View Full Version : Longbow?

08-24-2005, 05:27 PM
Anyone try the longbow feed system yet? I'm building a new mag, and probably going to make it an ETac. I'm thinking of getting a Longbow feed system. I'll switch back and forth between that and my Warp, depending on the game. I was just wondering if anyone has used a Longbow feed and what were their impressions.

08-24-2005, 05:38 PM
People like them... same as any decent barrel system. I think I heard something about the more expensive version sparking every now and then? I can't swear to it because that just doesn't sound possible but I've heard that.

But if it were me, I'd just buy a large-ish bore sized Ultralite and be happy.

08-24-2005, 06:08 PM
People like them... same as any decent barrel system. I think I heard something about the more expensive version sparking every now and then? I can't swear to it because that just doesn't sound possible but I've heard that.

But if it were me, I'd just buy a large-ish bore sized Ultralite and be happy.Are you guys talking about the same thing?

If you're talking about sparking barrels, and not feed systems :) then you would be talking about titanium barrels. They can build up static and spark when you send a paintball through them.

08-24-2005, 06:25 PM
Yeah, I'm talking about a feed system here, not a barrel.

08-24-2005, 07:31 PM
I think FSU confused Boomstick with Longbow for some reason.

Anyways, the longbow feed system is basically an extended PT mag. It's a spring fed magazine that's really long. I'm guessing it should feed just as well as a spring fed pistol magazine. The Longbow srock looks sweet too.

08-24-2005, 08:05 PM
Or maybe FSU was talking about Longbow barrels...

Enlightenment (http://www.pbreview.com/products/reviews/1265/)

08-24-2005, 11:24 PM
Or maybe FSU was talking about Longbow barrels...

Enlightenment (http://www.pbreview.com/products/reviews/1265/)


08-25-2005, 12:05 AM
I was talking about the longbow barrel kits. I was not aware that there was a feed system named the Longbow... I'd be interested in knowing more about that. Sorry for the confusion.

08-25-2005, 12:19 AM
More Enlightenment (http://www.specialopspaintball.com/articles/specops_longbow.asp)

A different school of thought. (http://www.specopspaintball.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1214)

08-25-2005, 01:04 AM
To provide a bit of clearification: I have a Titanium Longbow Barrel (full kit), it does indeed spark at times. Quite fun to hear: "he's shooting fire!". Now back to the real discussion about the Longbow Feed system.

08-25-2005, 06:44 AM
Ah, I forgot about Longbows. How do they spark though? The inserts are what the ball passes through. The back of the barrel is titanium, but the ball doesn't come in contact with the back peice since there's an insert in between.

08-25-2005, 07:51 AM

I love how that looks, says on their site that they are gona start shipping in 4 weeks. I cant wait to see some of these around. I would love to have one, but no one around here plays woods enough to get it.

edit, i seen one place on their site that said it was shipping in 4 weeks and they was taking preorders and yet this picture says now shipping... So anyone know if this is out yet?

08-25-2005, 08:16 AM
I like the Qbow better.

08-25-2005, 10:00 AM
I agree. It's got all for the "coolness" of the Longbow but gives you much more in the way of fire power due to the amount of paint you can shoot before reloading.

08-25-2005, 10:42 AM
That's awsome. This is actually the first time something has made me consider buying a tac1. Except for that sweet e-tac with the camo job.

08-25-2005, 01:15 PM
it's cool, except for the fact it has a 10 foot barrel... lol.

08-25-2005, 02:55 PM
well, they recommend an 18" barrel, and I usually run either a 12" or 18", so we'll see.

08-25-2005, 02:59 PM
Bah, never use anything longer than 16". You just lose performance after that. I'm sure the loss isn't as noticeable with an 18" as it is with a 21", but it's still there. A 14" would be long enough for a Qloader. A 16" would be longer than the Qpod. So, you really don't need anything longer than 14". But for the Longbow magazine system, I guess I'd use a 16". Just for looks, but I wouldn't want to use an 18" to make it look better but in turn lose performance.

08-25-2005, 10:01 PM
ever see a phantom shoot 10 rounds at 325 fps on a 12 gram?
the remaining 10 are 275-250 fps
long barrels build pressure behind the ball

08-25-2005, 10:15 PM
Where does this magical "pressure behind the ball" come from? As the ball travels down the barrel, the air space behind it grows, which would decrease the pressure behind the ball, not increase it. Unless the valve is open to the air source for the entire travel time (of the ball) in the barrel.

08-26-2005, 11:29 PM
This was proved in tom's tech tips. after 8-10 inches of un ported barrel, its just excess friction. try a 12 or 10 inch unported barrel and see if it improves your efficiency on your phantom. 5 bucks says it will.

old school
08-27-2005, 01:44 AM
If you are building an ETac from the ground up, I would HIGHLY suggest getting a Qloader over the Longbow Magazine System. My reasoning is as follows:

The Qloader holds 100 rounds per magazine (Qpod), the longbow 21 - why have an ETac with that sweet hybrid mode and be limited to 21 shots?

