? Someone would have a sig and I wouldn't? Big deal.

Remember, sigs don't make people less stupid.

dave p
08-05-2005, 08:45 PM
i cant believe you sorry non spelling dopes are still crying for your sigs back. this place is dieing a slow slow death. give it up chumps.

08-05-2005, 09:08 PM
i cant believe you sorry non spelling dopes are still crying for your sigs back. this place is dieing a slow slow death. give it up chumps.

Anythng like lack of grammar basics.....chump?

AO/AGD is far from dead, but we already knew that, didn't we?

dave p
08-05-2005, 09:15 PM
Anythng like lack of grammar basics.....chump?

AO/AGD is far from dead, but we already knew that, didn't we?

AGD is A #1 in my book. This Place on the other hand...
I mean really? Look Around.

Grammar is fine, minus a hyphen. Punctuation, well you got me clean there.

08-06-2005, 12:03 AM
Alrite listen guys, what did I do wrong... Like i said in my previous post (dave p im talking to you) I know AO needs some money to help it out, what forum doesnt.. So i was saying we should donate, but pricks like you wont. so I was offering some insintive... God I'm trying to help the boards right now, your the one making it die :mad:

08-06-2005, 12:10 AM
Alrite listen guys, what did I do wrong... Like i said in my previous post (dave p im talking to you) I know AO needs some money to help it out, what forum doesnt.. So i was saying we should donate, but pricks like you wont. so I was offering some insintive... God I'm trying to help the boards right now, your the one making it die :mad:
chill out bro

08-06-2005, 12:24 AM
Alrite listen guys, what did I do wrong... Like i said in my previous post (dave p im talking to you) I know AO needs some money to help it out, what forum doesnt.. So i was saying we should donate, but pricks like you wont. so I was offering some insintive... God I'm trying to help the boards right now, your the one making it die :mad:

Honestly, settle down. The point wasn't that we didn't want to donate to AO, it's just that if we did that to pay for sigs it would be a bad idea. Most people here would donate regardless, it's just a matter of paying for sigs.

08-06-2005, 02:13 AM
Bottom line. Tom pays for AO out of his pocket. If he really needed the help, he would/will set it up that way......or just close the forums.

He doesn't.

08-06-2005, 05:39 AM
Bottom line. Tom pays for AO out of his pocket. If he really needed the help, he would/will set it up that way......or just close the forums.

He doesn't.

i think its more of a "we want our sigs back and are willing to do something for it" rather than it is AO actually needs monatary (sp?) support

dave p
08-06-2005, 06:42 AM
Alrite listen guys, what did I do wrong... Like i said in my previous post (dave p im talking to you) I know AO needs some money to help it out, what forum doesnt.. So i was saying we should donate, but pricks like you wont. so I was offering some insintive... God I'm trying to help the boards right now, your the one making it die :mad:

you did nothing wrong. your heart is in the right place (it seems). but this is a dead horse (the sig issue). if people want something at the bottom of their posts all they need are some modest html skills, some small space on a server, a little initiative and some computer knowledge. all the time spent crying about sigs could have went into aquiring the necessary skills to make and host your own and learn some html so you can display it and have it link to what you want.

08-06-2005, 12:16 PM
Good Idea, but Vbulliten doesn't work that way. Sigs are either all ON or OFF... or at least taht is the way in most Vbuillten admin panels...

08-06-2005, 12:47 PM
Good Idea, but Vbulliten doesn't work that way. Sigs are either all ON or OFF... or at least taht is the way in most Vbuillten admin panels...

well...if you know PHP, you can make vbulletin do anything you wnat it to...

08-06-2005, 01:04 PM
Well, as the thread states in title, this is all speculation, if you have any other ideas... let us know?

08-06-2005, 02:03 PM
so long as tom is willing to foot the bill for AO...shut the heck up about it.

trust tom that if it becomes a problem, we'll know about it