View Full Version : Looks like Venezuela is trying to push our buttons now.

08-09-2005, 10:21 AM
So much hostility in the world. Now Venezuala pres Huge Chavez is starting to play games with us.

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told thousands of visiting students that if U.S. forces were to invade the South American country, they would be soundly defeated.

The U.S. government has strongly denied Chavez's claims that it is considering military action against Cuba's closest ally in the Americas.

But Chavez said late Monday that the U.S. government, which "won't stop caressing the idea of invading Cuba or invading Venezuela," should be warned of the consequences.

"If someday they get the crazy idea of coming to invade us, we'll make them bite the dust defending the freedom of our land," Chavez said to applause.

He spoke during the opening ceremony of a world youth festival bringing together student delegations from across the world and convened under the slogan "Against Imperialism and War."

Chavez called the United States the "most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world."

The Venezuelan leader said "socialism is the only path," and told the students the collective goal is to "save a world threatened by the voracity of U.S. imperialism."

Earlier, the students waved flags, danced in traditional dress, and held signs praising socialism, Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of U.S. President George W. Bush, chanting "Get out Bush!" Other students chanted: "Bush, fascist -- you're a terrorist!"

Some 15,000 youths from 144 countries traveled to Venezuela for the weeklong festival and conference, organizers said.

Chavez wore a red shirt like many of the students, and embraced delegation leaders as their groups marched past.

The ceremony was held in Venezuela's military headquarters in Caracas. Troops looked on while students passed carrying colored flags and shouting: "We will overcome!"

This year's World Festival of Students and Youth is the 16th. The first, in 1947, was held in Czechoslovakia, and during the Cold War most host countries were aligned with the Soviet bloc.

Apart from the former Soviet Union, other host countries have included Romania, Poland, Finland, Cuba, the former East Germany and North Korea.

The weeklong gathering will include musical performances, panel discussions and an "Anti-imperialist Court," which in past years has condemned the U.S. government's actions.

While tensions have grown between Chavez and Washington, the Venezuelan leader has built close ties with countries from Iran to China.

Chavez expressed his support Monday for Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, saying he expects to continue strengthening relations. Chavez said like Venezuela, Iran is a country that has been "attacked" for many years by "the hand of imperialism."

Chavez, whose country remains a major supplier of oil to the United States, also is sharply critical of the U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

08-09-2005, 10:40 AM
In a world where a leader can be accepted saying "You're with us or against us." how is any of this surprising?

How do you respond to such things? Don't have "buttons" to push. Smile and ignore.

Be the better human.

Then, the truly vile can be fought and those in the middle will be swayed.

08-09-2005, 10:42 AM
He's testing us. Since when has socialism been the best form of government?

08-09-2005, 10:49 AM
He's testing us. Since when has socialism been the best form of government?

Labels are pathetic.

Perfectly functional forms of "Socialism" work well in many western european countries and Canada.

That's what's wrong with the world today. Pathetically limited thinking demanding that something is either the "best" or is is not. Decaliring that the US is the BEST despite obvious and easy to point out failures only allows the crackpots to recruit more people and cause more tension in the world.

Growth occurs when you're mature enough to admit to your own weaknesses, other's strengths, and accpet differing points of view.

08-09-2005, 11:19 AM

i hope theytry to invade us :)

lets see how well that works out for them
oh...thats right...the american military is the only military capable of projecting force outside its adjacent borders

08-09-2005, 02:22 PM
More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of U.S. President George W. Bush, chanting "Get out Bush!" Other students chanted: "Bush, fascist -- you're a terrorist!"

Damn pot smoking, libral students. When will they ever learn. Do they really think that john kerry would have been better. No the country would have been invaded.

08-09-2005, 02:41 PM
Labels are pathetic.

Perfectly functional forms of "Socialism" work well in many western european countries and Canada.

I think you are confusing socialism with the welfare state. All Western countries are capitalist democracies (or constitutional monarchies). Some still make use of significant state-owned industries in key sectors, but capitalism is the general rule.

08-09-2005, 03:19 PM
But Chavez said late Monday that the U.S. government, which "won't stop caressing the idea of invading Cuba or invading Venezuela," should be warned of the consequences.

