View Full Version : Team Automags.org / Skyball 5 Update

12-03-2001, 03:15 PM
For any one interested, the www.zapskyball.com site is up and for the most psrt has all the information that is needed. As some already know, I am organizing an AO team to play this event. For more information join the Yahoo group by clicking the icon below.

<a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aoskyball/join">
<img src="http://groups.yahoo.com/img/ui/join.gif" border=0><br>
Click to subscribe to aoskyball</a>

12-04-2001, 09:09 AM

12-04-2001, 09:30 AM
Yeah I really hope my dad can get some airfare to go up to Toronto on that week/weekend. Because he's always up there on buisness...maybe this time I will come along ;).

12-04-2001, 10:52 AM
I'll at least be spectating for sure, as it is now, with the cash ive saved up it'll be pretty tight to actually attend and play, but theres still alot of time between now and march, so ive got my fingers crossed! :D

12-04-2001, 11:11 AM
Hmm...well..ask for nothing but money for Christmas and don't eat for 3 months:) But we need at least 5 people...

12-04-2001, 06:33 PM
Dont worry, im WAAAYYY ahead of you on that one lol.... ;) :D

12-04-2001, 10:36 PM
muzikman - put me down on the roster as the team photographer :D

If i had the $$ i'd play .. at least I'll end up down there!

12-05-2001, 11:21 AM
Cool, I'll even see about tossing you on the roster so that you can get down on the floor.

I still need 5 people, and so far no one has made any comments about the message I posted in the Yahoo group. This is starting to scare me. But again, I guess I have to assume that some people are screwed up with the whole AT&T/@home problem.

12-05-2001, 03:37 PM
Well, Right now its a money factor in my case, I really want to play, but if I cant afford to, that answers that question, hopefully I can gather up some more funs and put them aside before the tournament.

12-05-2001, 03:44 PM
what division are you going to be playing in?
i may be able to go as like a back up or something.
ill hopefully be atleast there to watch anyways.

12-05-2001, 04:29 PM
Not sure of the Division yet, I am unsure of the experiance level of most of the people. If it is pretty low, I figure Rookie. I figure I should still qualify even though I have quite a few years of tournaments.

12-05-2001, 10:31 PM
well muzikman,

you know that i am on the team.

i allready have me hotel room over looking the field all set.

we will see you there.

i did get your email the other day.

i just need your address to send my entry fee.

and i will see you under the dome

and slushee you better make it down