View Full Version : "The reasons I perfer Airsoft over Paintball"

Jack & Coke
08-17-2005, 02:56 PM
If you're a fan of custom paintball guns (i.e. Palmer Pursuit Stuff), you're probably heard of "Kampfer" Lin. "Kampfer" has had all kinds of cool custom paintball guns over the years. He has a great gallery here: http://www.pbase.com/the_kampfer/previously_ownned_pb

Anyway, he recently gave up paintball, and wrote an interesting article here: http://www.pbase.com/the_kampfer/image/47590636

The reasons I perfer Airsoft over Paintball

Some of you had known me from the Paintball Community, and aware of that I recently quit Paintball and move my interest into Airsoft. I sold every single Paint gun I owned and started collecting Airsoft guns.

Some of you would wonder why I made such move. Well here are the reasons.

1. Guns & Equipments
Airsoft guns are 1:1 scale replicas of actual firearms that fire 6mm, round, plastic pellets commonly called as "BBs" which are propelled out of the guns by compressed air. In most cases, Airsoft guns mimic the looks and functionality of its real-steel counterpart. What that means is Airsoft guns look, feel, weigh, and functions similar to the actual firearm.

Airsoft gives people the ability to own a shooting version of their dream gun. Due to the law and the cost, people cannot always own their dream gun, and Airsoft provides you with a realistic replica, and on top of that allows you to be able to shoot that replica lawfully.

Airsoft guns don’t need a huge hopper to load in pellets, no need for huge air tank to power the gun. Instead, pellets are loaded by magazines, just like the real thing. Power source is battery pack that hidden inside the gun.

But a downside is, Airsoft guns don’t have the loudness and recoil that some paint guns could offer. Note: GBB (Gas Blow Back) pistols do offer the recoiling acions like the real thing, very cool.

2. Pellets
Airsoft plastic pellets are much cheaper than paintballs.
For $15 you can get 3700 rds of pellets or 1700 rds of Bio-graded pellets (for actual gaming).
On the other hand 2000 rds of paintball would normally cost between $40~$80.

Paintballs require extreme cares to handle and storage, and they normally gone bad after a short period of time while Airsoft pellets would remain good shape for years.

No chops, no barrel breaks would happen in Airsoft, which means no in game rush barrel cleaning needed.

3. Gaming
Airsoft game’s role-playing ability is enhanced by the fact that Airsoft guns are extremely realistic. After all, it's rather difficult to play the part of a Navy SEAL when you're holding a colorful paintball gun with huge hopper and air tank on it.

And Airsoft games could be much more interesting by having different types Airsoft weapons available. Pistol, sub-machine gun, assault rifle, Shot gun, Sniper rifle, heavy machine gun, Grenade Launcher, Grenades, Mines, Etc. ……

In compare, Paintball game seems “boring” due the fact that all paint guns has the same range and effect.

4. Aftermath
When I arrived home after my 1st Airsoft game, as usual I opened up my gear bag started cleaning my equipments right away. As I doing so I realized I had nothing to clean! My cloths are semi-clean, no sticky paint all over my guns and protect gears. Normally I spend two hours to clean up the mess paintball makes. I am a very lazy person but picky about the cleanness of my stuff and especially sticky paint on my guns.

Now the lazy guy gets to be lazy, everything is clean! WoooHoo!

Airsoft Pellets just don’t make a mess like paintballs do.

5. The Future
Airsoft will never be a sport that can be made palatable to the mass-media. Regardless of how mature Airsoft players are, they will always be ID as gun-wielding psychopaths to those who are uninitiated.

Paintball initially began to cater to those weekend warriors who enjoyed sneaking around the outdoors in friendly competition. However, in order to make the sport acceptable to the general public, it became commercialized. Thus, paintball went "mainstream", sporting neon "camouflage", football cleats, paint guns no longer look close to a gun and them are called "Marker" these days, and the game itself became more of an arena-based, spectator sport. In doing so, it alienated a lot of people who were more into the military-simulation aspect of the sport. Those people eventually turned to Airsoft.

I am kind of guys who play for some Military Simulation, not for sport. I started playing Paintball for some good old fashion war games, No, I didn't get to play any.

Came the time I realized I am playing the wrong game. Paintball is no longer a war game like how it started. Sure there are Scenario Games. The best day of my PBing day was the day I play Hill 1338 Scenario as a NVA officer. Not about the field, it is the atmosphere. I was wearing a NVA helmet and lots other wear Vietnamese hats. (We were giving them out for free).
Lots guys in the Scenario Games wear their colorful jersey and just want to shoot someone with their colorful guns (Wait marker is what they call it.) Infect I seen some tourney players come play just so that they can teach woodballers a lessons by kicking newbies' butt.

Who cares about the story?

What Scenario Game? It is just a big walk on game. You know it!

Looking at the kid standing next to me,
I asked: "What planet are you from? That is an alien gun you are holding."
“Damn you are such newbie! This is DM4, what a pro would use. It is goona own your *** out there.”
“Really? Sorry, I didn't know you are a pro, my mistake.”
"What do you use? WTF is that? A pistol?"
"Yup, that is all I need."

I been called "Army Geek", "War loving Pig" ...(the list goes on) by the other Paintball players and condsiderd being a bad image for their be loved sport. They try to correct me everytime I say the word "GUN". I don't mind but I amn't happy. They can call me whatever they want and I can play whatever style I enjoy.

Paintball is fun!

However, staying in the wrong group of players is sure the wrong thing to do. So, I did what I did, moved to Airsoft.

What are your reasons?

08-17-2005, 03:01 PM
Yeah...I've read that. I play airsoft also. :)

Jack & Coke
08-17-2005, 03:14 PM
Yeah...I've read that. I play airsoft also. :)

How's the attitude in airsoft?

More mature? (this question is related to this thread: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=181351)

08-17-2005, 03:16 PM
Too bad airsoft fields are few and far between. I was thinking of getting into it too. But there are very few people who play it and there are very few if any fields that support it.

08-17-2005, 03:16 PM
I usually find it's participants a lot more mature.

08-17-2005, 03:43 PM
I usually find it's participants a lot more mature.

And you will until it becomes "mainstream".... and if there is no push for it you may very well see it staying that way for sometime. Once upon a time in a land far far away 99% of paintballers were mature, reasonable, respectful people...

