View Full Version : got my license

08-10-2005, 02:07 PM
Just took the test and it was really easy. The cop was more worried about the a/c being than me drinving. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Enraged Monk
08-10-2005, 03:38 PM
Got mine about two days after i turned 16

08-10-2005, 04:22 PM
lucky in MA you have to wait untill your 16 and a half.

08-10-2005, 06:24 PM
yea i got 5 months until i turn 17. Which is when we got our restricted licenses in NJ
You took your test with a cop?

08-10-2005, 06:38 PM
Yeah, the reason the cop didn't care is that it really doesn't matter how much you know right now. You won't be a good driver until you actually get out there and get some experience driving in the real world.

Tips for driving in Beantown:

Don't use your turn signals. You don't want to tip off The Others.

If you break a brake light, it's perfectly acceptable to repair it with a Taco Bell wrapper.

Honk your horn when you pass a cyclist ... they really appreciate it. There is just no way a guy on a bike can hear that huge gas guzzing SUV coming up behind him.

Your car is the biggest weapon you have. Don't get out of it for any reason. Car > Baseball bat.

(I hope you realize these are jokes. Well, the first 3 are anyway)

08-10-2005, 06:49 PM
oh driving around here is killer. I was driving into boston with my parents and it was the most agressive driving i ve ever seen. People cuting me of left and right and giving me the finger. its a war out there.

08-10-2005, 10:06 PM

08-11-2005, 01:00 AM
Just took the test and it was really easy. The cop was more worried about the a/c being than me drinving. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

That happened to me too! I swear my tester looked up twice during the whole test. When she got out she said something about it being the hottest car she'd ever been in. Makes me feel safe knowing that the driving testers care more about keeping cool then actually keeping bad drivers off the road ;)

Oh and congrats :dance:

08-11-2005, 11:22 AM
That happened to me too! I swear my tester looked up twice during the whole test. When she got out she said something about it being the hottest car she'd ever been in. Makes me feel safe knowing that the driving testers care more about keeping cool then actually keeping bad drivers off the road ;)

Oh and congrats :dance:

From now on when some is going to take there driving test i'll tell to make sure the scheduel it for a hot day. ;)

08-12-2005, 04:08 AM
From now on when some is going to take there driving test i'll tell to make sure the scheduel it for a hot day. ;)I took mine in a snow storm and the tester still didn't care. He was talking to my driving instructor about football the whole time ... there was a string of students from the same school taking the test that day and my test was one of the middle ones, so it kinda interrupted the conversation lol.

08-12-2005, 05:56 AM
Here in the wonderful land of canada, you have to be 16 to drive with someone who has had their liscenece for at least 4 years which is called a G1..., and then wait a year, and get your G2 at 17 which allows you to drive alone, and then you get your G withing 4 years which allows your to drink a bit and drive.

And according to the news, by the time I am 16 chances are you can get your G1 at 18,

I'm moving to america :eek: Driving with your parents, when you're in university? How retarted.

08-12-2005, 06:38 AM
Here in the wonderful land of canada, you have to be 16 to drive with someone who has had their liscenece for at least 4 years which is called a G1..., and then wait a year, and get your G2 at 17 which allows you to drive alone, and then you get your G withing 4 years which allows your to drink a bit and drive.

And according to the news, by the time I am 16 chances are you can get your G1 at 18,

I'm moving to america :eek: Driving with your parents, when you're in university? How retarted.

"MOM, i need a ride to the kegger."

08-12-2005, 12:36 PM
I get my license in 1 week, and 4 days?

But only 15 min away from me in SC....they get their license when your 15 1/2

08-12-2005, 01:57 PM
;) good luck

08-13-2005, 01:35 PM
I got me learner's permit when I was 14. Six months later, I had my restricted. The week of my sixteenth birthday, I got my operator's.
I love South Dakota.

08-13-2005, 02:57 PM
I get my license in 1 week, and 4 days?

But only 15 min away from me in SC....they get their license when your 15 1/2

Actually its 15 ..hehe but there are stipulations...see when you turn 15 you can get your permit..where you can only drive with an adult over the age of 21 or a parent or garudian thats licensed...and oyu have to have your permit for 180 days also..then you can get your restricted permit (so you can drive by yourself unitill certain times) if your 16 and you 180 days are up...but if your 180 days are up and your 15 and you have taken a driving class and passed then you can get your restricted at 15...so yea thats what i did i got mine like 4 months before i was 16...and also soemthing i didnt know if you have been drving for a year at the age of 16 if you have had to accidents or tickets (like myself) then you get unrestricted driving priveleges..of course i get these after i wait at the dmv for a work permit...owell it all worked out.

