View Full Version : Dye v. Proto

Dye Angel Guy
08-23-2005, 02:33 PM
Why is the proto trix like $500 cheaper?

08-23-2005, 02:40 PM
milling, or lack thereof (less milling on the proto, less CNC time, less cost) costs cut (well still good quality) in other areas too. and dye just wanted to cut into the lower end category while still having a better looking prestigious marker.

08-23-2005, 02:45 PM
Because some people will always pay a bundle for perceived gains

Go with the proto. $699 new, buy the M5 chip, a nice rail and a decent barrel and you'll be mowing like no tomorrow.

Plus, the proto is slightly smaller and lighter than the DM5. You cannot lose by choosing that gun.

Dye Angel Guy
08-23-2005, 02:57 PM
sounds like it is the better buy

08-23-2005, 02:59 PM
Prestige marketing - ie Dye you are paying for a name

The proto is actually a touch lighter (I beleive), is rumored to be a touch more efficient (and higher pressure), and to me looks decent.

It does not have some of the accessories that the Dye comes with - clamping feedneck, airport (I think it did not have an airport on it), or board that simply takes chips to upgrade (you have to flash or replace the board).

That being said I beleive my Proto (stock) is competetive with anything else in semi-mode.

08-23-2005, 03:23 PM
i prefer the proto over the DM5 or DMC myself

08-23-2005, 04:25 PM
sounds like it is the better buy

It is, no question. The DM4 comes with a nicer barrel, an external air on/off on the front, and a board which allows you to plug in chips directly instead of replacing the whole board, but that's about it. No real performance benefits, plus it's a little bigger and heavier and takes a huge chunk out of your wallet. The Proto is definitely the way to go unless you're Mr. Moneybags and really prefer the DM5.

08-23-2005, 05:50 PM
board which allows you to plug in chips directly instead of replacing the whole board, but that's about it.
Also, Lucky Paintball is coming out with a board that lets the proto use chips made for the DM4/5/C tomorrow I believe

08-23-2005, 05:53 PM
yeah, and you can already have tadao flashed to the proto board for the price of a chip anyway.

08-23-2005, 06:49 PM
id reccomend checking out www.matrixowner.com or pbn out on this one, but since you asked here, il give you the stickey

The dm4/5/c/ soon to be 6 are dyes top of the line markers, and there is a reason for this. they have all of the bells and whistles, all of the hugh end stuff, and are on the very edge of technology. The proto, while being an excelent, and competitive marker, is not. The proto uses external eye covers, where the dm's are more asthetically pleasing, the proto uses an eye ribbon, which is a pain in the neck if it ever gets damaged, where the dm's use eye wires. the protos arent milled nearly as much, the proto doesnt utilize as good of a board, the proto doesnt come with the on off on the body, and a few other differences. if you want the best that there is to offer in a spoolvalve marker, get a dm, if you want something that works wonderfully, and is fully competitive, with a little more kick, grab a proto

08-23-2005, 08:30 PM
I completely disagree with that.

Asthetics don't have much to do with being a high-end marker, at least not the difference between a DM5 and a Proto. As far as quality, you mentioned the board - but the DM5 doesn't even come with a ramping or multi-mode board! And the thing about kick is just plain wrong - the Proto has a shorter bolt, meaning less moving mass and therefore less kick. Not that you'd notice the difference anyways, Matrices really don't kick. Also, if we're talking about what makes a gun truly high-end... the Proto is smaller, lighter, has slightly less kick, and slightly better efficiency. Which one do you think deserves to be high-end if we're comparing high-end performance?

Dye Angel Guy
08-23-2005, 09:20 PM
High-end is all about performance and how well it does on the field and not how much it costs. I would take a mag with lvl 10 out that and it would be a mid-level just because it is not electronic but I do think high-end is how it performs with other markers.

08-23-2005, 10:58 PM
I thought the Proto was supposed to have slightly more kick because it's lighter and runs at a higher pressure.