Yeah, thats right on our list behind invading Burkina Fasso and Luxembourgh.

"If someday they get the crazy idea of coming to invade us, we'll make them bite the dust defending the freedom of our land," Chavez said to applause.


Chavez called the United States the "most savage, cruel and murderous empire that has existed in the history of the world."

Yeah, the whole Nazi Germany and Khmer Rouge things were totally blown out of proportion, the US is BY FAR the worst.

More than 300 students from the United States shouted out their disapproval of U.S. President George W. Bush, chanting "Get out Bush!" Other students chanted: "Bush, fascist -- you're a terrorist!"

Proving that even free countries produce their fair share of idiots. I don't mind someone slamming the President, but they shouldn't be doing it right after a foreign leader has made a speech about killing US troops, defeating the US, etc etc.

Chavez, whose country remains a major supplier of oil to the United States, also is sharply critical of the U.S.-led wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I guess there should have been a big sign over the conference stating "Sponsored by the United States." If we are so terrible, why does his country sell us oil? Hypocrite.

Who wants to bet that Venezuela recieved US foriegn aid every year?

08-09-2005, 03:28 PM
He's testing us. Since when has socialism been the best form of government?

Since the idea of "best" government has been open to interpretation.

08-09-2005, 03:30 PM
If we are so terrible, why does his country sell us oil? Hypocrite.

If they're so terrible, why do business with them and buy? Hypocrites.

Moral posturing and absolutes by any world leader is pure hypocrisy.

08-09-2005, 04:39 PM
If they're so terrible, why do business with them and buy? Hypocrites.

Moral posturing and absolutes by any world leader is pure hypocrisy.

I'm sorry, when did I say Venezula was terrible? I thought so.

08-09-2005, 06:25 PM
I say we don't let the students back in. As I always say, "If you don't like it, leave. Then I don't have to put up with your bull."

08-09-2005, 07:03 PM
Could there be a cahnce, just this little possibility that he IS right and that our government IS the bad guy? This kind of reminds me of when Chile became a Communist country back in 1970. President Allende was a great leader and the new government was WONDERFUL. Then the US pulled some strings, helped crash their economy, and helped the military overthrow the liberal government (after assassinating a general or two that wouldn't cooperate with their plans).

08-09-2005, 07:25 PM
Sure, the US did some not-so-nice stuff in the past, but do you REALLY think we are going to invade his country? And do you really think we are the most evil empire the world has ever seen? What have we done to Venezula lately to warrant his reaction?

08-09-2005, 08:50 PM
Sure, the US did some not-so-nice stuff in the past, but do you REALLY think we are going to invade his country? And do you really think we are the most evil empire the world has ever seen? What have we done to Venezula lately to warrant his reaction?

I know we aren't going to invade his country, nor ever will, but that doesn't mean we can't screw with it in other ways. He claims the DEA has been using the drug war as a cover to spy on his government. I can't say this is true or not, but I will say that it's a definite possibility. We may have got over our McCarthy-period, but our government still hates Communism with a passion. Anything is possible.

Target Practice
08-09-2005, 09:46 PM
Venezuelan bastards.

08-10-2005, 07:57 AM
Chavez might not be acting in the most diplomatic or tempered manner, but can you blame him?

Chavez has repeatedly accused the U.S. of supporting efforts by the domestic opposition in Venezuela to remove him from office. In April of 2002, when a coup briefly removed him from power, Bush administration officials saluted the short-lived effort to oust him while denying involvement in the plan to get rid of an elected government. At her confirmation hearing, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice criticized Chavez and his government.

CONDOLEEZZA RICE: We have right now a government in Venezuela that has been unconstructive in important ways. And I would just urge that the entire neighborhood, as well as the Venezuelan government, look at what's happening in terms of democracy in Venezuela, in terms of Venezuela's relations with its neighbors.


Now, the problem that the United States has, not only with Chavez and Venezuela, with many of his supporters, but also with other leaders in the region, is that the United States says Chavez has to stay on the democratic road, and yet U.S. policy recently, for example, as your report said earlier, countenanced an unconstitutional government to replace him. There was a semi-coup that took place. The military put in a provisional government, and the United States applauded that. And that of course violates what the United States says its dedication to democratic politics in the region.

