View Full Version : HELP !!! Level 10 tuning and operation

08-25-2005, 02:05 PM
Ive hade a rt pro mag with a level10 bolt and xvalve (matching serials) for alittle while now and the guy i got it from said it make need some adjusting with the trigger shims? I know that somehow the trigger shims also effect the bolt operation.
The gun will fire just fine then every once in a while maybe 1 time in 50 shots, the gun will fire and then the trigger doesnt pop back and a few seconds later the bolt will hiss (like an internal leak) and itll pop back to normal firing again.
I dont really understand the level 10 completely except for its basic operations.... ive only had a mag for about 2 weeks and have played with it once.

Let me know how to go about replacing or adjusting shims and if its not that what is it? a link or step by step would be nice.

HELP and thanks on advance. PM or get me at vnvnationalist.

08-26-2005, 12:16 PM
CMON guys im not believeing that in a forum mostly of automag owners that love their guns there isnt someone in the crowd that now the level 10 in and out that can help me.... i have a game tomorrow and sunday and need all the shots i can get. PLEASE :confused:

08-26-2005, 12:28 PM
Here's a start:


08-26-2005, 03:44 PM
ok so someone just gave me a hint that it may be trigger shims, and the trigger maybe short stroking.... this help to expain it better?

08-26-2005, 04:09 PM
ok so someone just gave me a hint that it may be trigger shims, and the trigger maybe short stroking.... this help to expain it better?
Process made... i geuss ill talk to myself on this one and hope people will mayb e learn from it unless your all just holding out on me.
i took apart the ult assembly that is inside the bolt... piece of brass that you pop out with a flat head, so theres 4 silver wacher "shims" in there and im geussing that taking some out or adding them might help? i dont no put ill test it tonite...

08-27-2005, 09:43 PM
I found that the LX has only 1 shim in it! and the ULT has 2 right now... sooo i think im stuck until i have more. But for some reason i gased up after i put back together and i had a shot a few times (very erractic), mostly curve balls so i turned down the velocity. After that it wouldnt shoot, maybe the velocity was to low because i didnt even have a stiff trigger. So i put it back and ill have to play with it