View Full Version : They can never get it right...geez

08-11-2005, 04:00 PM
its been about 2 months ive ordered a y grip frame from local shop from my house :D . as usual..they dont know anything about mags. So they tell me they have to order it from another place and then i can go on and buy it off them when they receive it. Now i specified that i wanted a NICKEL Y GRIP FRAME..yup i must of repeated it to him like 20 times :) . 3 weeks ago i get a call saying my order had arrived. i get there and he give me an intelliframe, not just any intelliframe, a black one :confused: . i politly told the guy that it wasnt wat i ordered (even though i was swearing in my head :cuss: )... anyways the guy takes it back and tells me that they would order another nickel y-frame for me. when i get home i decide to call the shop to make sure they had it right...they didn't :eek: . They were going to order a nickel I-frame. i raised my voice and told them it was a Y-FRAME! they were like oups..we'll correct that for you...and now im waiting for there call to see if they actually got it right this time! :sleeping:

08-11-2005, 04:07 PM
Shoulda just bought it from:

White Wolf
Any other dealer on AO.

Creative Mayhem
08-11-2005, 04:17 PM
Shoulda just bought it from:

White Wolf
Any other dealer on AO.


08-11-2005, 05:27 PM
well sorry if im a lil noob at that but i really dont know the buying methods on the net. im 16 so i dont got no credit card, i live in canada so im not sure if shipping will be a problem, and i dont have a car so i cant go very far except for local bus transportation. if u guys could just clarify the methods of buying on teh net id be real happy :D oh and is it really secure...cause sometimes i get paranoid of shipping problems:tard: sorry again for sounding noobish im really new at the net shipping things.
if u uys could help me out a bit id really apreciate it :)

08-11-2005, 08:54 PM
S&H from US -> CA isn't much of an issue if you're dealing with internet paintball stores, like AGD/PBGear/Etc. Usually all you end up paying is the exchange rate cost of the item (usually in USD) and pay a little more for shipping as well as any import taxes that might be associated with the purchase.

Paying for things online, again from reputable places like store.airgun.com - www.pbgear.com - etc. are all reasonably safe activities. Generally speaking if you (or your parents) notice other transactions on the card that was used calling your card company and alerting them to this activity will usually result in the charges for those purchases being reversed and an investigation into the event being launched.

Places to be somewhat weary of are online auction houses (eBay.com for example) which the seller requires certain payment options which are not through a number of online payment companies (www.paypal.com - www.bidpay.com for example). eBay and Paypal are both owned by the same company (I believe eBay though I can't be sure at the moment) and both have excelent protection policies in place if you should be the victim of some manner of fraud.

One of the easier ways to recieve a package if you're delivering internationally is to have someone you trust purchase the item for you and then ship it across the border (this will generally avoid any taxes which would be placed on the item).

Another option is to find an online retailer who is in Canada (such as www.Badlandspaintball.com) which caries the bits you're looking for.

In a nutshell - So long as there's an icon which indicates that you're on an encrypted page while you're entering your payment information (denoted usually by a closed padlock icon) you'll usually be okay for making that transaction. Most companies offer free shipping if you excede a certain dollar ammount in your purchase, and ummm... well... I buy stuff online all the time and it couldn't be more convenient (except for the waiting... I hate that bit). There are some things I'm forgetting to mention I'm sure but most of what immediately springs to mind is mostly common sense sort of things, never give out your log-on/account/password/etc. etc. etc. information to anyone since the companies that have this information don't need you to verify it, ever.

08-11-2005, 09:51 PM
wow fenix im really happy u clarifyed this for me. a appreciate u for putting your time and patience for somehting a simple as shipping. i guess this is what the site is for...helping ppl out. once i become more familiar with things ill be happpy to help ppl out but right now as i mentioned before there are alot of things im new at. thank u fenix and that u AO :cheers:

ao will be from now on hearing from me to purchase items :)

08-12-2005, 05:27 AM
I have ordered everything from Tunaman, no hassles shipping over the border. :)

08-12-2005, 10:47 AM
Whenever you order anything from the US, make sure you can get it shipped by USPS. Do not ship by UPS. UPS charges a large amount for brokerage. Therefore, PBGear.com is not a good place for Canadians to order. They only ship UPS. Many of the shops here on AO ship however you want, and USPS is an alternative for them, including AGD. I am also sure you can arrange to pay by money order in US funds, if you don't have a credit card. So, if you see something you like, don't be afraid to call and inquire about getting it.

08-12-2005, 10:57 AM
Athomas is right, do not order from Paintballgear.com since they do indeed use UPS.

A few years ago I ordered an ACI Expansion Chamber, it came out to be $30 Canadian altogether for the item but when I recieved it, another $30 Canadian was tacked on for brokerage fees.

That was the last time I ever ordered anything from the states, now I just order all of my parts through my field owner where he orders it at www.buypbl.com.

08-12-2005, 05:03 PM
We now accept payment via PayPal for those who don't want to use credit cards. I can take PayPal orders via email from almost anywhere in the world. There is a small (and it really is small) extra fee for PayPal orders because they charge more than the credit card companies.

Of course, all our prices are MSRP and you may get a better price from one of our dealers.

We recommend Global Express Mail shipping for orders valued over $50, even though it's expensive. Global Express is the only service that offers tracking. Athomas is right about UPS - their brokerage charges are very high.

AGD-USA's policy is that we will not replace any order that is sent by regular or Priority mail (even within the United States) if the post office loses it, because we can't recover from the post office on those orders. If you choose to save money on shipping by going with regular/priority mail, you accept the risk that you might have to buy it all over again if it gets lost in the mail.

Gotta go - have had 20 interruptions since I wrote the last, now it's after 5:00.