There are advantages to airsoft, I like the advantages of paintball but there is no denying that airsoft has its upsides.

08-17-2005, 03:51 PM
ive got a few of the cheap sports authority airsoft guns play that sometimes in the back yard with my lil bro. We typicially set up a mock speedball field with wooden pallets we have. Its decent practice just for things like when to make what move where, how to play a bunker that is at a certian positon/angle/shape without getting shot. Now, its no substitue for real paintball, but, its cheap, easy and fun. But, really, the appealing part of paintball to me is tournament play, and, i dont see how you could have competative airsoft if not everyone is friends, becuause, there is no concrete evidence that you hit anyone (like a paint splat) in airsoft.

Jack & Coke
08-17-2005, 03:51 PM
I've never played airsoft... is it an honor system too (like paintball used to be)?

Is it easy to tell if you get hit?

Is the shooting range longer than paintball?

08-17-2005, 04:02 PM
I played airsoft a long time ago and I was wearing a jacket and it was a thick material. I didn't feel anything so it depends on what you wear, but I heard them hit me.

08-17-2005, 04:08 PM
I've thought about airsoft, but my concern is both safety (none of the games I've seen wear full masks like in paintball) and how to call someone out. As for play, I know 2 of my local paintball fields host airsoft on occasion.

08-17-2005, 04:12 PM
Lohman: Definatly true, that's why I play both airsoft and paintball. I just can't get away from the upsides of either.

68magOwner: It really isn't a substitution which I thought I could make it. It is still fun in it's own way though. Yeah but with there being a more mature crowd, the honor system works a lot better.

Jack & Coke: Yes. It is easy, usually either by the sound or the feel. If you are playing with more serious people with AEGs or nice spring guns that shoot in excess of 500 fps sometimes (those are usually regulated with a 100 feet minimum shooting distance), you can definatly feel them (it does depend on your clothing though). And from my experiance the shooting range can be a lot longer because hop ups are on most guns (basically a better flatline that is adjustable).

barrel break
08-17-2005, 04:14 PM
I've never played airsoft... is it an honor system too (like paintball used to be)?

Is it easy to tell if you get hit?

Is the shooting range longer than paintball?
1. Completely, with no paint or anything, honor is it.
2. Depends on how powerful the gun is / distance / clothes thickness I've been hit and not known it many times, but if you use the more powerful springers or gas, they HURT
3. sometimes

08-17-2005, 04:20 PM
Bummer. Eddie is a great guy. Had quite the impressive collection as well. :cry:

08-17-2005, 05:25 PM
I play both airsoft and paintball, airsoft more often for the simple reason that I often can't afford paintballs. They both have their upsides. Airsoft is cheap, and you can go into your backyar and just play with a few friends, or go to a real field and play with 20 people. FOr paintball the upsides are that there are more people playing, and you know when you've been hit (most of the time). I like both and always make sure that all of my guns for both sports get their use

08-17-2005, 06:44 PM
I play a little airsoft with my friends, we mostly use basic electrics and a few springs. Airsoft is a game to me, paintball is a sport to me. I prefer xball type things, but if that isnt available then airsoft will do. My friend is also starting up a site selling med-low end airsoft guns. It was our paintball team site, but he pays for it so I guess he can do what he wants...

/shameless plug

08-17-2005, 07:07 PM
why i play paintball:

i dont give a crap about milsim. in fact generally, the farther i am from it, the better. paintball is more of a sport, and thats what i want. airsoft doesnt have a speedball/xball equivalent.

paintball has many more fields and tournaments.

paint for me is $25 a case, $35 for premium... thats still more expensive than airsoft, but thats fine with me.

i love the markers, working on them, cleaning them, thinking of ways to improve them. i dont know much about higher end airsoft guns, but i have no interest in any of the ones ive seen.

im staying the heck out of the woods. except for this sunday. :cry:

08-17-2005, 07:07 PM
I played Airsoft with some friends who are really into it, (its popular here in Hawaii). Its different and kinda fun, though I prefer the viseral feeling of getting hit or hitting someone with a paintball. At times Airsoft felt like a spitball fight with fancy straws.

There is a sizable group of Airsoft enthusiasts here, and the maturity level is much greater than in paintball in general. Though Im sure after a while there will be those in Airsoft pushing for it to become more mainstream, accepted and on TV, then shortly afterwards the maturity level of Airsoft will match paintball. :rolleyes:

08-17-2005, 07:17 PM
We went out to play paintball one day. When we got to the field (where I live, no real paintball fields, unless I want to buy a $500 plane ticket or take a 3 day boat ride) there were some airsoft players out there. We decided to trade off use of the field. We'd play a game, they'd take a break, they'd play a game, we'd take a break, etc. Out of curiosity, I went out on the field when they were playing to see what it was like. I get out there, watch for a couple minutes and I hear, verbatim:

Airsoft player 1: Hey, I hit you!
Airsoft player 2: No you didn't. *shoots more at ASP1*
ASP1: You're out, you can't shoot me!
ASP2: You never hit me! *shoots some more at ASP1*

And that continued for a good 90 seconds until player 1 decided to just leave the field because he was frustrated. Reminded me of my days as a 6 year old playing war in the woods. "Bang bang, you're dead!" "No I'm not! You are!" "No, you're dead!"

More mature? Maybe I was unlucky. At least it's harder to fake being shot in paintball. :nono:

08-17-2005, 07:18 PM
Although I own an airsoft gun for kicks, I have never gotten into airsoft. I have always dug paintball from the get-go for one because the guns are just so much more rugged. They aren't glorified toys, they are designed for hard use. They make no compromises for a certain "look". In the end those compromises mean airsoft is difficult to ever take "seriously" ... it's more about roleplaying than actual game playing.

And of course the paintball "pucker factor" just can't be matched.

Recon by Fire
08-17-2005, 07:49 PM
Who cares if you like paintball, airsoft, or both. Sorry, I cannot say the "milsim" idea ever attracted me to playing paintball. I never once considered it a close substitute for simultaedmilitary action. In fact these games (including airsoft) are the farthest things possible from "the real thing". I get a bit laugh out of those weekend warriors looking for the milsim effect anyway, go join the military if you want some "real-sim".

