View Full Version : Questions on Knife Identicication, picture intensive.

Spartan X
08-11-2005, 09:48 PM
I was given most of these knives as a graduation gift, and a few I had bought in a lot with a Boz of knives (some of which I have already sold for over $300 each by just going to knife shows and flasjing them around at the vendors)

These knives have me stumps as for value and history, especially on the SOG and Korea one. Know any thing special? Post away.Oh and they are not for sale...although every thing has a price...I promis non of you can afford my price, these knives are just awsome.










Spartan X
08-11-2005, 09:52 PM










08-12-2005, 03:02 AM
First is a good copy of a Randall fighter by SOG. The one-at-a-time hand made Randalls were extremely coveted by the SF during Vietnam.

Second is an Ek (that's the makers name). Very good practical fighter. Company has been around since WWII.

Third is a POS "knife mill" blade. Don't be fooled by the formerly famous name of Soligen.

The 3 Kraton handled Ontarios, are made in Japan. They came out with these about 10 years ago, to answer the new trend in "tactical" fighters and utilities. Not bad blades, but you get what you pay for.

The Kukri looks to be a presentation model, or for a high rank Ghurka officer. These are usually made of old truck springs, which has a very high carbon content, and makes a very good blade. Unknown if it a real issue knife, or one made for exportation (the cheap crappy ones look a whole bunch like a good genuine one)

BTW Atlantic Cutlery has recently found a large cache of REAL, 100+ year old, issue and officers Kukri's. These are NOT the $19.95 knives found in mail order cats, these are the real deal.

08-12-2005, 10:33 AM
I think someone just made Army's day. :)

/good knives are cool
//but they scare me

08-12-2005, 10:46 AM
The Kukri I have seen a few real ones and the first thing that sprang into my mind was as Army said due to the engraving, plus the detailing on the pommel...if it is real you do have to now post a picture of your thumnb or other body part that you cut since a Kukri is never supposed to return to the scabbard without tasting blood ;)
Also the spike? looks wrong as all the ones I have seen that part is the one that knicks the easiest due to the size of the spike (yours is half the height) nor is the cut into the blade as neat as that with a perfect semi circle. So fake or presentation model only, never intended for real use.

Army, you might want to take a look at this http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-133363.html seems not all is as correct as it appears to be with the Atlantic Cultery version

Incidently the Gurkha's are stationed at Colchester Barracks which is just down the road to me, everytime I have had to visit the barracks they are either out fighting each other just for the hell of it with the other soldiers in the bar who are being served by Gurkha's :eek:
It is really wierd to see such small people in uniform but I wouldn't wish to take any of them on.

08-12-2005, 01:59 PM
wow that first knife is really sweet ...

i want.

but then again, u said we cant afford your price :(


08-12-2005, 09:18 PM
Want an interesting knife? Get a 1918 trench knife. The real one in good shape runs easially over $500 though.

08-12-2005, 09:27 PM
BTW Atlantic Cutlery has recently found a large cache of REAL, 100+ year old, issue and officers Kukri's.

Hey, look at this box I found on the side of the road! Oh man, a bunch of knives!

08-13-2005, 01:25 AM
Hey, look at this box I found on the side of the road! Oh man, a bunch of knives!

Actually, it was quite the hidden treasure hunt sort of thing. Atlanta sent a buyer to Nepal to look into a good rumor of a number of old British issue guns stored in an old warehouse. The buyer indeed found around a small truckload of very good condition Pattern rifles and muskets from the 1840's and newer, and thought he had really scored one for Atlanta Cutlery.. When he asked about a door that was partially hidden behind some crates and debris, he was told; the cannon are back there........uhhhh, cannon?

Turns out, the warehouse has been used for over 130 years to store weapons of British origin, for her troops in India and Nepal throughout the years. The buyer eventually wound up with over a 1/2 dozen LARGE truckloads of different shoulder arms, brass, bronze and iron cannon, swords of all sorts, even brand new flints for the flintlock guns of the day. And of course, the many new and used Kukri knives.

Mark, they still sell their cheapo, $30 Indian/Pakistani made Kukri's, but the really real ones are priced accordingly. The difference is obvious. (http://www.atlantacutlery.com/webstore/browseproducts.asp?hidSearchCriteria=__C__1421&ActionSource=1421&hidGroupId=1400&hidCategoryId=1420&hidSubCategoryId=1421&ActionSource=1421)

08-16-2005, 03:54 PM
i think i might buy one of those kukri's, they look like quite the practical item.

08-17-2005, 07:30 AM
IMHO, spec plus knives are crap. The metal is too soft...you can sharpen it real well, but it wont hold the edge. Ek knives are good stuff.

08-17-2005, 05:10 PM
for the love of god... dont buy cheap edged tools/weapons

be a whore for quality... cheap folders are not worth your fingers, and dont even bother with a low quality fixedblade.

when buying kit ask yourself 2 questions always...

what does it do?
how well does it do it?

Oh yeah, and if your in the know... do I support the politics of the company/person that makes it.