View Full Version : superficial attraction

08-20-2005, 01:44 AM
Just curious what other people are attracted to in the opposite sex....
If you are married then what traits does your signifigant other have that just makes you melt??

08-20-2005, 02:56 AM
Oh and boobs!!! Boobs help a lot... :)

08-20-2005, 12:23 PM
and all this time I was to simple with nice eyes and taller then me..

08-20-2005, 12:37 PM
Just curious what other people are attracted to in the opposite sex....
If you are married then what traits does your signifigant other have that just makes you melt??
Nice smile, good sense of humor to start off.

Compliments your own qualities. Optimist to pessimist. Aggresive to laid back. Stuff like that keeps you thankfull of what the other person brings to the relationship, and also stirs discussion and some differences.

Good comminication and can compromise as well.

/The only answer I really need say is Large Tracts of Land!

08-20-2005, 05:02 PM
Me, I look at what he drives first...then I can look at him ...

And, if you can get past the fact that he drives a 4 door intrepid then you know its gotta be love!!

I'm so glad I talked him into buying a new more trucklike vehicle <3 , that I get to drive a lot :)

08-20-2005, 05:27 PM
Just curious what other people are attracted to in the opposite sex....
If you are married then what traits does your signifigant other have that just makes you melt??

Physical: A magnificent arse and hips. Attractive face/natural beauty without makeup. Symmetry. Clear skin. Several things I can't mention while remaining G-rated.

Personality: Nice/kind. Intelligent. Wise. Accountable. Responsible. Level-headed. Mostly feminine - don't like completely girly girls, nor do I like those who are too much of a tomboy. Some kind of talent or drive. A bit quirky. Several things I can't mention while remaining G-rated.

08-20-2005, 07:29 PM
Me, I look at what he drives first...then I can look at him ...

And, if you can get past the fact that he drives a 4 door intrepid then you know its gotta be love!!

I'm so glad I talked him into buying a new more trucklike vehicle <3 , that I get to drive a lot :)

I remember your first comment about him "he's kinda cute, you think he's kinda cute don't you?"
But then I remember this one by him "No, I don't think you are THAT fat" (after a very heavy guy was poeinted out at 3 am in Eat n Park). Me thinks he just might have deserved the accident that night.. lol

::patting self on back:: you are welcome for 2 wonderful years...

Ps: post was a curious endevor... My sister said she lowered her standards to date a guy, then disliked every guy I pointed out.. wanted to see if people really do have things they look for..

08-20-2005, 08:13 PM
My sister said she lowered her standards to date a guy...

Any tips on how to get a gal to do that? ;)

Anyways, I have tried not to be a complete male, but it didn't work out very well... Good looking is definitely a very good thing, but some girls just have enough personality to make me ignore other painful realities (Like me being desperate.).

Mentally I like someone who can think, I don't care about book smarts I want someone intelligent. A girl who can laugh at herself, have fun, and be crazy. Other than not being a complete waste of my time almost anything else goes.

08-20-2005, 08:40 PM
Physical: A magnificent arse and hips. Attractive face/natural beauty without makeup. Symmetry. Clear skin. Several things I can't mention while remaining G-rated.

Personality: Nice/kind. Intelligent. Wise. Accountable. Responsible. Level-headed. Mostly feminine - don't like completely girly girls, nor do I like those who are too much of a tomboy. Some kind of talent or drive. A bit quirky. Several things I can't mention while remaining G-rated.

lol i was gonna write that same thing also i like someone who would just sit there and lay with me not trying to come off all emo on that one

08-20-2005, 08:51 PM
For me to be initially attracted to someone, theyve got to have longish hair, no man-cuts (with the exception of Halley Berry. She is the only one Ive ever been able to accept having short hair) not too short or too skinny cause I dont want to feel like Im going to break her, I prefer well endowed women but its not a requirement, and at least semi athletic. For personality, theyve got to be smart, listen to rock music, and not too much of a partier, but I definitely get turned on when a chick isnt afraid of a little 151 now and then.