I tend to avoid the players in any game that try to carry themselves as militaristic. I have had only one experience with airsoft players, they were playing at the paintball field I was at one day. The had the milsim thing going, that's fine for them, and I talked with them and checked some of their gear out. I have no problem with them and i'm sure it is fun to play as any GAME is. But I did not care for the personality of one young player there; while I was asking about some of the basic game differences with them he shot at me an indignent remark insinuating that ALL paintball players are cheaters. I was a bit pissed at the punks comment but one of his own players slapped him and told him to shut up. I pushed it a bit further though and asked him if he knew the difference between the BDU's he was wearing and mine (I was playing woods that day); He answered that his were winter issue while mine were summer; I replied "no, kid. My combat badges were earned, yours were bought". The kid wisen uo a bit and did not say another word to me the rest of the day, which was just fine with me.

I don't care if we are playing airsoft, paintball, or yard darts, be a stan up player :)

Drew Perkins
08-17-2005, 07:54 PM
Ya Airsoft is a nice excuse to go outside and just play a quick game or just shoot targets if anyone wants to try out the game I sell airsoft guns as low as $6.00 :wow: our next shippment is coming soon within 2 weeks

:cool: :cool: www.PUREAIRSOFT.com :cool: :cool:

08-17-2005, 08:02 PM
OK I dont care about little tactical airsoft ppl they can go have fun where they do and do their little misions and w/e I'm gonna go play paintball and mind my own buisness. If airsoft ppl dont like me I dont care.

08-17-2005, 08:29 PM
I get a bit laugh out of those weekend warriors looking for the milsim effect anyway, go join the military if you want some "real-sim".

For the most part I agree with you 100%. While I opted to not join the military I am a Navy brat (my father left the Navy as a Lt. Commander) and have been around the "real deal" quite a bit.

What I have been damn impressed with is their discipline. When playing as a solid team in big scenario games a bit of the discipline and training that the military gives you is the difference between a bunch of guys who don't make a real difference and team that does. The great thing about paintball is that while the distances involved make most real military tactics a liability (of course there are exceptions), the discipline that allows a team to act like a team comes through perfectly.

This expresses itself in a couple of ways. I love playing against a bunch of real military guys most of the time. They run into problems because while they’ve got the discipline they use tactics that are suitable for real life combat with weapons that can shoot right through that bush I’m hiding behind. They also know it isn’t real so they throw their “lives” away in crazy charges. I other words, they tend to be too aggressive and not aggressive enough (if you can follow that). This means that a guy who knows how paintball really works can clean up. I do stuff that would get me killed in an instant against these guys if they had real guns but I clean up because they don’t and I realize how that makes a difference in tactics.

Now, with all that said….they can be the best thing that ever happened to a scenario team! They can teach the skills of DOING WHAT THE LEADER SAYS all of the time without pausing. You don’t have to be a real military guy to gain this skill (when it’s paintballs not bullets of course) and who better to teach it to you that a guy who really knows what it means.

In the end, the best team is going to be one that has at least had some real training and someone to teach the discipline that also has experience with the realities of the paintball “battlefield.”

All this leads up to my point that guys that are trying to give their team some of the trappings of a military unit aren’t necessarily “posers” or whatever. Of course that big fat guy with all the SWAT gear on probably wears it when he’s home alone and no one can see. ;)

08-17-2005, 10:01 PM
i dont like airsoft, i like paintball hee

Evil Bob
08-18-2005, 04:54 AM
Its easy enough to find bad examples in any sport. What airsoft has going for it is that it doesn't have wide main stream exposure, right now its a very small niche element that's playing, much like paintball was 15-20 years ago when honor was everything. In time I suspect it will fall prey to either legislation (being banned for having guns that look too realistic) or mainstreaming in which it'll either vanish or run into the very same problems we have in paintball today with the ever increasing moron factor.

-Evil Bob

08-18-2005, 06:10 AM
Wow, so many nice markers. Lots of great Palmers. There were a number of guns I expected to see (Phantom, other mags) before someone would retire that weren't there.

Hold on- aren't Airsoft guns made of plastic?

You're telling me someone said "I don't want to play with this nice Palmer Stroker, a custom gun crafted by an actual player who has been here since the beginning. Give me something cheap and plastic instead, designed for profit, preferably mass-produced in a factory that probably used to make toys for gumball machines.".

Ok, I'm going to get it now. Maybe I should look into airsoft more. Am I missing something?

Isn't it about the game, not the gear? You don't get graded on how good you look. It's about finding and eliminating your opponent, right?

To those of you who have fired actual weapons, do you like Airsoft or Paintball?

08-18-2005, 08:47 AM
I've played both.

Airsoft is nice because of the honor system, the range of the guns, and the lowered cost of playing.

However, the big airsoft game I was at had just as much cheating as the majority of paintball scenarios I'd been at. The gun clips can jam on most guns. You might correlate an older crowd with a more mature one, but most of those guys take themeselves WAY too seriously. They're strapping on all sorts of ridiculous tactical stuff, to the point where there's no way they'd feel it if they got shot.

Archangel Zer0
08-18-2005, 11:33 AM
Eddie makes some good points, there. Want to make your own scenario? Type a few paragraphs of "background story" and steal the name off of a movie. Have a huge walk on contingent, but act like the 3 squads of guys from scenario groups are doing anything. Charge too much for paint. Make sure to only get one port-a-potty per 300 players. Make sure to have that one ref that's way too drunk/stupid/pissed off to be on the field. Make the field speed 280fps but don't enforce it when people are shooting 350+.

Paintball or airsoft, the only time you won't have cheaters running rampant is if you're playing in small groups with people you trust. If you play with cheaters you shouldn't be surprised when they cheat.

Some of those airsoft guns are really nice pieces of work and craftsmanship. Go to http://shortyusa.com/index.html and watch some of the videos. I couldn't stop laughing.

08-18-2005, 02:31 PM
Airsoft is advanced LARPing.

no diss.

08-18-2005, 03:37 PM
Hold on- aren't Airsoft guns made of plastic?

Cheap ones are made of plastic, just like cheap paintball guns I.E the talon.

If you really are into spending money on airsoft you can get full metal guns that are 1:1 scale, and they have the same weight as their real counter parts. I have looked at airsoft guns in the 600-1000 dollar range, it all depends on how realistic you want your gun to be.

