View Full Version : So when do you go back to school?-high/middle schoolers

08-06-2005, 12:02 AM
well i know in different parts of the country school starts at different times for everyone and ends....
so when exactly do you start back from the summer break?

i start back this 15th, yes so to soon it sucks :(

and when did school end for you too.

idk what made me think of this, just was wondering when all everyone goes back

08-06-2005, 12:18 AM
i stopped going last spring... i couldn't take it anymore.

i spend the $100 to take my GED test and passed.
best $100 i ever spent.

08-06-2005, 12:49 AM
here in texas, yes it is the 15th.

next summer we will have an extra long summer because they are changing it for fter labor day.

08-06-2005, 12:59 AM
im 15 going into 10th

i go back to school two days after memorial day

i got out about the second week of jun.

it sucks cuse i dont want to go back

its soo nice staying up to 4 in the morning and waking up at noon or later

bam wannabe
08-06-2005, 02:08 AM
i got out the first week of june. sadly i go back this monday (the 8th)

its a short summer because im in florida and need to make up days from all those freakin hurricanes last year (we had a month staight of no school back in september)

08-06-2005, 07:32 AM
i got out the first week of june. sadly i go back this monday (the 8th)

its a short summer because im in florida and need to make up days from all those freakin hurricanes last year (we had a month staight of no school back in september)
Ouch, that hurts.

Here in VA I go back the Tuesday after Labor Day, the 6th of September.

08-06-2005, 08:48 AM
exam week was the first week of june, so that was the last week.
i go back the 29th. :cuss:

08-06-2005, 10:27 AM
i think that we go back the 22, and then we end may 26 or something like that

08-06-2005, 11:44 AM
Hah, I win! I start September 7th or something. We got out June 21 and 10 weeks vacation.

Enraged Monk
08-06-2005, 01:20 PM
Ha, I went back today...But it was work realted, for school I go back the 30th

08-06-2005, 01:27 PM
I got back in 4 days, lol. Got out at the end of May. Senior this year, thank god 1 more year of high school.

08-06-2005, 01:59 PM
I'm done with school, so you guys can quit posting threads like this every year.

08-06-2005, 02:28 PM
in college I got out may 1st and go back sept 1st.

4 months!

08-06-2005, 02:30 PM
it sucks cuse i dont want to go back

its soo nice staying up to 4 in the morning and waking up at noon or later

Thing is, though, you need to go back. Like, really.

08-06-2005, 02:41 PM
Thing is, though, you need to go back. Like, really.


08-06-2005, 02:57 PM
I go back monday. Going from sleeping 10-12 hours a night to 4-6 hours a night is going to be a real PITA the first days/weeks/10 months.

But the good news is, it's my last year. The bad news is I'm freaking out due to the fact that it's my last year.

08-06-2005, 08:25 PM
I go back the 30th, and I got out june 20. Overall a pretty good break, about 9 weeks. I'm gunna be a senior in high school this year. I'm kinda not so worried this year cus its going to be easy, but kinda scared at the same time.

bam wannabe
08-06-2005, 09:14 PM
yeah its my senior year too. its going to basically be my kick back and have fun year. the only actual classe si have are english 4, and economics. the rest will just be electives like weight training and stuff like that....

i will be out of school around noon, then im hittin the beach everyday (i love living 5 minutes from the beach)

08-06-2005, 11:32 PM
I live 15 minutes from the beach and havn't been there in atleast a year. Probobly closer to two actually.

My first semester is Physics, Spanish II (which I failed last year), English IV, and Psychology. I think my second will be Math (can't remember what I picked), Cooking, Web Design III, and Economics.

08-06-2005, 11:42 PM
Thing is, though, you need to go back. Like, really.

do it for the chicks...

08-07-2005, 12:24 AM
do it for the chicks...
thats what im saying haha :p

ya...but that really sucks for some of the florida people, having the short summer. i dont what i would of done....

so how many rising seniors do we have in here. my older sis is going to be one and i know one day its gunna sneak up on me next. :tard:

08-07-2005, 03:01 AM
umm, will be a senior in high school this year, and, i have no idea when we go back, im assuming its soon, but, i probably wolnt know till the day of. Im not shure i really wanna go back, summers been working out good for me (well, actually, after last night, im banned from my church and have a month of community service to do (was rediculious, someone called the cops and reported that me/my friends were doing doughnuts and lighting bonfires in the church parking lot.....when really we were only shooting off some fireworks (hell, my v4 93' mazda mx3 cant even do a decent doughnut on asphalt), regardless, that put a damper on later plans for that night), but, other than that......and my car being currently wrecked, things have been going preety well)