08-20-2005, 09:27 PM

Petite, with long dark hair. Add ponytail & freckles, and I am her willing slave.

08-20-2005, 10:28 PM

Ok, you know how some women just have this look on there face that says they are better than anyone else, totally annoyed in the world, and take things way too serious. That look, regardless of other physical attributes is a turn-off right there.

I'm an annoying person - I know that. I'm egotistical, arrogant, and generally a jerk. Im ok with that. Thus when I look at people and they have this easily annoyed "body language" about them I am immensely unattracted.

That being said... its gotten to the point that I think I trophy hunt... I'm as concerned about what my friends / family will think of anyone as I am about myself, so I have gotten rather shallow in that regard... I look for good curves, long hair, the right "body language" attitude, and someone not afraid to show off or pose.. yeh I think I might be getting more and more shallow...

But, my ex-wife was based on personality, and that didn't turn out too well, so I'm going to try the looks criteria for now.

08-20-2005, 10:39 PM
Honestly, for me...

Personality is #1 for me... Then it's usually something "little" or different about ones looks that catches my eye... I dunno, I have weird taste.

I like the irish girls.. Freckles, pale skin, redheads.. oh boy!

08-20-2005, 11:41 PM
I like smaller girls-- as long as it doesn;t look like you can break them in half. I'm so picky with girls... I need her to be athletic and not a girly-girl. She needs to be cuddly. I don't like blondes, but I'm a sucker for brunettes/anyone with dark skin and hair with light eyes.

08-20-2005, 11:51 PM
Woah, kinky :clap: :headbang:

08-21-2005, 12:06 AM
Woah, kinky :clap: :headbang:

if you're talking to me-- no, you can't watch.

08-21-2005, 01:01 AM
I like smaller girls-- as long as it doesn;t look like you can break them in half. I'm so picky with girls... I need her to be athletic and not a girly-girl. She needs to be cuddly. I don't like blondes, but I'm a sucker for brunettes/anyone with dark skin and hair with light eyes.

Me too! :rolleyes: :tard: ;)

08-21-2005, 01:45 AM
I like japanese girls, man oh man.

08-21-2005, 01:56 AM
i like tropical_fishy.

08-21-2005, 04:27 AM
i like tropical_fishy.

This is the correct answer.

08-21-2005, 08:42 AM
tropical_fishy is a fraud! I found a picture! Sorry to burst your bubble AO.


08-21-2005, 09:48 AM
Oh MAN, he's HOT!!!!!!!

08-21-2005, 02:16 PM
wow his unibrow kept staring at me! :eek:

08-21-2005, 03:38 PM
damn mango, you baleted your Russian Diplomat pics :(

Fishy is too hot to appear in picture form. she melts computer screens.

Recon by Fire
08-21-2005, 05:14 PM
Honestly, the first thing that attracte me to my wife when I met her was her behind :) I just got lucky that the rest of it was a good package deal.

Lately though, I am developing a fetish for women with thigh holsters, LOL.

08-21-2005, 05:47 PM
tropical_fishy is a fraud! I found a picture! Sorry to burst your bubble AO.


They told me all the copies of that photo were destroyed. Blast! :mad:

08-21-2005, 07:06 PM
hmm, its a lot easier replying to this after reading other replies... and remembering miscue's post in a thread a while ago.

Quite frankly - my favorite thing of all with a girl, is holding her. Nothing replaces that. The other stuff provides physical satisfaction -> but holding someone is real happiness... which is so much better.
sorry miscue but i love that quote :D. but that is one thing that... well i cant really look for but i want. unfortunately the girl that i can do that with is away right now... :( ...wow that was creepy, JUST when i wrote that she IMed me to tell me shes back. that was scary. ...oh well, score!

dont call me emo for that or ill have to go into the corner, curl up in a ball, and cry. :cry:

this part of my post sponsored by: Kosmo.

