View Full Version : Just got back from a good day of Paintball.

08-15-2005, 09:40 AM

Tropicalfishy and I went out to represent the AO crew with her using my Logic Dallara Mag (which get more and more attention each time with the refs, not the players).

The day started out slowly, getting everything set up, then airing up.
I want to get a few Xball/NPPL/Airball games in, And she watched the first few games.
The level of competition is just a little too high at the moment.

We played for or five games, With the GnarKill guys and a few IronMan players (of whom were wearing vests over their DYE jerseys, as if to 'hide' thier names from the crowds).

No guns were thrown. 'Good game', 'good shot', and things like that were said after every game.
I was very impressed with the local tourney guys, no guns were thrown, and the level of sportmanship was the highest I've seen in a long time. It was actually quiet refreshing.

So, I rechrono, and we wait to play with the Novice Walk-on players.
We wait at the designated area, and talk with a few people.
Came into contact with an AO lurker (redracer-something?) Maybe he'll post his day here as well!
He was shooting a ULE-Y grip'd X(valved)mag, and let his buddy use a classic Mag, older than dirt.

Back to the Novice Walk on games.

The levelem of competition was ever higher than on the inflated fields. People were breaking rules, shouting, yelling at each other-at one point another player was threatening another player while I was reffing-He was seriously about to raise his fists. I pulled both players for a one-for-one, and The quiet player left the field as he should have, while Screaming-guy kept on running his mouth.
After the games were over, I walked up tohim, and I told him 'I'm sorry you couldn't see eye-to-eye with me on my calls, but good game, guy', and I put my hand out to shake his.
He blew me off with a ' (F---) that (s---) man', and walked off.

You know, I see alot of threads lately about woodsball coming back, pump, etc etc, and how tourney players are too mean, throw guns, all that hooplah....but everytime I go to play some woodsball, be it witht eh concept player, the walk ons, etc, Those are the guys that have the the attitude problems.

Dont take that as ALL woodsball players are like this, because I know they're not.

Flashback to two weeks prior, playing with Tropical fishy again, she once again was shooting my Logic-Dallara, and I had an 04 Vik.
Last few games of the day were a friend of mine with his newblet girlfriend, and I with Trop-fish.
We had been playing with a team of pump players who had been together since the 80's, The Yuma Rattlers. a Friend of mine, John, who bhad been reffing told us flat out, we get rolled, he's gonna laff'. These guys were old slow, and...old.
Untill the ref screamed game on, to which we got rolled.
Five times in a row.
These guys had some serious skills, and were standup guys to boot.
At one point I slid into my secondary after my primary and before I was even done moving, There was a nice splat right smack dab in the middle of my profiler.
After that Game the player who had marked me came up and said ' Hey dude, Sorry about that. It was the only shot I had'. I told him not to sweat it, it was a GREAT shot.
It didn't matter that us with our vikings and superguns got rolled by a team of 50year old guys- They were GREAT sportsman, and i'm kicking myself in the rear that I didn't get their contact information before I left the field that day.

Anyone know who the Yuma Rattlers are, or maybe en email address??

Another note of Merit.
Trop Fishy was kicking my *** all day to play more paintball.
'Lemme rest for a few minutes, Chelsea.'
'Come on. Five minutes.'
'i'm up, I'm up!'

At one point two weeks ago, I pulled an amazing Dead-walk and shot out quite a few players before getting lit the hell up.
I did this all day untill they caught on that the Fat dude in the jersey was doing this.
How did they catch on?
Trop and I found ourselves on opposing teams the last few games of the day. None of my Deadwalks worked.
'If you see a big guy in a blue jersey walking, shoot him'
'What if he's out?'
'He's not out, shoot him'

So I go to pull my walk, and I see her head jack-in-the-box out from from a spool, and yes..I have reservations about shooting friends (haha) I instead chose to 'mow' the players around her, nabbing four walk on's before I was shot in the lower elft stomach.
By Tropical Fishy.
With my own gun.
This was to be a pattern two weeks later (yesterday) Where she'd shoot me again, either with my Dallara, or in the SAME DAMN SPOT.