But I do have to agree with the one comment, airsoft is just larping, just like paintball was larping when it first started out.

08-19-2005, 01:56 AM
Don't they have Paint Tipped rounds for Airsoft guns?... i coulda sworn I saw something like those in an RPG-90 once somewhere. Granted the paint amt is not as large as paintballs, but they would still leave a mark. That could be cool.


08-19-2005, 02:29 AM
Don't they have Paint Tipped rounds for Airsoft guns?... i coulda sworn I saw something like those in an RPG-90 once somewhere. Granted the paint amt is not as large as paintballs, but they would still leave a mark. That could be cool.


Yes, they do make 6mm paintballs for Airsoft guns, however they aren't advised for use with most guns, generally only springers are advised to use them and even then it isn't all that good of an idea.

08-19-2005, 09:50 AM
Well there goes this thread. Oh yes, and ah, IN BEFORE THE BAN!

08-19-2005, 11:16 AM
wtf is going on?? thats 3 porn postings ive seen in the past 2 minutes.

(and yeah, in before the lock and ban)

*edit* make that 5... three by this @**hole.

08-19-2005, 02:40 PM
So these Airsoft guns use plastic pellets with no paint, you play on the honor system, and there's no mess? Is that correct?

Can someone comment on the differences between the air, spring and electric versions?

08-19-2005, 03:03 PM

Spring-powered is exactly how it sounds. AEG, or electric, uses a battery-powered mechanism to compress the spring used to shoot the BB, I believe. And gas-powered uses Green Gas, which I think is... propane? with some other stuff to make it smell a bit less. High-end guns are almost all AEGs, except for sniper rifles, which are usually high-powered springers. Most nice pistols are gas powered so you get a nice blowback slide effect :)

If you're interested in airsoft, I'd suggest looking at some Classic Army AEGs in the $200-350 area. The MP5 and the P90 are nice.

bound for glory
08-20-2005, 11:13 AM
i've played both. imho, even the high end airsoft guns are still plastic and easily broken. when serious airsoft players go to big events, they bring multiple guns each. they also break down when you try to tweek them for better purformance. don't get me wrong, they look great. i perfer milsim. but the durabilaty just is'nt there with airsoft.

08-20-2005, 12:16 PM
Umm... Retarded.

Paintball is incomparable to airsoft, unless you like to turn it into a war-game. Which is stupid in itself, especially when airsoft is available...

Again: I am an elitist cockwad, and I think people pretending to be in combat is absolutely ridiculous.

08-20-2005, 12:20 PM
Umm... Retarded.

Paintball is incomparable to airsoft, unless you like to turn it into a war-game. Which is stupid in itself, especially when airsoft is available...

Again: I am an elitist cockwad, and I think people pretending to be in combat is absolutely ridiculous.


Shooting at people is fun.

08-20-2005, 01:05 PM
Are the metal Airsoft guns worth getting? I switched to automags because of the high quality, so I don't want a cheap marker. I checked the guns at Shorty's website, are the $130 gas pistols made of metal? Would electric be better? I'm pretty sure I want pistols due to my pesonal playing field (see below).

BTW, the whole reason I'm asking about airsoft is because I own a 30,000 s.f. old high school building, 3 stories high with a gym, classrooms, etc. I've been wanting to play paintball indoors, kind of "urban assault", but the building is in decent shape and I don't want to cover the inside with paint. Would airsoft work? Do the pellets hit hard enough to dent sheetrock or break windows? They don't look like they have enough mass to cause much damage. Can I set the fps on them to be lower for close-range indoor play?

I'll still play paintball when outside, for many reasons. But could airsoft be the answer for indoor play?

08-20-2005, 04:18 PM
Remember, paintball started as a military senario.

As for the paintball in the school, I like the idea, but I assume the floor is tile, and that will get real slick real quick with paint on it. If you do decide to got for it, you'll want to paint the floor with some nonskid floor paint, lay a layer of gravel perhaps.

08-20-2005, 04:22 PM
I think the sensis we all need to come to is everyone has their own sport and a way of playing it. We shouldnt hate ppl just because they dont play our sport just leave em be guys.

08-20-2005, 04:43 PM
i play airsoft as well as tourney pb... they are both incredibly fun, as are scenario games in both. they are just..so much different from each other, in each and every aspect.

08-20-2005, 04:45 PM
Are the metal Airsoft guns worth getting? I switched to automags because of the high quality, so I don't want a cheap marker. I checked the guns at Shorty's website, are the $130 gas pistols made of metal? Would electric be better? I'm pretty sure I want pistols due to my pesonal playing field (see below).

BTW, the whole reason I'm asking about airsoft is because I own a 30,000 s.f. old high school building, 3 stories high with a gym, classrooms, etc. I've been wanting to play paintball indoors, kind of "urban assault", but the building is in decent shape and I don't want to cover the inside with paint. Would airsoft work? Do the pellets hit hard enough to dent sheetrock or break windows? They don't look like they have enough mass to cause much damage. Can I set the fps on them to be lower for close-range indoor play?

I'll still play paintball when outside, for many reasons. But could airsoft be the answer for indoor play?

yes, if they are above 50 bucks and a gas pistol, even if they are made of plastic, it is very very durable, high quality plastic. generally, the plastic in airsoft is the best out there. the velocity dented wood at my house, but it also depends on what grade bb's u are using.

08-20-2005, 07:16 PM
Ok, I at least have to get a pair of guns and try it out. Which BBs will be the least harmful to the interior? Can you adjust the velocity?

08-20-2005, 07:24 PM
Remember, paintball started as a military senario.

As for the paintball in the school, I like the idea, but I assume the floor is tile, and that will get real slick real quick with paint on it. If you do decide to got for it, you'll want to paint the floor with some nonskid floor paint, lay a layer of gravel perhaps.
Actually it didn’t. It was started as a capture the flag game with markers being an added part, but not the main objective. It then spread to more military style games, but that was not how it started.

Airsoft on the other hand is a different story.

(Added: Do not confuse “survivalist” with “military scenario”. While survivalist may use some military tactics it is not the same thing. The overall objectives are actually opposite.)

08-20-2005, 08:13 PM
Geese I just wrote a topic on PB vs Airsoft over at spudtech.