For me to be initially attracted to someone, theyve got to have longish hair, no man-cuts (with the exception of Halley Berry. She is the only one Ive ever been able to accept having short hair) not too short or too skinny cause I dont want to feel like Im going to break her, I prefer well endowed women but its not a requirement, and at least semi athletic. For personality, theyve got to be smart, listen to rock music, and not too much of a partier, but I definitely get turned on when a chick isnt afraid of a little 151 now and then.
what im about to say is preferances (for physical features), none of them requirements by any means. longish hair definately, shoulder height or longer. no bangs... but then again that usually depends on the girl, ive seen a few girls that bangs look ok on. hair color i dont really have a set preferance, it depends on the girl, some hair colors just work. as far as height, not too short and not too tall, doesnt really matter that much. as far as build anywhere from really small/skinny (but not anorexic) to slightly bigger, but still definately not fat/big build. "I prefer well endowed women" heh, *waits for entire male community to flame him* i actually dont. personally id say anywhere from small (not flat) to medium... but again it really doesnt matter too much, even as far as looks im more concerned with a girls face and overall build than that. i also generally like girls who arent exactly typical, in one way or another.

also some things just work together, like lighter hair and freckles, or darker hair and paler skin.

Personality is #1 for me... Then it's usually something "little" or different about ones looks that catches my eye... I dunno, I have weird taste.
i definately have to agree with everything there. but damn, howd you post that late and still make it to the field by 6:30?

as far as personality... well about only 1/10 of what fits in this category i can put into words. its weird, its definately the most important, but... i guess its more of instinct maybe? oh well.

one thing though is i generally like girls that arent normal, or typical. i also really dont like girls that talk alot without saying much. theyre okay as friends, but nothing more. its fine if a girl talks a lot, she just has to actually say something. i also definately dont like heavy partiers/druggie girls (as friends its fine), or the type of girl that will just randomly hook up with someone... like the type of girl that carries condoms at all times "just in case". (note: most of the girls i know are 15-16). i also hate it if a girl acts/seems full of herself (especially if she acts slutty in the "im so hot" sense), i generally like girls who are somewhat shy/reserved. as far as music, anything from light rock to heavy rock/lightish metal, no pop/hiphop/rap *shudders*. as far as clothing (since that is personality based) it doesnt matter too much, but nothing too slutty or preppy, or REALLY gothic (a little can be good ;) ). of course a girl who would just be overall great to talk to and be around, but its hard to explain exactly what qualities would make that true. oh, and of course a girl who would just want to sit/lay down and watch a movie together :D

and if she played paintball that would be nice too ;). (but was actually seriously into it, and not doing it for me... please dont kill me sarah).

*edit* wow that post was long... and i just realized that half of it may have come off as me trying to sound like a "good person" or something, but honestly everything i said is true.

08-21-2005, 07:24 PM
I agree with Q too. Holding her seems to make everything feel better, always. best pain reliever ever. Without a doubt holding her is true happiness.

08-21-2005, 07:52 PM
I agree with Q too. Holding her seems to make everything feel better, always. best pain reliever ever. Without a doubt holding her is true happiness.

I told you to stop cuddling Lisa :mad:

08-21-2005, 08:44 PM
I told you to stop cuddling Lisa :mad:

...mmm, soap operas...

08-21-2005, 10:28 PM
I told you to stop cuddling Lisa :mad:

i'm not:(

08-21-2005, 11:35 PM
The cuddling thing is REALLY BIG on my list... It gives a sence of comfort, a sence of security.. and the closer you are to them to start with the more chance you have of umm..... yea, keeping warm.

Now that I have started thinking about all of this, I guess the biggest thing for me is that the guy can put up with me. I am silly to no end, but can also be very serious when needed. And boy do I lke attention/ affection.

She needs to be cuddly. I don't like blondes,
tropical, I agree with you there.... Now when it comes to skin tone nothing is more
adorable then a confident redhead with freckles..

Quik, your obsession with asian's is compleltey understood. Met one of the most beautiful girls about 5 months ago... She just had a spunk to her.. and those dimples paired with the eyes~~priceless.

08-22-2005, 01:33 AM
Looks = I dont really care for looks as long ast he person is fun to be around. but here is a generallization of of my deisres, 5'-5'10", a b-d cup anything bigger and it becomes a hassle :rolleyes: .

