View Full Version : Rush no more

08-13-2005, 08:21 AM
Now I know I am not the only one here that is not feeling rec play anymore. I dont know, I have tried everything I could think short of playing pump, I dont have a set up nor does anyone else that I play with. Now I have tried playing down with my mag, going rental hell even using ten sticks instead of a hopper, and feel like I dont get the rush as I usually get when I play tourney or league days. I am not saying the guys I play with aren't good they are and they try really hard in every game we play. But they really dont offer me a challenge and I find that I am reverting back to bad habits that I thought that I practiced out of, e.g. tilting my gun away from the bunker, sliding past bunkers, forgeting to comuincate positions, kills, reloads and my own movements.

Now I am not talking about practices with my own team that is different, iit is a time for bonding and talking smack to make everyone feel more comfy as a team.

what do you guys say about this and is there any suggestions as to why I am feeling less then enthusiastic to rec ball.

08-13-2005, 08:36 AM
Now I know I am not the only one here that is not feeling rec play anymore. I dont know, I have tried everything I could think short of playing pump, I dont have a set up nor does anyone else that I play with. Now I have tried playing down with my mag, going rental hell even using ten sticks instead of a hopper, and feel like I dont get the rush as I usually get when I play tourney or league days. I am not saying the guys I play with aren't good they are and they try really hard in every game we play. But they really dont offer me a challenge and I find that I am reverting back to bad habits that I thought that I practiced out of, e.g. tilting my gun away from the bunker, sliding past bunkers, forgeting to comuincate positions, kills, reloads and my own movements.

Now I am not talking about practices with my own team that is different, iit is a time for bonding and talking smack to make everyone feel more comfy as a team.

what do you guys say about this and is there any suggestions as to why I am feeling less then enthusiastic to rec ball.
Have you tried going to different fields? Sometimes a different field will give you different players and different layouts for fields. This can be a nice change and may help get back some of the spark you miss.

Also, have you seriously considered playing pump? You say you have done everything short of that, why not DO that? Or go with a pistol or pistols?

08-13-2005, 09:07 AM
Well yea. it sounds like you really need a challenge. And if even playing gunfighter (semi with 10 rd stick feed) isn't working, then the next step is to go pump. Pick up a hornet/tagmaster if you don't want to shell out the dough for a phantom.

Another thing, aren't there any local tournies you could play in? At the next one, enter into the next division up from where you usually play. That will give you a challenge as well.

08-13-2005, 10:13 AM
Play pump. If you don't get a rush from that then you are dead. (playing speed ball )Trying to hit the 50 on the break becomes easy but you really get challenged when you only have one shot after you get there. if you roll it all the way back to SC then you are perfecting the art of the paintball :ninja: . I try moves that I'd never even think of trying when I'm playing with a semi. But if you still want to lay down paint get a regular pump, or a phantom or new CCM SS 25 so you can have the best of both worlds!!

08-13-2005, 03:08 PM
Play short, play odd positions, move to whatever side of the field forces you to shoot prominently off hand (I have done this lately), change up what you are comfortable with, force yourself outside of your comfort zone, and see what happens

08-15-2005, 07:21 PM
If I go pump I dgoing to do it right, SC phantom but with a CA adapter instead of a quick changer. Dont want to deviate to much from the set I am going to use in tourney play. But the draw back with that is money to buy one especially now with school coming up. money is very tight.

As for playing out of my comfort zone, done that.
Playing short, how does 17 on three sound, and still whipping some rear.
As for going to differing feilds there is only one real feild on Guamas of now, and I am not going to go to a place where no chronoing is enforced or barrel plugs and safety are not always required.

08-15-2005, 08:05 PM
Play short, play odd positions, move to whatever side of the field forces you to shoot prominently off hand (I have done this lately), change up what you are comfortable with, force yourself outside of your comfort zone, and see what happens

I did just that this weekend, and it was a GREAT amount of fun.
I went onto the field with only a hopper and two pods, instead of my usual five.
I was also using a brand new marker that I hadnt even dry fired, let alone an unbroken-in reg.
I play right-back/mid religiously, so Sunday I played alot of left.

08-15-2005, 08:24 PM
I'm to the point where I just won't play recball anymore. It's not fun... I can't bunker (10ft rule), it's not challenging, and there's always too many noobs around that forget to put their barrel condoms back on.

Throw together or laid back practices with tourny players are fun, but the regular rec scene is tired out and boring.

08-15-2005, 08:45 PM
The reason (in my opinion) that you're getting bored is because speedball is boring. Think about it...little field...same blow up bunkers...same plays...same mistakes...the only thing you can change is trying to limit your gun to match the lesser talent.

