View Full Version : Diablo Wrath

08-12-2005, 04:15 PM
Well, I heard about the Wrath. It sounds SOOOO nice :p ! I'm thinking about purchasing one as a backup to my soon comming Devil'Mag. What are all the specs of it and what is it like? Weight? Balance (stock)? Accuracy? Kick (BIG one)? Upgradeability? What are some good upgrades? What's the dif between the Wrath and the Pimp Wrath? Which is better for my money?

I know the 'gun is capable of 20bps :shooting: , but I want to know how much of a kick there is to it, since it's spring return, I'm kind of skeptical. I have a Spyder with a 50g mod, and it shoots so fast :shooting: , just the kick keeps my aim off a bit. That's why I'm stressing the kick so much.

Thank you guys all so much for taking the time to answer my questions.

The Action Figure
08-12-2005, 10:49 PM

08-12-2005, 10:56 PM
Wraths kick more than ions, but are faster and in my mind, higher quality. You can get a new bolt and a milled ram or a delrin ram, that will help with the kick.

for upgrades, go to the pbn diablo wrath secion. you will find alot there.

there are a few wraths at my field, and a few ions. I prefer the wraths much more.

08-13-2005, 12:50 PM
I would suggest the Wrath over the Ion as well, I just think it feels a little more solid and faster. It also has alot of proven tech. behind it. Kick may be a problem as it is designed as to be like a Timmy, which is designed like a Spyder, but nothing serious.

08-13-2005, 01:40 PM
Tboard and ramping chip! I've heard of the delrin bolt and ram to help with the kick too. It comes with a 25g switch so no need for an upgrade there. Just need a new bolt, ram, tboard, optional ramping chip, and maybe a delrin cup seal. I know some place sells those too. Definitely check out the wrath/diablo section on pbnation. The reg is supposed to be good too, a copy of the BL Torpedo.

Other than that, I'd just do some general upgrades to it. Barrel, tank, and hopper.

08-13-2005, 08:15 PM
Im just got my wrath and it's great. I went right away to order a t-board though since I want the ramping chip. Damon is coming out with another chip for it too, with more modes. Alot of people complain the grips are too big but I found they fit my hand perfectly. Also I think they look great. A little on the heavy side but there is a lot of material around the bolt for milling if you want to do that. Otherwise I'd give it :clap: .

11 Bravo
08-14-2005, 04:14 PM
The Wrath is a great gun for the money. Get the Delrin bolt and adjust the lpr and you wont have a noticeable kick. It is a well built gun and would definately be more reliable than an Ion.

08-14-2005, 04:22 PM
I dont think it will be anymore reliable than an Ion given proper maintainance. The Ion will have less kick, operate at a lower pressure, will be a lot quieter, and lighter.

I would personally take an Ion over a wrath, although Im sure the wrath is a decent lower-mid level electro.