View Full Version : im screwed

08-13-2005, 01:59 AM
im screwed big time now

its 3 in the morning.

i cant sleep

and i have to get up in 4 hours for a 5 man tournement.

i have no idea what im going to do. im going to be soooooo tired tomorrow.

has this ever happen to any fellow ao'ers before a tournement??

08-13-2005, 02:05 AM
man, ur just excited :)

just chill if yah cant sleep ... i think you'll make it thru the tourny fine, but once its over your just gonna collapse.


08-13-2005, 02:10 AM
man, ur just excited :)

just chill if yah cant sleep ... i think you'll make it thru the tourny fine, but once its over your just gonna collapse.


hahaha ya ill probibly collapse before i leave :D hehe

well i have been staying up till like 4 all summer

i hope ill be ok though. i have been going to sleep around 4 30 5 00 and and getting up at around noon

last night i went to be at around 5 and got up at 10 soo thats a better inprovment.

well i guess ill sleep on the way there. it takes about 20 mins to get there.

ooo crap i just remebered that my woman is going with me tomorrow to watch us kick arse :headbang: soo now i cant sleep betweet each game. ahhhhhhh

all ya im not playing with team magfiea tomorrow. the other panzys dont have $$ and are doing other things.

08-13-2005, 02:15 AM
doesnt matter cause you guys are going to lose anyways.

just kidding, dont sleep, stay up, get to the field early, drink lots of energy drinks.

08-13-2005, 02:22 AM
doesnt matter cause you guys are going to lose anyways.

just kidding, dont sleep, stay up, get to the field early, drink lots of energy drinks.

ya really no affence we (team magfeia) needs to practice more. if we were playing then i would just stay up all night and say screw it cuse i know that we would not have a chance to get to the top three.

for the tournement thats in like seven hours will be me the feild owners son (really good) and three local kids from other teams that kick butt as well :D

soo we have the best of everything :D.

i just got my mitey max today and i tuned my viking trigger and debounce settings today soo it will be rippen :D i set the debounce at 3 soo it will only activate when im walking it soo it will help me keep a good rope going :D hehe but with the trigger addjustments i just made today i may not need the debounce that low

im going to post a thread tomorrow about how the 5 man went.

all i know is that ill be drinking soo much gatorade tomorrow its not going to be funny. plus i have to hang with my lady at the same time im going to have my day set tomorrow.

well night time :D

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08-13-2005, 02:25 AM
haha its 3:30 for me in the morning! anyone else excited for Tax free day? laptop for college savings!