View Full Version : Body Piercings

12-04-2001, 06:57 AM
Hey guys I was wondering if any of you have gotten your eyebrow tunge or lip peirced if so what did it feel likeż

12-04-2001, 10:19 AM
There's a Spell Check feature man... And your question mark is upside-down.

I've pierced my ear, my eyebrow, and my nose. I only kept the ear piercing, but it feels about what you'd expect it to. Kinda like a wasp sting without the bad aftereffects. It just pinches as long as it's done right and it might be sore a few days, no big deal. Tats on the other hand can be a hassle to take care of for a little while...

12-04-2001, 11:04 AM
done properly most piercings above the waist should be rather painless to get done, the pain during healing however can vary greatly from person to person.

eyebrows are not to bad, tongues on the other hand can be a hassle once the jewelry is in (swelling, impaired speech, ...)

i am chock full of holes, so feel free to ask away.

Temo Vryce
12-04-2001, 11:14 AM
I had both my nipples pierced at one point. The right one hurt but the left one almost had me standing in the chair. Before you get anything done check the place you're going to out make sure that it's clean, they use fresh needles. Ask if they use freezing. If they don't find another place that does. If you want to know how much it's going to hurt to get something pierced, try this. Chrony your maker at 280 and get a friend to fire a string of 6 rnds into the area you want to get pierced and it won't hurt that much. Actually don't do that. It's going to hurt I'll leave it at that.

12-04-2001, 11:38 AM
sorry to disagree, but if by 'freezing' you mean icing down the area to be pierced, i would avoid it.

cooling tissue causes the vessels to become constricted, when they 'thaw' out this will cause more bleeding and pain.

your best bet is to find an experienced artist, pay for a quality job upfront and avoid trips to the doc to get antibiotics for your infected (insert body part here)

12-04-2001, 06:44 PM
i have my nipple pirced 12ga.
it is not what id call pain but more of a surreal moment if you watch them do the pircing to be honest it depend on the artist and the person getting pierced (one of my friends has the same piercings as I do and he said the pain was terrible )

12-04-2001, 07:32 PM
I can't say that I have any desire to pierce my nipples.

12-06-2001, 11:35 AM
I have both nipples, tongue, Earl(between my eyes), the back of my neck done twice and thats all. Dude Im not one to flinch from pain but my nipples hurt like hell. Well they werent too bad but getting the one done and knowing whats in store for the other stinks.