And more recently, for example, the United States did not criticize the leader of Ecuador when he twice shut down the Supreme Court, and yet the United States criticizes Chavez, so other leaders in the region see the United States with kind of a double discourse, which has affected the United States' prestige and moral leadership in the region.

The US makes all possible signals to support anyone who'll take Chavez from power, openly supported a coup, and you're all wondering why he hates the US.

Kinda obvious. No?

08-10-2005, 03:06 PM
I knew why he hated the US. I was just enoying the stupidity of his comments.

08-10-2005, 03:16 PM
hahaha.. that guy up a few posts thinks Canada is socialist. :rofl:

08-10-2005, 03:52 PM
I think you are confusing socialism with the welfare state.

Welfare state policies ARE socialist policies. The difference if you need to have one lies in whether you lump Marists in socialism or communism. There are differing definitions and opinions.

If the marxists are socialist, YES Canada and other democracies are not socialist and you have touse the invented term welfare state. If you class Marxists as communists, then Canada and other democracies are socialist democracies.

If you're going to make the definitions absolute and slice them that thin, there's no such thing as a capitalist country.

And as any Canadian knows, the stereotypical flag-thumping capitalist American starts screaming anti-communist rhetoric if you show them your medicare card.

As I often repeat: lables are stupid.

08-10-2005, 09:26 PM
As I often repeat: lables are stupid.

Oh, the irony! :rofl:

;) :p

08-10-2005, 10:33 PM
Welfare state policies ARE socialist policies. The difference if you need to have one lies in whether you lump Marists in socialism or communism. There are differing definitions and opinions.

If the marxists are socialist, YES Canada and other democracies are not socialist and you have touse the invented term welfare state. If you class Marxists as communists, then Canada and other democracies are socialist democracies.

If you're going to make the definitions absolute and slice them that thin, there's no such thing as a capitalist country.

And as any Canadian knows, the stereotypical flag-thumping capitalist American starts screaming anti-communist rhetoric if you show them your medicare card.

As I often repeat: lables are stupid.

If labels are stupid, then why are you heavily relying on them as well as other generalizations? Do you realize that this is what you are doing?

I agree with Steelrat... very ironic.

Governments typically do not follow a strict definition of any particular philosophy... it's often a mixture - some philosophies might be more prominent than others in a particular government.

08-10-2005, 11:08 PM
I just love it when these banana boat countries talk BIG -- If the US decided to pull all its support -- our $$ -- from direct financial loans, humanitarian aid, ALLOWING MOST OF SOUTH AMERICA TO JUMP OVER THE FENCE...ect... These paper governments would fall within a year.

Didn't that little country called England open up a can of WOOP-*** on Argentina with a tiny Navy including the Queen Elizabeth 2 as a troop ship. Argentina's BS military is on par with Venezuela's, and these morons have the balls to talk about kicking our ***.

This is what happens when so called leaders of nations watch too much CNN. They figure that the US is having some tough times in our Iraq tour, so that must mean that we are not what we used to be militarily speaking anymore.

They fail to see the "compassionate" side of our military might is keeping many thousands of innocents from being wiped out by use of precision guided weapons and tactics. If we really wanted to win Iraq, Afganistan, ect.. The big stuff would come out and these countries would be crushed (without nukes).

He's a MORON.


08-11-2005, 08:12 AM
Oh, the irony! :rofl:

;) :p

Let's see. When did *I* use lables?

Perfectly functional forms of "Socialism" work well in many western european countries and Canada.

I quoted socialism. I didn't lable.

Then when accused of stupidity based on an extreme definition/interpretation of the lable.

Then I clarify my position by explaining the nuances I accept and that I find extreme uses of lables stupid.

The irony is what?

08-11-2005, 10:09 AM
I say we have a strict isolationist policy and nuke any country that attacks us or does not keep its people from attacking us...

But hey, thats just me.

08-11-2005, 10:19 AM
I say we have a strict isolationist policy and nuke any country that attacks us or does not keep its people from attacking us...

But hey, thats just me.

We'd have to make sure to nuke em at night and have the Shuttle's in orbit so we can get some cool pictures. :D