Personality = CANNOT be clinging or have the need to show PDA whenever we enter another girls presences, must be athletic, independent and be must be able to hold a conversation with out having to use the words like, as if, you know how, and and in evey sentence. And the need to repeat the same sentence with just a differing emphasis, just really iratates the hell out of me. Oh and must be able to admit they are wrong.

08-22-2005, 08:24 AM
The cuddling thing is REALLY BIG on my list... It gives a sence of comfort, a sence of security.. and the closer you are to them to start with the more chance you have of umm..... yea, keeping warm.

You sound like my wife!!! Speaking of which, maybe I should cuddle with her here soon before I get banned from the internet and video games again! :eek:


08-22-2005, 12:15 PM
I like Attention Whores. Nothing like a good old Attention Whore.

I also think lohman is very amusing.

/but I don't like, like him
//nttawrt ;)

08-24-2005, 10:11 AM
i like many kinds of women. first criteria she must have a butt. smooth and round with no bulging or sagging is very high on my list of attractive features but as long as she has one it is acceptable. for breasts shape is more important than size. breasts are not all that important to me. i like them but they don't compensate for the face or other physical features being unattractive. body type can be skinny (but not anorexic), athletic (preferred), or curvy with big breasts (real curvy, not euphenism for fat curvy). i specify big breasts even though i said i'm not a breast man cause a big girl with tiny breasts just looks strange. hair can be long or short. long is my usual preference but it has to match what she looks like. some people look better with certain hair styles just like some people look better in certain clothes. color of hair or for that matter skin makes no difference to me. for the face i generally go for heart shaped faces with smallish features. however as always i am open to other possiblities. to be honest i don't really look at the eyes unless there's something striking about them. i know that's the cliche safe response for attractive physical features but that's pretty low on my priority list. pretty eyes are good but if not that's ok so long as they're not dead looking.

now then. here's a list of my types:

martial artist
fitness instructor
white caucasian
long hair
short hair
big boobs
little boobs
girly girl
sweet and helpless
the only constant is she MUST HAVE A BUTT! :D

before i die i want to have relations with at least one representative of each group on the list. :p

08-24-2005, 10:20 AM

That right there can overcome a lot of other features :D

08-25-2005, 10:32 AM
Her mind. Don't get me wrong, she's definitly packing some serious junk in the trunk but I'll tell you what. Their ain't nothing sexier than a woman who smarter than you are! Believe me fellas when you get married and she's bankrolling the family life is good :dance:

08-25-2005, 11:19 AM
i find it ironic that people who are interested in a woman's mind have such poor reading comprehension. on second thought perhaps they recognize their own lackings and are literally searching for their other half.

08-25-2005, 11:22 AM
Now when it comes to skin tone nothing is more
adorable then a confident redhead with freckles..

which is why i heart the irish girls. i was in HEAVEN in europe.

08-25-2005, 12:32 PM
i find it ironic that people who are interested in a woman's mind have such poor reading comprehension. on second thought perhaps they recognize their own lackings and are literally searching for their other half.

What's wrong with my reading comprehension? Its my spelling that's that the problem!

And yes, its the search for our other half that drives us. A man alone thinks he is complete, but his wife will spend the rest of her life showing him how he never could have lived without her.

Besides when she's already a 36-24-36 a serious mind makes it all the more interesting.

08-25-2005, 08:35 PM
So post pictures tropical_fishy. What the hell are you waiting for? Lets see em!

08-26-2005, 01:46 AM
What's wrong with my reading comprehension? Its my spelling that's that the problem!

su·per·fi·cial Pronunciation Key (spr-fshl)

1. Of, affecting, or being on or near the surface: a superficial wound.
2. Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; shallow.
3. Apparent rather than actual or substantial: a superficial resemblance.
4. Trivial; insignificant: made only a few superficial changes in the manuscript.

nothing personal as you're not the only one to mention non-superficial traits. it's just that you happened to post soon after i did and i chose now to respond.