View Full Version : SWEETEST EMAG EVER lots of pics and review!!!!

12-03-2001, 05:07 PM
First i'll show the pics!!!!

12-03-2001, 05:08 PM
Shows the electronics. Intellifeed!!!

12-03-2001, 05:09 PM
Small Profile!!!!!!!!

12-03-2001, 05:10 PM
Close up of electronics. The dangling black wire is the 12v revvy hook-up. Also shows the battery pack.

12-03-2001, 05:12 PM
This shows the proto-type valve. Notice the different lightning bolt E. This means that it was one of the proto-type testing e-mags. Also, with super bolt and honed out spring.

12-03-2001, 05:13 PM
12in tear drop with plastic nubbins

12-03-2001, 05:15 PM
thats the one you bought from the tech right? it looks really nice :)

12-03-2001, 05:15 PM
swwwwwwweeeeeeeeeet....:cool: :cool: :cool:

12-03-2001, 05:21 PM
:mad: Jealous...and happy :) for you. That Anno job will look awsome on an Extream mag!
(I like the relocation of the battery)

12-03-2001, 05:28 PM
Ok now for the review.

I bought this gun off of Carl Bonta. Problably one of the coolest guys i've ever talked to. Not only does he work for Tom Kaye, he should be given credit for the invention of the Superbolt. He totally tricked out this gun with everything neccesary for extreme tourney play. Intellifeed on warp and revvy is awesome. I would like to thank Carl for creating such a gun, being extremely helpful, and dealing with my mom(LOL!!!). SO thanks Carl!!!!

I recieved this gun saturday night and didnt have the chance to really shoot the gun with air until sunday(the day of my suposedly tourney). Well the tourney was cancelled so instead i held a practice at my house on my 150x70 speedball field.

First impressions w/o shooting it.
One of the sweetest and coolest looking anno i have ever seen. The bike grip ruled as a foregrip. This gun brought a tear to my eye just looking at it. These pics do not do the gun justice. All the wires and warp already hooked up all i need to do is gas up and try to keep my hopper full.(I charged it overnight)

Sunday when the paint arrived.
I already was shooting air through it before this so i knew the ROF was very high. I filled the hopper turned everything on and started to rip through the hopper. I went through a couple hoppers just to make sure i was used to it before we started to play. The thing rocked!!!

First couple games.
Seeing how i play front and yesterday i was in the snake most of the day this gun was everything i needed it to be. The abilitly to snapshoot and rip out 5-8 balls in stead of before 1-5 was a major plus. I was used to the warp b/c i already own one but this one had a nice feature. The warp body gave me a nice site to use while snapshooting. Between games i screwed in the magnet a little bit to see the difference and it seemed i could get an even higher ROF but not as easy so i left it how it was.

Plastic nubbin.
I can only praise it. I was shooting Diablo Blaze and didnt have one break or double feed all day. A great feature.

Super bolt.
Gives the gun an amazing sound and 0 recoil. Very very light compared to stock bolt.

No problems. It helps keep up with my extreme ROF.

Well i think this is a decent review. If you have any more questions go ahead and ask. But i have no clue on the electronics. I can give you Carls e-mail and if you want to ask him those questions I'm sure he can answer them.

Well Thank You Carl and AGD once again!!!!

12-03-2001, 05:38 PM
do you bmx by any chance?

12-03-2001, 06:12 PM
how many magnets were in it when you got it.

12-03-2001, 06:19 PM
Um....theres only one on the trigger and not sure about how many are on the inside. Need to call and get a manual and video. I'm sorta dumb on it right now.

12-03-2001, 06:29 PM
i'm not exactly sure but i am almost positive i have seen this gun like 4 months ago. had the same battery relocation and the exact same foregrip. i am wondering if the paint on the gun is actually a bit lighter than the pictures show it to be. if this is the same gun i saw before i would be interested to find out why i saw it or one just like it months ago at my local cocker/angel shop.

anyone with info on howmany e-mags have that type of relocation and fore grip please post it.

12-03-2001, 06:44 PM
Ok well i looked and there is only one magnet in the inside of the grip. I just took the whole gun apart and my bro is doing a trigger job as I speak.

BlueMag- The anno is actually darker in real life an i am almost possitive this isnt the gun you've seen. I'm pretty sure this is the only gun with this anno. There are i think 10 guns with the battery mod done to it. All done by Carl Bonta himself. A few for the Jax Warriors and a few for himself.

Keep the questions coming

12-03-2001, 07:59 PM
i love it! that mag looks awesome

12-03-2001, 09:25 PM
here's a sound file of the gun shooting, it isn't super fast but not too shabby, long strings too. Did a lil trigger adjusting and got it really nice, love this gun.


12-03-2001, 09:38 PM
how much green did it cost u? he even milled it for you too

carl j. bonta
12-04-2001, 02:12 AM
I built four guns this way and this one was the best of all. I plan on building something lighter, and using an air cylinder mounted in the grip to accuate the sear assy. run from less batteries, and will use small SMC valve like the ones used on the old LED Angel. Hopfully I will have it for next season. We will see how soon I get the parts, or if Tom will even give me the parts, also that was my gun at the local shop in IL, it was waiting to be picked-up as a loaner gun to a vendor(Im nice like that!).

I will send pics when its done.
P.S. dont mess with anything, just run paint thru it!!!

12-04-2001, 02:11 PM
I have been thinking about doing the same thing for a while with an air cylinder.

12-04-2001, 07:23 PM
I got to shoot that at the tour. I was also offered to buy it, LOL. I also agree that it shoots great. Carl did some awesome work to the gun.


01-25-2002, 07:11 PM

01-25-2002, 08:09 PM
nice DK grips

i do prefer ODI though...........

the gun is definately nice too

01-25-2002, 09:50 PM
Carl, I need to talk to you either on the phone or in an email...I have basically the same e-mag as i-luv-my-rt but its an em33 and his is a 35 or 36...hehe...anyway

email address: rsuave911@aol.com
aim: rsuave911
msn messenger: rsuave911@hotmail.com

01-25-2002, 10:40 PM
im sorry but imo that is a very ugly lookin emag

01-26-2002, 10:48 AM
i agree with titan....the colors dont mix...

01-26-2002, 10:53 AM
I think it looks great and I bet it proforms even better!!

01-26-2002, 10:55 AM
i like the originallity of it. that grip must be very comfy and you don't see those colors every day. nice setup.