Instead, play woodsball or scenario. I tried playing on an XBall field...thought it was different...but noway is it as good as moving through brush, around trees, using camoflage and hunting techniques. People like to flame woodsball and scenario as just a bunch of noobs with Tippmanns who could never compete at Speedball....but I don't think that's true at all. Especially when the army reserve guys show up...you get a few military guys on a team...they can be damn good at communication and technique. I once saw a team of 22 take on a team of 54 and defeat them HANDEDLY (I know because I was one of the defeated). We had to limit them down to 11 players vs nearly 70 to win. They were all military guys and they just knew where to go and how to move...it was sweet.

But hey man, get some camo...learn to hunt. You don't need special pants...or jerseys...or a gun that matches your tank cover. Just go out there and play paintball the way it was meant to be played. :clap: :headbang: :clap:

08-16-2005, 11:45 AM
Of course you're bored with rec-ball. Be it in the woods or speedball, you've grown past that now. A MLB player would be unchallenged and bored playing in Little League, even if that's where he started in the sport (I know that's an extreme example, but you see what I'm getting at). All playing rec ball will do is, as you already mentioned, make you worse of a player...because you can get away with more there that you can't in a tourney. It's the natural progression - you can't move forward while looking back.

08-17-2005, 05:31 AM
Not to be a downer but get off of that woods ball speech. Hell no am I gonna go throw on my old camis and play an 60 minute game vs. 12 other ppl. Its ghetto. Guam only has about 150 really good players. Just ask Ollie Lang he was here in July. And there is no way you can have a really good scenario game with only 200 or so players.

And another thing military guys are no better players then the average noob (*not meant to be derogative). I have seen SEALS, Delta Force and Force recon guys come to play and they will still offer no real challenge to a true player. Yeah they will kill me when it comes down to it, but give me a 68 caliber pb gun and paint and it just wont be fair. Hell I've given a guy my gear (Angel4, Halo,etc) taught him the basics on walking the trigger and used his Tippman POS. and victory still eluded him some how. :confused:

Till I have money to go pump I am staying away from rec. Woodsballers no shame for your game but that is where I started and not where I want to go. :headbang:

08-17-2005, 05:56 AM
Till I have money to go pump I am staying away from rec. Woodsballers no shame for your game but that is where I started and not where I want to go. :headbang:Using a "headbang" while you're dissing woodsball is just wrong.

In the imortal words of Barbara Billingsley:

"Chump don't want no help, chump don't GET da' help! Jive az dude don't got no brains anyhow!"

08-17-2005, 06:44 AM
I like scenario.
After playing tournaments for a while I found that the kind of people who play tournaments seriously aren't the kind of people I wanted to play with. Once I found scenario ball I found a lot of ex tournament guys like me. They want to play a challenging game. They want variety. And we seek each other out, whether we're on the same team or against each other. Some of the best scenario games have been when I've fought against a good tournament team. There's nothing like the yell of Voodoo to bring out the fighters in the groups - we announce our presence and they come to us. Huge battles with very good players on woods or speedball type fields. That's the spice and excitement that keeps me going to them, long after I've hung up my tournament cap.

08-17-2005, 11:20 AM
Using a "headbang" while you're dissing woodsball is just wrong.

He never dissed woodsball, just said it's not what he's looking for right now.

08-17-2005, 12:00 PM
Give it up altogether.

Save up the money you are not spending on paintball, and then buy yourself the Phantom you want. When you come back in a few months, you'll be jonesing, rusty and using a new lower-tech gun. That should do it. :)

08-22-2005, 12:56 AM
Okay I am not dissing woodsballers. I am just saying that your style of play is not for me. Misenhei thanks for trying to clear that up.

I think I will stay off the fields for a while and just help ref or organize fields, the competition is getting better on Guam. But I dont feel the same joy as I used to have.


08-22-2005, 01:35 AM
well, maybe you can try to funnel your energy into helping coach some young, newer players. Coaching can teach you a lot about yourself, keep you involved in the game you love, and increase the number of really good players in Guam. Good luck


08-22-2005, 06:55 AM
Okay I am not dissing woodsballers. I am just saying that your style of play is not for me. Misenhei thanks for trying to clear that up.

I think I will stay off the fields for a while and just help ref or organize fields, the competition is getting better on Guam. But I dont feel the same joy as I used to have.

The last time I looked there was no one style of play for woodsball. There are many game formats, and many types of players. It also has a wide range of markers as well as tactics used. So for anyone who thinks woodsball is not for them, I suggest that they may not be experiencing the full range of games, players, and equipment. It is similar to someone saying “I don’t like ice cream”, when all they tasted was vanilla.

08-23-2005, 11:48 PM
I sencond, or third, forth whatever it is up to, the pump suggeston. I love my Phantom, the most fun I've ever had playing.
