View Full Version : rt on off/emag on/off help, i mixed it up...

08-17-2005, 07:46 PM
ok so i was changing the foamy on my level 10 on my emag and i had my retro valve out too (switching bolts because the retro has a level 10 too) and about 10 paintballs come my way and hit the valves. it sucked!! the field is so strict on not shooting outside the chrono and field and i have seen many people get banned because they always forget their barrel plug.

well my on off pins got shot out and mixed up .

i cant figure which ges where. there is a taller one and a shorter one.

help please.

p.s. i found out the person who shot the valves i had was a new kid with an ion and got mad at a ref off of the field and shot him. the ref went to him and hit him (they are the same age, about 16) and broke his barrel revvy. yes the kid was using a revvy on an ion, the kid is also never allowed to come back.

08-17-2005, 08:55 PM
Shorter one in the emag.

Emags use a .712" pin. ReTro mags are .750".

08-18-2005, 06:58 AM
see what hapennds if u put the short emag pin in the retrovalve =) alot more reactive , if u like that sort of thing...