View Full Version : Free paint in St. Louis MO (Urgent)

08-12-2005, 07:42 PM
Hey guys, I'm in St. Louis, MO, right next to Wash U. I am heading back to NJ on Monday and am moving my stuff back to campus on Sunday. I liquidated most of my paintball gear, but have a bag of 500 rnds of some decent paint. I can't just throw it out or squish it or anything like that, because I hate wasting stuff like this. If anyone is remotely close to here and want it, I will PM you my address and you can get it any time saturday or sunday when I'm around. I don't have a car, and can not bring it anywhere outside of my biking range, which since I am very busy moving extends only as far as Clayton.

08-13-2005, 12:29 AM
you can ship it to me! I dont have any money for you though :D

08-13-2005, 09:57 AM
heh, no thanks, worst comes to worst I'll leave it in a hidden place in the dorm and give it to someone I know when I get back, but I'd rather not have it age more...