View Full Version : Rant Rant Rant Rant

08-08-2005, 08:37 AM
Much anger in me.. like my father……

Another week, another rant.

*I’m starting this one on Tuesday, since judging by the mood of the forums this week, there is just way too much hostility. Why is it that when people have differing opinions, it automatically means there is a flame war? What happened to ‘reasonable discussion’?

The problem is, there is no such thing as a ‘reasonable person’ anymore. Especially if we are talking about ‘youngsters’

Also, what is “Debate”
1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument.
4. To fight or quarrel.

How is what is going on here any different from what a debate actually is. The problem is that every one wants to ‘win’ the debate, when in reality, all of this is opinion, and mine is worth about as much as everyone else’s. Nothing. I’m sorry to have to point that out, but the truth hurts.

Ever since the high-end semis hit the scene, everyone who can drop a cool grand on a marker gets a over-developed ego that must come packaged with the gun, probably in the bag with the warranty card.

I hope to see the mods on AO closing some of those threads. Do we really need another….
“____ gun sucks”
“You people are idiots”
“Look at what my parents bought for me”
“Why doesn’t AGD make something new”

Maybe its time for AO to shut down? What purpose does it serve anymore? There are at least 10 other paintball forums on the web. AO is different how? I thought this was one of the best places for adult paintball conversation. When I want my share of PBN-tude, I go there. Kevmaster said recently that Tom created AO for debate and discussion. “Here, we'll still have intelligent debate. I think thats what tom REALLY wanted when he built AO. If there are faults, he want(ed) to hear them. If there are bad things, he want(ed) to hear them. Nothing has changed. He doesnt (didn't) want 'yes-men'. He could have done things alot differently if he had. and a lot cheaper.”

So what is so different?

Maybe, it is time to just reinvent AO. Maybe it should be by subscription only? Maybe you should need to be an AGD customer, with a valid AGD customer number to log on?
Hmm… just a thought. Or does that just breed a colony of Yes-men.

Perhaps, it may also be time to put up additional sub-forums for other markers.

“Automags Forum”
Classics, RT, RTP, Micro, E, and Xs

“Angel Forum”
Led, Lcd, IR3, Speeds, A4, G7

If it aint listed above, it goes here!!

Then again, this is JUST an internet forum, and maybe we all need to get a life. :tard:

*My paranoia had reached a new height. I now carry a complete replacement shell, lid door and drive cone for my Halo. I even picked up one of those $35 metal Shocktech ones. I think I’m covered, but I’m sure Murphy will show up at some point.

*Marblizer>Menace. I have also learned that the warp breach in my x-mag does not like swollen, egg shaped Menace paint very much. I also have learned that it takes a well-tuned lvl10 3 times hitting the same stuck ball to break it.

*I recently saw a Predator Ion. It ripped. There is nothing that a Predator board goes into that is not impressive. However, I question the economics of putting a $160 board into a $280 gun.

*Speaking of the ION, do I think they are the greatest things since sliced bread? – No, but, it is really a good thing to see relatively new players on the field and be able to have firepower that can keep up with the big boys. It will be good for the game in the long run.

*Also, now that respectable firepower is within the reach of just about every tax bracket, how long will it take the rest of the paintball world to catch up? The BKO is a close second, and probably a little more robust than the ION, but nowhere near as feature filled.

*The paintball market? Is there still such a thing? Is it still possible to sell your used gear and markers for ANYWHERE near a respectable price? To help with such matters, here is Big Evil’s advice for selling your paintball gear:

If you are selling a mech cocker – FORGET IT. Donate it to charity or something. You will get more for it as a tax deduction. Plus, think of all of those poor kids that will go insane trying to learn how to time them.

OK, so you think you are going to PART IT OUT? People have already figured that one out. You may be able to break a cocker up and sell it, but you still aren’t going to get good money for anything. WGP Hinge frames new are $85, used you can get them for $10-$25. I did.

Just to show another example of how pathetic the market is right now, I’ve seen a brand new e-cocker on the wall at my paintball field for $400!! A few months ago that same gun went for $900.

Classic Mag Valves. Better off using them as a door stop than to try to unload one. Unless you are trading it in towards a X-valve.

X-Valves. Still in demand, but its slowing down. Used Xvalves have gone from $150-$200.

Emags. This is a tough one. Someone who wants a nice emag can still get a pretty good bargain on one. The older non-ule emags with the stainless steel powerfeeds go for as little as $450.

I feel sorry for anyone who still has old aftermarket mag parts sitting around in stock. Think anyone would still want a Pro-team lvl7 foamyless bolt, replacement on/off top, single trigger 45 frames or tourney locks?

There are lots of great deals for anyone looking to pick up an older Angel. Speeds are going for about $400. If you are willing to spend an extra $200 on it, you can get a predator and break beams installed. You will have an awesome gun that will last you for years and absolutely rip. You can save lots of cash on a project like this if you can DIY.

http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/17000/Skullsig_4549.jpg (http://www.jayloo.com/files/pics/17000/Skullsig_4549.jpg)

08-08-2005, 09:07 AM
well said...