08-23-2005, 11:24 PM
Ive shot both and honestly cannot tell the difference in kick. Neither one have much at all. Probably the LEAST amount of kick than any gun Ive shot. Trixes are so smooth. For some ppl they are too smooth. I know some ppl that got rid of them because they wanted something that you can tell you are shooting. Im actually saving for a proto myself.

You cant go wrong w/ either one. Ive heard something like the tophat oring flying out of protos causing problems. Never seen it though. I just read that somewhere. I like the proto better because the membranes on DM4s need to be replaced way too much for a high end gun. I think that was corrected w/ the DM5 and DMC. Dont quote me on that though.

Both are deadly quiet and have next to no kick at all. Get whatever you can afford.

08-24-2005, 09:26 AM
You cant go wrong w/ either one. Ive heard something like the tophat oring flying out of protos causing problems. Never seen it though. I just read that somewhere.
It only happens when the pressure is too high. Most people have this problem during the break in period and its pretty much user error

08-24-2005, 12:13 PM
I completely disagree with that.

Asthetics don't have much to do with being a high-end marker, at least not the difference between a DM5 and a Proto. As far as quality, you mentioned the board - but the DM5 doesn't even come with a ramping or multi-mode board! And the thing about kick is just plain wrong - the Proto has a shorter bolt, meaning less moving mass and therefore less kick. Not that you'd notice the difference anyways, Matrices really don't kick. Also, if we're talking about what makes a gun truly high-end... the Proto is smaller, lighter, has slightly less kick, and slightly better efficiency. Which one do you think deserves to be high-end if we're comparing high-end performance?

well, you sir are not very knowledgable about the paintball business. the high end guns are all about asthetics, why do you think the ripper 2 timmy was 1700 when first released? or other timmy incarnations from that point on?

Nt mentioned membrane pads, the problem is people are too dumb to use them. dont use your fingernails, and you will be fine, ive never had to replace one, and i dont think i ever will have to, if i do, it isnt hard to jump start the marker.

What guns do come standard with multi mode boards? i believe shockers, nerves and ions are it, timmies dont come with 127, thats still an upgrade, angels are starting to, just because no one replaces angel boards really, or if they do, its for a predator.

the proto has more kick, because of the hgher pressure, about 220 as opposed to 170 of a dm.

you truely do get what you pay for between the 2, there are more features on the dm's than the proto, hence the higher cost. Also, dont forget that the dm5/c has a roller trigger, easier adjustment system, and a few other perks.

personally, if i were you, id pick up a used dm4/5 after cup, or a used proto. prices will be dropping soon.

also, FSU, please dont ever try to insult my matrix knowledge.

08-24-2005, 12:13 PM
Protos suck, I found out the hard way. I have had mine since December of 04, I still havent been able to use it once on field. Everytime I go to the field, get ready, something always happens, everytime it comes back from proto, they said they fixed it, its still broken.

08-24-2005, 12:29 PM
Plus, the proto is slightly smaller and lighter than the DM5.

Shorter, but also a tad taller IIRC

I thought the Proto was supposed to have slightly more kick because it's lighter and runs at a higher pressure.

Kick is determined by the LPR pressure, not the HPR pressure.

08-24-2005, 01:57 PM
well, you sir are not very knowledgable about the paintball business. the high end guns are all about asthetics, why do you think the ripper 2 timmy was 1700 when first released? or other timmy incarnations from that point on?

Asthetics isn't what makes paintball guns high-end TO ME. Most timmies are ugly, DM4s are ugly if you ask me. If asthetics count for anything, I'd throw them right down in the "Spyder" category. Ripper 2s were very rare guns when first released. People will pay a lot for a distinctive look. Asthetics don't make the ripper 2 any better than the alias.

Nt mentioned membrane pads, the problem is people are too dumb to use them. dont use your fingernails, and you will be fine, ive never had to replace one, and i dont think i ever will have to, if i do, it isnt hard to jump start the marker.