Around where I live we play paintball. In the summer it is hot to run aroudn in long pants and long sleve shirts with 100% humidinty and 90*f temperatures. This summer we tried out airsoft. I don't think it's as fun. Paintball is way better. Plus it is sooo easy to cheat in airsoft, "prove that it hit me". The only way to stop cheating is to get a gun that draws blood so either the person calls himself out or is given up by the blood/bloodwring/bruise.

Here is what I wrote over at spudtech

[First off. NO FLAMING. This is just to get some thoughts from other forums members.]

Paintball and Airsoft. Both are war games involving guns or markers, to shoot at each other. Both games are usually played by teens but can be taken up by older enthusiast(sp). Also both sports began in the 1980s.


Less painfull(usually)
Look real(cooler to own)
Cheaper ammo

Easy to cheat
Must pay more to have a gun that can compete
More polluting(had to add that )
Use way more ammo per game/outing


Hard to cheat(covered in paint)
Don't look real(commiting serious crimes)
Doesn't pollute(as I said, all cons)
Overall more fun(to me at least)
Doesn't cost as much to get a good gun(In airsoft you must pay about 80 out of the 300+ that a really good gun would cost(80/300). In paintball you can have a gun that performs well for 80 out of the 500 you have to pay to get a good gun(I don't like the Ion)so thats 80/500. Which ratio is better)

Hurts way more(not that it is like actually being shot, but more than airsoft)
Costs more
Ammo is way more
Can't be played everywhere(see stains)

I was just wondering how others felt. I play both sports. Over the summer I got into playing airsoft with a few of my better friends and his neighbor +his friends. It was fun, but not the same as playing paintball. One day my good friend and I were talking about paintball and one kid said, "geese, I can't believe you would pay all that money to play. Airsoft is so much more cheap." I find this funny from a kid who has spent the same on many cheap airsoft guns as I bought my paintball gun for. Now I own both a paintballgun(tippy pro/carbine) and an airsoftgun(HFC MP5). I have owned the p/c for almost 2 years now and it hasn't had anything go wrong in over 100 games. I bought the airsoft gun this july and it already is on the verge of dying after I only used it for 15-20 games. That sucks. That means that I will have to buy a more expensive gun, so it will last longer. Kinda like buying a brass eagle talon or blade. It just doesn't last that long.

Does anyone else have opinions on here. I know we have a few paintballers on here(OJHS I hope you reply to this) and a bunch of airsofters(Um well theres a lot).

Cow hunter
12-28-2005, 09:10 AM
sadly im one of the few paintballs left in my town.... i once went to an airsoft match, i laugh when they say they have a "custom" airsoft gun that shoots 400fps and has a scope(probably can get out 10rpm-impossible to cock)..... then im like WTF???? when they give me a gun that shoots 20ft and it is impossible to feel even at point blank to my neck.....so heres what ended up happening

Me; you cant give me this **** gun!
Them; meh' too bad just run into us firing.....
Me; Fine :mad: ill go get my other gun*gets paintball gun*
Them; you cant use that! it shoots too far and its too accurate!
Me; thats the whole point! *shoots them in legs*
Them; :cry: :cry: :cry: you win! you win!

Death of Rats
12-28-2005, 11:21 AM
Honestly I think people are just attacking airsoft now for the sake of.

First of all people keep saying that the guns are cheap, however the only places they have ever looked into the airsoft guns is at walmart. Honestly have you seen some of the paintball guns at walmart. I've played with a number of them many man years ago and I must say that they are not what I would call classy paintball guns. Some guy said you can have an 80 dollar marker that can compete I nearly laughed when I read this. Your going to spend money to get something good either way.

Second with the cheating. You can feel almost anything that hits your body. On all the occasions I have played paintball the only hits that I truly did not feel were on the end of my barrel. It simply felt like I had shot. You almost always know when something hits your body even if you are wearing horendous amounts of armor and it works the same with airsoft. If someone cheats tell them you won't play with them anymore usually this works pretty effecitvly in both sports especially airsoft since many of the places where you play people will be remembering you.

Third, someone talking about the airsoft guns breaking down. Ok lets take into cosideration any tourny event. How many guns do you see in most of those players bags. Two three more just out of fear that one might break down. How many people here have had paintball guns break down on them, heck I have seen Tippmans quit working. Tippmans the most reliable paintball marker that I have ever seen used.

I love AO however some of the people on this site have just been downright mean in some of their remarks.

12-28-2005, 07:51 PM
Who cares if you like paintball, airsoft, or both. Sorry, I cannot say the "milsim" idea ever attracted me to playing paintball. I never once considered it a close substitute for simultaedmilitary action. In fact these games (including airsoft) are the farthest things possible from "the real thing". I get a bit laugh out of those weekend warriors looking for the milsim effect anyway, go join the military if you want some "real-sim".

Yeah, I've always seen anyone who believes that airsoft or paintball are like real military action as being a bit out of touch. Sure, they can be used to simulate that sort of thing, like AGD making paintball pistols for police training, but the way that any of these games are actually played they're not even vague approximations of real action.

That's why I like paintball more than airsoft, though. I'd rather play something that succeeds as a sport than something that fails as a simulation. Of course, if you have fun doing it, that's all that matters.

Recon by Fire
12-28-2005, 11:02 PM
I just cannot associate myself with those teams/players in either game that insist they have a rank and demand I slaute them or call them Sir. I think they are taking it a bit too serious and are somewhat delusional. I'm no Freud though...

12-29-2005, 12:06 AM
I just cannot associate myself with those teams/players in either game that insist they have a rank and demand I slaute them or call them Sir. I think they are taking it a bit too serious and are somewhat delusional. I'm no Freud though...

yeah umm you have to salute me....lol..whats he gonna make you do? drop and give him twenty???!!!..attention on deck!!!! head airsoft general is approaching!!! lol...yeah some guys at work play airsoft...and the metal guns look kewl, but when i asked them to play paintball, they all got skerred..i mean i want to see who i hit..the way they told me they played airsoft to eliminate cheaters..they keep shooting you untill you call yourself out, or some one has to reload..!!! lol and i thought bonus balling was bad...

12-29-2005, 03:56 AM
I just cannot associate myself with those teams/players in either game that insist they have a rank and demand I slaute them or call them Sir. I think they are taking it a bit too serious and are somewhat delusional. I'm no Freud though...
...I've never even heard of that. Having "generals" or whatever commander, yeah, if that's your thing, but actual salutes and crap? That's retarded.

