View Full Version : need some photoshopping and decisions

08-15-2005, 09:44 PM
alright so i cant decide on what to do with my emag. i want to change it, but i cant decide what... so i come to you guys!

ok so idea number one:

black cp barrel
black ule
black x valve
orange acidwash shadow rail
orange acidwash emag frame and batt pack etc..
black drop.

idea number 2:

blue karta body
blue karta rail
black x valve
black lowers
black freak back
blue freak front

of course this thread would be better with pics so if someone could pick up a pic that is like it or very similar would be great.

08-15-2005, 11:02 PM
Be daring, be retro, bring back the Acid wash!!!!!!!

Splash would probably look pretty cool too :ninja:

08-15-2005, 11:28 PM
No orange splash would be terrible... of course I'm doing that so thats why I say it haha.

08-16-2005, 04:48 PM
i love the acidwash, i will have my battery cover annoed first so i can see if that what i want... i might do that annyway. but yea. i think im going to go with the acidwash...

but i still want you to vote and comment, im also open to new ideas. its split right now, 5 to 5.