Let me get this straight... a $1200 marker that gets hit on a regular basis by hardened capsules of gelatin traveling at 300MPH, and we're not allowed to use our fingernails to turn the gun on and off? You cannot tell me that's not a weakness of design.

What guns do come standard with multi mode boards? i believe shockers, nerves and ions are it, timmies dont come with 127, thats still an upgrade, angels are starting to, just because no one replaces angel boards really, or if they do, its for a predator. Freestyle 7, new Angels, Shockers, Nerves. Even Ions have adjustable ramp. That's a large chunk of the upper end guns right there.

the proto has more kick, because of the hgher pressure, about 220 as opposed to 170 of a dm.

Like the other guy, kick is mostly determined by LPR pressure, not HPR pressure. All the same, what you say may be, I didn't know there's a difference in the OP. But I'd never heard anyone say that a proto kicks noticeably more than a DM4/5. Hell, I couldn't tell a difference when i've shot them. It's why I didn't even mention kick in my original post.

you truely do get what you pay for between the 2, there are more features on the dm's than the proto, hence the higher cost. Also, dont forget that the dm5/c has a roller trigger, easier adjustment system, and a few other perks.

True, it has more features and a few perks, but I hardly consider the differnces to be worth $500.

personally, if i were you, id pick up a used dm4/5 after cup, or a used proto. prices will be dropping soon.

That is an excellent idea.

also, FSU, please dont ever try to insult my matrix knowledge.

Don't ever try to tell me I don't know anything about the paintball business. I do know that if you make a gun look nice, it'll sell and that's why companies put effort into making their high-end guns so nice and milled. And I wasn't trying to insult you, I just said I completely disagree. You may know more about matrices than I do, but I do know a good bit.

As you may have noticed by the way I post, I think a lot of this is personal opinion. There are some things that are not debateable when it comes to determining if a gun is high-end, like performance and price. I do not believe asthetics count for much. And that's my personal opinion, and I know yours differs from mine.

08-24-2005, 02:50 PM
well, you sir are not very knowledgable about the paintball business. the high end guns are all about asthetics, why do you think the ripper 2 timmy was 1700 when first released? or other timmy incarnations from that point on?
also, FSU, please dont ever try to insult my matrix knowledge.

:cry: :cry: :cry:

08-26-2005, 09:54 AM
aesthetics & functionality both have their place. A prime example in my opionion, (AND YES, THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION SO PLEASE DON'T START A FLAME WAR), is that the ION by smart parts is one ugly plastic toy looking paintball marker. BUT, because of the price and the functionality, so many people are buying them. When I saw the first one i was like "that's a piece of junk". The first time I played one I was surprised, and the only upgrades it had were a rolling trigger and QEV. It just depends on who you are. There are certain people who think it is worthwhile to spend a couple hundred more on a rare milling/color/edition and others who don't. I think that's a good thing when you can take pride in your marker, but at the same time I'm broke so I don't have to worry about chosing.. lol... Anyways, with the new aftermarket aluminum bodies available for those ions they are starting to look a little bit more appealing to a broke fool like me! =)

08-26-2005, 10:56 AM
well, Im buying a DM4 that is in great condition w/ an orange bolt, M3 chip, etc. for about 750-800 bucks. I have also seen the new protos w/ stock bolt and advantage virtue board installed for only 799+ shipping.

I figured since they basically all perform the same, why not just get the DM4. Its got some better features and a cleaner look than the protos, although Ive shot protos and cannot tell a difference. It all depends on what ppl are willing to pay for what peice of equipment. Im just trying to find a local deal. I know there are a lot of DM4s, etc. around here to be had.

08-26-2005, 03:52 PM
05 defiants come with the frenzy board that has psp ramping. 05 promasters are supposed to have ramping too. I thought some timmies came stock with the frenzy as well.