View Full Version : Dye inavision or JT proflex 05

spyder luver
08-07-2005, 11:21 PM
What gogles would u prefer im leaning tword the proflex... but i would like to have all of u paintball geniouses's opinions on which ones would be better.

08-07-2005, 11:25 PM
i would get a v force profiler over thouse two

the profilers and very comfey and NEVER fog.

supper supper easy and fast to take len's are to clean.

if you are spending over 50 bucks for a mask get a v force

they are worth every penny

08-08-2005, 12:10 AM
I havnt had my invision or my proflex ever fog. IM not a big proponent of the dye masks, but after getting used to the small size at IAO, i was pretty happy with it. it worked well, it didnt fog, and it was remarkably comfortable, i also found the curved lense made it easier to take pictures. The problem is i have a large dome, so i reccomend the proflex if your dome is larger than normal. if you have a regular dome, grab the invision and dont look back.

08-08-2005, 07:43 AM
I would say that I have a "regular"ish dome, and I love my '04 proflex

Very comfortable, very small, still covers all the important areas, and I can hardly tell I'm wearing it, it has never fogged on me.

Replacing the lens the first time can be a little frustrating, but you should have to do that more than once a year anyways.

now if they could only bring back the original Z-Leader

08-08-2005, 08:07 AM

Invision is smaller, has less peripheral vision, has more lens "vision warp", and when you open your mouth all the way it's actually possible for a paintball to fly in there (not kidding, I have a teammate with an Invision whose mouth is visible under the jawline of the mask when he opens his mouth), and is even harder to change the lenses on than a Proflex.

You should also consider a Profiler, it's probably the best mask on the market today.

Load SM5
08-08-2005, 08:38 AM
I just went back from a profiler to a proflex. The most amazing thing is how light the proflex is. But of the 2 you mentioned I'd definately go for the proflex. Dye masks are pretty heavy and awefully small on people without pinheads.

08-08-2005, 08:58 AM
yeah i would also go with the proflex, my friend has the invision and it is awfully small, but they are comfy.

08-08-2005, 09:59 AM
I hate invision lenses...

Such a PITA to change!

Mr. Mouse
08-08-2005, 10:58 AM
proflex are nice, so are profilers which i use now and i still have my proflex mask, both are great, its just proflex's lenses are a pain to change but other than that there awesome

Major Ho
08-08-2005, 11:24 AM
If you are set on those two choices, Id go with the proflex over the Dye. Simply for the reason that your fingers will lose sensation and fall off less quickly than with the Invision. The plastic/rubber on the JT's is more managable than that evil stuff on the Dyes.

And like everyone else has been saying, profilers are indeed pretty swanky.

08-08-2005, 11:28 AM
I hate invision lenses...

Such a PITA to change!

What Dayspring said :headbang:

08-09-2005, 05:09 AM

I've got both!

NO fog
Looks cool
get bounces

Proflex 05
some bonces
a little easier to clean

If you can decide flip a coin or eny meny miny mo.

08-09-2005, 05:29 AM
Profilers fog. No matter what anyone says, they're more prone to fogging than any decent mask out right now.

When I'm playing... you know how I make my JT lense clean? I spit on it and wipe it off w/ my jersey/longsleeve. It's perfectly clear and doesn't require removing the lense, than at the end of the day I take it apart and clean the lense/frame/mouthpiece.

Once you break-in the Proflex, removing a lense takes 5 seconds, cleaning takes another 10-15 seconds, and putting it back together another 10-15 seconds. They honestly aren't that hard.

I recommend the proflex over any mask out right now. super comfortable, super clear lense, no distortion to get used to w/ the profiler. And they get bounces. I get bounces all the time off my proflex, as odd as that seems... this is also across 150-175ft feild with cheaper paint. I doubt I'd catch many bounces with hellfire, but still ;)

Mr. Mouse
08-09-2005, 08:13 AM
not uh! profilers are the fastest mask on the market! :p :D

08-09-2005, 08:41 AM
I too am in the market for a new mask. I can no longer find replacement lenses for my worn out Scotts which I like very much. I am a firm believer in function over form...lol

My teammates all use profilers. Every single one of them has problems with fogging. Oh they on't admit it cause their masks are so cool and all, but every one of them is seen in between games swinging their mask to clear it up.

I am no fan of the Invision, just because its made for people with no jawline, and offers no protetion for the side of your face. I have seen people with bruises well up on their face from its lack of coverage.

I own an older proflex and am not really a fan of the foam around the lenses. I also hate how the pins will magically come apart leaving bits of your mask unattached. Maybe just a problem with the older one that I have...

Any other suggested good masks?

08-09-2005, 11:24 AM
V-Force Morph or Profiler. I have never had my morph fog up on me and i've played in all sorts of weather conditions, plus the lenses are extremely easy to change and the mask itself is very comfortable.

08-09-2005, 12:06 PM
I'd steer clear of the invisions. I owned one for over 2 years and it gave me quite a bit of trouble. The lens is a pain to change out, the foam tends to fall off over time, its small and rigid so bounces dont happen often, and all the vents in the front are pointed straight at your mouth so one face hit and you are tasting paint. I'm a big fan of the profilers now but if you are choosing between the proflex's and the invisions, buy the proflex's

spyder luver
08-10-2005, 11:53 AM
or have any of u had experience in the Extreme Rage 20/20? Because i have been looking into that also

08-11-2005, 06:14 AM
i say buy em all! .... ah i kid. I own a profiler and proflex... might buy a dye mask eventually too. I say if you want simple and durable, get a profiler. if you want a mask that's super comfy and super customizable that'll never fog, get a proflex. and ...just don't get a dye mask.
I have totally pimped out masks and love them both for different reasons. and my profilers HAVE fogged by the way....MANY times in the winter. so i make sure to keep a proflex for winter, because they will NEVER fog, seriously.