View Full Version : I think I've hit a wall...

barrel break
08-14-2005, 05:03 PM
When I first started playing paintball, I had a blast no matter what. I didn't care if I got mowed down by my more experienced friends, I was having fun. And one dayI'd be able to wipe the floor with them anyway, right? Going out to a friends huge woods and playing, messing wit one another in the 'staging area,' having fun in the woods. Paintball was challenging and fun, a learning axperience, helped along by careful magazine reading, and watching of webdog radio videos, over and over. With no air or paint, I would endlessly mime on feild moves, making sure I could hit any target I wanted, pow pow!

Slowly, I moved to speedball out in Portland, When my old companions stopped playing. I loved the adrenaline rush immediately, Here was REAL paintball! But I missed the carefree fun out with my friends, not being here with strangers. Over time (less than last time), I have come to the point where I regularly get 3-4 elimenations a game, and don't get hit all that much. I have dreamed about playing in tournies for as long as I knew they existed. I am at a skill level where I could play well in one. But there is a problem. I am 70 miles away from portland, where I play, and even further from most tournies. I can't get a team together, my one and only friend who kept playing with me is now just playing pump out in the woods with the latest batch of kids to start, (they come in waves about sixth grade, and then they have all stopped by 8th) And even if he did play on a team, We still need opne more person, a place to get air, paint, etc.

I seem to have hit a wall where I am nopt progressing anymore, playing against mostly newbies, you don't improve by whaling on people. You improve by being beaten. I went and played with my friend august Friday night, and he had never played before he had fun, and I enjoyed watching hime work his way up all night, at the end he bunkered two people in their starting bunker, but I was pretty bored most of the night.

What now?

08-14-2005, 05:11 PM
Start playing local tournies. Get a team together or join an existing one. If you want to stay rec, buy a pump gun.

08-14-2005, 05:14 PM
try a different style, play pump, downgrade, or plan for big events and only go to them. i am in the same situation, but i always play at a local field with a good mix of heavys and new players.

barrel break
08-14-2005, 05:15 PM
There are no local tournies.

EDIT: pump play doesn't hold much interest to me, I've used my friends sniper two and while fun, It isn't quite as fun as using my ion for some reason.

08-14-2005, 06:26 PM
Stock class play.

I hit that same wall you are talking about. I just can't seem to get better, and interset is being lost. I just picked up a trracer, and I can't wait to play now. I haven't felt this way since I first started playing.

08-14-2005, 07:18 PM
Instead of making a drastic change (switching to stock class), for example-play hopperball. I was in a similar situation as yours. One day when I went to a local field, a group of guys were playing hoppers only. As the day went on and they had all left, I found myself still playing with only a hopper. I was shooting no more than 100 rounds per game, and man was it a blast. It was easily one of the best outings I have ever had.

If this doesn't cure you, switch to stock class or whatever.

barrel break
08-14-2005, 07:26 PM
Instead of making a drastic change (switching to stock class), for example-play hopperball. I was in a similar situation as yours. One day when I went to a local field, a group of guys were playing hoppers only. As the day went on and they had all left, I found myself still playing with only a hopper. I was shooting no more than 100 rounds per game, and man was it a blast. It was easily one of the best outings I have ever had.

If this doesn't cure you, switch to stock class or whatever.
I have never carried pods, I shoot 1/2 a hopper MAX per game.

08-14-2005, 07:34 PM
Why don't you try limiting your paint? Maybe even get a pump. Give yourself 5 balls for each person against you, and as you get better make that number less, and less until you have 1 paintball for each person on the other team. That would make you really use your skill, and be able to out-smart the other people.

Try it. I'm not that good so I have never done that. But it seems like it would make you a much better player, and at the same time make it challenging, even if you are playing against newbs.

08-14-2005, 07:38 PM
you have to face the fact that you will need to travel to tournies if that is the direction you'd like to go. you'll also then have to travel to practice. when I say travel, i mean getting in a car for 2 or more hours if that is what it takes.
Search your paintball stores for fliers and go online and look for the closest tourney to you. Without a team, go there and first see if a team is short any players. It happens all the time, people don't show up. If you jump in with them and do well, you're a shoe-in for that team. If you can't find any team to get on immediately, watch the tournament and talk to people while they are waiting to get on to play next. there is almost always a team that is looking a another dedicated player. if you show up consistantly to practice and tournies with them, you'll prove your dedication and worth. good luck.

08-15-2005, 11:46 PM
Why don't you try limiting your paint? Maybe even get a pump. Give yourself 5 balls for each person against you, and as you get better make that number less, and less until you have 1 paintball for each person on the other team. That would make you really use your skill, and be able to out-smart the other people.

Try it. I'm not that good so I have never done that. But it seems like it would make you a much better player, and at the same time make it challenging, even if you are playing against newbs.

Jesus? Aren't you people reading what he's writing?

'No local Tournies'

'I dont shoot very much paint'

My only advice to you is to continue playing or saving some cash up to persue the first opportunity that you find, be it next week, or in a few months.
Just keep on truckin'

08-16-2005, 03:08 PM
Move down here. We'll fix you up real quick-like ;)

08-17-2005, 05:50 AM
Move down here. We'll fix you up real quick-like ;)

:rofl: :ninja: :rofl: :spit_take
All I can imagine is the banjo playing in the back ground when I read this.

08-17-2005, 07:03 PM
Stop playing. Start drilling. Then resume playing.


08-17-2005, 07:52 PM
Ahhhhh I have the same problem, im in Vermont. I've asked what to do, people say switch local fields, well i dont have any other local fields. People say play local tournies, there aren't any very close, plus we dont have enough serious potential players that will practice and make a commitment. What shall i do?