View Full Version : Its official, Fox Paintball is under new mngt

08-14-2005, 07:45 PM
After 15 years of successful business, Fox Paintball is ready to advance to the next level in the AWESOME SPORT of paintball for you, the players. If you have played at Fox PB this year, you would have noticed several changes at their facility, including a brand new playing field, The TOXIC Fuel Dump.
With the current field manager suffering from several medical problems, the field maintenance has declined and the President of Fox PB had no choice but to bring in a new and fresh field manager.
If everyone here loved Jim (the current manager) and how he ran things, dont worry, he`s still with the company. We have had to shuffle a few people around but worked it out so nobody had to lose their job. Jim will now be the Assistant Field Manager and will be running the inside sales.
So who is this new, fresh blood? You guessd it, its me, PYROMAN. I have been playing at Fox PB for over 12 years and a member for over 10 years. Our company, SPLATTERZONE PAINTBALL PRODUCTIONS, has held many successful events at Fox PB over the years including a Youth Paintball Organization & paintball camps, the longest standing Young Guns Event Series, many MINI Scenario games, and of course, the ALL DAY Scenario Events.
Now, I will be running the show down in Millington, but our company, SPP, will still be traveling the Unites States(Including the events at Fox PB) setting up and hosting many tournaments and Scenario Events.
So, Fox PB is getting the best of both worlds if you ask me. (Not bragging, but we know our capabilities, and we have no limits).
So stop on down at Fox PB for a little "Meet & Greet" with PYROMAN. Im looking forward to meeting everyone and cant wait to get to work on the fields.
Keep an eye out for all the new upgrades we will be making to the facility next year. We have plans on creating and building 2 - 3 new "Theme Fields" each year and yes, we are already in the process of putting up a brand new, HUGE registration building.
See, good things happen when we have so many great and dedicated return customers at the field each year. We always keep in mind that Fox Paintball would`nt be there without you, the players and were working hard to make it better and more comfortable for you when your there to play for the day.
Any questions or comments, please feel free to e mail me directly at:
[email protected]
Be sure to visit;
for all of our upcoming events and specials.
Thanks again and ill be seeing you soon.


08-14-2005, 09:22 PM
I was just thinking that you might want to post this in the midwest forums on pbnation. Alot of people in there frequent fox on a weekly basis and might be interested in hearing this

08-14-2005, 10:08 PM
Will you be putting up the airball field more often now? Please tell me you are... PLEASE!

08-14-2005, 10:49 PM
Congradulations on the new position!! Tim hired the right man for the job!
I see you down there almost every weekend anyway so you're practically right at home already. I saw Jim there today, he didn't say anything about it. Too bad about his back.
Good luck and i'm glad to see more new blood there at Fox.

08-15-2005, 07:17 AM
Thanks for all the positive`s. Will do on the PBNATION forum, thanks. AIRBALL you say?? Whats AIRBALL? Ill make you a deal, let me get everything running good through this busy season and get the new building done and next year we will put the AIRBALL field up for ALL the players, not just tourny guys, on both Saturday & Sunday. Sound fair?
Thanks again for the comments.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
08-16-2005, 01:18 AM
just out of curiosity, is that field with all the buildings still up or has that been torn down?

08-16-2005, 10:06 PM
The buiding in question that were referring to is the new sales/registration building. We will be building a new 85'X35' sales building that will be attached to the old sales building. We need to remove one pavillion to do this but the old sales building will turn into the players club, so to speak.
The "VILLAGE" at the back of the property is still there and is still the most popular field at Fox Paintball, so far. Ive got some AWESOME plans for several new theme fields that will be going up in the near future and possibly either adding onto the existing VILLAGE or maybe building an entire new VILLAGE on another area of the property. We have a few other fields that will be created first so in the mean time, keep watching for the changes and upgrades at the field.
Things are lookin good for the future of Fox Paintball.