12-30-2005, 08:54 AM
Looking at the kid standing next to me,
I asked: "What planet are you from? That is an alien gun you are holding."
“Damn you are such newbie! This is DM4, what a pro would use. It is goona own your *** out there.”
“Really? Sorry, I didn't know you are a pro, my mistake.”
"What do you use? WTF is that? A pistol?"
"Yup, that is all I need."

Yeah, that's grrrreat. If I was standing there this conversation would have been a lot shorter.

I asked: "What planet are you from? That is an alien gun you are holding."
he said: "It's a DM4."
I asked (insert another snide remark here)
he said: "....do you even play paintball?"

paint magnet
12-30-2005, 07:34 PM
Cleaning up paint is still a lot easier than cleaning bullet wounds ;)

11-05-2006, 04:58 AM
An old thread, but a great read. Worthy of a bump to the top, for those new and old who may never have read it.

11-05-2006, 08:55 AM
Took him two hours to clean his gear?!? Takes me less than an hour. Wipe down the gun, the tank, and the mask. Maybe lube up the ram. Once every 4-6 cases or so, grease up the reg.

don miguel
11-05-2006, 09:13 AM
just thought I would point this out....
"EMR will conduct Airsoft Games for a minimum group of 25 players that bring their own equipment. The price for a days play is $30 per person for play from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm and all players must use biodegradable wheat airsoft pellets. All groups will be organized and run by a EMR Safety Certified Ref. All players must have approved Airsoft Goggles and Barrel Covers or Barrel Plugs for all of their Airsoft Guns. A minimum deposit of $500.00 is required to book a reservation for all Airsoft games. Minimum playing age is 12 years old. All players under the age of 18 must have a EMR AIRSOFT WAIVER form filled out entirely and signed by a parent. They also must have a MEDICAL RELEASE form fully filled out and signed by a parent." (taken from emr paintball.com)

price for admittance to a scenario game...
28 days after scenario at fox4- 30$
+case of stinger (rps) 40$

I am trying too say that if you want to play airsoft at a place other than your friends backyard, then you have to go to a place like EMR with at least 25 people + a 500$ down payment!!!! plus special wheat airsoft pellets! probably 40$ a case so do the math...

500/25= 20, so 20$ entrance fee. per capita
but if people dont have airsoft equipment then its 30$ per capita! plus all of those airsoft pellets.
then the $$$$ it takes for the trip to EMR, for me it's a 6 hour car ride so two-three gas fills along the way that's about 150$ plus all the other people.
EMR is also the only place that I have seen that allows airsoft play.

conclusion- paintball is more accessible, if you go to a place like fox4 where thier is not much cheating then you will be fine. Paintball is cheaper with alot more events, and you don't need down payments, or a minimum of people because so many people play.
Airsoft at EMR requires you to have at least 25 people and 500$ down payment. SO you need to gaurentee that 25 people will haull butt down to pensilvainia and they need airsoft stuff. It is all hectic and confusing. But unless you are fine with playing in your friend's yard all the time then you don't need EMR, you got his yard. good luck. :cheers:

11-05-2006, 11:42 AM
Airsoft moves at a higher fps but has less impact , but .68 paintball has lower terminal velocity?
Wich is safer?

don miguel
11-05-2006, 08:06 PM
Airsoft moves at a higher fps but has less impact , but .68 paintball has lower terminal velocity?
Wich is safer?
If you are wearing a mask they are equally as safe. airsoft pellets don't splatter though. I have been shot by an airsoft gun, it hurts way less than a paintball.

11-05-2006, 09:39 PM
I've been shot by the "500 fps" guns...I'll take getting bunkered or making a dumb move to the snake over getting shot in the throat again. ~.~

When we were playing just with crappy guns in my buddies unfinished basement it was a neat little experience...the clean up was easy (we just swept the bb's up) and it didn't require more than 20$ and a trip to Canadian tire + the saftey goggles we kind of invented. It was fun, but I couldn't see it being a "main stream" thing with no way to identify who actually shot who and what not.

11-06-2006, 12:02 AM
At my paintball store, we are into anything that shoots. The real guns we cant sell but we all sure do have fun with them on the weekends, anyways… Airsoft has become about a 1/3 of our business.
Anyway, Airsoft is a blast. We (my shop) were invited to play a scenario airsoft game last weekend. It was actually a lot of fun. We were the out numbered insurgents and the other 50 or so people were the American special forces that were out to get us. Lol! Well they had two armored troop transports that they could stuff 15 guys in leaving us on foot. It was a blast. We tore them up. A bunch of old school paintball players going at airsofters. We were playing whack-a-mole with them all day. It was a snap shooters dream, because you can hear those things start shooting and get out of the way… at least at the ranges that they would engage us at. We won 2 out of 3… even though “Officially” the American forces won.


Very real…
Classic army M15-a4 rifle. Upgraded spring and 9.6 3300mah batt. Shoots 400fps consistently @ ~15 sps
full metal and very accurate weight.

Its alot of fun.

11-06-2006, 12:17 AM
lol....sweet gun. Can you feel the airsoft pellets through say an army jacket at a good distance. I've only been shot by the cheap ones...


Do I dare post this...
Im the tall goofy fella in the back. Those are my motercycle goggles that I had on... until I put my JT frames back on like the rest of them.
I took this with my camera phone from a poster that was made from the event.

This was oct 29... I still have 3 brusies. Its comprable to getting a paintball bounce. it stings like a... yeah, and leaves a decent mark.

About a month ago, I got beaned on the side of the bridge of my nose, and got a hell of a black eye from it.

Yeah you can feel it. Enough so that when you get hit you flintch enough that others know you have been hit... so its not entirely the honor system. its the "hey wuss you jumped when i shot you! get out!" haha!

11-06-2006, 12:22 AM
how much was your gun moe?

11-06-2006, 12:39 AM
how much was your gun moe?

$300 nib
new spring: $20
13 mags: ~$100 (I was holding 1700rds on me in that pic) :cool:
scope mount $40 Real thing*
Scope... cheap airgun scope I had

I should add, that being that this thing is a 1 to 1 metal replica, it has all the real attachment fittings. so If it mounts on a real gun it mounts on these. For our night games two of our guys put gen 3 nightvision scopes on their guns... Way cool.

