View Full Version : Paintball Music

08-24-2005, 12:58 AM
Could someone tell me the name of the band on this video


EDIT Sorry I forgot to mention but the DYe sponsered team cusses in this...

08-24-2005, 02:28 PM
Talk about some bad sportmanship in some places.

08-24-2005, 05:41 PM
I know....the fist fight was a bit much...but does anyone know?

08-24-2005, 06:30 PM
are you kidding me? thats the worst sportsmanship i've ever seen in like every part of the video. yelling, fighting, whats with this? maybe im just sheltered from this attitude by living in VT where there really isnt enough people to play paintball to have this kind of stuff? is it like this everywhere? am i sheltered from this crap or is this just extremely bad behavior, out of the ordinary? i hope paintball isnt like this everywhere, it sure isnt this bad in VT. :cry:

08-24-2005, 06:41 PM
please dont let this deteriorate into just another thread about sporsmanship...

when you atke the ammount of footage that guy gets from tournaments, there are sure to be at least a couple events like that. and the few that happen are added into the video to add excitement, so it seems exagerated...


08-24-2005, 07:22 PM
OK ok guys yes...this IS pretty intense but like RingOfScale said...throught hrs of footage your bound to come across some of this... out of the 4 years Ive been playing I have seen only 1 physical fight...(no punching...just a tackle but still)...
But again does anyone know who the song is done by?!

08-24-2005, 09:57 PM
the only lyrics i can hear are "the words not coming easy"... get me some more of the lyrics and i can find it for you.. this computer that i am currently on has a ton of music/recording software.