08-08-2005, 09:38 AM

Mr. Mouse
08-08-2005, 09:49 AM
bedeep bedeep bedeep thats all folks... :argh:

08-08-2005, 09:59 AM
you're right, the presence of reasonable debate is all but gone. It seems all debate here ends in the "veterans" coming along and calling mags, AO and anything more than a week old dead and not worth talking about.

frankly if someone sees something as stupid or not worth discussing... frankly why start troll posting just to make the point that you think that. Thread makers don't care what the anti-posters think.

08-08-2005, 10:05 AM
You couldn't hit anything with that mence stuff.

Nicely put.

08-08-2005, 10:09 AM
You couldn't hit anything with that mence stuff.

Nicely put.

Yeah tell me about it. I switched to Marbs and was shooting darts.

I dunno about you, but im hurting today. :tard:

08-08-2005, 12:19 PM
i hate the resale valve...

but then again i got a 3.2 (ss body) emag for 350.

08-08-2005, 01:18 PM
i hate the resale valve...

but then again i got a 3.2 (ss body) emag for 350.

Score !!!

Economics are amazing. Maybe in a year or two retail prices will come down to Earth as well.

08-08-2005, 01:21 PM
Score !!!

Economics are amazing. Maybe in a year or two retail prices will come down to Earth as well.

I agree that there needs to be a swing eventually that brings prices down some on markers. I can buy a good shotgun (Beretta) with case, interchangeable choke tubes, etc. for less than I can buy a Matrix for. Granted I can spend upwards of 100K on a shotgun, but those are works of art and few and far between.

08-08-2005, 01:38 PM
I agree that there needs to be a swing eventually that brings prices down some on markers. I can buy a good shotgun (Beretta) with case, interchangeable choke tubes, etc. for less than I can buy a Matrix for. Granted I can spend upwards of 100K on a shotgun, but those are works of art and few and far between.

There will always be a high end market in paintball. It will also probably be bigger by percentage than most other markets. For whatever reason, we have the "Newest, fastest, fanciest" mentality.

Trends will always be, but I would like to see the ION-EFFECT on the market. Meaning, I think that some of these bigger manufacturers can start making more reasonably rpiced high-end markers. Why is a DM5 $1300 retail? What is the wholesale to retail markup? 8%? Pathetic. The paintball community needs more reasonable pricing on certain things. Paint, for one. I am seeing lots more fields offer BYOP, either days or regularly. Competition is so much more benaficial to us consumers.

Im am hoping that as some of these manufacturers have more and more resourses available to them, the cost of production comes down. Many times consumers wont be directly affected, since the market will allow a manufacturer to sell that same product for a ridiculous price. Now, things are so oversaturated and there are so many choices that companies have to get creative.

08-08-2005, 02:39 PM
Paint, for one. I am seeing lots more fields offer BYOP, either days or regularly. Competition is so much more benaficial to us consumers.

I agree. Lower paint prices and the movment twords BYOP (or at least being allowed to get you paint at the field's proshop for resanable prices which is fine with me) are one of the few positive changes going on in PB today.

08-08-2005, 02:56 PM
Well, with the market dropping it makes assembling older mags extremly nice. You can build a used mag, with powerfeedbody and vertical inline for roughly $120 if you can find parts. Thats awesome. I love older parts and am having a blast with this. I LIKE markers that in a pinch can be used as a hammer. Trigger speed? Waste of paint when on a tight budget. I run a Classic mag with NO LX. And it runs better than most X-valves I have seen.

Alot of fields in michigan are going from BYOP to FPO... which is terrible. Hell survivors has an awesome field, and great events, yet recently went to FPO... and their paint is advertised as and I quote "Blood Red Fill."

08-08-2005, 03:26 PM
Well said man but another thing I may add is the price of Xmag dropping to around 600-500 I saw that deviled xmag sell for 950 i think. You cant sell xmags at 1200 like you useto be able to.

08-08-2005, 04:12 PM
For some reason your weekly rants always make me read them. They always make sense.

08-08-2005, 04:27 PM
For some reason your weekly rants always make me read them. They always make sense.

I will make sure I forward your kind words to my psychiatrist.

08-08-2005, 04:37 PM
I agree. Lower paint prices and the movment twords BYOP (or at least being allowed to get you paint at the field's proshop for resanable prices which is fine with me) are one of the few positive changes going on in PB today.

THe field Ive been hitting the most is BYOP. I however buy their paint because they have it at such good prices.

08-08-2005, 10:19 PM
THe field Ive been hitting the most is BYOP. I however buy their paint because they have it at such good prices.
If only my local fields would switch to BYOP...they really stick it to us on their paint prices.
I'd LOVE to be able to switch back to Maballizer... :(