View Full Version : Hello

08-25-2005, 08:06 PM
So, I've been out of the loop for about 2 months now thanks to BCT at the Air Force Academy. Up until a few days ago, all forums and things of that nature were blocked by the government firewall, but for some reason it's down now, and I can get on. So... what's going on? I'm thinking there have been some changes with the rules with the forum? What's the deal with the e-mag pred. board? Any spectacular developments with AGD? I did a search and perused some of the threads and such, and nothing of interest really could be found. So, help catch me up on things, eh?


08-25-2005, 08:50 PM
Just got done with BCT, eh? I graduated in 2004. I used to be the president of the Cadet Paintball Club. Look it up, email a guy named Ryan Hansen in class of 2007, and tell him Jason Spindler sent you. Hit me up at [email protected] if you have any questions. What squadron are you going into?

08-25-2005, 10:00 PM
There is only one big thing you could say with the Mag world. PTP is making a fully pnuematic frame dubed the p-mag or something like that. There are two after market electro frames on the market, one made by Logic, and one by Devil's Den; don't expect to be able to get one in your hands soon. Also the mQ is supposed to come out eventually even though it technically makes the mag something else. :rolleyes: