View Full Version : All my gear STOLEN

Deep Sixx
08-25-2005, 09:10 AM
We came home to our house broken into and ALL of our gear taken. That's it. Just our gear, and a few other small things.

Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Angel A4, Black SN 347340
Gray/Black ANS GX5 sniper
Blue 2k3 Sniper 2
Blue/Purple ANS GX3

68/4500 Mac Dev Conquest HPA
45/4500 Crossfire HPA


HALO-B, black
Egg2, black
12v Rev, blue
12v Rev, clear


Empire 5 piece, black/silver
Freak kit, SS cocker & black angel backs, black front


Invision, blue
Pro Flex, black

All of it is gone. Whoever did it, came for our gear specifically. Which leads me to a very unfortunate and disappointing conlusion: It was someone we play with. That makes me sad and angry.

All I have now is a set of 'cocker pneumatics.

Keep your eyes open.


08-25-2005, 09:14 AM
Do you have any of the serial numbers for the guns?

Deep Sixx
08-25-2005, 09:21 AM
Do you have any of the serial numbers for the guns?

I just added the SN for the Angel. The 2 ANS guns don't have them and I don't know the SN for the Sniper. I'm trying to find my records, but haven't yet.


08-25-2005, 09:35 AM
how far do you live from the GTA? I'll be on the lookout,...

08-25-2005, 09:42 AM
Im not detective, but sounds like he knew what he was after. Keep you eyes on the BST forums and ebay. Also, who ever pulled this probably sees you on a regular basis, maybe even at the fields you frequent. IT might be a good idea to put up some "STOLEN" posters around with pics and whatever serial #s you have. It's a long shot though.....

Im sorry to hear about this. It really sucks. '

08-25-2005, 09:47 AM
Man, that sucks. I'd be pissed. Keep an eye on the field, forums, and ebay. Get that serial number and descriptions out there, and put up posters at the field. Tell all the field/store owners in your area. Check pawn shops - if it turns up, you get the equipment back and insurance pays back the pawn shop owner.

Will homeowner's or any other insurance cover your loss?

At the very least, it's a good excuse to go pick out some equipment. Sorry it couldn't be under better conditions.

Deep Sixx
08-25-2005, 10:15 AM
how far do you live from the GTA? I'll be on the lookout,...

About 4 hours... I'm in Ottawa.


08-25-2005, 10:25 AM
:( That's just wrong man! Yeah, it's probably someone you know, or knows you for that matter. Probably a local at your field. I used to work at a place in Florida. I went to work one saturday morning and was running a rental group by myself until other employees show up. I show up at the field, meet some of the players, go to break out the gear and start filling bottles....and no gear....no tanks, guns, masks....all gone.

Come to find out that a couple months later, a guy that was on a Florida based team (won't say the name, but you all know of them) and practiced at the field alot, well he ended up selling the same number of guns, the same brand guns, the same number of masks, and tanks to another field in the state.....but he "found" it all "somewhere else"

Good luck finding your stuff!


Creative Mayhem
08-25-2005, 10:27 AM
Yo deep, I'll keep an eye out for yah.

08-25-2005, 11:26 AM
Come to find out that a couple months later, a guy that was on a Florida based team (won't say the name, but you all know of them) and practiced at the field alot, well he ended up selling the same number of guns, the same brand guns, the same number of masks, and tanks to another field in the state.....but he "found" it all "somewhere else"

Dude... I told you... that stuff fell off the back of a truck.

08-25-2005, 12:19 PM

Actually, I do think it was put like that at one point. He found a guy who was "getting rid" of it :rolleyes:

08-25-2005, 01:25 PM
Jeeze dude..

Ill keep a look out doubt anything will surface on Long Island though.. Keep an eye on ebay and PBNation..

also.. if what ever reason you dont have gear for any games that you go up to with Can Con , and Wild Geese / ECA is there. I always over pack so I can lend you a gun if need be...

Deep Sixx
08-25-2005, 02:02 PM
Jeeze dude..

Ill keep a look out doubt anything will surface on Long Island though.. Keep an eye on ebay and PBNation..

also.. if what ever reason you dont have gear for any games that you go up to with Can Con , and Wild Geese / ECA is there. I always over pack so I can lend you a gun if need be...

Hey... are you with the Wild Geese? I'm with CanCon... we were at Big Game Long Island at Cousins in May. You and I probably met. If you were at the party saturday night in Camp Viper, my wife was the chick drinking all the rye!


08-25-2005, 02:05 PM
Yeah actually.. Though I dont do " Cousins " any more.. dislike there staff and bussiness attitude. Im Pak-Mans son...

If you were up at PP2 we did meet

Deep Sixx
08-25-2005, 02:10 PM
Yeah actually.. Though I dont do " Cousins " any more.. dislike there staff and bussiness attitude. Im Pak-Mans son...

If you were up at PP2 we did meet

I was... and I think we did. My jersey is #9 and has my nickname on the back. Real name's Henry. I was planning on hitting EMR again next weekend for the PMI think and then Fall Castle. Guess not now.


08-25-2005, 03:09 PM
Show up at the local fields often. Really often. Like every day they're open. And put flyers up at them too. I don't know if this helps, but I'm an hour across the border from Toronto. That close to Ottowa?

08-25-2005, 03:18 PM
I'll pass the word around Belleville About your gear.
On another note, Pjammaman And I will be at EMR for the extravaganza and there will be an extra mag and air system for you to use if you come down. Just look for the white Safari with Shattnerball 2K3 on the drivers side in the camping area and the Tim Horton logo'd tent, (I won the camping gear this year).

edit: I dropped off a copy of your post with Jamie at Pro Advantage, they'll keep an out.

Deep Sixx
08-25-2005, 10:05 PM

Nicki's Cocker... unmistakeable. Like a neon sign that says LOOK AT ME!

My brand new GX5... has a black CCM pump kit on it:

Nicki's Sniper, has no foregrip and has a black ANS delrin bolt and backblock. Also now has an EMPIRE jewel in place of the WGP one and was covered in butterfly stickers:

My A4. Has an A+ lowrise and a KAPP breach knob. It had an EMPIRE sticker on one side and my nickname on the other. Grips are worn and the charging hole cover is missing. SN 347340:

08-26-2005, 01:13 AM
man im really sorry that sux...I dont really live anywhere near ya but I'll spead the word around the net to keep a look out...

08-26-2005, 09:29 AM
Yeah Henry, you and Jackal met, at least at PP2 anyway.

Real sorry to hear about your stuff. :(