View Full Version : Resale for DM4's

08-09-2005, 02:02 PM
Ok so i may have an opportunity to buy a DM4 like new for a really good price..maybe around 400 or so (well what i believe to be a good price) so how much do they sell for new like on average?If i buy it im prolly gonna sell it so im trying to see if its worth investing the money into it.

08-09-2005, 02:03 PM
Dm4s go for 700 and up

08-09-2005, 02:04 PM
Wow i wish i wasnt told that....thanks.

08-09-2005, 02:06 PM
Wow, i think you should give me the link just ot make sure it's a good deal ;)

08-09-2005, 02:29 PM
i agree with MonsterMag, i have seen them sold for around 675-700 and about 800 if they have some ups

08-09-2005, 02:30 PM
Just to make sure, do a third party transfer through me. It'll only cost you $450.

$400 for a fully functional DM4 is a killer deal. Are you SURE it's not a DM3 or a 2003 Dye Matrix?

08-09-2005, 03:08 PM
No its a dm4 and its a local deal...only basically if he shows his mom money shes gonna give him another 350 so i dont think he cares what he sells it for..hes had alot of problems with the gun...problems casued by him...but he said other day for 400 i could have it but he'd have to ask his mom..i doubt she will let him but if so im prolly going to have to buy it casue it'd be stupid not to..if not he was going to sell it for 600.I can see it now though he lies says his mom said he could i give him the 400 sell it and then she comes *****ing to me and blah blah...but yea he might now even wanna sell it now but if he does im going to get it checked over and if everything is good ill buy it..i know there may be somthing wrong with the eyes but not sure so yea...

08-09-2005, 03:21 PM
No its a dm4 and its a local deal...only basically if he shows his mom money shes gonna give him another 350 so i dont think he cares what he sells it for..hes had alot of problems with the gun...problems casued by him...but he said other day for 400 i could have it but he'd have to ask his mom..i doubt she will let him but if so im prolly going to have to buy it casue it'd be stupid not to..if not he was going to sell it for 600.I can see it now though he lies says his mom said he could i give him the 400 sell it and then she comes *****ing to me and blah blah...but yea he might now even wanna sell it now but if he does im going to get it checked over and if everything is good ill buy it..i know there may be somthing wrong with the eyes but not sure so yea...

Maybe im just tired...but that was very confusing :tard:

08-09-2005, 04:17 PM
yea prolly was. What would the resale on a dm4 with broken eyes? how much do the eyes cost to replace...arent layzer(sp) eyes like 50?

08-09-2005, 04:25 PM
dye will fix them for free usally :D

Dye will replace broken eyes and such

08-09-2005, 10:11 PM
O wow haha well i got a ncie check today that i can affor to blow for once so if he still wants to sell im gonna buy for sure...might even go 500 if not i know he will sell for 6 but i wont pay that much maybe someone on ao will....thanks for all the helpful info.

08-09-2005, 10:14 PM
if the eye is broke im almost 100% sure they will fix them for free. when i was at the chi open i saw a few people taking their dm4's to the tent to get new eyes and they did it for free

08-09-2005, 11:23 PM
once you buy it, you arent gunna wanna get rid of it. dye will send you a new set of eyes for free, just send them an e-mail. if they dont do it call em, some techs will do it, and some wont.

08-10-2005, 01:38 AM
DM4's are easy to troubleshoot and most normal fixes are either cheap or free via dye.

Jump on that deal immediately :)

08-10-2005, 09:12 PM
once you buy it, you arent gunna wanna get rid of it. dye will send you a new set of eyes for free, just send them an e-mail. if they dont do it call em, some techs will do it, and some wont.

yea thats what im afriad of...wanting to keep it that is i was gonna buy and sell and use the money to buy d-mag frame and eyes but maybe ill just wait and then buy that and then use the dm4 while its off to GA then sell it once i get dmag...but my luck he prolly wont sell it now.

08-10-2005, 09:13 PM
once you buy it, you arent gunna wanna get rid of it. dye will send you a new set of eyes for free, just send them an e-mail. if they dont do it call em, some techs will do it, and some wont.

yea thats what im afriad of...wanting to keep it that is,i was gonna buy and sell and use the money to buy d-mag frame and eyes but maybe ill just wait to buy that and then use the dm4 while its off to GA then sell it once i get dmag...but my luck he prolly wont sell it now.

08-10-2005, 09:14 PM
once you buy it, you arent gunna wanna get rid of it. dye will send you a new set of eyes for free, just send them an e-mail. if they dont do it call em, some techs will do it, and some wont.

yea thats what im afriad of...wanting to keep it that is,i was gonna buy and sell and use the money to buy d-mag frame and eyes but maybe ill just wait to buy that and then use the dm4 while its off to GA then sell it once i get dmag...but my luck he prolly wont sell it now.

ahh frigin Ao is slow..