View Full Version : Looking for a new smartphone

08-14-2005, 03:19 PM
Ok, here in another month and a half-two months, my contract with verizon will be up, and I'll probably just renew my exsisting plan. It's their most basic: $40 for 450 minutes, I rally don't need any more than that. But I'll get $100 credit towards a new phone. I'm thinking of a Palm Treo 650, but that's going to cost about $400. Irealy want a smart phone to replace my exsisting phone and aging Palm Pilot, and I'd like to stick with the Palm OS so I can easily just port all my programs and files from old to new. My question is, does anyone know where I can get one for cheaper, or know of a cheaper model?

08-14-2005, 03:53 PM
There's the Treo 600, which you could get for a lot cheaper, but I'm not really sure of the differences.

Try Ebay for anything you get, but make sure to get a Verizon-branded one. I've heard VZW actually won't activate ones that say anything else.

08-14-2005, 06:39 PM
i like the audiovox smartphone, but the treo is great as well. more on this later :ninja:

08-14-2005, 11:23 PM
I just renewed my contract with cingular and got the Audiovox SMT5600. I"m really liking it so far, go ahead and google it to see a bunch of great reviews of it. While Windows Mobile 2003 has alot of areas it needs to be improved(and from what i've heard WM5.0 doesnt help much), its still a nifty and useful gadget to have.

08-16-2005, 11:30 AM
First let me say, if you are going to get a plam, dont even think about the 600 go strait with the 650. Now here is why.

About 5 months ago I decided to get a smart phone, all the local cingular stores said they couldnt get the 650 becuse it would cost them more then they would make. So they talked me into a 600. After a week of not being able to talk with the phone becuse of a very bad static, I went back to the store and they got me another phone. One week latter it shows up, and after trying it for a day it had the same problem. I went back to the store they wouldnt return the phone unless I upgraded to the 650 which they had no problem doing then, and that was the best thing to happen to me. The treo 650 doesnt even compare to the 600. The only problem I have with my 650 is it seems more things interfer with the signal when you are talking on the phone compared to a non smart phone. The only program I have bought for the phone so far is MunduIM so I can use ICQ and MSN on the go. It is a great phone :dance:

08-16-2005, 11:33 AM
If you are giving any thoughts about changing, take a look at Sprint and the Samsung i500. They are phasing out the phone, but it is a great. It's not a good as the i700, but I only paid $150 for the i500 a few months ago.