11-06-2006, 10:05 AM
i've been playing around with the idea of getting into airsoft for a while now, where are some good sites to get educated at?

11-14-2006, 10:42 PM
ive seen some AGG ballers who like to make beleive they are in command of there unit and stuff, on a walk on speedball game at an indoor i was at some kid just came there with a dm or some other gun that doubles as a remotecontrol. tip calculator and all other 100 modes and the wrong attitude we where all playing fine b4 he showed up but he came in late right b4 ref was gonna start game and he goes on our side starts like giving us order he goes hey you where you gogin, you take right you you go here you do this then he turns to me and hes like whre are you going, so jsut to be a pain i said i dunno yet i dont really think about it that much till im running he goes well figure it out you need to tell me and i asked him why did i need to tell him anything and hes like listen i bet i been playing much longer then you so dont be a noob and let me make a plan here so i told him if he planned to not catch a beat down hed lower his voice and go on the other team next round

so its not all these airsoft and heavy terrain camo guys trying to be generals some pretty egotistical AGG :rolleyes: players who think they run the show give it a shot too

i`ll take either sport, i can just do with out the bad attitude and egos that come with the "MOM GET ME THIS" kids thinking because they have fancy headstraps and jerseys and a blue tooth enabled, plug and play gun

11-14-2006, 10:53 PM
$300 nib
new spring: $20
13 mags: ~$100 (I was holding 1700rds on me in that pic) :cool:
scope mount $40 Real thing*
Scope... cheap airgun scope I had

I should add, that being that this thing is a 1 to 1 metal replica, it has all the real attachment fittings. so If it mounts on a real gun it mounts on these. For our night games two of our guys put gen 3 nightvision scopes on their guns... Way cool.
ahh that makes me want to get into airsoft

11-14-2006, 11:11 PM
ahh that makes me want to get into airsoft

Well after my little paintball adventure last weekend, airsoft is really cheap.

11-15-2006, 09:07 AM
ive seen some AGG ballers who like to make beleive they are in command of there unit and stuff, on a walk on speedball game at an indoor i was at some kid just came there with a dm or some other gun that doubles as a remotecontrol. tip calculator and all other 100 modes and the wrong attitude we where all playing fine b4 he showed up but he came in late right b4 ref was gonna start game and he goes on our side starts like giving us order he goes hey you where you gogin, you take right you you go here you do this then he turns to me and hes like whre are you going, so jsut to be a pain i said i dunno yet i dont really think about it that much till im running he goes well figure it out you need to tell me and i asked him why did i need to tell him anything and hes like listen i bet i been playing much longer then you so dont be a noob and let me make a plan here so i told him if he planned to not catch a beat down hed lower his voice and go on the other team next round

so its not all these airsoft and heavy terrain camo guys trying to be generals some pretty egotistical AGG :rolleyes: players who think they run the show give it a shot too

i`ll take either sport, i can just do with out the bad attitude and egos that come with the "MOM GET ME THIS" kids thinking because they have fancy headstraps and jerseys and a blue tooth enabled, plug and play gun

There is a purpose in knowing where everyone is going. I often ask people just so I dont end up in there bunker.

11-15-2006, 09:53 AM
There is a purpose in knowing where everyone is going. I often ask people just so I dont end up in there bunker.

agree x10.

everyone knows the horrors of having 4 other guys trying to stay behind the same bunker in speedball off the break

i like airsoft, and have tried it a few times, but the only grip i have is some of their community (the pure airsoft forums) are ***holes. The few times ive been there people were harassed because they said they didnt want to spend 500+ on airsoft equipment (if you didn't go all out, you didnt belong in the "sport").

The biggest damn reason i like airsoft is because of the cost to play, so screw them.

not to say that pball doesnt have it's own community problems, but i would much rather see some 10 year old being bought a fancy new gun and not know how to use it (thats how you learn, you break it) than to see a 35 year old telling you to get the "****" out of his sport because you dont spend $1000+ and jerk off to airsoft magazines like he does.

11-15-2006, 12:45 PM
There is a purpose in knowing where everyone is going. I often ask people just so I dont end up in there bunker.

In speedball I ALWAYS ask the people next to me where they are going, for EXACTLY that reason.

11-15-2006, 06:49 PM
What I love, is when the people my age glance at the 14 and 15 year olds with good markers and instantly think "mommies credit card no skill". Then, as I'm walking towards the dead box I get to laugh as they realize those 14-16yo kiddies on my team (when I used to play) are the elite players.

11-16-2006, 02:13 AM
What I love, is when the people my age glance at the 14 and 15 year olds with good markers and instantly think "mommies credit card no skill". Then, as I'm walking towards the dead box I get to laugh as they realize those 14-16yo kiddies on my team (when I used to play) are the elite players.

What I love, is when the 14 and 15 year olds glance at people my age with pump and mechanical markers and instantly think "old timers who are outgunned". Then, as I'm walking towards the dead box I get to laugh as they realize those 30 and 40yo old timers on my team are the elite players in a game based on shooting and skill.


11-17-2006, 10:27 PM
Interesting thread. It sounds like the attitude in airsoft is more mature, and maybe close to the way painball was in the 80's. When it was actually fun for me. I think I will have to look into this game more. Anyone know any good sites for it?

What I love, is when the 14 and 15 year olds glance at people my age with pump and mechanical markers and instantly think "old timers who are outgunned". Then, as I'm walking towards the dead box I get to laugh as they realize those 30 and 40yo old timers on my team are the elite players in a game based on shooting and skill.


I remember this actually happening a few years ago out in redlands. Except it might have been a mech I had in my hands. Nothing makes someone recoil quite like a shot to the neck from an unexpected angle.

11-18-2006, 09:49 AM
too many posts on here about 'old skool honor' in the game back in the day for me to stay silent:

Yes, 'honorable play' was the mantra, but if you think all players were honorable, you weren't there.

My first national tournament (84) was a wake up call: freighttraining, wiping, shimming markers, supercharging, heating 12-grams in the fire, ignoring field boundary lines, reporting as live when you have been eliminated...

The ONLY thing that mitigated these kinds of actions was the physical mark the ball leaves.

