View Full Version : Evo Upgrades

08-17-2005, 11:57 AM
HI, a friend of mine has a pirhanna evo and needs to upgrade it to make it faster. If anyone knows some speed upgrades such as a new board, new triggers or anything like that post here and I'll pass on the info. He is trying to get his gun to the point where it can keep up with other tourny electros, (not out shoot but he wants to be able to lane in a tourny so that means maxing out the 13 bps cap or whatever it is) Thanks in advance.

08-17-2005, 01:37 PM
Yeah check out this site
they have a lot of parts and stuff


08-17-2005, 02:16 PM
T-Board if it ever comes out. If he's using Co2, get him on the Nitro wagon. A aftermarket HPR. Yes I know those last two have nothing to do with speed yet, what good is speed without consistancy?

08-17-2005, 03:28 PM
Tboard, new bolt, new striker, new valve, ramping chip, 25g switch, hpa tank, good 2ndry reg (cp and torpedo are good and cheap), aftermarket trigger. Some ideas...

08-17-2005, 03:45 PM
Tboard, new bolt, new striker, new valve, ramping chip, 25g switch, hpa tank, good 2ndry reg (cp and torpedo are good and cheap), aftermarket trigger. Some ideas...
i was just about to say exactly what he did.

but also, upgrading a gun like that could cost as much as a new gun. tell your friend to check out the promaster, older ICD guns (b2k4, bko), or used cockers. they go for cheap.