View Full Version : V/A Y or N

08-23-2005, 07:23 AM
Does anybody use their verticle adapters for what they're made to be used for. I always see people using their V/As for a reg or an x chamber. V/As were put there for a perpose and yet nobody uses them for that purpose anymore. Also I was wondering if anyone has ever used a vert adapter with a nitro tank.

08-23-2005, 08:41 AM
There's a REASON people put their regs and foregrips there. You ever hang a tank from there? It's uncomfortable, heavy, off balance and just plain AWFUL looking.

08-23-2005, 08:57 AM
Actually I shot a Compact 2000 and it was just that, very compact. With a small tank(a 9oz for instance)a gun with a V/A is very comfortable and compact. You can get it really close to your body when shooting. Aslo it was ballanced very well. The center of ballance was the tank.

08-23-2005, 10:03 AM
The problem is, people dont want the gun close to their body (hence why using drops has become un-popular). Also gives you nothing to shoulder, so, recoil would be far greater. And besides that, its just ugly.

08-23-2005, 10:20 AM
And the number of guns that don't need a secondary reg are limited. Basicly none once you get to mid range guns let alone high end.

08-23-2005, 10:37 AM
you play with a spyder, probably amost exclusively woodsball. enough said.

with the tank on the vert adapter you have no foregrip, nothing to shoulder the gun (which is okay for rec, i guess...) and it isnt balanced well. plus if you play speedball i can just see the tank getting in the way a lot. the only VA setup i would consider would be a phantom and 3.5 oz.

08-24-2005, 08:14 AM
Um, no clade I don't use a spyder. I shot one last year. One kid I was playing with had one so I wanted to see how it shot. I actually kinda like V/As myself. And for the foregrip why not just hold the tank.

As somebody said though. I think a gun with a horizontal foregrip would work fine with a V/A. I was at one point looking to get one for my P/C.

08-24-2005, 08:18 AM
I'm sure it's fine for woodsball. But it would be just stupid in speedball/tourney ball. You'd need a stock so you can have something to shoulder against. And I'd definitely put a cover on the tank if it's a co2 tank and you're shooting a semi. Cold finegrs! Only for woods, I'd never use a va bottle setup in speed.