The qloader 5 Qpod system is (at last check) cheaper than the longbow setup with only 1 magazine - for the initial setup you get 500 rounds of capacity versus 21 for less money.

Current gear compatability
Qpods will fit in (some/most) 150 round pod carriers. Longbow magazines will require you to customize some other means of carrying more with you or spend more money on a customized carrying system.

I play the sniper role quite frequently (ghillie suit and all) and had the same decision to make. While I can snipe with the best of them, when you play against highly skilled players they are GOING to flush you out and stay on you like a pack of hungry wolves. Having the ability (especially with an ETac) to exchange volleys with your new found friends can get you out of harms way and into a good place to take the next one or two down from. The Qloader can be used similarly when desired and mounted in a low profile manner for sniping yet give you the versatility of supplying cover fire for teammates or changing roles as needed on the field. Sniping is an art and alot of fun but even as a sniper it is great to be able to throw out some paint to keep heads down as you high tail it to your next ambush location. If your competition plays regularly and has taken the lessons to heart that come with experience, 20 rounds just isn't going to cut it once you go on the defensive. Anyone that says otherwise likes to hear themselves talk or needs to come to CA and play with some buddies and myself because their opposition is not at a skill level that will improve their game.

Changing magazines on the run is never easy either but I have found the Qloader with under barrel mounting is far easier than any other feed mechanism I have tried (I own a warp and a few other mechanized loading systems).

Another bonus of the Qloader is it can toss out an entire Qpod as fast as the hybrid trigger and my finger can react to each other without ever triggering the level 10 mod. Granted I never shoot through 100 rounds non-stop when playing but it is nice to know I have the option.

If you havent bought the ETac yet, consider contacting SpecOps to see about buying the Qbow predone for you but as an EQbow (unless you are like me and enjoy the highs and lows of customizing the crap out of your gun). If this information sways you into buying the Qloader, feel free to hit me up as I have already gone through many of the quirks / growing pains it will share with you like any other mechanized loader.

Creative Mayhem
08-27-2005, 09:22 AM
If you are building an ETac from the ground up, I would HIGHLY suggest getting a Qloader over the Longbow Magazine System. My reasoning is as follows:

The Qloader holds 100 rounds per magazine (Qpod), the longbow 21 - why have an ETac with that sweet hybrid mode and be limited to 21 shots?

The qloader 5 Qpod system is (at last check) cheaper than the longbow setup with only 1 magazine - for the initial setup you get 500 rounds of capacity versus 21 for less money.

Current gear compatability
Qpods will fit in (some/most) 150 round pod carriers. Longbow magazines will require you to customize some other means of carrying more with you or spend more money on a customized carrying system.

Changing magazines on the run is never easy either but I have found the Qloader with under barrel mounting is far easier than any other feed mechanism I have tried (I own a warp and a few other mechanized loading systems).

Another bonus of the Qloader is it can toss out an entire Qpod as fast as the hybrid trigger and my finger can react to each other without ever triggering the level 10 mod. Granted I never shoot through 100 rounds non-stop when playing but it is nice to know I have the option.

I agree 100% The Qbow really is the best setup, I never liked the idea of only 20 rounds. Plus it gives you a cool milsim look

08-27-2005, 09:23 AM
I'll take a look at the Qbow set up, I just want something extra light, and I already have a warpfeed, and really don't want to deal with all the feed hose involved. And I don't intend to run this strictly with this feed system, I figured on swapping to the warp depending on the game. And I intend to build this piece by piece, for as old school said-the highs and lows. Plus the always popular money issues.

08-29-2005, 08:42 AM
I jsut ordered the Q-bow should be here tommorrow, I might post pics and a review after.

08-29-2005, 09:43 AM
Where does this magical "pressure behind the ball" come from? As the ball travels down the barrel, the air space behind it grows, which would decrease the pressure behind the ball, not increase it. Unless the valve is open to the air source for the entire travel time (of the ball) in the barrel.It's well know that with firearms all else being equal longer barrels (to a point) will increase the bullet velocity. More time is spent by the expanding gasses pushing the projectile and continuing the acceleration. It would make sense if paintballs worked the same way.

It's magic!

08-30-2005, 12:36 PM
It would make sense if paintballs worked the same way.

It would make sense if paintballs worked the same way. Unfortunatly the burst of air has fully expanded after about 8 inches so the ball is simply traveling forward after that, not being pushed.

Long barrels are good for one thing IMHO...working cover.

09-02-2005, 01:55 PM
Bah, never use anything longer than 16". You just lose performance after that. I'm sure the loss isn't as noticeable with an 18" as it is with a 21", but it's still there. A 14" would be long enough for a Qloader. A 16" would be longer than the Qpod. So, you really don't need anything longer than 14". But for the Longbow magazine system, I guess I'd use a 16". Just for looks, but I wouldn't want to use an 18" to make it look better but in turn lose performance.

If you mount the q loader under the barrel like most people do, it actually comes out that a 16 inch barrel is almost exactly as long as the q loader (not 14") and as for losing performance with an 18" barrel, the only performance you will lose is efficiency, and while using a q loader efficiency isn't exactly high on the list of priorities.