View Full Version : So all this talk of noobs..(ehh)

08-11-2005, 08:40 PM
Ok so i hate the "word" noob its so anoying...ive had to put up with it by little pre-pubescent teens on many online games but on with the real question.

To all of you at AO what qualifies someone to not be a "noob" at paintball anymore? (I have no better way of askign best way i can think of putting it)

just wondering.

08-11-2005, 08:52 PM
someone that has knowledge and experiance........

spyder luver
08-11-2005, 09:02 PM
im sorry for starting all the rucus about "noobs" now that i think of it i hated being called a noob.

08-11-2005, 09:22 PM
"Noob" is a derrogatory term. It seems to be used most by the nearly new to separate themselves from the very new.

Been playing for 10+ years and I the term, too.

08-11-2005, 10:26 PM
is it just me or do some of you agree that for some reason, today, AO started to go the way of PBN..


08-11-2005, 10:30 PM
I've been playing for 12+ years and I'm still a newbie to a lot of aspects of the game. I don't know much about electros; ramping; dwell; etc...
I don't know much about tournament play.
I don't know all of the terms that the kiddies are using, either.

I do know that I have fun when I play. I know enough to play well, and I also know enough to not act arrogant. If someone, anyone, asks me a question while out at the field, I'll answer it as best I can without being condescending.
I remember the very first time I played. I was the only one on the field with a pump, yet no one talked down to me or shunned me because of it. I only got one "kill" that day, but I had a blast and I immediately purchased a Pro-Lite afterwards (just to keep up).

Anyway, be cool to everyone on the field. There are those who deserve a bonus balling every now and then, but other than that, we're all out there to have fun and play a game.

Remember: K-I-S-S (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Captain Canuck
08-11-2005, 10:56 PM
Theres an "at the field" noob and "online" noob. The at the field noob has never played and is willing to learn and keep his mouth shut, while listening to what people have to say and have fun while doing it.

The online noob will attempt to act like he has been around for years, and puff himself up to seem better than he is. He will just blurt out his "all knowing" attitude without respecting other's opinions. HE often says things that are completely wrong when paintball is concerned and will not back down when called out for being wrong. The net noob basically has no respect for the other people online because they are not there in front of them.

Now, all of us have been in the "noob" position at one point or another, and yes we have said/done things that may rub people the wrong way, and that's okay but there are individuals who just don't advance from the noob stage.

Yes I'm rambling... whats yer point? ;) I am drugged up, and having a drink... I tend to ramble... :p

08-11-2005, 10:57 PM
im sorry for starting all the rucus about "noobs" now that i think of it i hated being called a noob.

once again dont be sorry....its not a big deal

08-12-2005, 01:33 AM
I do know that I have fun when I play. I know enough to play well, and I also know enough to not act arrogant. If someone, anyone, asks me a question while out at the field, I'll answer it as best I can without being condescending.

word up!

08-12-2005, 04:04 AM
I'm a noob!

08-12-2005, 01:13 PM
i dont think noob is a bad term by itself.

it can be used as a bad term if someone intends it as an insult

but it can also be used as a perfectly resonable term to mean a new player...

it all just depends on how you say it, and what yah mean by it when yah do say it
