View Full Version : I need a blue paint...

08-06-2005, 12:41 AM
ok, so here's the deal. I need a water soluable, non-toxic/non staining paint to use in a paint shell. I'm going to the Tippmann world Challenge, and a friend of mine wants to use my cannon... with shells. This is allowed, however, we can't find the paint to use. We have till the 10th of Sept to get the stuff (gives us about a week to make said shells). Does anyone know where I can get my hands on either pre-mixed, or powdered paint in a light blue color? Thanks in advance.


08-06-2005, 01:51 AM
I'm sorry if this isn't quite what you had in mind, but why not just crush some blue fill paintballs in a strainer, put a bucket under it, and use the fill?

08-06-2005, 09:58 AM
try going to an art store. I fthat doesn't work, try regular latex paint, but water it down. I don't know how much you need, but I'd say use no more than 1 quart of paint to 1 gallon of water. Or you could try just using water and lots of food coloring.

08-06-2005, 03:00 PM
water w/ lots of food coloring would in no way work ... at least i highly doubt it ...
wouldnt show up on anything well...

best bet is probably to crush real paintballs...
cept that would be expensive


08-06-2005, 10:36 PM
Not if you buy the nasty Brass Eagle/JT stuff...

08-09-2005, 01:01 AM
I did this for a home brew grenade for a castle conquest a while back..

Blue fill paint , flour and water...

Throw paint into blender ( dont use your moms go buy a cheap one ) , reapeat this over and over and over.. fill bucket with it add water for volume and flour for thickness :)

And and dont forget to piss people off a sent.. I actually added some downey fabric softner to mine... keep it washable and non-toxic or some big dude that gets hit with it may try and twist your head off like a soda bottle

08-09-2005, 01:42 AM
Have you tried regular poster paint? Water based, easily washed, non-toxic, enviro-friendly, and plenty thick. Available at any hobby, craft, or possibly large drug store. Check the "-Marts" too.

08-09-2005, 02:29 AM
Well, since I work at a shop I found a dealer willing to sell me bottles for extremly cheap. however the cannon is down for improvemtns (cosmetics, and electronics switching). I'll try and get a picture up, but now i have the problem of where to ergonomically put the trigger switch? Its all awquard, but i cut the barrel down 1.5 feet, but now its just odd to hold. Any ideas/or thoughts on how to make this thing feasable? Keep in mind, this needed to be done, the cannon was over 5.5 feet long...