My experience tells me that the exact same thing goes on in airsoft; everyone talks about honor, some (few) actually are honorable and the rest stay in the game as long as they can get away with whatever...

11-18-2006, 10:00 AM
too many posts on here about 'old skool honor' in the game back in the day for me to stay silent:

Yes, 'honorable play' was the mantra, but if you think all players were honorable, you weren't there.

My first national tournament (84) was a wake up call: freighttraining, wiping, shimming markers, supercharging, heating 12-grams in the fire, ignoring field boundary lines, reporting as live when you have been eliminated...

The ONLY thing that mitigated these kinds of actions was the physical mark the ball leaves.

My experience tells me that the exact same thing goes on in airsoft; everyone talks about honor, some (few) actually are honorable and the rest stay in the game as long as they can get away with whatever...
airsoft seems more honorable, because you cant actually see the paint when you gog someone, and you cant catch someone wiping.

cheating is defined by the players, not the game. and i doubt the difference is that significant.

11-18-2006, 10:30 AM
I remember this actually happening a few years ago out in redlands. Except it might have been a mech I had in my hands. Nothing makes someone recoil quite like a shot to the neck from an unexpected angle.

I did that once earlier this yearing using a mech mag in team practice. I never made my assigned move out of the back right stand up. When it came to 5-1 I got a lucky elimination across field making the right stand up safer and I moved to the center on my way. Took the guy coming to bunker my now empty back left, and then moved right. Managed to get down to and trade with the last person on the other team. :D

11-18-2006, 11:43 AM

just brought home a glock 18c (thats the one with firing modes)

it kicks ***! the store didnt have the upgraded valves for the magazines (i upgraded the spring, the valve lets more air into the gun)

i am really pleased with the kick of the gun. for 50 bucks, the 50 round magazine is nothing but awsomeness too.

i will be posting a video of it this weekend, and you will be seeing my 92f for sale as well

11-18-2006, 06:36 PM

Key word.

Recon by Fire
11-18-2006, 08:57 PM
One of my buddies is very much into the airsoft scene, always bugs me to go play. I would give it a try, it would likely be fun, but....too many of the players are "gear *****s" and woried some might disrespect their mad SF/SWAT skills. Just grab the gun, shoot some friends, have fun, repeat.

11-18-2006, 09:08 PM
There is a purpose in knowing where everyone is going. I often ask people just so I dont end up in there bunker.

no i nuderstand that im saying what i dont like is he was telling other people wher tog o theyd say going to dorito and he`d say no you go here you go there i understand being coordinated
but not everyone on a walk on game is gonna share your enthusiasm for winning they just wanna play i mean sure i wanna win also but i dont want to be given orders on how to have my fun if there wasnt so many noobs i would have taken it a bit more serious but i dont feel the need to have a game plan when its 10 v 10 with 6 noobs at least on each team

11-18-2006, 09:29 PM
no i nuderstand that im saying what i dont like is he was telling other people wher tog o theyd say going to dorito and he`d say no you go here you go there i understand being coordinated
but not everyone on a walk on game is gonna share your enthusiasm for winning they just wanna play i mean sure i wanna win also but i dont want to be given orders on how to have my fun if there wasnt so many noobs i would have taken it a bit more serious but i dont feel the need to have a game plan when its 10 v 10 with 6 noobs at least on each team

If a player with little experience tells you they are going to the dorito and you know it to be a death trap does it not increase his enjoyment if you warn him ahead of time?

The point is, not all coaching is wrong. Granted some people have no knack for doing it politely, but still....

11-19-2006, 01:29 AM
I have a question, how do you tell if someone is hit? Is it on a honor system or something?

11-19-2006, 11:00 AM
If a player with little experience tells you they are going to the dorito and you know it to be a death trap does it not increase his enjoyment if you warn him ahead of time?

The point is, not all coaching is wrong. Granted some people have no knack for doing it politely, but still....

yes but my point is it wasnt coaching it was trying to order evryone around because he thought he was better i had been there long b4 him and he cant say he know the feild because they change it weekly and it was the first day on this configuration i uderstand what everyone is saying, but trust me i was tehre the kid was just a hardon and the day a 14 y/o kid tells me where he wants me to go especially with an attitude like his is the day ive lost meh balls

and not to mention he sucked hard kept gettin out liek 11 y/o kids soon as the easy targets where out he was gettin lit up every round

07-30-2007, 03:38 PM
Diggin' deep. Thread resurection.

Jack & Coke, where are you?

07-30-2007, 04:05 PM
He was here - 5 minutes ago, shown as replying to this thread, then *poof* vanished like a stealthy ninja in the night. :ninja:


Jack & Coke
07-30-2007, 04:08 PM

wow, it's been a while.. :)

07-30-2007, 04:09 PM

wow, it's been a while.. :)

hey man, whats shaking? :headbang:

You been playing at all? Still taking pics and weighing markers? Come on, update us :clap:

07-30-2007, 04:16 PM
Yay, he lives!

I still get people (mainly from german paintball forums) trying to hit the automag sweet spotting mpeg, despite having removed it about 2 years ago :)

Jack & Coke
07-30-2007, 04:21 PM

I havn't played in a while.. In fact, I was remodeling my house and started reorganizing my "paintball" closet when I realized how long it's been - all my tanks need to be hydro tested! Damn!

I still have a bunch of nice markers that I really should sell since I'm not that much playing anymore. Maybe I should make my way over to the Buy/Sell forum :)

I've been playing a lot of tennis lately, so that takes up most of my outdoor fun.

I still love PB, just not as "into" it as I used to be...

What has happend around here since I've been away?

Any big changes? Last time I was really into PB and automags, Tom sold his company..

SP still going after companies?

Jack & Coke
07-30-2007, 04:23 PM
Yay, he lives!

I still get people (mainly from german paintball forums) trying to hit the automag sweet spotting mpeg, despite having removed it about 2 years ago :)

yeah... it's funny, I put up my video on youtube a long time ago, and people are still commenting on it.

07-30-2007, 04:26 PM
man those airsoft guns are more accurate than paintball guns thats for sure...

i'd be interested to see the ASTM for airsoft..

furthermore its an impossible game to play because cheating is so easy.

Jack & Coke
07-30-2007, 04:27 PM
Hey remember these threads?