But yeah, I gotta go to work, so I'll bring this to a close.
In conclusion, Velocity Paintball in Ramona has some great refs who know their stuff, a great staff.
As for Tropical Fishy's first two times out;
She got her kills, had more fun that I've seen anyone have in a long time, and made damn sure I played every game despite pulled muscles, or utter exhaustion.

08-15-2005, 09:49 AM
Another note of Merit.
Trop Fishy was kicking my *** all day to play more paintball.
'Lemme rest for a few minutes, Chelsea.'
'Come on. Five minutes.'
'i'm up, I'm up!'


08-15-2005, 10:47 AM
90 degrees here this weekend......HOT!!!

08-15-2005, 12:18 PM
sounds like a nice time you had

08-15-2005, 12:44 PM
i played saturday, ended up stripping myself of pants and jersey, played in shorts and a cutoff tshirt

it was hot.

08-15-2005, 04:31 PM
Ah, I love playing at my indoor air conditioned xball field...

08-15-2005, 04:36 PM
last time i played (last sat) i wore a jersey with the sleves cut off and the sides cut open (so, it was just the front and back, like a mexican poncho thing. Its hot here too. It was also a very good/relaxed day of play, first day of real rec ball in a long time (although we did run a few drills, mostly chill)

08-18-2005, 01:42 AM
Oh come on, you want to play paintball, we pay money to play paintball, we aren't going to sit in the shade "cooling down" with Jeff and Significant Other all day.

And about the dead walk-- I'm a competitive girl, honey, and if you're gonna walk my way and shoot my teammates (and not shoot me because you felt bad about shooting a girl) rest assured that I won't have the same reservations :D .

08-18-2005, 01:48 AM
Oh come on, you want to play paintball, we pay money to play paintball, we aren't going to sit in the shade "cooling down" with Jeff and Significant Other all day.

And about the dead walk-- I'm a competitive girl, honey, and if you're gonna walk my way and shoot my teammates (and not shoot me because you felt bad about shooting a girl) rest assured that I won't have the same reservations :D .

Says the girl who wouldn't play some airball.

08-18-2005, 02:04 AM
Says the girl who wouldn't play some airball.

You know what? Brilliant. Let's take the newbie in and let her get shot off the break by a bunch of ruthless guys that take paintball too seriously. Wonderful.

I have plenty of welts without airball, thanks.

08-18-2005, 02:05 AM
You know what? Brilliant. Let's take the newbie in and let her get shot off the break by a bunch of ruthless guys that take paintball too seriously. Wonderful.

I have plenty of welts without airball, thanks.
You're just mad because I was getting compliments by IronMen players.

/gnarkill cheats

08-18-2005, 02:08 AM
You're just mad because I was getting compliments by IronMen players.

/gnarkill cheats

you were trying to impress my dad.


08-18-2005, 02:13 AM
you were trying to impress my dad.


YOU were trying to impress MY Dad.

At least I didn't break the Mag.
Unlike some people i know.

08-18-2005, 02:15 AM
YOU were trying to impress MY Dad.

At least I didn't break the Mag.
Unlike some people i know.

I didn't break it. Wtf. And your dad scares me.

08-18-2005, 02:16 AM
I didn't break it. Wtf. And your dad scares me.

You were the only one using it.

My dad wants to eat your brains.

08-18-2005, 05:20 PM
Today i was reading an article in my Action Pursuit Games magazine about pumps and old school guns and stuff. In this article there was a pic of one of the Yuma Rattlers snapshooting. The pic was quoted..."Shooting a Phantom with an L-stock are two of the Yuma Rattlers in an Old School Challenge in southern California."

08-18-2005, 05:58 PM
Today i was reading an article in my Action Pursuit Games magazine about pumps and old school guns and stuff. In this article there was a pic of one of the Yuma Rattlers snapshooting. The pic was quoted..."Shooting a Phantom with an L-stock are two of the Yuma Rattlers in an Old School Challenge in southern California."

Yeah, those guys were alot of fun to play with and talk to.