View Full Version : Which ICD to get?

08-22-2005, 08:54 PM
Well, im gonna get a ICD marker. Im moving sunday so any help soon would be appreciated. I have always been interested in the b2k4 with pds, but now with the Promaster out, everything is cheap. Used freestyles for $500 are common, new b2k4 with pds are $230, and promasters are $389. So im wondering if spending more money will get me a gun worth it. I already have a few cocker barrels, halo b(on the way), and 68/45 PMI tank. I would like to spend the least amount of money possible for a reliable, accurate, and decent speed electro(must be ICD). If you suggest a gun please list the pro's and con's. As well as why it is worth the extra money. Thanks for all your help. :cheers:

Edit: Does running HP or LP on an ICD marker make a difference? :confused:

stop whining buy a mag
08-22-2005, 09:18 PM
Don't get an ICD gun.

Get a used DM3. They go fairly cheap with a modest amount of upgrades.

08-22-2005, 09:26 PM
Don't get an ICD gun.

Get a used DM3. They go fairly cheap with a modest amount of upgrades.

Dont want a Dye gun, want an ICD gun :cheers: Leaning towards a b2k4 with PDS for $200. Any ups i should consider, other than reg, and clamping feedneck?

08-22-2005, 09:38 PM
Get a freestyle.

Buy mine. :D

stop whining buy a mag
08-22-2005, 09:40 PM
They are cheap for a reason. I've had my fair share of problems with them. I'm sure there's people on this forum that may like them, but I will never deal with ICD again. Their customer service was a joke.

I'd even wait until World Cup to get a new gun. That's when some companies release their "uber1337 gats" that sell for $1500. This makes the resale for all previous models go WAY down. This is why I suggest looking into a DM3. Dye has made a habit of releasing guns during World Cup. You might even be able to snag a DM4 cheap in a few months.

If you have your heart set on an ICD gun then get one. I'm just trying to save you from any frustration. Dye's customer service has helped me with the couple of problems I had. I really like those guys and enjoy shooting Dye markers.

*Edit*: I will say that I do fancy Freestyles somewhat. From what I've heard they are well made markers with few problems. I suggest trying to get your hands on a Freestyle.

08-22-2005, 09:40 PM
He didn't ask if he should get an ICD gun, he asked what ICD gun he should get. Personally, if you don't mind fiddling with the regs a little (balancing), Freestyles are damn nice. I had an 04 Freestyle and plan on picking up a V7 very soon. They don't have *awesome* efficiency, but it's actually not bad; no kick / action and very light. Even comes stock with Predator code.

If you're looking for something a bit more like a timmy (bolt / hammer assembly) and a bit less to "fiddle" with (no reg balancing and such), I'd go for a Promaster.

08-22-2005, 09:45 PM
They don't have *awesome* efficiency, but it's actually not bad

Heh, after shooting mags...everything has amazingly good efficency :rofl: Good explaining, its a lot better than "Get a freestyle" ;)

OneDude- i posted in your thread. Pm me if you think its a good offer :cheers:

08-22-2005, 10:13 PM
May i ask why your so dead set on an ICD marker? I have never shot one that i personally liked in the least.

With that said, my lil bro has an 05 freestyle, he likes it alright (although its up for trade now). I can say that its very light, with very litte recoil. But beyond that, not a fan. I just dont like the feel, looks, way it shoots, anything about it really. I dunno, theres nothing really specifically bad about it, and plenty of ppl love em, but, ive used a few, and, just not my cup of tea.

08-22-2005, 10:41 PM
May i ask why your so dead set on an ICD marker?

Good question. I guess i just like what people have to say about them, the price, and the look. Ive heard people say there the worst gun ever, because it arrived broken and they never bothered to keep it. But then ive heard the from the people that are still using one, and they love it. I love the price of the B2k, a year ago it was $500! now there going for $200! I also just like the look/feel of the B2k, small, light, and pretty smooth. I also like to have a somewhat rare gun, and there dont seem to be to many ICD owners over where i live. So thats basically why im set on an ICD marker. :dance:

08-22-2005, 11:06 PM
i loved mine... it shot so nice...

but then i traded it for an A-5 for some reason...

and i liked it so much i traded the A-5 for another bushy.

it will be for sale... :D im not sure though. annyway...

i would look at the loder models cheap, they are the same thing but cheaper. just get a new frame (unless you lie the old one) and a board and barrel and your set... same thing as new if not better. i would look at the 2000 bushys, unles syou want something newer, then the 05 bko's (whatever they are called) look sweet. and if you wanted it as a project you could get an unmilled one...

