View Full Version : Anyone here in Middle School or just enter High School?

08-22-2005, 07:09 AM
I'll be doing my Student Teaching in a 7th & 8th grade Intermediate (Middle) School in a few weeks and I was curious what groups the students generally seperate into now. When I was in High School you had the usual "cliques" - goths, skaters, jocks, punk kids, etc. What seems to be the current social affiliations that a Middle School student might find?

08-22-2005, 07:18 AM
thats about the same as it was for me, i was in middle school 5 years ago though... i dont think it has changed much. im going to assume that the "etc." includes the sluts and the popular girls.

08-22-2005, 07:20 AM
I'll be doing my Student Teaching in a 7th & 8th grade Intermediate (Middle) School in a few weeks and I was curious what groups the students generally seperate into now. When I was in High School you had the usual "cliques" - goths, skaters, jocks, punk kids, etc. What seems to be the current social affiliations that a Middle School student might find?
You've got it for the most part, just there might be some emos. Depressed people who commit suicide, or try to. You didn't mention nerds, who you have to watch out for as they will eat you alive.

08-22-2005, 07:26 AM
Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds.

08-22-2005, 07:59 AM
What is this "emo" crap? I knew lots of depressed/suicidal people in school but they werent a separate clique. Then I see all this stuff on the internet about emo haircuts, emo clothes, emo bands etc. Im just confused about the whole darned thing.

08-22-2005, 10:20 AM
What is this "emo" crap? I knew lots of depressed/suicidal people in school but they werent a separate clique. Then I see all this stuff on the internet about emo haircuts, emo clothes, emo bands etc. Im just confused about the whole darned thing.

Basically it is an overblown stereotype, and now it's just basically the new "punk".
Originally it was a music genre, which is now gone.

I don't think the cliques have changed all that much, just a whole lot more skaters wearing tight pants.

08-22-2005, 10:38 AM
I dont know, in my middle school, there wasn't really cliques. We had the popular group of guys and girls then everybody else not in that group. AS soon as I got to high school erverybody split up and their were more cliques, true cliques. BTW my graduating class in MS was 100 and my HS class right now is like 250.

08-22-2005, 11:52 AM
Basically it is an overblown stereotype, and now it's just basically the new "punk".
Originally it was a music genre, which is now gone.

I don't think the cliques have changed all that much, just a whole lot more skaters wearing tight pants.
This guy is pretty much correct.

However, 'emo' has evolved into more of a style; from what I have seen, the people who dress 'emo' are doing just that, dressing the part... They aren't actually depressed/suicidal (with of course, some exceptions)

Trust me; I play in front of a crowd of them three times a week.

Good luck with the teaching.

08-22-2005, 01:16 PM
Where are you student teaching if you dont mind me asking?

Everyone else got it down really. In 7th and 8th grade you will find the kids who try to be slutty, emo, goth, ghetto and the like. They'll think they're big and tough, especially the 8th graders and think they know everything.

Edit- The main groups will be the Skaters/punks, ghetto kids, emo, and then everyone else.

08-22-2005, 03:44 PM

08-22-2005, 05:34 PM
when i was in middle school, (3-4 years ago) you could really tell the groups of people by where they sit at lunch, since the entire grade had lunch in the same room at the same time. the main groups were preppies/jocks/popular kids, whatever you want to call them, then geeks (you can tell them apart because their tables always had people playing magic) and then plenty of groups of both guys and girls that had fairly clear seperations, but cant fit at all into a stereotype. i floated between two of the groups that couldnt fit into a stereotype, started with one at the beginning of the year and ended with another. in highschool the groups redevided and changed around a bit, and for the most part theres more diversity... like some of the people i hang out with could be termed as preppies, others as punks, others as goths. the music ranges anywhere from hiphop (ugh) to metal, and some people are straight edge while others are druggies and one dealer... although he was kicked out of the school.

but yeah, i really got off topic there. oh well, have fun with teaching.

Creative Mayhem
08-22-2005, 06:42 PM
Okay.. I looked at the title, and who posted it, and thought, I dont want to know... :p

08-22-2005, 08:19 PM

08-22-2005, 08:31 PM
hey im going into 10th.

now when i was in middle school we had a crap load of goths and preps. were im at not soo many punks.

now in high school its prep city. not as much goths. mabey one or two punks and metal heads. a few crack heads here and there that screw around in class.

ya that just reminded me look out for the kids that just screw around a blow their school carrier down the drain. i had lots of kids that were in the same class that would just get in trubble to get kicked out of class and thouse kids are a big big pain

now if you want to comment me like all of team aftica and other ao'ers that im a fat nerdy kid but really everyone knows me for the weired speech problem and being funny and a really really good bowler

if you want to make fun of my comment go ahead and do soo if it will make your self esteam better that you know that you can pick on a kid online but not get laid

08-22-2005, 09:51 PM
Okay.. I looked at the title, and who posted it, and thought, I dont want to know... :p

I was thinking the same thing!

Hey... congrats JT on your new pursuit.

I dunno what group I fell into. I just wore jeans and old T-Shirts... same as now.

08-22-2005, 09:51 PM
Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds.

I read that while drinking water... and sprayed my monitor. Hilarious!

08-22-2005, 10:47 PM
a few crack heads here and there that screw around in class.

ya that just reminded me look out for the kids that just screw around a blow their school carrier down the drain.
at least they managed to get spelling down... sorry, but you were just ASKING for it.

if you want to make fun of my comment go ahead and do soo if it will make your self esteam better that you know that you can pick on a kid online but not get laid
...im not going to even attempt to reply to that.

08-22-2005, 11:31 PM
I just entered my freshman year at college, but heres a quick breakdown of middle school off the top of my head. Keep in mind this was a kinda preppy private school.

Dumb 'popular' jocks
Smart 'popular' people(who later become the preppiest group)
The nerds, who aren't always as smart as the smart 'popular' people
The kinda indifferent slacker-esque group(who later become the stoners)

Of couse there were more, but they were mainly based of attributes of those core groups.

08-23-2005, 10:52 AM
I just entered my freshman year at college, but heres a quick breakdown of middle school off the top of my head. Keep in mind this was a kinda preppy private school.

Dumb 'popular' jocks
Smart 'popular' people(who later become the preppiest group)
The nerds, who aren't always as smart as the smart 'popular' people
The kinda indifferent slacker-esque group(who later become the stoners)

Of couse there were more, but they were mainly based of attributes of those core groups.
i'm in highschool right now and he got it mostly right, except that goths, punks, skaters and the like have been grouped into emos, or scodes as they are called here. dont cut them any slack because it only encourages them.