View Full Version : Got A New Job

08-17-2005, 04:30 PM
Yippeee Kinda :rolleyes: .

Well had an interveiw this morning and got the call back almost as soon as i got home i got the job.

I been working as a Diesel Truck/Bus Apprentice mehcanic for the last three years and for the last 1 and a half i been fixing school buses (Stock Transportation) and actually really ejoyed it. The job was great and the people made it better BUT the money was REALLY BAD and my apprenticeship was not being allowed to advace (my boss would not sign anything off).

Well in two weeks i start work for Ryder Truck rentals as a 3rd Year Truck/Coach apprentice for a FULL $2.50/hr more and its 20kms closer drive each way. Also looking at a FULL $1/hr increase after three months. They have what seems to be an AWSOME apprenticeship kinda deal and seem to be a nice SMALL shop. Their are a few things that are worse like no hoists harder work and well no bay of your own BUT all in all i think the psoitives out weight the minuses.

I deffinatly gona miss my old shop and the people i worked with but its something i need to do. My boss is gona loose it on me as i will leave them JUST befor school start up (the hardest part of the year). Hope to one day be able to go back as a Lisenced mehcanic (pays not bad for the lisenced guys) and kinda feel bad leaving like this but i just no longer can justify staying at my current wage.

Looks like i may get me my motorcycle sooner than i though too i have the loan approved on two differant bikes and really only waiting on makeing th FINAL desitions.

08-17-2005, 04:36 PM
Congrats and Good luck man, "get in where you fit in" as they say