View Full Version : Crotch Duster- Great band

08-15-2005, 11:38 PM
Ok so, i was up visiting some friends this weekend and one of em threw a cd in the cd player in the car as we were cruising around, and was like check this stuff out, Im like, ok and i start to really dig it. IM like, who is this? they are so talented, why havnt i heard any of their music before? She is like, they are crotchduster, and i dont know.

Any ways, The band is quite talented, they have the ability to play a myriad of music, from metal to rap, to punk and even a little jazz. Ususally it is distributed into different songs, but there are some that are just an eclectic mix of all styles.

www.crotchduster.com is the bands site, it probabally isnt NSFW because the cover art is a little racy and the site does have cursing through out, as does the music. Any ways, you can purchase the cd through the site, and i would reccomend doing so. Also, there is always pirating, but of course, i dont condone that :ninja:

in all honesty, atleast give em a chance, i can aim a few files if any one contacts me. Heck, they even read hate mail in one of their songs.

has any one else heard of em?

08-16-2005, 12:26 AM
you can dust my crotch any time baby :dance:

08-16-2005, 12:46 AM
kinda like Sara did?

08-16-2005, 01:02 AM
kinda like Sara did?
Oh OUCH, low blow, here comes my rebuttal with all the action you got...

...oh wait...

08-16-2005, 01:24 AM
im not into teh drunksecks.

any ways back to the topic. Crotchduster. Go buy this album now