But yea most kids around here driving is pretty riddiculous...mine at times to i will confess,but i usually try to use my head.

08-13-2005, 06:37 PM
I'll get mine in 2 months assuming that I pass the class.

08-13-2005, 10:26 PM
i got my licence just a little while ago... actually exactly a week before you did. and yeah it was insanely easy, the state trooper just had me make 3 right turns and then back up in a straight line.

although i REALLY hate my mother. parents can really suck. before i got my licence, i drove for a year, ive driven into new hampshire twice, billrica, logan airport twice, taunton, the cape a few times, somerville, upton... most of which are over an hour away. and now that i FINALLY have my licence i still cant drive alone. my mother insisted on going with me to canobie paintball last weekend (the week after i got my licence) which somewhat made sense because i had never been there before. but i drove there fine without her help at all. and i assumed i could now FINALLY drive myself. but now she is insisting that i have to drive with her in the car again, despite the fact that both my father and sister (and i of course) have argued with her about it.

ehh, sorry everyone... /rant

im just pissed off about that and needed to rant.

good luck getting your licences matmc and VC... i hope you can actually USE them...

08-14-2005, 07:45 AM
wow that suxs. total opposite from me. My parents keep sending me places driving by my self.

08-14-2005, 08:13 AM
My parents don't care, but they'd rather not have me drive 2+ hours every day I play paintball ;) I can't take the car overnight, and when I asked to drive to oregon I was denied (400+ mile round trip...)

I've been driving for ... almost 4 weeks? and I've driven probably atleast 1000 miles. Minimum.

I've been to the paintball field ... 10 times since July 13th (When I got my license) and am going again in 30-45 min.

The only time I ever came close to an accident was when I was barely awake (Been driving through traffic and around washington for over 4 hours straight trying to meet a guy to pick up parts I had anodized...) and started to drift off the road onto the dirt, I woke up instantly and pulled back on, the second I found a gas station I pulled off, got something with caffiene in it and waited 15-30 min till I was awake. Then got home the fastest way possible (Not excessively speeding, just the best route). :(

The other time, there's this new development with 2 streets going parallel to eachother, a block apart. There are stop lights every block. The lights go VERY fast on them, the moment a car pulls up from one of the side streets, the light starts to turn yellow than within 1 second it turns red. The speed limit is 30, but 10 seconds before that it's 40 so most people are still going 40. Anyways, that sorta happens to me I put down the brakes hard and am slightly into the intersection. I wasn't paying attention and the intersection a block ahead turned green, My mind instantly thought go well the second I started to pull out a Honda zooms past me... probably inchs from my front bumper. I was already halfway into the intersection and it was still red. I just kept going because it was best to get out of the way. But ya I was pretty scared after that. I've learned to focus on the road and driving rather than anything else. I'm not going to take it for granted and do stupid stuff.

The first day I went to the field, I thought I was god. I felt so powerful driving on my own, I was an ***, I went 80+ passing every car I could, going in the HOV Lane (Alone) just to pass cars. WHATEVER. I nearly got into another accident because I wasn't paying attention and there was stopped traffic ahead on the highway, I look up and see some red convertible in front of me, slam on the brakes and again, am inches from the car. Then a semi is trying to pull into the stop-n-go traffic, I thought I'd be an *** and be godlike and stuff and pull ahead of her (Was actually a chick driver) and I was at the back of the semi... that didn't work out too well... Ended up stopping and letting her in and kept going.

Have respect for other drivers. If they want to get into your lane, let them. If they want to pass you (Aka They're tailgating you) move over into another lane or if there are cars in the way, speed up to find a spot to get over. Don't bother going much more than 70. It's not going to get you there faster. I drive 25-30 in 25 zones, and around neighborhoods, 10-15 (Yes I know it's 25).

Ya, I'm a newb at driving... and I still suck at parking. But that's ok because we're not supposed to be pro's. Atleast I'm not as bad as my Dad... he thinks he's a good driver and half the time he can't stay in his lane. I look over and he's looking at some scenary and gets on the sidewalk, yells "shunuvabish" and pulls back over. But with parking and stuff he's a pro -_- . The only parking stalls I can get in right are the angled ones... and those I usually eff up too.