08-22-2005, 11:28 PM
anyway, if i were picking up a new ICD marker, it would probably be a promaster

08-23-2005, 07:54 AM
I would buy a promaster. I've seen them for $369 online. They are DEFINITELY worth spending the extra money over a B2k4. If it were me, I'd go with either a Promaster or a FS7, depending on my cash flow.

08-23-2005, 09:12 AM
I would buy a promaster. I've seen them for $369 online. They are DEFINITELY worth spending the extra money over a B2k4. If it were me, I'd go with either a Promaster or a FS7, depending on my cash flow.

I agree with him. ^^^

I'm currently shooting a Promaster and love it.

08-23-2005, 10:05 AM
i own a 04/05 freestyle and have shot a b2k4 and promaster. the b2k's are cheap, but i didnt like the feel of it all that much. i would say go for a freestyle or promaster. the freestyle is a bit smaller, but the promaster has better efficiency and is cheaper. they are both fast as hell. if you want a freestyle, unless you want to spend a lot of cash you might as well go for an older one used, they are only a little bit more than a promaster. you could wait a while to get a promaster used if you want to get it for even less.

dont do what he said and get a dm3. both the freestyle and promaster can be found for around the same price or cheaper, plus both of them are smaller, lighter, and have had better triggers than any dm3 i have shot. ICD is a great choice.

08-23-2005, 01:40 PM
I'd stay away from the B2K4. I had the worst luck with the one I had. The wiring harness isn't the greatest and it is VERY easy to pinch wires. It isn't the best design for the harness I think. Also, I'm not sure if it was just the particular gun I had but it always had some kind of leak. Replacing o-rings and lubing it would cure it temporarily but they always came back. That gun just turned me off on the bushy line. I've never shot a Freestyle so I can't comment on them.

I have a 2k4 Viking and a 2k3 Matrix and they are both MUCH better than the Bushy in countless ways.

If I'd get a ICD gun it would probably be the Promaster as it looks pretty interesting. I'm still waiting for the FAQ sites to come up so I can what the insides look like.

08-24-2005, 02:17 AM
I have heard a lot about pinching wires...but how exactly do people do this? And how can i prevent it? :cheers:

08-24-2005, 07:32 AM
My friend has a bko he only used for like, 3 games and it screwed up, I forget how but it did anyway. And then a few games later it worked again, and then it stopped so he hasn't used it to this day. He is in need of some money, so I'm sure if you offered him a price he would sell it really really cheap.

08-24-2005, 11:05 AM
My friend has a bko he only used for like, 3 games and it screwed up, I forget how but it did anyway. And then a few games later it worked again, and then it stopped so he hasn't used it to this day. He is in need of some money, so I'm sure if you offered him a price he would sell it really really cheap.
$25? :D

08-24-2005, 01:14 PM
My friend has a bko he only used for like, 3 games and it screwed up, I forget how but it did anyway. And then a few games later it worked again, and then it stopped so he hasn't used it to this day. He is in need of some money, so I'm sure if you offered him a price he would sell it really really cheap.

Same with my friend/teammate. Its a really good gun though when it does work, i just think he doesnt know what hes doing. :rolleyes:

I may get a B2k4 w/pds though sometime soon.. if I ever get the money.

08-25-2005, 03:44 PM
The only electric guns ive shot were icd guns these days.

The thing with an icd gun is you HAVE to understand it or youll screw something up. Its a very great system, accept if your ignorant about a bushmaster youll have no luck.

A b2k4 w/pds will keep up with anything on the field.

I recently picked up a freestyle, i havnt got to shoot it yet but i know juss bout everything bout it.

Im going to go get some air today, and see how it performs.

I got this thing for EXTREEMLY cheap. Its a 2k4 gen 2 freestyle. Everythings in working order but the owner before me managed to strip the eye covers and one grip frame screw. so now i gotta retapp some stuff but for 300 bucks, i cant really complain much.

Id say if your smart, get the fs or bushy.