My driving test examiner made me do a lot.

I had to... first pull out of the parking space, then make a left turn, another left turn into an alley, then parallel park (Failed!... actually I took 3 tries and couldn't get it right so we kept going) then a right turn.... then a right turn... then a right turn... then backing around a corner (Failed.. didn't stop and I hit the curb and I was too wide).... so then left turn, left turn, Parking on a hill (Failed... hit the curb going in JUST barely). left turn, left turn, pull out of traffic, re-enter traffic, left turn into parking lot, park. Got an 88/100 So ya... mine was a bit harder than a few turns and driving in a straight line :( I did ace my written though... that was easier than I thought possible. I read the book, memorized the numbers and what they were attached to. They had a couple trick questions my friend tipped me off on. (There's a school bus parked on the side of the road next to a school with the stop sign out (Not blinking though). do you a.) stop b.) continue at the same speed c.) yield d.) proceed cautiously past the bus. You'd think A because It had it's stop sign out. But it actually needs the lights before you have to stop or something. So the real answer was D.

Oh well, this took me like 10 minutes to write, I had to burn some time and this let me share some experiences. I hope you enjoy your priveledge to drive. Don't just drive safe, but drive smart. Look out for the needs of other drivers. You never know, that car behind you might have a pregnate woman about to have her baby and they're racing her to the hospital, but you're busy talking on the cellphone and going the speed limit or under to let them get by. I know it's a cheesey example, but like I said... you never know... I hate it when I'm trying to get over and someone won't make room (Rather by speeding up or slowing down.) So whenever someone needs to get over I slow down or speed up to give them a spot. It's not that much work.

Ya uh... now it's taken me 15 minutes to write this... I'm gonna eat some awesome week old donut holes and get ready to drive early to the paintball field to change the layout design because apparently the one I spent 4 hours on (+ 2 hour drive) friday wasn't good enough... buggers :P

To anyone who has read this, you have too much time.

08-14-2005, 10:20 AM
Well it seems you atleast learned from your mistakes so thats good...and parking i sucked at it to..mainly 90 degree you just gotta get used to almost hitting the car next to you..yea i dotn klnow im board so im rambling.

08-14-2005, 11:16 PM
ok, i seriously hate my mom now.

i stayed up until about 2 in the morning arguing with her about being able to drive to canobie paintball alone. surprisingly enough, in the morning she decided to let me to drive alone... but not before a lot of lecturing. she made me call her when i got to the field, and she went on about if i HAD gotten into a crash and killed myself. she called me before i left at the end of the day to tell me that it was raining. and the roads might be slippery. as if i wouldnt have noticed. and some other things, i cant remember. well, i get home safely, of course. and i have to stop for gas, because she was nice enough to leave me with around 2 gallons.

and remember throughout this round trip i was travelling consistantly between 60 and 70 on 495 (speedlimit 65) and probably 50 to 65 on highways where the speedlimit was 55... excluding areas where traffic was heavy. i was only in the right and center lanes on the highway (over 60 miles round trip on the highway), and i only passed a car twice, and in one case it was an SUV with a boat on a trailer, the other time it was a medium sized truck moving slowly in the right lane. off the highways i dont know how fast i was going in relation to the speed limit, but most likely no more than 5 over, and many times below the speed limit. on many occasions the cars behind me caught up to me. i made one mistake the whole way, which was i started to make a wrong turn. and i caught my mistake and safely corrected it.

ive never done what blazestorm said that he has done. and i got home safely. despite the fact that it was raining (and believe it or not, i would have noticed that it was raining without my mother calling and telling me). so i get home... and my mom tells me that she is signing me up for some driving course. thanks mom. and she has never taken a course like this, and never made my sister take a course like this - even after she totaled our volvo, spinning 4 lanes across the highway.

ehh, sorry again, but i do need to rant... and i dont think ill be signing up for livejournal.com any time soon.

08-15-2005, 07:04 AM
Ya i was driving in that rain to and it was crazy. That was really the hardest ive ever seen it rain. A lot of streets had flooding and so many people were stupid and try to go through w/ small cars and there engines got water in them and they stalled :rofl: . Luckly i had my dad's truck so i was safe.